Saturday, March 21, 2009

Poker Etiquette Key Points You Must Follow When Playing Poker

In poker, the best rule to follow is to treat your opponents as you would like to be treated. All other rules and principles originate from this one concept. Not only will your opponents appreciate your good intentions, but by following this concept and some other key points, you will feel like a more confident, knowledgeable and skilled player at the poker table.

The first rule of thumb is to be as polite as possible. You should always play the game like you are playing with your best friend, except without all the talking. Maybe a better person to imagine is your boss. If you imagine your opponents that way, you will avoid swearing and other inappropriate behaviour. This will also likely improve your game. Bad form can really damage even the best hands, as it is likely to distract you.

Never toss your chips. This is rude and it prevents other players and the dealer from counting your bet. You may be forced to place more chips if your bet cannot be determined. Always move your chips neatly toward the dealer.

Use appropriate language, especially when talking the dealer. It's not the dealer's fault when you receive bad cards and it's not his fault you're a bad player either. He or she is merely doing his or her job, which likely entails long hours and low wages, so treat him or her with respect.

Rely on the dealer if you don't know how to read your hand. This is especially important if you are an inexperienced player. Don't ask other players for help at the table. This is extremely bad form.

The general rule to follow is that for every one player, there is one hand. That means you should avoid giving other players advice about their hands. This is better for you and better for your opponents, because your motives and strategy cannot be questioned.

Think about tempo. It is bad form to play too slowly. It can cause your opponents and the dealer much frustration. It also makes the game less exciting and can cause your opponents to lose their cool and take it out on you. You shouldn't play slowly unless you want to get a bad reputation at the tables.

Even though you may want to, don't pocket your chips. It is in appropriate to mislead other players about how much money you have at the table. Even if your only motivation is to hide them from yourself, keep them on the table.

Play only when it is your turn. This means that you keep your poker face at all times, especially when it is not your hand. This includes not making folding gestures out of turn and refraining from betting out of turn. Failing to do this can give your opponents insider information.

You shouldn't eat at the poker table. Anything that adds clutter to the table should be avoided. And, eating can make the cards or chips needlessly greasy.

If you have the winning hand, don't delay. It is bad form to hold your hand back to gain suspense if you suspect you are the winner. It will be embarrassing for you if you have to be asked by the dealer.

Don't expose your cards during the game. This is a simple idea, but one to follow nonetheless.

And, one of the most important rules of etiquette is to be silent. Even if you've been dealt an awesome hand and the community cards only make it better, there is a chance someone else can beat you. You don't want to have to eat crow later. Also, don't comment on others' actions, previous hands or games, your hand, opponents' hands and any other time you consider speaking, really. Choose your words carefully. It can protect your hand and others' hands.
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