Thursday, December 25, 2008

Overseas Property Investment This Area Continues To Soar In Value!

Do you want to invest in overseas property but are worried about the risk?

In that case, you will be interested in the region below where property speculators have been making solid gains of 30 ? 100% annually for several years and prices look set to move far higher.

The region is:

Central Pacific Coast Costa Rica.

Were not talking about an area that could take off but has taken off for overseas property investment.

More gains are coming and we will give you the reasons in a bit.

Lets look at the gains first at if you want a second home a villa a condo or a retirement home in the sun gains here are fantastic.

For instance buyers who purchased $30,000 of property in the town of popular town of Jaco, 15 years ago are now worth more than $750,000.

Another example of great gains can be seen are at Marriot Corporation Los Suenos Resort, they pre sold condos of 2000 square feet for $250,000. The following year they sold more at $350,000.

Now this years top end units are being sold at $450,000 to $850,000 and there is not enough supply to meet demand.

So why will this area make more gains?

There are several reasons:

1. It?s an established community with huge foreign investment and this inspires confidence for more people to come.

Its not an area that may take off it has and with all areas that do, property booms can last for decades and this one looks set to go a lot further.

2. The area has easy access from the airport, superb beaches and beautiful national parks and is an area with great scenery,surfing and fishing.

3. Facilities, infrastructure and property are of a very high standard in an area popular with both foreigners and locals, the proof of a boom area.

4. Costa Rica remains the premier destination for US and many foreign buyers.

While in a different country, the large expat community and the great facilities make it a place people feel at home in, despite being in a foreign country.

More gains coming

Now the above area is getting record investment and more people from overseas are coming and this means prices will continue to rise.

Not an area that may take off it has!

Unlike many central American countries it has a track record and the investment coming in reflects the appeal of Costa Rica and the preferred destination of the central pacific coast.

If you want a great area to purchase an overseas property in then Central Pacific cost Costa Rica offers you a solid investment and a great location

More FREE info

On investing in property and land in the area outlined above and suburb beach front plots with great capital appreciation potential then visit:

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