Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Realtors Never Die

If anyone thought that the present sluggishness in many housing markets in North America was going to hurt Realtors the most is better off to think again. It seems that the slowdown in both the new construction and the resale markets and the consequential drop in pricing levels is having reverberations none other than in ... Europe. This is so because we have reached such a high level of economic integration, that it can be safely stated that when we screw up in North America our European friends end up footing the bill.

Globalization is the term commonly used to refer to the growing economic interdependence of countries worldwide through increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services, free international capital flows, and more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology. Clearly the economic interdependence between the United States and Canada on one side, and many members of the Eurozone - especially those belonging originally to the former Western Europe - on the other side has never been more remarked than now. Not only there is a vigorous flow of capitals going both ways, but also the trade of goods is at its apex. And this appears to be the problem.

The European Union has released economic data as to the end of the second quarter, showing a GDP growth of 3.7 percent annualized, its fastest in six years. So fast, in fact, that for the first time ever the Zone has outrun America, Britain and Japan. The engine that has spurred such record-breaking growth, however, was the ever-increasing consumerism mostly on the part of Americans. In essence, Europe has cashed in on the spending power of Americans, which has increased hand-in-hand with the credit that lenders in North America have extended to consumers, secured by their over-valued and over-appreciated real estate equity.

Consumers in North America have had more financial flexibility these past few years than ever before, and for good or bad they have taken full advantage of it. This flexibility has allowed them to choose to carry debt when in the past they may not have had this option. Additionally, it is certainly true that low interest rates have encouraged more borrowing, which in turn has spurred more spending. All the Porsches, BMWs, Volvos and Mercedes that we see on the streets are proof of it.

Now, however, the tide is changing and the American economic powerhouse is slowing down. This fact alone is causing a series of short-term changes that will make life harder for the Euro economies. North-American consumers seem to be more and more reluctant to snap up German cars, French perfumes and Italian vino. The United States, with an annualized GDP growth of 2.5 percent as at June 30 lead the way, and there is a high degree of scepticism among analysts that European consumers alone will be able to fill the 1.2 percent GDP gap so as to keep the Euro GDP high and steady.

Furthermore all this comes at a time when some Euro area countries, most notably Germany and Italy, are due to tighten their budgets. Their public finances need repairing, and they need to act fast. In Germany, the government wants to raise the value-added tax by three percentage points next January. Italy's newly elected government, based on a very frail one percent majority of a coalition of center and leftist parties, is not openly talking about any such drastic moves but, nonetheless, has initiated already a series of public spending cuts which are sure to make the Fall labour market exceeding Italy's sweltering mid-August heat by a few degrees. It would appear that the new economic theory of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of lowering taxes and raising pensions was more palatable to Italians than Romano Prodi's neoclassical approach of everybody out. Some unions are calling already for a psychiatric evaluation of the new Prime Minister.

Finally, the European Central Bank (ECB) has begun raising interest rates last December and is expected to keep doing so at least until the end of this year. One may wonder why is the ECB poised to increase interest rates at a time when exports are slowing down. The reason lies not with demand but with supply, as unsold inventories are beginning to accumulate, mostly for political reasons. In fact no one dares to lay off workers now, after the civic commotion caused by the recent French rioting.

It turns out, therefore, that real estate agents in North America are not the casualties of the markets taking a breather, at least not the only ones - Europeans stand to lose a lot more.

Luigi Frascati

Luigi Frascati is a Real Estate Agent based in Vancouver, British Columbia. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics and maintains a weblog entitled the Real Estate Chronicle at where you can find the full collection of his articles on Real Estate Economics and Finance. Luigi is associated with the Sutton Group, the largest real estate organization in Canada, and is based with Sutton-Centre Realty in Burnaby, BC.

Luigi is very proud to be an EzineArticles Platinum Expert Author. Your rating at the footer of this Article is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

NippleAreola Complex Sensitivity After Primary Breast Augmentation

The body of literature documenting normative breast sensation and postoperative changes in sensation after reduction mammaplasty has grown considerably over the last several years. Despite this, only two studies have ever been published on the subject of postaugmentation mammaplasty sensory outcomes. The purpose of this study was to precisely measure sensory thresholds at the nipple-areola complex in women who have undergone augmentation mammaplasty by either the inframammary or periareolar approach.

Twenty women underwent primary augmentation mammaplasty by either the periareolar or inframammary approach at an average follow-up of 1.12 years. Sensory testing was performed using the Pressure-Specified Sensory Device by comparing moving and static sensory thresholds at the upper and lower areola and nipple. Nine women served as size-matched, nonoperated controls in the study.

Primary augmentation mammaplasty was found to have a statistically significant negative effect on sensory outcomes when nonoperated controls were compared with women who had undergone augmentation mammaplasty via either the periareolar or inframammary approach. No differences in sensory outcomes were found between the two approaches used. Implant volume was found to be highly predictive of sensory outcomes, with an inverse relationship between implant size and the degree of sensitivity within the nipple-areola complex.

Plastic surgeons should feel comfortable counseling patients that augmentation mammaplasty by either the inframammary or periareolar approach results in no discernible differences in sensory outcomes. Furthermore, women who choose very large implants relative to their breast skin envelopes should be warned about potential adverse sensory sequelae within the nippleareola complex. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 117: 1694, 2006.)

The body of literature documenting normative breast sensation and postoperative changes in sensation has grown considerably over the last several years. This is especially true in women following reduction mammaplasty. In addition to anatomic studies that have outlined the innervation of the nipple-areola complex, precise sensory measurements have been performed on patients who have undergone reduction mammaplasty by several different techniques, including the inferior pedicle, medial pedicle, and breast amputation--free nipple graft approaches.1?6 Despite the expanding knowledge base on this subject, only one study has been published since 1976 on the comparably larger subset of patients who have undergone augmentation mammaplasty.7 As previous studies have demonstrated, women with macromastia are considerably less sensate in the region of the nipple-areola complex than age-matched controls with small to normal-sized breasts.6,8,9

The causal relationship of this finding has been speculative and is thought to be related to nerve traction injury and decreased innervation density in patients with gigantomastia. Although evidence is anecdotal, women with macromastia who present for reduction mammaplasty are primarily motivated by chronic symptoms of pain and discomfort, the inability to engage in vigorous physical activity, and intertriginous infections. Concerns regarding sensory outcomes are usually secondary and frequently inconsequential, since preoperative sensation is diminished. In contrast, women who present for augmentation mammaplasty are highly sensate in the region of the nipple-areola complex, and in the course of the preoperative consultation there are frequently questions about postoperative sensory outcomes. In women with micromastia, sensation of the nipple-areola complex is often of paramount importance and, in some women, an important source of stimulation during intimacy. Until now, informed consent regarding this issue has been achieved by the operative plastic surgeon by suggesting that sensory loss is a potential outcome, but that sensory outcomes are uncertain and variable.

It is also the practice of some plastic surgeons to discourage the periareolar approach of implant placement in women who voice concerns about the loss of sensitivity, because of the risk of transection of nerve fibers leading directly to the nipple-areola complex. Although other techniques of performing augmentation mammaplasty, such as the transumbilical and the endoscopically assisted transaxillary techniques, have gained popularity over the last several years, the vast majority of breast augmentations today are performed via either the inframammary approach or the periareolar approach. Unlike the two previous studies on the subject of sensory changes associated with augmentation mammaplasty,7,10 we utilized the Pressure- Specified Sensory Device (Sensory Management Services, Baltimore, Md.). Previous studies have employed modalities such as light touch, pain perception to electrical currents, vibratory stimulus, and Semmes-Weinstein nylon monofilaments. Relative to the technologically advanced sensory testing modalities available today, the techniques used in the two previous studies on this subject are considered unreliable and inaccurate.11 Thus, the purpose of this study was to quantify the sensation of the nipple-areola complex following breast augmentation using the Pressure-Specified Sensory Device and to compare the inframammary and periareolar approaches with respect to sensory outcomes.

A total of 29 women were included in this study; nine of them were nonoperative controls (group 1), 13 had undergone breast augmentation through an inframammary approach (group 2), and seven had undergone augmentation via a periareolar approach (group 3). All women agreed to a 1-hour sensory examination that was performed in the presence of a female chaperone. No financial or other compensation was provided for enrollment in the study. The breast sensory testing protocol was accepted by our institutional review board, and all study subjects gave informed consent for sensory testing to be performed. No woman enrolled in this study reported a history of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, collagen vascular disease, alcoholism, pernicious anemia, known neurological impairment, or history of previous breast surgery. Sensory evaluation was performed in all 29 women (58 breasts) by one examiner using the sensory device. Women were seated in a reclining chair with one breast exposed for testing and the other draped with a sheet. Women were asked to close their eyes so that the computer screen or the breast being tested could not be seen.

A button linked to the computer was placed in the hand opposite to the breast being tested and the women were instructed to press the button to indicate perception of the test stimulus. The nipple and upper and lower halves of the areola were selected as testing sites. At each test site, five readings were recorded. The highest and lowest values were discarded to eliminate outliers, and the mean of the remaining three was reported as the pressure threshold in grams per square millimeter. One-point static and moving pressure perception threshold was measured within a continuous range of 0.1 g/mm2 to 100 g/mm2. Data were entered into an Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash.). Statistical analyses were performed to compare the one-point moving and static sensibility measurements among groups 1, 2, and 3 using the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test between each group. Data for each of a subject?s breasts were averaged for each woman, since the left and right sides are highly correlated.

Group 1: Normative Controls
Nine women served as nonoperative controls. The average age of the participants was 28 years (range, 19 to 38 years; SD, 6 years). Breast size among participants ranged from 34A to 36C. A total of 18 breasts were tested and the results were averaged. Data on these patients have previously been published.6

Group 2: Inframammary Approach and Group 3: Periareolar Approach
A total of 20 women underwent augmentation mammaplasty by either the inframammary incisional approach (13 patients; 26 breasts) or the periareolar incisional approach (seven patients; 14 breasts). In study participants in whom the periareolar approach was utilized, the incision was designed from the 4 o?clock to the 8 o?clock position at the inferior border of the areola. Implants in both groups were placed in either the subglandular or submuscular plane. Study group participants were not further subdivided according to the plane of implant insertion, because study cells would suffer from small sample size and inadequacy for statistical analysis.

Preoperative breast sizes ranged from 32B to 36C among study participants. The average duration between surgery and sensory evaluation was 1.12 years (range, 102 to 1512 days). The average age of participants at the time of testing was 33 years (range, 20 to 47 years; SD, 7 years). There were no significant differences in age at time of testing or in the interval between surgery and testing between the groups of women who underwent augmentation mammaplasty by either approach. The average implant size used was 375 cc (range, 340 to 475 cc) in the periareolar incisional approach group and 428 cc (range, 315 to 700 cc) in the inframammary incisional approach group; this was not statistically different (p 0.05).

Cutaneous pressure threshold values for the nipple-areola complex were determined for study participants in all groups (Tables 1 and 2). There were no statistically significant differences (p 0.20) in values between the upper and lower halves of the areola for each group for one-point moving and static tests; therefore, values for the upper and lower halves of the areola were pooled. Sensory measurements for both nipple-areola complexes of each participant were averaged for each participant (left and right nipple-areola complex), and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test for two independent groups was performed (Tables 1 and 2). No statistically significant differences were found between women who underwent augmentation mammaplasty by the inframammary approach and those who had the periareolar approach (p 0.51 for each test, nonparametric Mann-Whitney test) (Table 1). Groups 2 and 3 were therefore pooled and compared as a single group (n 20) to normative controls (group 1, n 9) (Table 2). Significant differences were found, with p0.03 for each test. Mean cutaneous sensory thresholds were nearly 10 times greater in women who underwent augmentation mammaplasty by any approach compared with unoperated controls with breast cup sizes ranging from 34A to 36C.

Groups 2 and 3 were pooled and then subgrouped into two categories by length of time from the date of surgery to testing. Six study participants were found to have a follow-up time of between 3 and 6 months. Fourteen study participants had a follow-up time of between 6 months and 4.1 years. No statistically significant differences were found, with p 0.50 for each test (nonparametric Mann-Whitney test). In comparing sensory threshold variations by age at surgery, incision type, and preoperative cup size, a regression analysis was performed and in each case was found to have a p value greater than 0.05. Once each of the nonsignificant variables was dropped from the statistical model, regression analysis revealed that 50 percent of the variation in sensation was found to be attributable to implant volume (p 0.02).

The postoperative sensation of the nipple-areola complex after operative procedures on the breast is being investigated with increasing frequency. Despite an increasing body of knowledge on this subject following reduction mammaplasty, there is a paucity of information about sensation after augmentation mammaplasty. No studies, before this one, have compared sensory outcomes utilizing different incisional approaches or sensory outcomes based on differences in implant volume.

Although there are a variety of ways to assess sensation, computer-assisted quantitative neurosensory testing represents a significant advance in our ability to perform continuous measurements. The Pressure-Specified Sensory Device is a computer- assisted instrument that uses a hemispheric probe attached to a force transducer to make continuous measurements of cutaneous pressure possible. It allows for one-point static (Merkel cellneurite complexes, Ruffini complexes), one-point moving (Pacinian and Meissner corpuscles), and moving and static two-point (innervation density) discrimination.12 Unlike nylon monofilaments, which provide only an estimate of the logarithmic range of cutaneous pressure thresholds that cannot be intuitively assessed without advanced statistical transformations, the Pressure-Specified Sensory Device provides continuous measurements of cutaneous pressure, making such statistical analyses and comparisons possible. Normative data for breast sensibility of the nipple-areola complex obtained using the device have been previously published.6 This study represents the first quantitative sensibility analysis that compares postoperative sensation of the nipple-areola complex after augmentation mammaplasty via the inframammary and periareolar approaches.

Precise anatomic studies have previously elucidated the dual innervation of the nipple-areola complex medially and laterally from cutaneous branches of the third through sixth intercostal nerves.13,14 It has always been a theoretical risk that transareolar techniques of augmentation mammaplasty place the sensory outcome of the nipple-areola complex at risk, because of the direct disruption of nerve fibers traversing the inferior pole of the areola. This study has demonstrated that there is no statistically significant difference in sensory outcomes when augmentation mammaplasty is performed via the periareolar or inframammary incisional approach. In the design of this study, women were not subdivided based on plane of dissection (submuscular versus subglandular pocket position). This was because the number of women within each subgroup was not large enough for a statistically valid comparison. The neural anatomy of the nipple-areola complex has been well described, so there is no reason to suspect that implant position, either above or below the pectoralis muscle, would affect sensory outcomes.13,14 Our study design was also limited by the lack of preoperative and postoperative sensibility data on the same patients. A preoperative study, in which study participants serve as their own preoperative controls, is planned. Since the first published report on sensory outcomes after augmentation mammaplasty, a great deal has been learned.

This study disputes the conclusions of the 1976 landmark article by Courtiss and Goldwyn10 that demonstrated a return to normal nipple-areola complex sensation by 6 months after augmentation mammaplasty. Utilizing a far more sensitive testing apparatus than crude touch and pinprick, this study has demonstrated a nearly 10- fold decrease in sensory thresholds after primary augmentation mammaplasty. It was interesting to find that there was no progressive diminution of sensory loss when study participants with an interval of between 3 and 6 months from surgery to testing were compared with participants with a follow-up of 6 months to 4.1 years.

One might have expected to find some amelioration of sensory loss with time as the skin envelope of the breast stretches to accommodate the implant, but no discernible differences were recognized. This suggests that sensory impairments found at 3 to 6 months are not likely to improve with time. The relationship between implant volume and sensory outcome was another primary focus of this study. There was demonstrated to be a strong inverse relationship between implant volume and sensory outcomes. Although this relationship was found to be linear, implant sizes from 315 to 475 cc were found to have the least variability with respect to sensibility outcome. Sensibility outcomes were most variable with implant sizes greater than 475 cc. The relationship found between implant volume and sensory outcome is perhaps best explained by the same forces that act on large pendulous breasts in cases of gigantomastia. In an earlier study, it was demonstrated that control women with relative micromastia (34A to 36C cup size) were far more sensate than control women with gigantomastia (36DD to 46EE cup size).6 It was purported that volumetric differences in the breast were likely related to sensory outcomes because of nerve traction and innervation density, both of which are highly predictive of sensitivity.

There are additional factors to consider, however, with respect to skin tension and the size of the skin envelope relative to the size of the implant. It would be expected that a large implant in a breast with a substantial skin envelope would create less tension than a large implant in a breast with a smaller and tighter skin envelope, which would consequently cause more nerve traction. In the vast majority of women who choose to undergo breast augmentation, there is an improvement in overall body image.7 Despite the fact that significant statistical differences have been found between women who have undergone augmentation mammaplasty and those who have not, it is not clear whether there is any clinical significance to these findings.

Erogenous sensation is a cortical transfer function and is not necessarily correlated to sensory thresholds. The provision of this information regarding sensory outcomes to our patients is only one facet of the informed consent process that patients should undergo before having augmentation mammaplasty. Plastic surgeons should feel comfortable counseling patients that augmentation mammaplasty by either the inframammary or periareolar approach results in no discernable differences in sensory outcomes. Furthermore, women who choose very large implants relative to their breast skin envelopes should be warned about potential adverse sensory sequelae within the nippleareola complex.

Located in San Diego and serving the San Diego County, Del Mar and other California CA areas, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Mark Mofid, utilizes the latest surgical techniques in his practice of Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, and Breast Enhancement surgery.

Breast Implants 411

Monday, December 29, 2008

The New Feminine Brain By Dr. MonaLisa SchulzMedical Intuitive

Dr. Schulz is a world renowned medical intuitive, behavioral neuroscientist, practicing psychiatrist and a best-selling author whose latest book ?The New Feminine Brain? explores the hidden potential of women and gives practical, grounded instructions on how to capitalize and manifest inherent mental gifts. She is a foremost authority on brain function and blends her expert ?right brain? with ?left brain? medical intuition consultations.

The focus of her life work is to capitalize a person?s potential for maximum health both on the physical and emotional level. For over 20 years, her groundbreaking research has helped to accelerate an acceptance and inclusion of non-linear approaches to medical healing outside conventional western medical techniques.

Dr. Schulz teaches us how to become aware of how our symptoms of illness are part of our intuition network, letting us know when something in our lives is out of balance. During a medical intuitive consultation, there is no physician/patient relationship, no diagnosis is given nor is any psychotherapy being performed. Mona Lisa will educate you in how specific emotional situations in your life are associated with the increased risk of illness in a specific organ in your body.

Like many gifted psychics, Dr. Schulz was encouraged as a child by very accomplished parents to develop her intellect through logic and analysis. Although she was able to intuitively solve difficult math problems before the age of ten, family and cultural conditioning caused her to block her intuition. Surprisingly, her success was more limited as a result. Dr. Schulz has herself had to overcome challenges that many people would have used as an excuse to not succeed in life. She has ADD and was diagnosed with a brain disorder similar to narcolepsy in college. Narcolepsy is a condition whereby a person falls asleep out-of-the-blue no matter what they are doing at the time. This was a turning point in her life as the events forced her to rely on her intuition more than her rational mind. Several more experiences came her way afterwards: a bout with medication to relieve her symptoms, a car accident, and the discovery of Louise Hay?s ?You Can Heal Your Life?. All these episodes convinced Dr. Schulz to claim her destiny as a trail blazing healer in mind-body medicine. By the time she entered medical school she was also blossoming into the revolutionary field of medical intuition.

Today, Dr. Schulz lives at full force her life passion. She is a board-certified psychiatrist who on one hand, she has a Medical Intuition business, and in a separate practice, sees patients in Neuropsychiatry.

Bio written and interview conducted by Rheba Estante, Integrated Health Writer.

Q: There are plenty of books on women?s health on the market, what is different about yours? What does it offer that is distinct and of practical use to women? A: The New Feminine Brain takes account for and examines how as civilization advances the environmental changes impact the brain. As life gets more complex with things such as satellites, cell phones, iPods, PDAs, these shape our brain. Information changes our wiring. I call this plasticity. Women in the year 2006 balance motherhood, career, childcare, and eldercare of aging parents. These are more complex lives than ever in history. Multiple roles lead to pressure and combined with technological advances in medicine have altered the hormones in the female brain.

Q: Does this mean that the brain of women in 2006 are very different than females in 1906? A: Yes. We are hormonally altered women. Women are deferring until 40 to have children. One new mother in the news recently was 60. Pregnancy and childbirth changes a brain. Think of the kinds of pressures that women have in their lives by the time they are 40 and compound that with later in life motherhood. If a woman has had to be on fertility drugs, or contraceptive pills, or has lived for decades in an environment of zeno-estrogens those all impact the brain.

Q: So what is the effect of synthetic prescription? A: Tamoxifen and other cancer drugs are anti-estrogen. Estrogen is a mood elevator. When you save a woman?s life and then put her on Tamoxifen, within two months she frequently gets off. Studies are inconclusive. Side effects can be depression, mood, attention problems, and memory. The New Feminine Brain give resources to women of today on how to navigate challenges with an understanding of how environment impacts their brain chemistry.

Q: Can you describe how The New Feminine Brain outlines these suggestions for women on how to take an active lead in their mental health? A: The book indicates major suggestions to pay attention to. It asks women to look at their unique brain in four areas: moods, anxiety, attention, or memory. Our conditions in these areas are born or acquired through trauma and medicine. Once we know our mental roadmap we can capture the genius behind our brain type. We can maximize our gene potential. Women should also complete the questionnaire in the book to evaluate their brain type. This exercise helps elucidate their brain type and directs them to chapters to pay attention to. It teaches women that the problems or ?holes? in their style are part of a unique genius for intuition.

Q: You are open about your ADD. How can The New Feminine Brain be of help to other women who are ADD? A: ADD and mood are an access to intuition that can be capitalized. 15% of people have a different style of attention. Some environments are conducive and others aren?t to this style. There are plenty of supplements and medicines to lend support for attention boosters. The ADD that is often called a disorder is defined by what the school teacher says about you. It is a unique form of diagnosis. So for ADD women, The New Feminine Brain teaches you how to figure this out and work with it if you have to be in an environment counter to your special attention style. Medicines don?t alter a lot because you are still the same person. If prescriptions really worked on ADDers, our society wouldn?t have Robin Williams because he has severe ADD. Someone like him has learned how to hone in on what is different with his brain and transform it into a strength in a supportive environment.

Q: Why do some ADDer succeed like Williams and others simply underachieve? A: You can get help from the physician but keep the power within you. You do not have to live the label. The success stories had the mind set of ?I?ll take what you told me to help myself but I don?t live your prognosis?. By not handing over your power to a professional is one step since it may not necessarily be true. Another key is that the ADD successes have a strong internal spirit so they don?t listen to what doesn?t make sense. They don?t let people break them. This is the resilience and temperament factor.

The definition of attention is the ability to pay focused perception on something free from distraction and reign in impulse. Resilience is the capacity to regulate your emotions to go after what you want in a skilled way. The New Feminine Brain explains more of that in the mood and anxiety chapter. Resilient people do not care so much what other people think.

Q: Does The New Feminine Brain examine whether or not there are two breeds of women these days caught in an evolutionary loophole? It seems like women are polarized in the realm of relationships. Some women literally need a man and can?t exist without a male partner. Others can be annoyed with one around too long. A: I am not really a feminist from the point-of-view of the brain. Some people have a brain style where their happiness has to come through someone else. They can only feel good with a strong, protective person, usually a male. A woman like this needs close companionship to feel normal. To others this is irritating because of their circuits of arousal make them too emotionally porous. Another strong figure is too much information on their system. These women are compelled to do something rather than equalize their internal emotions. So the presence of a protective male figure is very destabilizing for their life.

Consider also that a lot of women stay in a relationship due to lack of skills, independence, self-esteem, money, and other essentials to self-empowerment so then don?t really have a choice. They aren?t free to choose. The New Feminine Brain offers resources so women can have the freedom to understand their unique brain style, play out merits, fix moods, and live in peace. Whether or not this means a partner or not.

Q: A recent story here in Toronto published in The Globe and Mail talked about a study that concluded women who were mothers were smarter than those who weren?t. What are your thoughts to that? A: The studies included rat brains as well but saying that mothers are smarter is complicated. It?s true that taking care of something close to you can make you brighter. Old people in nursing homes are given pets and it improves memory and cognition. The stimulation increased flexibility of the brain. ?Aunting? behavior such as taking care of someone else?s kids can sprout the same brain pathways. It?s an unfortunate statement and misses the mark to say this. That means men are truly disadvantaged. The message to women is to have a baby and they?ll be better. Being a mother depends on what your brain is molded for. This is what The New Feminine Brain teaches you to determine. Not every woman is wired to be a mother and therefore, she should not have children. There are examples in the animal kingdom. Some sheep have lambs and then ignore them and walk away. So the sheepherder has to find a surrogate mother with a better brain adaptive to motherhood.

Q: In your own words how would you sum up what The New Feminine Brain can do for women? A: The book teaches you to find your unique genius, navigate the world, fix problems and maximize unique gifts.

If you have a problem in the brain it is also an access to intuition. A problem kid is a different kid. Mothers can capitalize the strength about their brain but also mold their brain to fit into society when need be. Labels are important. You can?t fix it if you can?t name it. BUT - you can?t let it limit or define you like a crutch or tool in the world.

Q: Do you have any words of wisdom for women who are ?self-help? addicts? There is a line between improvement and needing it to function. A: It is a form of dependency when you have lost your internal anchor and seek answers outside. It is a pursuit of a holy grail of happiness. Happiness is looking outside what you should know is inside. Some are using it just to have a relationship. Peace is within. People who need people is as old as time. The classes and workshops are a way to create a family or go to a different kind of church. Finding companionship is healthy and constant learning makes you senile resistant. The key is to distinguish whether you are using self-help to grow or if it is using you to have a life.

Q: Any advice to people who are totally new to the world of self-help when they pick up a copy of The New Feminine Brain? A: Take the questionnaire. See chapters 1,2, 3, 4 and the sections on emotional feng shui and mood and society. Recurring problems indicate that you are not listening to the intuition behind the moods. Merely getting remedies is not enough. You must understand what constant moods are all about.

Q: Do you have any feminine wisdom on how women can navigate the world of self-help with some good brain sense? A: Buyer Beware. Get someone who has a credential in an area that is board certified by the government. This is a mark of integrity and grounding in that field. It also indicates that they have a rigor to pass the hurdle. Such a person is not a fly by night but one who has mastered an area and there is something about a person who has structure in a discipline. This is a person who has had to sit with a supervisor, make mistakes, get guidance, and then get it right. A name comes with a tradition. When buying a Ford or Toyota we are purchasing this tradition. Use the same common sense as you would when looking for a new car.

Listen to her weekly radio show Intuitive Health on the Sirius Network every Wednesday at 4pm EST. For more information, visit

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Choose the right bra that appeals to men

Wearing the quality bra takes lots of pounds off you. You look slimmer and younger with the right bra. No more worries about sagging breasts

Men basically are visual creatures. They are turned on by what they see. More importantly , the teasing and expectation factor generate more thrills and excitement for him. It is the anticipation that whets his appetite and brings about excitement and tantalize him.

There is such a wide range out there that one can simply get lost in it.

The trick is to find bra that convey sensuality and femininity and class. You shouldn't pick those that convey an image of slutishness or which give an image of a whore.

Men are easily turn on the female form . Buy a bra that bares so much skin as possible and yet teases him by covering your assets.

You want to pick one that men can find it easy to take out. Imagine the frustration during your most intimate moments with him and there he is stumped by your bra and wonders how to unfasten it. Get a bra that unhooks at the back rather than the front.Both you and your lover can take it off in double quick time . Don't let him be embarrassed during such romantic times.

Pick bra which are soft so that he can feel your bosom beneath the bra and this is a merely a preview of what is to come.

Men love lacy bra. It conveys a softness and delicacy. Other soft fabrics include cotton , silk and satin.

Choose Lycra / Spandex as they stretch and hug the body and shows off your curves. Lycra / Spandex retain their shape better too. Microfiber fabric is made from ultra-fine man-made fibers. It is super lightweight , feels silky and makes undergarments mold to the body making you look sexier than ever.

Bra with underwire will also give support to your breast and give a fuller bosom.

Buy bra with adjustable straps so that there will be no slack on your back. By tightening the straps the bra cups can be pulled upwards giving you the appearance of bigger and perkier breast.

Consider wearing demi bra that covers your breast partially. It's a great idea as it allows you to wear low cut dresses or blouses and maybe unbutton one or two buttons on your shirt.

For women who want to boost their assets, consider getting a push up bra to drive your man crazy . It makes your cleavage fuller and ample . Other bra that does the same trick is the padded bra. Some bra may be filled with liquid to enhance your assets. Consider these gel filled bras.

We come next to colors. I find black, pink and red very seductive and desirable.

Also consider choosing skin tone colors. Men just go nuts thinking you have nothing on. Heighten the excitement further by going sheer. Furthermore, skin color bra lets you wear any outfit without the bra being obvious.

Your clothing can be used to further enchance the sexy appeal of your bra.

You can either wear a sheer white blouse with black bra or the other way around.

It will surely get him talking.

Expose part of your bra when your are wearing spaghetti or strappy dress or blouse. Celebrities like to show off their bra straps too. Shakira, Avril Lavigne and Jennifer Love Hewitt occasionally show them off. You can match the bra with your clothing or you can have contrasting colors with your clothing and match your bra with your lipstick or jewelry color too.
About the Author

You can find more bras at

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Retail Steel Buildings

Retail steel buildings are great protectors for all types of retail establishments.

Because of multiple advantages, retail steel buildings are becoming popular day by day among franchisee chains and retail developers. It is a time consuming process to construct a retail building. In addition, significant amount of investment is needed. A wide number of pre-engineered steel building systems are in the market to fulfill your retail building needs. The providers of retail steel buildings assist building needs in the most economical manner. By erecting a retail steel building, you can save loads of money than is possible in conventional construction.

Retail steel buildings are designed to prevent the harshest climatic conditions on earth, such as heavy snow, tornadoes and hurricanes. It provides maximum usage of space with minimal investment. These buildings also prevent rusting and rotting. They are available in attractive designs with a variety of panel and trim colors.

Most retail steel buildings come with pre-drilled, pre-cut, pre-punched and pre-welded structures. By utilizing retail steel buildings, customers can uphold a clear span of up to 300 feet wide. Doors, roll-up doors, windows, insulation, ceiling lights and additional building options are offered. Along with these components, numerous exterior choices such as brick, slate, stone and stucco are also supplied to improve the look of the retail steel building.

Other benefits of using retail steel buildings are less maintenance, fire retardant, durability, flexibility, faster erection and cost efficiency. It can be easily expanded to any length according to your needs. Most of the retail steel buildings come with column free designs and do not require interior load bearing walls.

Many companies in this business attach warranty programs on retail steel buildings. They also offer warranty programs on the different components and parts. Almost all retail steel building companies provide project experts, who help all the way from concept to delivery.

Olympia Steel Building Systems, Crown International Steel Building Systems, American Steel Span, Standard Steel Buildings LLC, and General Steel Corporation are some of the leading manufacturers of retail steel buildings.

Steel Buildings provides detailed information on Steel Buildings, Commercial Steel Buildings, Pre-Fabricated Steel Buildings, Steel Storage Buildings and more. Steel Buildings is affiliated with Metal Building Kits.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Choosing To Play Backgammon Online Or Offline


Choosing To Play Backgammon Online Or OfflineSubmitted By: Gene Marshall  

Today?s backgammon enthusiasts are presented with a wide variety of opportunities to play backgammon in a way that previous generations could never even have envisaged in their wildest dreams. For the thousands of years people have been playing backgammon, games have been commonly played in family homes, or in popular meeting places. Since most of the world?s population lived in the countryside or small villages, the likelihood was that the same players would compete against each other time after time. For players who were particularly skilled at the game, the lack of players of similar skills levels can only have served to detract from their interest in the game.

The move from the countryside to the cities, and the creation of backgammon clubs widened players? horizons. Whether attracted by the prospects of winning at backgammon gambling or simply interested in the playing for enjoyment alone, in schools, work places and places of entertainment, people starting coming together much more to learn how to play backgammon and make new friends. This is still very much the case today. For example, it would be interesting to see what percentage of successful backgammon players learn the backgammon game at school.

Although the game has had its ups and downs in popularity in the course of its history, for instance, the introduction of the doubling cube in 1920?s America added to the appeal of backgammon as a casino game, the development of backgammon software over the last fifteen years has propelled backgammon into a new place of prominence on the international gaming scene. It seems that not only have traditional backgammon players been attracted to online backgammon but also a new generation of players are being drawn to the game. Although these players are not exclusively in the under thirty-age group, it seems a fair guess that backgammon online attracts primarily younger players. In part this can be accounted for by their greater familiarity with Internet technology, but there is also a youth culture of which the Internet has become an integral part.

Besides the factor of age, there are a number of other considerations at play in determining whether a person prefers to play with a traditional backgammon set or play with a virtual set online. For some players, there can be no substitute for a face-to-face game. Exchanging typed messages with the other players can never compete with genuine social contact. These players may well belong to a backgammon club they have been patronizing for years and feel content to keep their game at this level.

Many other players are drawn by the prospect of competing with players from around the world brought together by Internet gaming. They also enjoy the chance of testing out their skills against a backgammon computer. If they are primarily interested in gaming opportunities, the ability to play backgammon on the Internet is valued for the substantial prizes they think they have a chance of winning. Certainly the convenience factor must not be underrated, with the Internet offering games at a time and location that players find convenient.

Article Tags: backgammon, game, players

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Overseas Property Investment This Area Continues To Soar In Value!

Do you want to invest in overseas property but are worried about the risk?

In that case, you will be interested in the region below where property speculators have been making solid gains of 30 ? 100% annually for several years and prices look set to move far higher.

The region is:

Central Pacific Coast Costa Rica.

Were not talking about an area that could take off but has taken off for overseas property investment.

More gains are coming and we will give you the reasons in a bit.

Lets look at the gains first at if you want a second home a villa a condo or a retirement home in the sun gains here are fantastic.

For instance buyers who purchased $30,000 of property in the town of popular town of Jaco, 15 years ago are now worth more than $750,000.

Another example of great gains can be seen are at Marriot Corporation Los Suenos Resort, they pre sold condos of 2000 square feet for $250,000. The following year they sold more at $350,000.

Now this years top end units are being sold at $450,000 to $850,000 and there is not enough supply to meet demand.

So why will this area make more gains?

There are several reasons:

1. It?s an established community with huge foreign investment and this inspires confidence for more people to come.

Its not an area that may take off it has and with all areas that do, property booms can last for decades and this one looks set to go a lot further.

2. The area has easy access from the airport, superb beaches and beautiful national parks and is an area with great scenery,surfing and fishing.

3. Facilities, infrastructure and property are of a very high standard in an area popular with both foreigners and locals, the proof of a boom area.

4. Costa Rica remains the premier destination for US and many foreign buyers.

While in a different country, the large expat community and the great facilities make it a place people feel at home in, despite being in a foreign country.

More gains coming

Now the above area is getting record investment and more people from overseas are coming and this means prices will continue to rise.

Not an area that may take off it has!

Unlike many central American countries it has a track record and the investment coming in reflects the appeal of Costa Rica and the preferred destination of the central pacific coast.

If you want a great area to purchase an overseas property in then Central Pacific cost Costa Rica offers you a solid investment and a great location

More FREE info

On investing in property and land in the area outlined above and suburb beach front plots with great capital appreciation potential then visit:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Los Angeles County Realtors:Who Are They?

A large number of individuals make the decision to sell their home. When the decision has been made, there are many who choose to sell their home on their own. Privately selling your own home is possible, but there is a better alternative. That alternative is using a Los Angeles County realtor.

If you live in or around the Los Angeles area, you may be wondering exactly what a Los Angeles County realtor is. They are defined as real estate agents that operate in or around the Los Angeles area. As with all other real estate agents, realtors in the Los Angeles area work to assist individuals who are selling their homes. This assistance encompasses a wide variety of different features and services.

One of the greatest advantages of using the services of a realtor is the assistance that you will be provided with. Dealing with potential buyers can be a frustrating and complicated procedure. Instead of working directly with potential buyers, your realtor will do all of the work for you. In addition to making selling easier, this will free up more time for yourself and your family.

Most realtors are fully trained and experienced in selling a home. This often means that you have a greater chance of selling your home if you use the assistance offered by a Los Angeles County realtor. Realtors are trained in customer services. This means that they may be able to negotiate with a potential buyer or target their buying needs.

In addition to customer service, real estate agents are often trained on how to advertise a sale. This means that your home will likely be advertised in a number of different ways. This advertisement often comes in the form of real estate brochures, local newspapers, or online. Many of these advertising methods are not available to homeowners, just realtors.

If negotiation skills, advertisement experience, and excellent customer service isn?t enough, there are a number of other benefits to using the services of a Los Angeles County realtor. Different realtors operate in different ways. If you are interested in learning about the other services offered by a realtor, you can contact one directly. Most real estate agents would be happy to schedule a consultation appointment. If a consultation appointment is not doable, you can obtain additional information over the phone or through email.

The decision to use a Los Angeles County realtor is a large one, but it is an important one. Before making a decision you are encouraged to weight the pros and cons of each decision you make. Doing so will make selling your home a pleasant and potentially profitable experience.

Brad Horn is a writer for 1 percent realtor where you can find a great resource for information regarding a Los Angeles County Realtor

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

What's Hot in Houses Today

Home Styles

Old world styles are popular. French, English, Tuscan and Spanish homes with stone or stucco walls, tile roofs, iron fixtures, heavy beams and rustic floors are in demand. A sense of historic connection resonates with buyers today.

The Craftsman style, built in the early 1900's, is back. Features of this style, such as cobblestones, deep eaves, tapered columns and wide trim, favor the handmade look over mass produced.

Farmhouses and country homes are perfect remodel candidates and prototypes for new homes. Native materials, wood windows, simple floor plans, and warm colors connect with nature and earlier times.

The retro look is fashionable. Ranch styles and split levels built in the 1950's are perfect for sleek remodels, and fit with fashionable furniture styles.

Urban modern is everywhere. Modern open plans make use of color, tile, glass, and experimental materials such as plastic and metal.

Floor Plan

The preferred ceiling height is 9'-11'. Two story ceilings are out. In small rooms these feel like towers.

Lots of floor level changes are not desirable.

Most buyers today want four bedrooms, and at least two living areas. Formal dining rooms are still in demand.

Formal living rooms are often converted to studies, libraries, or guest rooms.

Media rooms are a sought after feature when price range allows.

The visual and spatial connection between kitchen and family room is firmly established.

Cabinet space is required for large televisions and wall space for the newer flat screens.

Three car garages are needed, especially in areas without basements.

Structured wiring is important today for internet, phone, cable and sound. Desk space for computers is required.

Good access to the outdoors is something buyers look for. French doors combine access with light. Sliding glass doors are not as favored.

Lots of storage is needed for today's lifestyle. People have lots of stuff. Huge master closets, pantries, laundry rooms, and extra storage closets are expected.

On the other hand, very spare lofts are perfect for some lifestyles. Simplified spaces are an antidote to today's complex lifestyle.


Most buyers are savvy about kitchen design and appreciate good work spaces with easy access to range, refrigerator and sink. Lots of counter space, deep drawers, two sinks, nearby extra refrigerator, and butler's pantries are all desirable features.

Stainless appliances are going strong. In urban modern styles, white or colored appliances are back. High end homes conceal some appliances as cabinetry.

Eat-in kitchens are a basic requirement for most buyers.

Antique tables or cabinets are being refurbished and used as bath cabinets. Kitchen cabinets that look like furniture are a great look.

Granite, marble or stone counters are popular. However, granite tops added to 1980's cabinets do not go over well. Consider your architectural style before adding features.

Concrete countertops are perfect for ultra modern, but most buyers shy away from them.

Wide, cabinet depth refrigerators have a built-in look, and are not as expensive as the true built-in type.

Large rustic tiles, stone, concrete or wood floors have a warm, functional appeal.

Subway tile (3 x 6) is popular in bathrooms and on kitchen backsplashes.

Patterned cultured marble and laminate are out. Slippery, white floor tile is out.


Wide, baseboards (6+) and door and window trim (4+) are key features in old European and American styles.

Craftsman style doors - simple square frames with flat panels - work well with both old and modern looks.

Iron or heavy wood entry doors make strong statements that buyers love.

Rustic finishes on hardware, such as brushed nickel, oil rubbed bronze, weathered brass, and other non-shiny finishes are the popular choices.

Rustic wood beams or wood covered ceilings create a hand crafted, primitive look that buyers like.

Wrought iron gates, stair rails and light fixtures compliment the rustic style.

Stair rails in ultra modern homes may be wire, pipe or painted metal.

Front porches and covered patios are always a strong selling point. Outdoor fireplaces are popping up everywhere.

Floors & Walls

Distressed wood floors that look old are valued. Simple wood boards are sometimes laid down with cracks exposed. Re-claimed wood is very desirable.

Bamboo floors are popular, especially in modern style homes where light colored floors are desired.

Concrete floors - often stained and scored are popular. These go well with the modern look, and are used in Craftsman and rustic European styles too.

Colorful laminate floors are a good fit with mid-century modern. Laminate floors that looks like wood are out. Parquet floors are out, unless hand crafted.

Framed or hung mirrors are preferred, although plate glass works in ultra modern styles. Mirrors used on walls or ceilings are a turn off.

Colors are in, but soft is the word. Soft greens, yellows, earth tones and creams create a serene background that fits many styles. Complex colors, with more colors in the mix, are sought after. Deeply saturated colors, such as plums and reds, are used in moderation.

Flat paint on walls hides flaws and creates a designer look. Shiny is out. Soft whites are safe for trim.

Faux finishes are out. Often these do not turn out as well as expected, and are difficult to maintain.

The same (or similar) wall color through adjoining spaces creates a more spacious feeling.

Historic paint colors such as sage greens, beiges, muted yellows, and grays work well on the exterior. Bold or harsh colors are a turn-off to most buyers.

Wallpaper is problematic and harder to change than paint. Very often it does not fit the buyer's taste.

Heavily textured walls and popcorn ceilings are totally out.

Lighting & Plumbing Fixtures

Buyers want more windows, natural light, and a greater connection with the outdoors.

People today are more discriminating about the quality of light. Windows on two sides of the room balance the lighting and reduce glare.

One light in the middle of the room will not do. Under cabinet task lighting is appreciated. Security lighting is important. Wall sconces offer soft ambient lighting. Recessed cans provide area light. Dimmers help to control the lighting.

Light fixtures are a decorative element in all styles. Clean, modern fixtures, such as pendant lights, recessed cans, and wire string lights compliment the urban look.

Retro fixtures are interesting decorative features in 1930's craftsman and 1950's ranch styles.

Industrial metal fixtures are in. The un-decorated, industrial look of metal or stainless steel is in.

Heavy drapes are out. They are too pretentious, and, well, heavy. Light cotton, linen or silk drapes are in. Or, wood blinds. Or nothing.

Retro woven wood blinds have made a comeback. Mini blinds are very yesterday.

Bath fixtures are finished in rustic bronze, nickel, or chrome. Old style two-handled faucets and farmhouse sinks are in style.

Bath sinks may be glass bowls, granite, stone, stainless or traditional china. Cultured marble is out.

Free standing tubs are in. Pedestal and wall hung lavatories are in.

Energy Efficiency

With fuel costs going up, energy efficiency is definitely in. Buyers want high efficiency AC, good insulation, low-e glass, programmable thermostats, double pane windows, and ceiling fans.

Effective passive solar orientation is a great advantage. It shows a smart planning and use

of natural solar energy.

Instant hot water is a perk that buyers like, as are drinking water filters.

No one wants foil on windows or stick-on window film.

Light is in demand. Don't close blinds. Do remove solar screens when they are not needed, such as under patio roofs, porches or shade trees.

Screened porches are back. They create a multi purpose space that is both indoors and outdoors, and keep mosquitoes away.

Roselind Hejl is a Realtor with Coldwell Banker United in Austin, Texas. Her website - - offers homes for sale, market trends, buyer and seller guides. Let Roselind help you make your move to Austin. Austin Texas Real Estate Guide

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Insurance Companies Work To Keep Health Care Affordable

For many families, finding affordable health insurance is a task akin to the search for the Holy Grail. Depending on where in the country you live, a family health insurance plan can cost as much as $800-$1000 per month. Even when you split that cost between employee and employer, that's a major chunk of nearly anyone's monthly budget. And while it's popular to swear under your breath at the greed of the health insurance industry, a look at the cost of medical care is an eye-opening shock for many people. The expenses associated with a broken arm, for instance, can easily mount into several thousands of dollars.

The Health Insurance Industry has a stake in keeping people healthy.

The high cost of health insurance is the direct result of the high cost of medical care. It's a simple matter of economics. The more it costs to take care of each subscriber, the more the insurance companies have to charge all their subscribers. This cost/expense ratio is what has made most health insurance companies embrace the idea of providing preventive care to their subscribers. It's a simple matter of business sense - healthy people don't cost the insurance companies a lot of money.

Accidents may be the first type of medical need that springs to mind when people consider buying health insurance, the major insurance companies all agree that accidents aren't the major cost drain on medical resources. That place is reserved for chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure. Because of this, it makes good business sense for health insurance companies to encourage their subscribers to adopt preventive health strategies. That pays off in special benefits for health conscious consumers.

** Preventive Health Benefits Help Keep Costs Low

Among the benefits that have become commonplace for major health insurance providers are routine physicals, medical screenings for all subscribers, discounts on health club and gym memberships, payment of dues for weight loss groups and lowered subscription fees for non-smokers.

Some health insurance companies and HMO's go even further in their preventive efforts. Because of the high risk of serious injury or fatality for infants in automobile accidents, Fallon Community Health Plan of Massachusetts has for years teamed with local organizations to provide free infant car seats to families with newborns. In the same spirit of prevention, many HMOs offer free stress management and stress reduction workshops to all subscribers because stress has been identified as a leading risk factor in nearly every major illness.

** Seeking a Cure
The quest for affordable health care has also prompted health insurance companies and HMOs to help fun research and health initiatives all over the country. The health insurance industry underwrites millions of dollars of medical research annually in an effort to lower the costs of health care. Their dollars fund grants to enroll low income and other hard to insure populations, and to offer eye, dental and health care to inner city and poor rural populations. The industry estimates that routine preventive eye and dental care, as well as routine medical screenings and physicals can identify illnesses at early stages and prevent conditions and costs from escalating out of reach.

** Get the Most from Your Health Insurance
You pay for it - you should certainly get the most possible benefit from your health insurance plan. Here are some suggestions for ways that you can make your health insurance plan work for you:

- Join a gym.
Check the benefits that your HMO or health insurance plan offers. Chances are good that one of them is a discount good on membership at a local gym or health club. Get fit - it saves THEM money... but it saves YOUR life.

- Lose weight.
Take advantage of nutritional counseling and memberships in weight loss support groups to get down to your ideal weight. Added bonus? Many health insurance plans offer a lower tier cost for subscribers who are at healthy weights.

- Quit smoking.
Non-smokers are another group that often enjoy lower health insurance premiums. Many HMOs and health insurance providers offer free smoking cessation programs to help you get smoke free and healthy.

- Attend medical screenings and health fairs.
Many health insurance providers sponsor 'wellness fairs' where you can have your blood pressure tested, get free medical screenings and learn about alternative medical techniques like massage therapy, acupuncture and yoga. Take advantage of special events to learn more and get healthy.

It may be popular to demonize the health insurance industry, but today more than ever, the health insurance industry has a stake in keeping you healthy. Find out what your health insurance company has to offer you by visiting their web site, or calling customer service.

About the Author:

Deb Powers is a freelance writer who regularly writes for FreelanceRite, the right way to get original content for your web site and newsletters. For information on purchasing original content for your use, visit FreelanceRite at

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Top Holiday Destinations in the Winter Season

When it comes to the wintertime, most people tend to head south for the holiday. You will find that there are little piles of snow. You have getaway destinations that will allow you to have hot and dry weather. You will also find that there are some sandy beaches involved in these destinations.

You will find that there are Antiqua or Barbuda beaches that you will be able to visit. You will also find that there are plenty of places where you can get in those favorite water sports. You will find that when you head south for Christmas you will be able to sunbath in 80 degree weather. You will be able to trade in your snow shovel and replace it with a sand shovel and bucket. You won?t be making snowmen, but sandcastles. There are plenty of destinations that you can go to and have some good celebrating times. You will be able to have some drinks on the beach. You will be able to watch the sun deep down and listen to the rhythm of the steel drums. You will also find that the only sounds you will hear are the birds flying ahead. You don?t have to listen to the rushing traffic and you don?t have to deal with hundreds of people getting ready for the next storm or buying Christmas gifts.

You will be able to make memories when you take your time making memories in these islands and exotic locations. You will find that there are many destinations that you will love in the South American region. You will love lying on the beach and soaking up the sun, while others find snow on their cars. You will want to make sure that you do everything you can to enjoy the beautiful skies and seas of the tropics.

During the day, you will have fun during all of the activities that the islands provide, but then you can mix things up at night in the many clubs. You will be able to dance the entire night way and then come back to the hotel and do it all over again the next day. You will find that there is all different kinds of fun when you go away for the holiday. It?s also a great place to take the entire family. There are sites like the Rio?s statue of liberty or swim with dolphins at Monkey Mia. There are plenty of things to do and it?ll never be dull.

When you take your time to explore areas like Singapore, you will find that there is a cultural melting pot. You will find that it has four languages including Chinese, Malay, Tamil, and English. You will find the best foods in Singapore and you will be able to enjoy drinking tea in Chinatown or have a ball in Little India. There are tons of things that you can do in the modern city of Singapore.

There are many areas of the exotic that you can take your family for the holiday, but you will also find that there are many places that you can go to forget about the cold weather and the snow in your drive way. Everyone needs to get away in the winter months, but it?s just to get back to remembering how spring is. Winter is so draining, but with a vacation to a warm and exotic place, you?ll be able to come back and finish out the season.

Johnathan Bakers very often creates detailed reports on subjects dealing with Benidorm. Working on his reports such as, he affirmed his knowledge on information similar to Torrevieja and Benidorm.

Friday, December 19, 2008

It Is Fun And Easy Way To Learn With Educational Board Game

Getting children to learn has long been a dilemma faced by today's teachers and parents. How do you make something like the industrial revolution interesting to an eight year old? It's hard, but have always been intrepid folks out there who try their hardest to make the act of learning fun and entertaining for children. Educational board games are one of the most effective ways of doing so, and there have been a lot of really good additions to the market over the years - board games, memory games, and puzzle games that challenge a child's brain and give them a fun reason to learn.

These board games come in all shapes and sizes. For those looking to get a game for their child that will trigger some intellectual stimulation, it's only a matter of choosing a topic or field to work with. School age board games are not only tailored for the skill level of your child, but the interests they might have.

For as young as children aged 1 and up, there are games that challenge them to recognize and remember different shapes, colors, and objects. By enhancing their cognitive ability through a fun memory game, you are giving them a head start on learning when they get older.

For the older children out there, the options immediately diversify. There are exciting puzzle games like Dinosaurs and Things that won't even seem like learning to a child intrigued by the giant lizards of eons past. History has a habit of being dry and boring when taught from a text book, but a board game in which the information might sneak up on a child and be exciting is the perfect way to make them want to learn.

For the math crowd, there are many options. Fraction, multiplication, and division playing card decks are available as well as various memory games. The educational board games on the market are so varied that no matter how your child learns, whether it is visually, audibly, or hands on, there's a game out there to help them.

Sitting down and playing a board game with your children is one of those activities that families have been doing for years, often on a set night, in a big group. It's a great way to spend some time with your loved ones after a long, stressful week and unwind. At the same time, you can help your children develop stronger logic and problem solving skills and have fun while doing it.

There are school age board games for children of all ages, in topics ranging from history and math to geography and literature. Whether they know it or not, an educational board game is the best way for you to sneak up on your child with a good dose of mind expanding fun.

By Marina Neiman

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ford Excursion: King of SUVs

People who are searching for a sport utility vehicle that has a really wide interior space and room would find the Ford Excursion their top and ideal choice. This vehicle has the capacity to take in a maximum of nine people inside its cabin. Its closest rivals include the Chevrolet Suburban and the GMC Yukon XL, yet the Ford Excursion towers over them by six inches. It also is 7 inches longer as well as 2000 pounds heavier. It is equipped with a rear-wheel drive or a four-wheel drive configuration. The Ford Excursion is made available in three trim levels which include the XLT, the Eddie Bauer, and the Limited trim.

This vehicle holds traditional Ford styles intact. This includes the four side doors along with the wider back doors. These assist and facilitate easier access to the rear and middle doors. The Ford Excursion also has power adjustable pedals and the whole vehicle is powered by a diesel engine. This engine of the Ford Excursion also features a Tow-Haul mode that has a maximum of 11,000 pounds of towing power. The engine also has cleaner emissions and boasts an improved gas mileage.

The Ford Excursion is considered to be beastly in size. It is the king of big sport utility vehicles. It has all-terrain tires that give the vehicle the capacity to handle tough, hilly, and inclined roads as well as snowy and slippery highways. This vehicle is capable of going places that would seem to be inaccessible for other heavy-duty pickups. Despite the weight and size of the Ford Excursion, the vehicle is still easy to maneuver.

Driving the Ford Excursion would give you the feeling of safety and security. The vehicle is also highly function for it can transport cargo and people. It also can tow a big trailer as well as other things like boats. The design of this vehicle is based on Ford's Super Duty F-series pickup trucks. The rear cargo of the Ford Excursion is split in three ways. This arrangement offers a greater and better visibility when driving rearward.

Features and equipment, standard and optional, for the Ford Excursion include four-wheel anti-lock disc brakes (ABS), a tilt steering wheel, cruise control, a 40/20/40 split front bench seat, a 60/40 split-folding second row seat, a folding/removable third-row seat, power heated mirrors, power windows, power door locks, a remote keyless entry system, an AM/FM/cassette/CD stereo, 16-inch chromed steel wheels, a floor console, automatic headlamps, rear-seat audio controls, power rear quarter windows, a Reverse Sensing System, automatic climate control, a trip computer, power adjustable pedals, two-tone leather seating surfaces, cherry woodgrain interior accents, illuminated running boards, an in-dash six-disc CD changer, heated front seats, memory seats and pedals, climate and audio controls mounted on the steering wheel, a HomeLink transmitter, and an overhead console.

Ford Excursion owners and Ford vehicle owners can now shop for discount Ford Excursion parts and accessories from Ford Parts Discount's auto parts catalog. In stock are quality Ford parts like starters, headlights, alternators and a lot more for all enthusiasts.
About the Author

Jay Stevens works as a consultant for an established auto parts store in the country. He has expertise in automotive technology and has inside knowledge on the auto parts industry.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who Is Man Enough To Be A Nurse?


Nursing is a well respected and noble profession. Candidates undergo the long and arduous test of nursing school, gain experience through trained professionals, and must constantly learn of new developments in the field while nurturing patients and vigilantly watching their health. Nursing appears to grant those working in the field a job that is both challenging and rewarding. So, where are all the males in the profession?

Men in the profession

The proportion of men to women nurses remains to be very unbalanced. In 1980, 2.7% of RNs were men and that percent rose to only 5.4% by 2000. The medical field has seen the increase in women doctors, yet the number of male nurses does not come close to that of women.

This was not always the case. Up until the 20th century, more than half of the people providing nursing services to the ill and injured were male. A dramatic shift occurred during the course of the early 20th century making the percentage of male RNs to be below 1% by the 1930s.

Flawed perceptions

Many laypeople and those with experience in the field attribute the lack of men in the field to the public image and misconceptions of being a nurse. Billboards, commercials, textbooks, and the gender of nursing teachers all aid in promoting ?feminine? image. Add fallacies about salaries, poor working conditions, and a limited amount of male role models, and we begin to see where the root of the diversion lies. The lexicon even seems to ameliorate the lopsidedness: A women is referred to as a ?nurse,? but a man is a ?male nurse.?

A new image?

The answer may be to reconstruct the image of a ?nurse.? People view nurses as caring, nurturing, and sensitive. These are exceptional attributes, but are generally referred to as being feminine. Some suggest altering the public perception with advertisements and suggestions that nursing is challenging, action-oriented, and fast-paced.

Still, others suggest that the compassionate, sensitive, and caring traits should be embraced by all people and not be misconstrued to describe one gender. Proponents believe it does take a certain person to become a nurse, but developing and exhibiting the nurturing side of one?s personality should not deter men from the field. Some feel these characteristics are ?positive? and to be revered, and not stereotyped as being ?feminine.?


Nurses (women and men alike) state nursing affords them a flexible schedule, good pay and benefits, job security, and an intrinsically rewarding feeling that you can not place a price upon. Those in the field believe that projecting all of the positive aspects of being a nurse should be more than enough to attract all people to the profession. It is not the profession that needs to change, but the outside perception of how important and noble the position is for everyone.

About the Author:

With over 25 years of experience in the Nursing Education field, Western Schools has now sold over 1 million ANCC accredited courses to nursing students across America. All courses are held up to strict, professional standards.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tips to Save You Time and Money When Investing

Here is some valuable and time saving real estate investing tips that will benifit you and most people which you may not be aware of . . .

Everyone?s reason for selling their property is different and the settlement time in which they want (or need) to sell can vary as well.

When a person is selling a property I like to find out what is their level of Motivation to Sell.

What you need to determine is that some vendors are motivated to sell and will look favourably on your offers in order to achieve a quick sale while others have higher and often unrealistic prices that will not be suitable for your investing needs.

What I would suggest is you focus on those who are motivated and spend less time on those who are not. Don?t ever take their rejection of your offer personally,

And please don?t let fear of rejection stop you from making any offers with any types of vendors.

You will quickly find the motivated vendors by making offers, always include a ?subject to? line included in your the offer. (Subject to Finance, Building inspection, etc)

Always treat the vendor as a businesses partner it is merely a transaction between both parties to achieve a satisfactory outcome.

Be polite and respect them, don?t try to burn them. Concentrate on their needs as well. There are always plenty of deals to be had.

If you treat people this way they will be more likely to want to do business with you. Sometimes they will often come back and take another look at your offer if they can?t get their asking price.

Remember there is always more than one way to skin a cat. I am an experienced and passionate investor. I buy typical mum and dad type houses that give me cash flow and capital growth. My website offers helpful tips and ideas for any type of investor to help you with your wealth creation. Using my site will help to prevent you falling into the traps the inexperienced investors do.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Las Vegas Mayor: Pro Team in Southern Nevada a 'Guarantee'

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to attend a Monday Night Football game live in Las Vegas? What would the NBA or NHL playoff experience bring to 'Sin City'? Or how about an Opening Day MLB start in the desert?

I can tell you exactly what it would be like. The back of your game ticket would be a scratch-off lottery game for lap dances and convertibles. There would be brilliantly lit slot machines in the bathroom stalls. At halftime, an opposing fan would be lowered into a cage and fed to a pair of white Bengal tigers. The vendors would be seven-foot mutants from Eastern Europe and the cheerleaders would be South American vixens. There would be midgets and clowns and a giant money tree that one lucky fan would get to shake at each home game.

It would be beautiful.

Las Vegas and a professional sports team are a natural fit. There are few things as American as the cultish pride, monetary excess and choreographed violence involved in pro athletics in this country. It's in our blood. It's our birthright. And America's Playground is the only city in the country that could possibly match that sort of frenzy and bacchanalia stride-for-stride.

The population of Las Vegas has tripled over the course of the last 20 years to 1.8 million, and it remains one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. Its economy pumps out a staggering $72 billion annually, with nearly 38 million tourists blowing through town each year and contributing their mortgage/retirement/child's college fund to that honey pot. If we assume three-fifths of all Las Vegas visitors are sports fans - a measurement the Founding Fathers would approve - that would yield a pool of roughly 24 million fans to draw from.

I've said before that just like Dallas is America's Team, I truly think that a team in Las Vegas would be the World's Team, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said. We really have the type of cosmopolitan people out here that would embrace the hometown team.

Goodman is an outspoken, martini-swilling, showgirl-loving Philadelphia native and the ace in the hole for the city's bid for pro sports. He is disarmingly honest, and has the guile and zeal one would expect from an attorney who used to defend such ruthless mobsters as Meyer Lansky and Anthony Spilotro. Goodman is on record in support of canings and thumb amputations as punishment, and has shown up in public surrounded by Elvis impersonators. Would you bet against him?

Goodman has lobbied and prodded owners and commissioners in all major sports to relocate or expand to his orgiastic oasis. Vegas currently hosts major events in boxing, NASCAR, Arena Football, Triple-A baseball and tennis. Also, the city locked up a bid to host the 2007 NBA All-Star Game. They will be the first non-NBA city to do so.

With the recent financial difficulties of pro sports franchises in Florida, Portland, Seattle, San Diego and New Orleans, the number of potential suitors for Las Vegas seems to be at its pinnacle. Goodman said that discussions have been eal hot with the NHL.

However, not everyone shares his optimism.

I believe Las Vegas will not be seriously considered until someone steps up and builds a new arena to host a team, said Jay Kornegay, executive director of the sportsbook at the Las Vegas Hilton. Right now it seems like Las Vegas is just being used as a pawn for some owners to strike deals around the country.

Sin City's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness when it comes to seducing a team into its hypnotic trance. The reason there isn't a team in Las Vegas already has little to do with being the 47th ranked television market, its lack of a state-of-the-art arena or its graveyard of defunct pro franchises since 1976. No, Las Vegas doesn't have a team today because it permits legalized gambling and is seen by some as a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.

It's true that gambling and hedonism are at the soul of Las Vegas. But that's what gives it such a unique relationship with Sports. Vegas is Switzerland with slot machines. The hometown loyalty is to the point spread and every precious edge that she provides. People there are fans of everyone and no one, with allegiance based on whoever provides the best opportunity for a payday. Sports fans in Las Vegas are mercenaries, bounty hunters and war profiteers. And it's unlikely that their attitude will ever change.

That is what strikes Fear into the rulers of the major sports. They are afraid of point-shaving or players consorting with criminal elements. They are scared of anything that could be viewed as a conflict of interest and their hard-line stance against gambling is done in an effort to preserve the integrity of the game. (That is, the integrity remaining after sham officiating, performance enhancing drugs and uneven distribution of wealth.)

Needless to say, this stance by owners and executives is the height of hypocrisy. Goodman stated that the NFL's public actions and outward opposition to gambling is he most disingenuous reasoning that he'd ever heard. He also believes there's already illegal gambling at live sporting events in most other sports.

There's more bets taken during an NBA basketball game at Madison Square Garden then there is on that game here, Goodman said. Think about it, you going to sit around watching 10 guys run up and down the court for two hours without some money going around? I didn't think so.

For my money, the owners and execs are the real criminals. They are vicious and vile, feasting on the flesh of children and old people. Just look at Al Davis. They loot the public treasury for a new stadium. They charge $8.50 for a beer. They claim their low-rent, second-rate organizations are perpetually ebuilding. They draft emotionally unstable and intellectually shallow children, get them hopped up on Potential and mescaline and turn them loose on society. Then the players are cut loose after they become multiple felons.

It's inconceivable that owners and league executives can pass judgment on Las Vegas or legalized professional gambling on the basis of some moral authority. They have more blood on their hands than most, and since they wouldn't resist the urges of greed and temptation they don't expect anyone else to either.

They don't realize the Nevada sports books and the league are on the same side, Kornegay said. We both want 'true' games. If anyone gets hurt on a crooked game it's the sports books. This is why we have so many policies, regulations and procedures to make sure the games stay true.

Someday they will realize that they need us a lot more than we need them, Goodman said of sports leagues.

The NHL and MLB have stated that if Las Vegas was awarded a franchise the casinos and books would have to agree not to take bets on the home team. This arrangement was a condition of hosting the NBA All-Star Game, and had been in place for UNLV and Nevada athletics until recently. The NBA has said that the books would have to agree not to take any action on any NBA games - period - before Las Vegas would be given its own team.

Over $2.5 billion was gambled through legal channels in Las Vegas in 2005. Nearly $400 million of that was on the NBA. Those are high stakes for casino owners and operators, especially since they form the backbone of the local economy but stand to gain little from the presence of a pro team. Also, what if Las Vegas were awarded an MLB team and it made the World Series, or if they got an NFL team and it played in the Super Bowl? There would be riots in the street and potentially billions of dollars lost.

Should Las Vegas have a pro sports team? Could it even handle one? We will see. But when asked what the odds of Las Vegas having a pro franchise by 2010 were, Goodman didn't hesitate: It's a guarantee.

Hmm. A guarantee in Vegas? If you're willing to buy that, I'm willing to bet that you'll be welcome in Sin City anytime.
About the Author

Check Doc's Sports site for daily sports betting articles, College Football Odds, NFL Odds, and Sportsbook Bonus info.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

How Clothes Look: Proper Under Garments Can Make All The Difference

The proper under garments can make all the difference in how your clothes look on you. In terms of panties, nothing is more unflattering than seeing panty lines under your slacks!! That's especially true in the summer when you can get a double whammy...actually seeing through light white pants as well as having the textural bulge that some underpants give!! I am a huge fan of thongs! For some people they take some getting used to and some are more comfortable than others. You'll have to try them and see how you feel.

They make visual and texturally bulging panty lines obsolete...great for your look in clothing. As for bras, it's a great idea to get your bra professionally fit!

This may sound a bit bizarre but there are great women out there who do this for a living in lingerie shops. You would be surprised at how many women walk around wearing the wrong bra size for years!! A bra too small around the back provides bulges that look ugly under sweaters or t shirts. Cups the wrong size result in bulging if too small and lumpy wrinkles and gathers if too big. Anyway, once you have the proper size, here are some things to look for.

Go for unadorned and seamless cups. (While lace and rosebuds are awfully pretty, they don't permit fabric to lay smoothly). I love the bras at Victoria's Secret that are unpadded but nonetheless have opaque, shaped cups like the demi bra. I recommend you take a look at their web site for some ideas or stop into one of their stores and try some different styles on. Here's tips...try the bra on and put your top back on to really see how it looks!

Own a variety of different bra more plunging, one with race backs, one with narrower straps, one strapless, etc because different tops and dresses call for different bra styles. Get a couple of the basic style and then one of each additional style should do it! You just never want your bra or its straps to show!

A pant suit is a great idea, and I would recommend that under it she wears a nice top that would show a bit of bust. I would suggest a suit with a jacket that is a bit tight around the waist and then loose to give her bust some shape, and straight trousers to make her look longer.

A nice top would be a wrap top to show her bust off. Another thing saw can wear is a top that is a bit long, say, reaching to her knee. Over a straight trouser. She can try to get a top that has some embroidery or jewels, or a hint of gold or silver colors to fit a wedding.

You have all the basic color slacks, three basic suits, some fun skirts and a wide variety of tops that should look really well with your bottoms. I'm at a loss for you not being able to make great outfits out of your pieces! You are probably just being too hard on yourself.

Victor Epand is an expert fashion consultant at

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Condo Hotels: What Investors Need to Know

Condo Hotel projects are on the rise. From skyscraper hotels to luxury resorts, condo hotels dot the landscape of popular vacation destinations, such as Florida and Las Vegas. And big hitter personalities like George Clooney and Donald Trump, wanting to capitalize on its popularity, can?t wait to attach their name to a condo hotel project. Even Nicky Hilton is jumping into the condo hotel craze. Her boutique style condotel, befittingly named Nicky O, opens this November in Miami, and she has plans for another condotel in Chicago.

But because a star is successful, does that assure his/her hotel will be, too? Steven Roszell, owner and broker of and, doesn?t quite think so. ?A big name on a project does not guarantee success,? says Roszell. ?Ivana Trump, George Clooney, Michael Jordan, and even the famed Hard Rock Las Vegas project are some of the most recent examples of scrapped projects.? Roszell cautions potential buyers not to invest in a condo hotel solely for its illustrious name. ?Big brands, such as Marriott, Hilton, and Four Seasons, and seasoned developers and management companies are a better indication of a project?s success. This is their business---they?ve been doing it for years,? Roszell adds.

The condo hotel?s location also does not predict its success. Orlando, the world?s top vacation destination, has reached its saturation point with condo hotels. ?It may come down to there is too much supply,? says Roszell. ?If investors buy with the intent of flipping the property to make a fast buck, the Orlando market may not be for them.? Roszell also adds, ?Investors anticipating a high rental income may need to rethink Orlando for the time being. There's potential for too much supply.

Roszell advises his clients to look at three factors when considering a condo hotel: location, growth, and future income. ?We tell investors that a condo hotel purchase is a lifestyle investment. Buy in locations where you want to vacation for the next 5 to 25 years.? Roszell also notes how condo hotels have become prevalent in major metropolitan cities, such as Boston, Chicago, and New York. ?There is a limited amount of prime location areas that can be built upon in these major cities, and in time it?ll be harder to get a room during peak season in those locations.?

Condo hotels or condotels are hotels that convert a portion of rooms into condominiums and make them available for purchase. Once a property is bought, owners may enjoy their new luxury condo and/or choose to rent it. Owners receive a percentage of any rental proceeds and hotel management takes care of maintenance and cleaning.

Steven Roszell is owner and operator of and and specializes in the sale of Lodging and Hospitality properties around the world. Based out of Denver, Colorado, Steve has been hailed by the Denver Business Journal as one of Colorado's Heavy Hitters.

Steven brings 15 years of real estate knowledge to his businesses. Being a licensed real estate broker in Colorado and Florida, Steven has been able to build a vast network with both real estate developers and owners. Throughout his career, he has worked with several high profile clients including Turnberry Associates, Millennium Partners, W Hotels, WCI Communities, Citibank, and the United States Government.

Steven lives near Boulder with his wife and three children.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Umbrella Strollers ? The Must Have!

Most parents go out and get that huge, expensive stroller that has everything a baby could possibly need on it. While this isn't a bad thing, sometimes it just isn't the best thing to haul around with you everywhere. The majority of these bigger strollers are just too bulky and don't open easy enough when you have screaming kids you are trying to control in a crowded parking lot. So what do you do?

You buy an umbrella stroller to keep in the car, that's what! These strollers are lightweight, cheap, and open with just the flick of your arm. Sure, they don't have four cup holders, and sure, they don't have a shopping cart underneath; but if you are in a hurry they can be a lifesaver.

Umbrella strollers generally range in price from ten to twenty dollars, and you can purchase them anywhere. They come in almost every color you can think of also, so you won't have to worry about having one that is just too ugly to show in public. These strollers slide easily into small spaces, like the floor board or the trunk, and are very lightweight, so you won't hurt your back or arms trying to pull them out of the car or closet and open them.

These strollers also have a very easy set up and fold down, generally this can even be done with one hand if needed. A small, red clip that is easy to see and lift is usually the only thing you will need to pull when folding up these type of strollers.

So, even if you have one of the larger, more expensive strollers, an umbrella stroller is just something that you cannot live without. They can be a lifesaver when you are in a hurry or just don't want to lug that big stroller out again.

About the Author:

Martha Mountjoy writes for a website filled with resources on baby strollers and running strollers.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Automobile Safety For Children


Automobile Safety For ChildrenSubmitted By: Schwebel Goetz & Sieben  

Automobile accidents are responsible for the injury or death or thousands of children and young adults each year. Many of these events could be prevented by proper use of seat belts and other safety features of cars.

Outside of a car, it is important for children to know how dangerous moving vehicles can be. When playing outside, never chase balls or other objects into the street without looking for traffic, and never run between parked cars into the street as it is hard for drivers to see over them. Teaching children these behaviors at a young age is an excellent way to prevent accidents in the future.

In the car, there are a set of effortless rules that new drivers and young passengers should always follow. The way to prevent most serious injuries is to simply always buckle up. Even if no one else in the car is wearing one and the trip is just around the block, it is important to wear one regardless. In a case like this, it wouldn?t hurt to insist that everyone else buckle up as well to ensure their safety.

When wearing a seatbelt, older children should be tall enough to sit without slouching with their feet on the floor. The lap-shoulder belt system will not fit most children until they are about 4?9? tall and weigh about 80 pounds. The lap portion of the belt should fit low and tight across the upper thighs, while the shoulder portion should fit over the shoulder and chest. Although it may be more comfortable, never put the shoulder belt under the arm or behind the back of the child.

Reckless behavior in and around automobiles is also a large contributor to the injury and death rate. Never stick arms, legs, or any other body part out of the window of a moving car. If another vehicle is passing too close it could cause serious injury. One of the most dangerous but easily preventable behaviors is drunk driving. Never try to drive after drinking, and never ride with anyone who has been drinking. It is important to always have a designated driver, or at least someone to keep keys hidden.

New and young drivers cause many of the accidents because they may have not yet learned how to handle a car properly, may drive at speeds to fast for the conditions, and are more likely to perform risky behaviors. Although they are commonly given a negative image, being a back-seat driver can save lives by telling a reckless driver to be more attentive or to slow down.

Concerning very young children, there is even more information to be aware of related to accidents and safety. Generally, the back seat is the safest place in a car accident, and any child under 12 years should ride there, especially if the vehicle has a passenger side are bag. Infants should be placed in rear facing car seats in the back seat until at least 1 year of age or around 20 lbs. Forward facing seats are acceptable after this point. In either case, always read the child restraint manual for proper and effective installation and use. It is recommended that children use a safety seat until at they are at least 40 pounds and then use a booster seat that will help the lap-shoulder system fit well.

It is important to remember that injury or death from an automobile accident can happen to anyone, not just children and younger drivers. Always promote safe behaviors near roads, behind the wheel, and also the lifesaving benefits of using safety belts and child safety seats correctly.

Copyright ? Schwebel Goetz and Sieben