Saturday, November 29, 2008

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admin@todays-woman.nethttp://www.todays-woman.netRose is a published author and web columnist. She is also the founder of Today's Woman a supportive online community for men and women over 18. Their goal is to help writers succeed in the writing industry by offering a useful selection of services including author interviews, regular columns, interactive forums, and a place to share your writing for critique by your peers.

Source: www.isnare.comScreenwriting, Screenplays, Screenwriters - Writing A Screenplay Using StructureKal BishopEffective screenwriting relies on the good understanding and use of structure.

Inexperienced screenwriters may believe that structure inhibits creativity, but experienced writers know that following a template helps them to problem identify, generate ideas, select good ideas and develop them to reach that all important words-on-paper first draft structure is not a hindrance but an enhancer of creative output.

If doubts about structure still exist, then they are soon eliminated when screenplays are presented to decision makers for evaluation, writers soon learn that structure becomes an important part of the evaluation process.

A writer, through an individual and tortuous process of trial and error, may develop templates, or he or she may use one of the classic templates such as the Heros Journey. But a writer will rarely admit to the use of templates (it reduces the perception of originality) or he or she may be only mildly aware that they are following a process.

The Classic Heros Journey story structure template contains 106 sequences and more than 30 in the final act alone. It is an evolution of Campbells original model, containing only 17,18 or 19 sequences, depending on who the interpreter is.

There is a theory that there are only five jokes in the world. Similarly there is a theory that there is only one story in the world. An analyses of nearly all the stories produced by Hollywood bears this out from a certain perspective and the Heros Journey would be this universal template.

But from the one universal template are derived many descendants, and one of those is the NO WAY BUT DOWN story structure. In it, the anti-hero heads for self-destruction as a result of his own misdeeds and the betrayal of a shape shifter, allies and goddess et al. It is more exploratory of the darker side of human nature and behaviour and there are no happy endingsbut it still makes for a fascinating story.

The Classic Heros Journey and the No Way But Down story structure templates can be found at

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA

About the Author: Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached on

Source: www.isnare.comScreenwriting, Screenplays, Screenwriters Good Ideas For StoriesKal BishopThe principle for writing good screenplays begins with good idea generation and then the use of structure to extrapolate that idea into a coherent story.

Sources of Good Ideas

a) Ideas that push cultural boundaries work well. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, In the Heat of the Night, The Defiant Ones, On the Watefront and so on were all controversial in their time and still very watchable movies.

b) Ideas that tug at the emotions and arouse passions. Imagine the worst thing you would want to happen to you. What are you most embarrassing moments? What causes the most pain?

c) Cathartic events. Protagonists engage in conflict and challenge but the final act is always cathartic.

d) Aspirational and self-actualising events. Make the audience move toward their ideal selves.

e) Fantasy and escapism. Take the audience to a new place, we're tired of this world today.

f) Humour. What are the funniest, most ridiculous, most hypocritical, incongruous, bizarre, irrational moments of life.

g) Education and morality. Teach them something or show them how we should be.

h) Special people. Take us into the world of people we fear or admire. Show us the lives of people who have travelled to places we dare not or cannot go.

i) Romance and love. How sweet it is when we can get it.

j) Different people. Show us how different people live. Compare and contrast.

k) The power of the group. Show us how we are more intelligent, able and greater together than alone.

l) Ambition. Is it pleasure or poison. Does it fulfill or corrupt.

m) Friendship. How real are our friendships. Do we know who our real friends are. What happens when they betray us.

n) Intellectual cross pollination - search the media, information sources...

o) Simply choose a story and write a screenplay. Good ideas will come to you during the project - make sure you capture them.

Structural Templates

a)The classic template is the HEROS JOURNEY, consisting of 106 sequences with more than 30 in the final act.

The Heros journey can be reformed in an infinite number of ways:

b)The THREE KINGS, where the three rivals battle it out.

c)The LONE WOLF, where the Hero succeeds without he aid of allies, the Goddess or the Shape Shifter.

d)NO WAY BUT DOWN, where an anti-hero falls from grace and does not recover.

These topics are further discussed and Story Structure Templates and other Managing Creativity and Innovation products are available at

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA

About the Author: Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached on

Source: www.isnare.comScreenwriting, Screenplays, Screenwriters Incremental ProductivityKal BishopWhen attempting to understand Creativity and Innovation, it pays to import the vast range of research and knowledge that has been accumulated in these fields most of it is to be found in the field of Business and Management.

For example, Writers Block is intimately related to Organizational Culture the same principles that prevent people from generating ideas in the corporate workplace are also responsible for Writers Block - evaluation apprehension in its many forms. Another example, the principles that prevent screenwriters from getting their work successful commercialised are the same as those that prevent organisations successfully implementing innovation lack of access to decision makers and so on.

Consequently, the following is one area of Creativity and Innovation Management that can assist screenwriters.

Incremental Productivity

Whilst radical innovation is glamorised, the true hero is incremental innovation. In other words: sustained, smaller changes. Whilst a few radical innovations are the result of giant leaps, the vast majority result from incremental changes applied over long periods. This principle can be applied in a number of ways:

a) Rather than wait for the big idea, the chances of hitting on the big idea increase when writers engage in not so dynamic projects, develop their competencies, identify and solve problems in a regular and sustained way. We know this to be true because screenwriters tend to come up with their best ideas WHILST they are working on a project.

b) Artists often tinker with various concepts for long periods resulting in work that grows in distance, novelty and diversity from the original idea. That is until new knowledge causes the artist to leap onto a new concept, which is radically different from the original idea and grows further away in terms of distance, diversity and novelty it increases in radical nature. In other words, radical leaps are a product of incremental activity.

c) We often use the term think outside of the box. But what does it actually mean? Some of the most successful ideas have resulted from small changes that were originally just outside of the box. Take the low cost airline model of South West Airlines and EasyJet the only difference between the standard and their models is essentially price. They took the small notion of price and pushed it outside the box where it seemed impossible London to Spain for $30 was thinking outside the box at one time. Again, radical ideas result from small changes.

d) In the field of drama and improvisation, actors have found that the best ideas result from not trying to be original but being UNORIGINAL.

These are other topics are covered in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity and Innovation and the various Story Structure Templates and other products available at

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA

About the Author: Kal Bishop is a management consultant based in London, UK. He has consulted in the visual media and software industries and for clients such as Toshiba and Transport for London. He has led Improv, creativity and innovation workshops, exhibited artwork in San Francisco, Los Angeles and London and written a number of screenplays. He is a passionate traveller. He can be reached on

Source: www.isnare.comA Competitive And Cutthroat Look At WritingRose DesRochersLet me start by saying, humor that is hurtful or at the expense of other writers has no place in the writing industry. Board fights and flame wars do not belong in the writing community. This should be about writing. Online writing communities have become a cutthroat, often uncaring part of cyber world.

In order to succeed in writing, I've always believed that we must come together and help each other. I do not understand the attitude many writers have adopted of stabbing their fellow writer in the back. I've always looked at the other writing communities and other writers out there as a part of my community, rather than competitors. I don't pretend to know everything and though I run a writing community; I'm still learning like many of you. It is sad though that many writers don't share the same opinions as me. They would rather compete than bridge together. Am I the only voice saying, As a writers it is time we bridge together as one? It is time that we helped one another.

Some may be looking at our community of writers and thinking, I'm not going to join Today's Woman because it's too cutthroat and it won't be a community. It will be like the rest that I have joined. Well you are wrong because we are a community. The more I look at the bickering and flame wars on some of the other writing communities, I have found Todays Woman writing community to be very supportive. We're like a big happy family as opposed to some of the other communities, which are cutthroat and competitive or filled with trolls and writers insulting their fellow writers.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that we don't have some exceptionally warm, caring, and professional people who choose to submit their content to Most importantly don't let anyone tell you that you can not write. I've enjoyed working with and getting to know the members within my community , as well as so many others in the writing industry. Over the past two months I have met more authors and writers with simply no values or no morals. I have seen writing communities that were suppose to be there to help writers become infested with bickering, name calling and flame wars.

Don't let your career go down in flames. The reason is that your reputation speaks for you and you never have to badmouth anyone in order to make yourself look better. The way you carry yourself speaks volumes. Don't put your reputation on the line by getting into flame wars. I have learned that in writing your credibility is everything. I also want to thank my husband who gave me an important bit of advice he said, They are critiquing you not because there was anything wrong with your writing but it was because you wrote it. As a writer we should never second guess our writing because of what someone said. Professional writers will help you improve your writing not make fun of your writing.

Also don't ever belittle another writer to save your own behind. Recently I had the members of a well known writing community email another website, regarding one of my articles . They sent 43 complaints so that the editor of the website would remove it. One of the letters stated, The article contained many typos, and I didn't feel the author communicated her ideas very clearly. When I received wind of this I contacted the editor of the website and she replied, But I did receive no less than forty-three (43) emails complaining about the spelling errors and the grammatical problems. That's much higher than we are used to dealing with. We generally don't receive complaint emails. The members in the forum you pointed me to are now criticizing me and the quality of my sites. That should have been her first clue that this was nothing more than a witch hunt to get my article removed. Therefore she fed me to the witches instead of supporting me as a writer.

One of my own members recently submitted an article to me that had a few spelling and grammar errors. He and I worked together to improve the errors in his article. The article was very well written I might add. However that is what we do as writers, we help one another. Would it not of been better for that editor to point out that I had errors in my article and they would need to be fixed before she could publish it on her website?

To be a successful writer you need three things: Belief in yourself, a strong backbone and a good reputation. You can be the greatest writer ever but if you are in the market for backstabbing and getting into flame wars on message boards, then you might as well put up your notebook and pen and join a chat room. There you can let your fingers run aimlessly over the keyboard as much as you like.

I have gotten into enough flame wars on message boards defending my website reputation and my writing. I shouldn't need to defend my writing to anyone and neither should you. I realize that spelling and grammar may not be one of my best qualities however that is why we have editors. I appreciate nothing more than someone coming to me and pointing out in a polite manner that I have a spelling or grammar mistake. This way I may improve on the quality of my next article.

This is a cutthroat world and there are going to be those that tell you that you can't write and that your publishing company is a joke and they will take your most compassionate poem and make it resembles something they would wipe their butt with. I have learned you need one tough back bone in this cutthroat industry. I also have learned that the ones doing the insulting have no more of a reputation than you in this industry. They have gone with pod publishers or have never been published outside of the web or made some bad career choices regarding who they published with.

In closing some advice, you need to tell yourself I am a writer first and foremost and I'll be damned if I ever let anyone tell me different. To the 43 writers who felt it necessary to poke fun at some serious articles that I wrote all I can say is poke away. Some of those articles were on some serious issues, like keeping your child safe on the internet. While you are only questioning my grammar, spelling and the structure of my sentences; someone is reading my article and taking my important advice to heart. That same advice might just save their child's life. Belittle away if it makes you feel better. I write because I love to write and I have something to say. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it.

About the Author: Rose DesRochers, Canada http://www.todays-woman.netRose is a published author and web columnist. She is also the founder of Today's Woman a supportive online community for men and women over 18. Their goal is to help writers succeed in the writing industry by offering a useful selection of services including author interviews, regular columns, interactive forums, and a place to share your writing for critique by your peers.

Source: www.isnare.comFinding Meaning In Life: Three StepsIan WilliamsonSo how do we find meaning? The first step is through personal experiences experiences through something to which we are familiar and through someone we value. Develop your appreciation of beauty that is heightening your sensitivity to beauty such as in great art or wonders in nature. The most important of all these type of experiences is the love we feel toward each other. To love another and to demonstrate this to such an extent as to allow your beloved to develop and by doing this we will find that we develop meaning ourselves. Love is the highest purpose to which we can aspire.

Not to make the mistake of confusing sex with love. Sex can only be enjoyed fully when it is a physical expression of love. Maybe you will scoff but how many people do you know who are happy jumping from one bed to another.

A second step to meaning in your life is through creative values. Doing good, a good act toward a fellow human being do it and see how you feel afterwards. Live life to the full, but not becoming busy. We are all guilty of running around with no time to do anything at all! No, become involved in a methodical and purposeful way, have zest for life. Get a project to become involved with anything creative such as, music, writing, art. something inventive.

The third way is your attitude. As the great philosopher said it is better to treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Your attitude will bounce back to you. By going as far as dare I say not putting yourself first. We are all told to look after number one it is all about you does it feel good for you what do you get out of it. Think about it what would it be like if truly everyone thought only about themselves. A young couple about to get married they love each other do they put themselves first? No no they do not. However, give them a few years of marriage and both parties are unhappy because of me, myself and I. Do not forget your first love return to your first love and discover the meaning. The attitude you give out to others will have an effect on you. To be positive and see good in everything takes practice. Being positive is hard work however - negative thoughts will just happen all by themselves.

Always I say it is down to choice. We may feel we are victims in a situation buy you have a choice to stay in misery or do something about it and it starts with you, with the three steps above and not looking to other to blame. Meaning to your life will not just happen it is a choice you must make.

About the Author: Bethel is a community initiative putting others first that we may all benefit. is using tourism to fund the community projects. We are based in Arusha Northern Tanzania. Our primary focus is education of our young children and family health.

Source: www.isnare.comFinding Meaning In Life: Three Stepssuccess Or Failure: There Is No Such Thing As FailureIan WilliamsonThere is no such thing as failure only feedback we can learn from our failures. Do not let apparent failures beat you up, learn from them. As humans, we tend to be harder on ourselves than others are. A small child learning to walk never fails to get up and try and try and try until success is achieved. It is the same in life; every failure is a step closer to success.

Emotions are notoriously fickle: to let your emotions be your rule of success or failure is asking for trouble. Do not listen to your heart this is dangerous; you need to have advisors who are able to help direct you. No one succeeds alone always there is a strong team behind any success.

Your inner circle: Many successful men and women throughout history and up to the present day have a trusted an inner-circle of friends and advisors. Choose this inner-circle with great care and wisdom.

Choice: It is all down to choice. That is your attitude toward failure and success. Many of those who succeed have a track record littered with what we would call failures. They chose to learn from these and move toward their goal. The last of the human freedoms is to choose your attitude in whatever circumstance you may find yourself.

Ensue or pursuit? The more you aim for something the more likely you are to miss it. Put quite simply success must happen. This is why the successful entrepreneur makes it look easy they just let it happen. Do not care for success so much as following your principles, working toward the future and eventually success will be their with you precisely because you forgot to aim for it.

Get rich quick schemes: is not a recipe for success. These schemes usually do not deliver what they promise; at best they are a lie. To get rich slowly slowly is a much more stable road to tread.

Meaning in life is important. So how do we find meaning? See the article on So how do we find meaning?

About the Author: Bethel is a community initiative putting others first that we may all benefit. is using tourism to fund the community projects. We are based in Arusha Northern Tanzania. Our primary focus is education of our young children and family health.

Source: www.isnare.comHealthy Eating.Vanya AlexRecently I found the book: Eating and health according to the teaching work of The Master Peter Deunov. Ive never red something so simple and so senseful about the mans everyday healthy needs. Here are some of the most remarkable thoughts of The Master about the way you should eat. Some of these advises sound wired in nowadays, but I thing everyone could find something useful.

Eat after sun rise and before sun set

Too hot and too cold foods are not healthy, especially if you eat them one after another. In that case you will spoil your stomach and your teeth.

The hot food helps for the digestion, on the opposite - the cold food retards it.

Immediately after eating you must wash your mouth.

After you have finished eating you must not put anything in your mouth. Sudden adding of a new food brakes the chemical processes of the digestion.

It is extremely dangerous to eat too much or to eat late in the evening, before going to bed. With such a dinner your sleep is not complete, because digestion process is in full speed and together with it work and the rest of your organs - heart, kidneys

Who is Peter Deunov.

Peter Deunov (July 12, 1864 - December 27, 1944) also known as Beinsa Duono is the father of the Paneurhithmy.

Born near the Black Sea, he is the son of a Bulgarian Orthodox priest of singular devotion and vision. From 1888 to 1895 he studied medicine and theology in Boston, where he made a remarkable impression on those who knew him. Returning to his own country, he withdrew mainly into the mountains to prepare for his Divine Work.

In 1897 he began his teaching work and in 1898 issued a Call to My People. In 1900 he established the White Brotherhood, based on Divine Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, and Goodness. From then on he travelled throughout the country, teaching and healing, eventually establishing his base in Sofia, where a community gradually grew up around him and regular lectures were given. Annual congresses were held in August and continue to this day in the Rila mountains near the Seven Sacred Lakes. PanEuRhithmy was gradually given to the hundreds of people who camped there with him, inspired by his teaching and presence.

He passed over on the 27th of December 1944 leaving a following of 40,000 people. Since then his teachings have continued to be practiced, most notably the PanEuRhythmy which was first performed in secret during the following forty-five years of oppression which he had predicted, and now openly and worldwide because of its remarkable life-enhancing qualities and evolutionary potential.

In my next article I will continue with more helpful tips and advises from that remarkable man.

About the Author: Vanya Alex has been writing for - you can find her at:

Source: www.isnare.comLiving Life To The Full: 20 StepsIan Williamson1. Emotion: We are emotional creatures and as in all things avoid excess.

2. Do not hurry. Do not react to a situation whilst emotional. Always sleep on it for a day or two. A situation that needs to be settled immediately quite simply it does not. It can wait.

3. Set goals. We need something to look forward too

4. Trust: we are not islands we must trust others. The secret is in choosing ones inner circle wisely.

5. Let your hurts go: it is just easier that way.

6. Seek wise council. Never listen to your heart when making an important decision. This is allowing emotions to rule your life and it is dangerous.

7. Network: The secret to success is always who you know.

8. The more pressure you are under the slower you must go.

9. Expect and embrace change as it brings success.

10. Develop a thick skin in life but dont become hard

11. Live every day to its full potential this does not mean be as busy as possible think about it. There are times to do nothing can be the most productive.

12. Do not blame others for your calamities [do not whine it is not attractive

13. Live your own life and share it. Do not depend on other to live your life.

14. Find a soul mate with whom you can share you thoughts.

15. Look at your self first and do not be critical of others. It is our own weakness in others we find insufferable.

16. There is more to life than highs and lows. Dont live life jumping from one peak to the next or indeed from one valley to the next.

17. Respect yourself but be not proud. No one loves the self seeking and proud

18. Look inward for happiness and then share it with others

19. Do not allow miserable feelings into your heart take time to count your blessings.

20. Truly you place you own limitation and remember one persons weakness is anothers strength.

Choice. We can all choose. It is not about learning to be more positive. It is about choosing and then pursuing that choice. Happiness is a state of being not a goal to be achieved. Success can said to be the same. Do not aim for happiness the more you aim the more you will fail and miss the target. Happiness like success cannot be pursued it must be allowed to develop. Happiness must happen and the same is true of success.

About the Author: We are a non-profit making organization any additional information on the above is supplied through our website. We are a self help group, using tourism to change the community.

Source: www.isnare.comNature Vs Nurture Theories Of Personality In 21st CenturySaqib Ali AteelNature vs Nurture theories have wasted a lot of energy of human beings. Plato is considered first to realize that you are made of not only flesh but also an intellectual soul.

The issue may be much older...

In Greek Mythology, when gods created man, they endowed him with divinity. However, the man started challenging them. They feared his potentials and decided to deprive him of the might.

Where to hide the divinity? was the big question

They considered heights of icy mountains, limits of shining stars and pits of the earth. But every place was accessible to mans capabilities.

Then they decided to hide it within the man himself.

Since then the man has been climbing icy mountains. He has navigated deep seas. He has traversed moon. His machines have even touched Mars. But he is still looking for his lost paradise.

Man, it is inside you!

They call it personality now. It is scientific to ask how it comes into being. Is it inheritable? Is it natural? Is it outcome of environment? Have you any will to change your behaviors or you are bound to follow the dictates?

Nature vs Nurture theories focus upon these issues. The new discoveries in genome and quantum physics have revived the debate. Incidentally, more they discover, more they bewilder. The abstraction continues intensifying.

How to Define Nature VS Nurture Theories

There are three distinctive schools of thought.

1- Personality is Natural:

This group believes that your personality is result of evolutionary process. You inherit behaviors due to complex interaction of genes. They control your behaviors. So you dont have a free will to act otherwise.

2- Personality is Nurtured:

This group argues that you dont get your personality inherited. Your mind is a blank slate at your birth. It is your environment, education and culture that make up your behaviors. There are differences on the issue of free will to change your behaviors.

3- Personality is Spiritual:

This group claims that your personality is result of neither nature nor nurture. It is gift of some deity. They are split on the issue of free will.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Evolutionary Psychology
Darwins theory of evolution led William Hamilton, George Williams and many others to the idea of personality evolution. They proposed that like physical organs, your personality is result of natural selection for survival of the fittest. You do as your genes dictate.

They suggest that fear of death, fear of injury, fear of snakes, shyness, addiction, criminality and sexual orientation are main examples of inheritable behaviors. Steven Pinker (2004) includes religiousness, liberalism and conservativeness in the list. William Paley considers cognitive capabilities, temperaments and cheating behaviors inheritable.

However, there is strong criticism on this approach.

1- There is no single universal behavior which can be proved evolutionary. Even fear of death, that seems natural to all, is overridden in crusades, suicides and suicide bombings.

2- You are made of 25,000 to 30,000 genes. They are merely twice to the number in a fruit fly. Chimpanzees share 95% of your genetic characteristics. However, they dont share even 10% of your behaviors.

3- People dont differ in behaviors as they do differ in skin pigments. Extroverts, introverts, optimists, pessimists, criminals, liberals etc are found in all societies and cultures. Even identical twins (with 100% similar genes) and fraternal twins (with 50% similar genes) behave differently in most of the cases.

4- No genome scientist has related genes or a set of genes with any kind of behaviors.

5- There are a good number of living organisms and fossils which suggest intermediary stages to the physical evolution. However, no such intermediary stages are available for personality evolution.

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Physics

The discoveries in physics have always provided new meat to the nature vs nurture theories. The conclusions of Newton and Einstein helped the people to believe that future events can be predicted with the help of true knowledge of matter and natural laws. This led psychologists to suggest that your future behaviors can be predetermined. The whole mechanism of psychometrics follows this hypothesis.

However, quantum physics has changed the situation altogether. Evidence proves that you cant make two (almost) simultaneous measurements of observables correctly. For example:

1- Position and momentum of a particle

2- Position and direction of a particle

3- Time and frequency of a sound wave

4- Wavelength and magnitude of a sound wave

The list goes on...

The quantum physics has shaken determinism. So much so the scientists have to devise Heisenberg uncertainty principle which challenges that any physical event can be predicted precisely in time and space.

Do you think that particles are too small to affect big events?

Reconsider it.

What would happen if Hitler had died in his young age of cancer, which can occur with a slight genetic mutation?

Nature VS Nurture Theories and Reality

What was the first cause? Aristotle had asked centuries before

It has been proved that the universe is not result of infinite series of collaborating causes and events. There was a first event; the big bang just 13.7 billions year ago. What was its cause?

There can be only two answers:

1- There was no preceding cause, or

2- There was a first Causer

When you affirm the first statement, you agree that there might be other events which dont have preceding causes. The birth of personality is one of them.

However, if you agree with the second statement, then you are siding with the spiritual school of thought.

What About Environment?

It plays very important role in making of your behaviors. However, any behavior that you acquire is amendable. Secondly, it is not only environment that influences you, the vice versa is also true. You can count hundreds of names who influenced their environments, cultures and societies.

The best advice is to believe in your personality. Use your free will to develop and refine your behaviors. Utilize all out capabilities to collect small successes daily to build bigger one in future. Your way of thinking and style of doing shall determine your destination.

Meanwhile, let the counsels of nature vs nurture theories to continue with their confusing debates.

About the Author: Psychometrics? Some believe in them and others reject them altogether. However, reality lies in between. Saqib Ali Ateel unlocks secrets of personality, intelligence, aptitude and testing at

Source: www.isnare.comMake Your Eyewear Last Longer With Proper Care, Cleaning And RepairLukas RathswohlIf you wear any kind of eyeglasses, then you dont need to be told how expensive they can be. No, were not just talking about branded eyewear, but even un-branded eye glasses can cost a pretty penny, which is why it is important that you get the most out of every pair. To help you with just that, here are some useful tips for caring and cleaning your eyeglasses. In addition to regular care, we will also talk about some do-it-yourself methods for repairing your eyeglasses.

1) Cleaning Your Eyeglasses

Make it a point to clean your eyewear every day. Just simple soapy solution and some warm water will do the trick. This helps to rid your lenses of oily smudges and dusty deposits, which will not only increase the life of your glasses, but you will see a marked improvement in the quality of vision too.

Dont be one of those people who wipe their glasses when they are dry. This can leave unsightly scratches and marks on your glasses. Always remember to wet your eyewear before wiping it. In the absence of eyeglass cleaning solution, plain water will do just fine.

While on the subject of eyeglass cleaners, heres some useful information on them. Liquid eyeglass cleaners and eye glass cleaning boxes can make life much easier for you. Many kinds of eye glass cleaners are available in the markets, all of which are very easy to use. By utilizing such eye glass cleaners, cleaning your eyewear will no longer be a chore.

Isopropyl alcohol can do wonders for your eyeglasses and will leave your lenses looking shiny and clean. You just need to spray a little bit on your glasses and then gently wipe dry.

Another common mistake that many people make while cleaning their glasses is to use any type of cloth or even paper tissue to wipe their glasses. This is a big no-no. Tissue, towels, and regular cloth can harm your glasses and cause scratch marks. To avoid this, you should make use of special eyeglass cleaning cloth to wipe your eyewear.

2) Caring For Your Eyewear

Using, handling, and storing your eyeglasses properly; all are vital for proper care of your glasses. Heres how you can ensure just that:

Never remove your eyewear by holding just one of the ear rails. Removing your glasses with one hand should be avoided so that the ear rails maintain their shape and do not get bent or turned. Hold both the ear rails, one in each hand, and then remove your glasses carefully.

Once you have taken such care to remove your glasses, do not proceed to set them down any which way. Glasses should be folded and then put down with the lens side facing upwards. Never set your glasses down on their lenses as this can damage the pair.

If you are not going to be using your eyewear for some time, you should store them away. For temporary storage use your eyeglass holder, else use a protective eyeglass case to keep your glasses in. In addition to keeping your eyewear away from harm, an eyeglass case will also ensure that your eye glasses are always at hand and you do not have to look about in frustration for them.

Before keeping your glasses in their case, wrap a 100% cotton cloth around them so that they are better protected.

3) Using An Eyeglass Repair Kit

Although not all damage can be fixed with an eyeglass repair kit, there are many minor problems that can easily be corrected using such a kit. Some of the do-it-yourself repairs that you can do on your eyewear are:

A very common reason for eyeglasses to come apart is loose or missing screws. An eyeglass repair kit has various size screws that can easily be used to replace a missing one. And if a screw just happens to be loose, you can use the tools in the kit to tighten them and Voila! Your glasses are ready to go.

Another repair that can be performed using an eyeglass repair kit is that of broken hinges. If your metal hinge has broken off from the frame, you simply need to make use of some strong adhesive (available with the kit) and stick the hinge back in place. After cleaning the hinge and removing any old glue from it, you should dab a small amount of adhesive on both parts of the broken hinge and then press into place.

Your eyeglasses can get bent out of shape if the hinge becomes loose. If that seems to be the problem, you should use the set of pliers and gently bend the hinge back into as close to its original place as possible. This usually takes care of a lop-sided frame.

Thus, by following these simple tips for eyeglass caring, cleaning, and repair, you can ensure that your eyeglasses serve you for a long time.

About the Author: Lukas Rathswohl is the publisher of All About Eyeglasses,, your eyewear guide to help you choose, buy and maintain the right eyewear for you.

Source: www.isnare.comTop 6 Probems Of Bringing Your Workplace Into Your HomeCindy WarnerThis article will provide you with practical tips to help you keep your home life from invading your work!

You have great intentions to get as much done in as little time as possible but home life keeps invading your work.

To keep the home business running smoothly you and I face some problems that our colleagues who commute to work do not have to tackle.

Problem #1 You give in to the I cant get it all done mind set.

Delegate, delegate, delegate.

The best leaders are the ones who delegate. Dont think for a second that you can run your home, and run your business well without delegating.

You may need some help with the business, the kids, and the house. Realize when you do and then get the help you need.

Problem #2 - You cant mentally separate yourself from your home environment, because of that you cant get started or stay focused on your work.

Some people are good at shutting out distractions. If the sink is full of dishes, beds arent made and the house in disarray some people cant work.

Even if you dont have a separate room in your home for your business, do as much as you can do to make your work area separate.

Problem #3 What to do with the children when youre running a home business?

One of the rewards for having a home business is being close to the children but sometimes this can be a problem. Believe me it is possible to have both your kids and your business succeed without going crazy!

* Share responsibility with your spouse
* Pay older children to babysit the younger kids
* Exchange babysitting with a friend
* Hire outside help
* A family daycare
* Churches have mother's day out or preschool
* Live-in help

These are just a few ideas that may help keep your children busy long enough for you to finish that business project or make a few business calls.

Problem #4 You ignore your work because you find it to hard to switch between parenting and your business hat.

The important key here is to set hours for yourself and plan your work time. Some people may work best late at night when the kids are in bed. Whatever way you work best, you will be more productive if you schedule time each week to get your work done.

Problem #5 Outside events beyond your control can cause you to lose valuable work time. Neighbors drop by, the phone rings.

Its natural for people to cut into your time because you are in a home environment.

You can solve this problem by setting business hours. Also answering machines can solve the phone that rings all the time.

Problem #6 Talk too much with friends, always going to the refrigerator, or another way of saying itlacking in self-control.

Some home-workers discover some of the problems areas of working at home as snacking, sleeping in, watching TV, talking on the phone, and putting off doing things until later.

Acquire good habits from the beginning and learn to discipline yourself, which is much easier than breaking a bad habit once it begins.

It's also important to schedule snack/meal breaks.

Some of these problems are the same problems that keep you from enjoying your home life so you need to make a conscious decision to keep your home life from invading your business life.

About the Author: Cindy Warner, owner of an online bookstore, enjoys giving pratical tips that work and helping people start their own online business.

Source: www.isnare.comBushido In Daily Life 1Peter VermeerenIn this article we are going to take a close look at another of the virtues of Bushido. Something everybody wants and strives to obtain mostly by wrong means resulting in just the opposite.

I am talking about Rei (respect). Being respected oneself is a highly appraised virtue that not so many people nowadays achieve. 99% of the worlds population want to be respected and try to obtain this respect by different means like: buying it, enforcing it, begging for it but all of these means lead to the contrary. When we buy respect we will only have respect until the money is gone. When enforcing it the respect will have the face of fear and when begging we will be considered pitiful and loose all the respect we might have had.

A person is respected for his actions. This was true for the bushi of old and is equally true for the modern day bugei practitioner. There is an old Japanese saying that goes: One should always genteel in his speaking. A man shows his inmost self by only a single word.

This is very true. How many times we encountered a person on the street, in a park, in a corporate meeting, etcdressed in a 3 piece suit, who when opening his mouth resembled a garbage can? Insults, criticism and the like are telling more about yourself than it says about the person you insult. Your insults and criticism are based on your perception of this person and therefore subjective but they are a true reflection of your inner kamae, your posture inside.

Therefore we should reflect upon ourselves and evaluate the way we apply Rei in our lifes towards others. The Japanese bushi showed respect even towards their greatest of enemies and allowed them to commit seppuku and die with honour. If they could respect in such a way we too should make an effort in respecting others even though we dont agree with them. Respect doesnt mean we must agree with everything they tell us. On the contrary, it means standing for what we believe in with an open mind, ready to accept other peoples opinion if they prove right.

Only be being firm and acting correctly and in a coherent way we will receive respect from others. This has nothing to do with being powerful or highly skilled.

How does this translate to the Koryu Dojo?

The same way it does to normal life. By training and teaching in a coherent way. Accepting as instructors we dont know everything and admitting it when a student asks for something we dont know.

Helping our kohai in an efficient way without ridiculing them. Accepting the advice of Sempai without discussion. And off course following the rules of conduct to the letter. But this is not enough. I have seen students doing all of this and nevertheless they were respected but only to a limited amount. I think the most important thing to do to acquire respect is by doing whatever you do with a flower heart. Giving al you have to whoever wants to accept it and never be content with your own efforts. Strive to be more and along the way help others finding the same inspiration. I think this is the true way to respect.

The ultimate sign of respect is obtaining the honourable position of shihan. Shihan means example. A person who has reached such a high level of technical, mental and spiritual development that he is considered an example and inspiration for all others. In the Genbukan and KJJR dojos this level is obtained after completing the appropriate test when having reached the level of 7th dan. This test is conducted by Tanemura Sensei only and in private.

The examinee enters in a private room or dojo and will sit in seiza in the centre of the dojo. Soke will enter silently holding a true life blade (shinken) With no ki or kiai he will attack vertically and then horizontally to the head of the pupil. If he escapes without injury this person will be awarded the title of shihan. This is the level of the true master or shinan yaku.

To get to this level many years of hard work are required and many hardships to be suffered. But at the end you will be a highly respected master. Through the virtues of Kajo Waraku, and Kajo Chikusei every true deshi can acquire this level.

About the Author: Peter Vermeeren is a traditional martial arts teacher for over 30 year. His websites can be found here: and

Source: www.isnare.comDont Shoot The MessengerPaul MerrymanHave you ever heard the old saying, Dont Shoot the Messenger? So many times we have a tendency to react to people when they have the unfortunate job of bringing bad news.

Let me paint a picture for you! Quite some time ago I was at a Lexus dealership where I worked as a technician for several years. We had just moved all of our mechanical equipment into a brand new, state-of-the-art repair shop building. A couple of months later, we received word that they were going to paint the floor of our new shop at the end of the week.

When we got to work that Friday we spent all day moving heavy equipment, auto parts, tools, etc. out of the shop so the painters could come in and paint. We worked on this all morning and straight through to the afternoon. None of us stopped for lunch, because we knew that when we were done, we would be able to go home for the rest of the day. Well about 10 minutes after we finished, our boss walked out and said, The painters called and said that the moisture content in the floor is too high, and they wont be able to paint. Move everything back into the shop. Now, here is one of those situations in life where I could either respond reactively, or proactively.

Suppose I had responded reactively and I had start yelling, cursing and going on about what a rip-off it was. What if I had really let my boss have it? What do you think would happen? Well, first off all, he was my boss, so he could have fired me. Even if that didn't happen, he would, probably. have reacted in the same way I had. That would have caused a big fight that would have resulted in hurt feelings and damaged relationships. You know what else? After all that, the floor still wouldnt get painted! All the equipment would STILL need to be moved back.

You see, here at Front Porch Attitude, we believe there is a better, or HIGHER, way to respond to the things life brings our way. We believe that it is possible to stay cool, calm and collected! We believe that you should keep your head up and enjoy life no matter what it tosses our way. How do we know its possible? Because of the story I just told you. Because of the way I responded to the situation. While other employees were cussing, screaming, ranting and raving, I was enjoying life and I was living life as it was meant to be lived! Was I happy that I had to move all the equipment back again? Of course not! But I understood that all of that was out of my control. What WAS in my control, however, was how I treated the messenger. No relationships were hurt! No feelings were crushed! No fight ensued!

When you are faced with similar situations in life and you are tempted to respond reactively, just remember to do these three things:

Stop and look at the situation from the others person's point of view. Its possible that, if you were that other person, you just might have done the same thing that they did!

Remember, the messenger just delivered the message! He is not necessarily the one who created it!

Take the Higher Road. Sometimes, even though you have every right to be upset. DON'T! You are better than that.

About the Author: Paul Merryman is the vice-president of Higher Motivation, Inc. We are committed to creating family-friendly web pages with great content. We are people-driven and we serve customers throughout the world by providing them with the information they need to help them change their lives. - You can visit our blog at

Source: www.isnare.comWhat If Your Teenager Get Pregnant?Sara JamesonWhat if you received a letter from a 13 years old girl telling that she is pregnant? Her monthly period has stopped. She is so scared and not knows what to do. How do you react to her and what should you do to help her?

First, calm down yourself. If she is your daughter, your niece, cousins or your friends daughter or who ever they are try not to show disappointment. Try to be cool when you face such situation. You have to understand that its not easy for her to tell her personal problems with someone else.

You must talk with the girl face to face and understand what she is facing. This is a dramatic frightening moment for her, so not make it rough. Try to find out by yourself is she really pregnant or just afraid she might be. Buy her pregnancy test kit. Take her to doctor to do more test because the sooner youll know the truth, the sooner youll be able to deal with it.

She probably thought you are the only person she trust to solve her problem so dont get upset with her. If she is pregnant, her body is going to through a lot changes. You can consult her problem with doctors or go to Planned Parenthood clinic in your area.

Naturally, her bodies change. Her boobs get bigger, her tummies expand and her taste buds become fickle, taking her on a whirlwind from one craving to the next. She can change from a once slender girl into chubby girl.

Of course, morning sickness, which can happen at anytime during the day, is also a new change for the girl. Foods and even smells once she loved may not interest her no more. On top of that, she might face pimple outbreaks, exhaustion and sore feet and backs. And then there are the emotional and mental changes.

Obviously she is pregnant if you find those signs on the girl after her test prove that she is positive pregnant. So, you must get close near to her. She might feel lonely because she has to leave school and thinks that everybody hates her for what she did. Be a good friend of her.

Try to take her into the mom mindset so she can be more protective to herself. Encourage her that pregnant is a wonderful moment for a woman, and no need to be shamed of. So, she needs to protect her body by eating good nutrition food and having a lot of rest because this is for someones sake inside her.

Unless the girl dont want her partner to be closed to her, let her partner involved in helping her going through this difficult condition. If he is as young as her, maybe he can visit her amid his school days. Let them decide what best for them. But the most important things for you are to tell them that they still have future. Good luck

About the Author: Sara Jameson writes her experiences in The Very Happy Pregnancy: Avoiding Stress and Depression. Visit; and for more info.

Source: www.isnare.comAnnuity HelpTony BahuMany people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs.

For instance, let's say you were looking for a fixed annuity. If you work with an agent who has a bias towards variable annuities or gets paid more for selling variable annuities, you may end up with something that doesn't fit your needs. Also, if you end up with a banker or financial advisor who does not do a good job at addressing your financial needs and concerns, you may end up with the investment of the day instead of the investment that's right for you. And by the time you realize it, it may be too late.

So how do you get help with your annuity? First and foremost you must help yourself. What is really good is to take inventory of where you are currently and where you want to be. Look at your current investments and your goals. Take a snapshot of your financial situation. This may sound elementary but most people don't do it. But the key is to do it before you seek help from an outside source.

Look, the reason is simple. The more you know going in, the better the chance that you will get what you want. Doing your financial homework is a critical piece of getting the right help. A good financial advisor will ask you to help him understand you so you can help him to help you. This is crucial to your financial future. Getting help with your annuity or your investments means helping yourself first.

The most important aspect of this comes at the time you need to make a financial decision about your annuities or your investments. If you know what you want, you will be able to figure out what you don't want. For example, if you want safety of principal and the advisor offers you a variable annuity, you can easily say no because you know that won't fit your goals. Also, the opposite is true. If you don't know what you want, you may know what you don't want and that may be a good place to start.

The bottom line is annuity and investment help begins with yourself. Understand your financial situation, your time frames, your needs for liquidity, and your goals. The specific investments and annuities you will use to accomplish your goals will come second. The more you help yourself, the more likely it is you will end up with the right annuity. Good luck and remember...

Ignorance is not bliss...

About the Author: Tony Bahu is the author of the controversial document 'Annuities: The Shocking Truths Revealed.' Learn the secrets that Banks and Insurance Companies Don't Want You to Know. Find out what agents aren't telling you at

Source: www.isnare.comGrocery Shopping TipsKelly KennedyThe grocery store is full of delicious items that may all seem tempting to buy however use these tips to keep your costs down and not purchase more than you need.

Before Heading to the Grocery Store

Check to see what you already have so you don't buy more than you need.

Plan your spending to avoid impulse buys like candy bars at the checkout or unnecessary snacks.

Grow your own fruits, nuts, and veggies or make it yourself to save!

Prepare a menu list of items for the week based on the week's breakfast, lunch and dinners, around what you already have, and what's on sale.

If your local area has food co-ops, sign up! A food co-op can greatly reduce your weekly food bill by as much as 50%.

Shop for products before you run out of them. If you run out of an item the price might increase the next time you go to purchase it so buy it when the price is down.

Due to volume discounts, larger stores are generally cheaper than smaller ones so shop there for non-perishable items.

Avoid trips to the convenience store because prices are raised up.

Keep an ongoing grocery list during the week and take it when you go shopping and stick to it!

If you go to the supermarket early in the morning you might have a better chance of getting marked down items like fresh produce.

Shop alone so you get done fast and wont buy any additional items.

Don't shop for groceries on an empty stomach because you'll want to buy everything you are craving.

Clean out your refrigerator, so you can easily put your groceries away.

The best sales are on the front and back of your supermarket flyer so be sure to check it out.

While Shopping

Stick to your shopping list.

Ask for help rather than wasting time looking for items or better deals.

Meat is a good source of protein but it's costly. Cheese, poultry, eggs, peanut butter, dried peas, beans, lentils, and some fish are some great alternatives for less.

Buy whole chickens instead of just the breasts. Buying breasts separate is very expensive.

Buy locally grown foods; they are fresher, and more nutritious.

Shop the sales! Go to different grocery stores to get the best deals.

Most bargains are found on the higher and lower shelves. Look for store brand products not name brand.

Look for unadvertised specials.

Shop for items that you use regularly. Once you run out, you will have to pay whatever the supermarket charges and the price might have changed.

Stock up! If a product you use is on sale, buy as many as you can and store them to last you until the next sale.

Wait until the item goes on sale. If you study your products and stores, you can have enough to last until the item is discounted again.

Take advantage of your freezer and stock it with frozen or dairy items, such as cheese, butter and milk that are on sale.

Buy in bulk when the unit price is less. Packaged items do not always mean lower prices.

Just because an item is marked that it's on sale doesn't mean you are getting it for a lower than normal price so be sure to know your prices.

Use store savings cards.

Try generic or store brands. You can usually return it if you aren't happy.

Buy in season veggies and fruit.

Always check the expiration date on dairy products.

Convenience foods are more expensive. Prepare a meal the day before to save time instead of spending more on prepared foods.

Check the day old bread bin, and the reduced merchandise cart.

Ask for a rain check if an advertised special is out of stock. Look for more coupons for that product until it comes back in, you might save double!

Breads and rolls freeze very well so stock up at bread outlets.

After Shopping

Return any product that is spoiled.

Send out for rebates to get items free, or close to free!

Study the sales cycles of the stores you shop at, so you will know when to expect certain items to go on sale.

No store has the lowest price on all items; it will vary so be sure to investigate.

Watch as the clerk rings up your purchases and be sure to check your receipt. Lastly, make sure you have all your bags before leaving and empty your cart completely, don't forget underneath the cart if you used it for larger items.

About the Author: Kelly Kennedy writes for, a great online source for information about saving money and living the frugal life

Source: www.isnare.comLife Balance Coaching: Balance Work And Life Like A ProChristina Winsey-RuddCircumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise. --Samuel Lover

One of the most common complaints of clients who want life balance coaching is that their plate is fuller than full. From professional to business owner to home maker, having a quality life has become increasingly challenging. The demands of modern life often leave some people feeling dragged out and inadequate instead of personally empowered. Many people know intellectually that they cant give 100% to everything, yet still they have unreasonable expectations for themselves. As a result somethings gotta give, and usually, it is their self-care & personal fulfillment.

Is your development in career, relationships, or other life categories suffering because you take on too much? See if this sounds like something you might be saying to yourself. Life just seems to be whizzing by me, and I dont really feel as though Im spending enough quality time on the things that matter most to me. I worry a lot that Im going to somehow miss my life and then it will be over.

Lifes demands may not slow up any time soon, and learning life balance is an ongoing art. If you think one day you will get it all done, and then you can relax, you are bound to be disappointed.

So then how can we create an alternative to the demands of this fast-paced, over-busy society? Women and men alike want to insure that those things of greatest importance to them get the amount of attention they deserve.

While there arent always simple answers to a quality lifestyle in which balance reigns, here are some basic life management skills that our life balane coaching clients have found extremely helpful:

Number one: Identify the top four priority categories in your life that you want to balance (i.e., spirituality/personal development, family/relationship, career, personal care/health) and honestly assess how much time you give to each category.

Often, people have expectations of themselves that are unreasonable given the amount of time they actually have to devote to something. If, for example, you are giving only 50% of your time to a career, it is truly unreasonable to expect yourself to be a superstar in that category. But if kids and family are a top priority to you, giving only 50% to career is probably the most you could give and still have enough time and energy left over.

Number two: Write things down! Dont use your brain as your day planner. Doing so increases stress. Consider making five separate life balance to do lists. The first four lists correlate with your four top priority life categories (from our example above, one for spirituality/personal development, one for family/relationships, one for career/work and one for personal care/health). Then the fifth list would be for general to dos that dont fit into those top four categories.

From these lists make sure you schedule the important items in your priority categories first, before anything else makes it onto your calendar. As a result you wont have to worry whether youre making time for priorities. Then you can pick and choose from your general to do list which additional activities you may need to, have to or (actually want to), fit in. By the way, dont be afraid to use that good word no to any time-robbers you identify!

Number three: Practice being in the present moment only. Lets say youre always thinking about your endless pile of work at the office when youre home with the family. Fact is there is absolutely nothing you can do about those things on your desk. Worrying about it takes precious time and attention away from your priorities and increases your feelings of dissatisfaction about life.

It takes practice and some mental self-control to keep your attention on whats happening in the present moment, but this tip alone will bring huge rewards. When you savor the series of life moments one by one, you will find you dont feel as though youre missing out.

Be patient and loving with yourself, whether you apply the above tips yourself or integrate them into your life through Life Balance Coaching. Always remember, life balance is an ongoing process and it will throw you curve balls from time to time. The key to growth and personal fulfillment is to remember it is a process rather than an event. But with practice, you will find coming back to equilibrium gets quicker & easier. As a result, you will enjoy life more and have a more consistent experience of happiness.

About the Author: Through testing and intuition, Dr. Christina Winsey-Rudd (The I Can Doctor) helps clients make leaps in achievement, health, satisfaction and productivity when they make positive shifts in three life areas. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Most Powerful Health Beverage EverGeneration HealthI am about to tell you a story that is unlike any story you have ever heard. Guess what? IT IS TRUE!

There is a place in the world that is one of the most remote. A place that no one knew was being studied until 40 years had passed. Well; there are people that live in this region.

In the morning, when the sun rises above the mountains, these people wake up. With one exception. They wake up 100. 110, and yes, even 120 years old!

They also are healthy and full of life. One gentleman named Gabriel was featured in a major publication because he walked home up a hill everyday carrying a sack of potatoes. At 117! They have extraordinary vitality, their sexual energy is astounding! Their brains function sharp as a tack.

What do they do, how do they do this? Sexual Vitality? Physical Energy? No negative effects of Stress? What is the common link they all share?

If you were to open their veins, you would find they are very much the same as you and I, WITH ON BIG EXCEPTION! They have 4 very special compounds running through them! These compounds are unlike ANY on earth just like the people who use them.

A Russian scientist uncovered them, took them to his lab and isolated THE VERY SAME COMPOUNDS used by these incredible people to do incredible things.

Through a chance meeting he was introduced to Don Bodenbach CEO of Frutaiga.

The very same compounds FROM THIS AREA are now inside of a bottle called Frutaiga. Frutaiga tastes great and thousands of cases are arriving on doorsteps throughout America.

About the Author: Generation Health is a source for current information and products that affect you and your family's health from a holistic approach.

Source: www.isnare.comSenior Care For AlzheimersAlex JensenAs a person ages, a certain amount of memory loss and confusion is quite normal. Personally, Ive been known to invoke the clich, The older I get, the better I was! Unfortunately, Alzheimers disease represents a more serious loss of mental sharpness and calls for special care for seniors.

Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimers Disease is a progressive form of pre-senile dementia. Symptoms are typically first noted in a persons late forties or early fifties. As the disease takes effect, it will first impact memory. Impaired thought and speech will follow with the patient eventually becoming helpless.

Alzheimers is a truly horrible disease because it robs a person of their ability to function. The disease is also damaging to family and friends as it is very difficult to watch a parent, brother, sister or friend progress to the point where they dont recognize anyone. The burden of caring for a person suffering from Alzheimers is significant. At some point in time, a family will have to look for assistance with the care.

Most board and care and assisted living facilities are willing and capable of providing for a person suffering from Alzheimers. These facilities are similar to nursing homes, but with less of an institutional atmosphere. If, however, a senior becomes increasingly disoriented, perhaps even occasionally wandering away, they may require a facility with a dementia waiver.

Despite the name, a dementia waiver is an indication that a facility and staff have additional training and licensing for the care of patients with dementia. On top of the additional training, the actual facility may be secured with a perimeter to keep patients on the grounds.

Alzheimers disease leaves a mark on family and friends as well as the victim. There are, however, facility options that can at least take the care burden off of you.

About the Author: Alex Jensen is with - a free placement service for Southern California. Care Placement's staff can review your care requirements to determine whether skilled nursing care, assisted living facilities or board and care homes are a viable option for seniors.

Source: www.isnare.comThe Fountain Of YouthAndy CasasantaAging, a steady decline:
The History of the world is filled with stories of individuals trying to find eternal youth. Wealthy people going to private centers for magic elixirs. Many individuals taking megadoses of certain vitamins, drink green tea, use coenzyme Q10 etc, hoping to find the fountain of youth. Lets take a closer look and see what happens to our bodies as we age.

Time, our worst enemy:
Growth Hormone declines steadily at the age of 31 and at the rate of 14% per decade. Along with aging, we become vulnerable to diseases. Our ability to fight illness declines, the bodys ability to metabolize sugar, handle cholesterol, and clear the kidneys of toxins, becomes more and more difficult. Ultimately, the slow deadly disease of aging creeps in. As a person ages, hormone levels fall. Decreasing levels of certain hormones shows symptoms such as:

-gray hair
-wrinkly skin
-reduced skin thickness
-low sex drive
-weight gain
-bone or joint problems
-immune system weakens
-decreased muscle strength

These symptoms can be the possible result of, reduced Human Growth Hormone. Until age 21, Human Growth Hormone is abundant in the body being solely responsible for muscle building, bone growth, skin elasticity, increased energy, lean body mass, and sexual vigor.

Graying Hair
Gray hair is caused by the slowing production of melanin over time within the hair follicles. When this happens, the hair follicles produce less and less melanin, and the result is a loss of hair, color and strength.

The Skin
Hormonal breakdown and free radicals is the major contributor of skin aging because of the reduction of the body's Hormone production or lack of. Hormones such as Human Growth Hormone and testosterone are only produced in noticeable quantities up to the age of 20. These Hormones are responsible for physical fitness, regeneration and the immune system. Due to a declining Hormone level, the breakdown of organs, tissues and cells begins.

Another factor are free radicals. These are parts of molecules that are found in the Human Body. As a result of external factors such as ultraviolet light(too much sun), smoking or unhealthy eating habits, under these circumstances free radicals are inclined to react. Meaning that they are in search of other chemical substances to bond themselves with. Ultimately, the breakdown of the skin begins. The body protects itself against these aggressors with naturally occurring anti-oxidant's. Until you reach the age of twenty and onwards, this natural defense mechanism slowly declines, until eventually the skin can no longer defend itself.

What can be done about aging?
Well, about your actual age nothing, but could a healthier lifestyle, proper diet, or maybe vitamin and supplement intake, would that help turn back the aging clock? Is there something out there that could:

-Alleviate menopausal and premenstrual symptoms
-Reduce body fat
-Restore gray hair
-Increase energy
-increase sex drive enhancement in both men and women
-Restore the function of organs and glands
-Improve memory
-Improve vision
-Enhance one's spirits
-Stabilize blood pressure
-Enhance the immune system

Well quite possibly, there just might be! Read below...

About the Author: Andy Casasanta - The author of this article has devoted a portion of his life to health and well being for himself and others. All the subjects of his articles has effected his life in one way or another. Which has inspired him to create a tremendous health and pharmacy website. Save on all popular drugs such as Viagra, Lipitor, meridia, and hundreds more all for pennies on the dollar. Please visit:

Source: www.isnare.comAdult Continuing Education Is Healthy For YouIan McAllisterAdult continuing education is very practical. Seniors have several advantages over children.

* Better memory (truly!)
* Experience
* Fewer distractions

Better memory

Doctors thought that you couldn't grow new brain cells, so as old cells died you became more stupid. They now know that the more adult continuing education, the more new brain cells you get. You can even delay Alzheimer's disease by keeping your brain active.

But old people keep forgetting things! That's true, because what you remember best are startling, new, shocking things. To an old person it's a case of een there, done that. Nothing is new or shocking.

However, you often have to learn boring things, and there you have an advantage. Seniors trounced the kids in a test of memorizing meaningless words. My book about exams will show you how to make your adult continuing education more exciting, which cuts kid's advantage over your memory.


You learn from the known to the unknown. So it's logical that the more experience you have, the more you can think yes... that's right... it's just like... I am 65 years old now and I can say that my adult continuing education keeps getting easier because there are always relevant things in my experience.


You may have distractions at work still, but let's face it, are they really as obsessive as your teenage interests? You aren't going to have to choose between going out on a date and doing some study. You might have to choose between having a nap and study, but my book about exams shows a way round that problem. I'm using it right now!


Just as your three advantages apply to study, they apply to exams. Were you sick with nerves in your school exams? Your life-career depended on your performance. Now it would be nice to pass, but your experience tells you that you will survive failure, and land on your feet less nerves.

Unless children have wealthy or helpful parents they can't afford resources that you can afford. For instance, they can afford my free report on writing essays, but not my eBook about passing exams. If you live in a country with timed local phone calls, kids may not be able to do much research on the internet because it costs too much.

There are ways to become a lightning calculator and ways to develop a super memory, and you can afford them all. If you want to learn a language you can probably even afford to get a superlearning course that teaches you the language in only fifteen hours.

Why Adult Continuing Education

All right, you have advantages, but why should you bother with adult continuing education?
* Prevents brain deterioration
* Retraining for a new job
* Self employment

I've already covered the effect of study on the brain. You get new brain cells.

In modern times you can only expect to keep one job for a short time. You are going to need to retrain for your next job.

Self-employment. You can't be sacked if you are self-employed, but you can go broke. It is best to develop your home business part-time until it is earning you twice as much as your job. Then if you are retrenched from your job you won't care.

Then you won't need to worry about adult continuing education any more will you? Oops... you will need to keep learning even more when you have your own business. For instance, you are going to have to learn book-keeping unless you can afford an accountant to do the work. If you have to employ people, you will need to learn the laws that apply.

How should you learn?

I prefer to use a correspondence coursefor my adult continuing education, but the big advantage of attending classes is that you can get your questions answered instantly.

My book about exams shows you how to find answers on the internet. You will probably find lots of eBooks about what you want to learn. But will I ever see what I buy on the internet? may ask.

Think about it. How much more does it cost an eBook vendor to supply 100 eBooks than it costs for one? That's right... nothing! If it costs me nothing to supply an eBook, why should I try to rob you? I keep buying new eBooks myself and have never failed to get what I paid for. You can definitely get an adult continuing education online.

About the Author: Ian McAllister learned the excitement of writing half a century ago as an exam technique. Here he offers you a free report. Just click and start reading.

Source: www.isnare.comProduction And Pricing Of Craft Show ItemsNatalie GoyetteThis is where you can really make or break your craft show career. Being able to produce quality crafts as efficiently and affordably as possible is the key to making a tidy profit from craft shows.

How Production Evolves

How you handle production of your craft show items will evolve over time. Initially you may produce all your craft items alone. This will likely be the most cost effective way to start your craft show creations. As your business grows, you may decide it is best to find employees who can recreate your artistic flair so you can build more products and increase your overall revenue.

Time and experience will help you streamline your production cycle for maximum efficiency. You'll learn as you go how long it takes to produce your craft show items, how long to allow for drying, setting or baking, what quantity of supplies you need for a certain amount of inventory and how much inventory you'll need for a one-day craft show. Basically, you are going to get better and smarter about how to build your craft show items so you can maximize the profit!

Always have some form of quality control if you're working alone, such as a friend or family member checking your crafts for sturdiness, appearance, etc. If you make jewelry, have someone else try on a necklace to make sure the clasp works, it doesn't fall apart while putting it on and that you are pleased with the appearance. If you have put a frame around a small painting, ensure the frames sturdiness, so your craft customer isnt disappointed when it falls apart. Think about how you will transport your products during the production process, making them sturdy enough to travel or finding strong packing materials through your suppliers.

Over the years, your products will evolve as you make modifications to existing designs and add new products. With feedback from customers and keeping abreast of current trends, as well as developing new skills and interests, you'll probably add new products and remove slower-moving ones. As soon as you see a steady decline in sales, consider dropping the productdon't get attached, this is business. You can always use slower products as bonuses, gift items or for raffle drawings or donations.


The crucial question about pricing is: How do I price my craft show products for the best resultsgood sales and good profit? Can I have both? You may fear that if your prices are too low, you could incur the wrath of your competitors or make less profit. If your prices are too high, your sales will drop. The right price is one of the most significant factors in contributing to your success or failureand one of the most difficult factors to decide upon.

There are several schools of thought on how to arrive at the best price for your work. Again, time and experience will be your best guides. It is easy enough to raise or lower your price with each craft show you attend and eventually find the best fit. You may even find yourself changing prices at different craft shows as you learn the shopping patterns of your customers. If someone seems interested then walks away, ask them why they didn't buy and if they say price, ask what they would be willing to pay. If you get the same information repeated several times, it's an indication of what customers are willing to payat least at that craft show!

Although you need to test your prices, don't make drastic price adjustments in the same weekend, as customers may complain. Make smaller adjustments in different towns based on craft show results and customer feedback. Sometimes the difference in improving your sales can be as small as $1.00, such as lowering a $12.00 item to $10.99. And sometimes selling fewer items at higher prices can be more profitable in the long run.

Take time to consider your price carefully. Consider cost of supplies and labor, craft show fees, transportation and other expenses involved. The efficiency of your production will also have an impact on how much profit you can make from your craft show items, and ultimately both will determine your success on the craft show circuit!

About the Author: Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best selling ebook: Craft Show Success Secrets. Visit her site:

Source: www.isnare.com10 Slam-Dunk Crafts For Little Kids -- And Bigger Kids Too!Chris YatesCrafting with young children really isn't about creating something in particular. Most young children don't have the foresight to see what a project is going to be.

For young children it's more important that they have the opportunity to play and experiment with art. Kids need to use as many of their senses as possible to get the most out of crafting. This allow them to try new sensory experiences, as well as learn causal relationships.

These are my 10 favorite crafts for little kids based on all that AND the 'fun factor.'

1. Finger painting: Finger painting is a wonderful activity for kids. It lets them 'feel' the craft as well as be creative. You don't have to have finger paints to do this activity with kids. You can finger paint with homemade paint, watercolors or even mud. You can also experiment with adding
other things to the paint such as sand or glitter.

2. Yarn Painting: Dip pieces of string or yarn into paint and then drag it across the paper to paint with it. It's a good experience to paint with something other than a brush and you can just throw the yarn away when finished.

3. Q-Tip Painting: Use Q-tips to create a painting. There are lots of ways to use a Q-tip - scrub, dot, or use it like a brush. It's a good coordination exercise because Q-tips are small around, but it also provides a lot of interest for the child.

4. Glue Art: Draw squiggle lines on a piece of paper or let the child use their finger to make random glue spots or patterns on a piece of paper. Experiment with adding different objects to the glue. Sand, glitter, cotton, yarn, feathers, and tissue paper all work well.

5. Salt Dough Sculpture: Make a batch of salt dough and turn the kids loose with it. You don't have to worry about them eating it (it's safe and tastes terrible) and clean up is easier than play dough. If you want to keep their creations, let them dry overnight and then paint them the next day.

6. Toe Painting: If it's a warm summer day, put on the swimsuits, put some finger paint into pie tins, lay out large sheets of poster paper, and let them 'paint' all afternoon. They will have a ball and all you have to do is hose them off when they are done (that's my kids' favorite part actually!)

7. Found Object Art: This project is always a sure thing because kids love to 'discover' things. Let your child gather up leaves, sticks, flowers, etc. and then glue them onto a piece of paper. When they are done, let them tell you about their collection.

8. Peanut Pictures: Every kid loves to play with packing peanuts -- but it makes such a mess. Let them create pictures with them instead. Kids can draw on them, glue them to a sheet of paper, or glue the peanuts to each other to make a sculpture. The kids will love it!

9. Sticker Play: Turn your child loose with a bunch of stickers, markers, and a sheet of paper and let them create. It's good for little ones to work on their coordination, and it's fun!

10. Stamping: Kids love to use any kind of stamps. My favorites are the self-inking stamps or the double-sided markers with the stamps on one end. This may sound like pure play, but is also teaches young children cause and effect.

About the Author: Chris Yates makes it Easy to craft with Little Kids and Create a little Magic Time with Hundreds of project ideas. Visit Now!

Source: www.isnare.comThe Beauty Of An Abstract PaintingJay MoncliffHave you ever been to an art museum and looked at an abstract painting? Did you find yourself asking what was this artist thinking when he created this abstract painting? What on earth is an abstract painting? Maybe you are just wondering where the art of abstract painting came from. If you find yourself asking these questions then perhaps it is time you learn about the beauty of an abstract paining.

The art of abstract painting began a very long time ago. Artists began this art several hundred years ago. In fact, you have probably seen some of the more famous abstract paintings before. You may recall a famous abstract painting created by Van Gogh. Picasso also had an abstract painting or two as well. Modigliani is also known for his abstract painting work. Because of these artists, and many others, the art of abstract painting has gained popularity in the modern world.

Now what exactly is an abstract painting? An abstract painting is defined in many ways. First off, an abstract painting does not depict reality like traditional paintings. In the beginning, most art was depicting a photographic or realistic expression of someone or something. But an abstract painting does not do this. The definition of an abstract painting is that an abstract painting does not depict objects in the natural world. Rather, an abstract painting uses colors and shapes in a non-representing and nonobjective manner. It can be of anyone, anything, or just nothing at all.

You can easily see this when you look at an abstract painting. An abstract painting has bold, bright, and vivid colors. An abstract painting also has many biometric shapes that are used with the bold colors to make the artwork stand out. It is both strange and beautiful to look at an abstract painting.

In the 1940's a movement called Abstract Expressionism was started. This movement was started to show the freedom of an artist's expression and to push the art of abstract painting. It was started in New York in a school that also called it Action Painting. This school was one of the first American schools that declared its independence from the European style of artwork. They liked to think of their art as a form of spiritual and intellectual art. This then further pushed the art of abstract painting.

Now that you know the history of the art of abstract painting you may come to understand it better. It is important to appreciate all forms of art, including the odd art of an abstract painting. You may find yourself wanting to get a piece of this artwork for yourself. It is truly an interesting thing to look at.

About the Author: Jay Moncliff is the founder of a blog focusing on the Painting, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on paintings. For more info on paintings visit:

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Paint A Design On Leather GoodsDwain BerlinSometimes your leather goods need a little help and you've got the urge to dye or paint it. With dye it's pretty straight forward, but if you want to paint it there's a little more involved to make it look good.

Whenever you are attempting a project like this, always test it out on a scrap piece first. When using different pigments, be sure to let one dry before adding the next color.

What to Use

Use water-based acrylic paints designed for leather because they are more flexible than ordinary acrylics. If painting the entire surface of the leather, check to see if your leather goods are vegetable-dyed, as they absorb the paint better than leather goods tanned by other methods.

Not sure if the leather goods are vegetable-dyed? Test a scrap piece to see how well it absorbs the paint.

What to Do

Begin by cleaning the leather goods, using a solution of one ounce of leather bleach to one pint of water, applying the solution with a soft brush or wool dauber. You can also lightly sponge the leather with water prior to painting in order to ensure a more even absorption of color. Don't soaked it, just get it damp.

Applying the Paint

You can paint over a large area of the leather goods or just a small part for highlighting effects. If you want to do the former, paint over the leather first with a water-diluted solution of the paint. In this way, you'll prepare the surface of the leather goods to receive the undiluted paint.

Use one part paint and one part water, and apply in broad, even strokes with a wool dauber. Add more water if the leather is not absorbing the solution, and more paint if the color is not showing sufficiently. Two coats of the solution should be applied, leaving sufficient time between coats for the paint to be absorbed but for the leather to still be somewhat damp and not dry. Try this out first on a scrap piece of leather and take your time.

Applying Undiluted Paint

Now its time to apply the undiluted paint using a brush or wool dauber, and broad even strokes. For small areas that you wish to highlight, use undiluted paint and a small paintbrush. To prevent the paint from cracking, its important to flex the leather goods throughout the drying process. Do this between coats of paint as well.

Using an Airbrush

Another option when applying paint is to use an airbrush. A double action airbrush allows you to control the flow of the paint and the air with one finger and avoids the initial blob of paint emerging with a single-action airbrush. You can strain the paint to remove any flecks by using a piece of pantyhose. If you over spray, acrylic paint can be easily removed while it is still damp.

Tools to Use

* Water-based acrylic paints
* Leather bleach
* Wool dauber
* Paint brushes or airbrush


* Vegetable-dyed leather goods and water-based acrylic paints work best
* Clean the leather goods with a solution of water and leather bleach
* Apply two coats of water-diluted paint, with sufficient time between coats for the paint to be absorbed
* Apply undiluted paint

About the Author: *** Hey! Need To Know More About Leather? *** Here's How to Get Your Answers Quick and Easy Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Earn A Great Living As A Craft Fair ArtistSteven PopkinEver walk through a craft fair and say, I could do that. Ever hear someone say you should sell your stuff? Admit it you wish that you could make a living doing the thing that you love doing the mostyour craft. I understand exactly how you feel because I used to feel exactly the same way.

I longed to make a living as an artist but I held myself back. Fearful and intimated of putting myself out there, I ignored my dreams. Fortunately, someone pushed me right into my business. I participated in a charity event as a favor to my wife and her friends. During that event a woman came up and invited me to participate in a craft show which was going to take place just before the holidays. Anxious to begin a business, I agreed.

Not long thereafter my dream of earning a living as an artist came true. Let me share with you some secrets that will make your next craft show a success!

First, do your research. I recommend purchasing a trade magazine called Where the Shows Are. You will find all of the art and craft shows listed in this publication. More importantly, artists that attended the craft show in previous years share their insights and reviews of the previous year shows. These artists discuss the types of items that sold well, what price point did well, and rate if they would attend the show again. Find the show that matches your work!

Next, determine the demographics of the show. Who attends? Look at the location of the show. The majority of people attending will come from that area. Is the show located in a middle class community? I recommend displaying work under the $500.00 level. Is the show located in a very high end or ritzy neighborhood? Make sure that you display and price craft work that matches this buyer. Avoid diminishing the worth of your craft by selling it too cheap! Use the demographics to understand the perception of the buyer.

I always recommend producing items at all different price points. Don't ignore the power of the lower priced items. A lower priced item allows people to easily purchase from you and increases the amount of multiple piece sales.

Educate your customer! Share with them the other potential uses of your craft. Be creative, expand the possibilities and expand the amount of people that will buy from you. Give suggestions on other uses for your work. For instance, I've sold a glass platter to one customer that another purchased as a glass wall sculpture whereas someone else became the proud owner of a glass centerpiece. It's all the same piece of art, but every buyer made a purchase unique to their needs.

Another secret strategy to a successful craft show - network with other artists. Before the show begins, usually during the time when everyone is setting up, introduce yourself to non competing artists and let them know that you will be happy to refer people to their booths for their line of work, and in exchange you would like them to do the same for you. Consider working out a commission for any buyer that comes to your booth referred by another artist. This little known strategy will surely put many more dollars into your pocket.

If you would like additional strategies on how to maximize your profits at craft shows, visit for my free e-course on how to sell your artwork for maximum profits.

Make your dream of earning your living as an artist come true today!

About the Author: Steve Popkin, a veteran glass artist, makes it easy for artists to become successful. Learn the secrets most artists and craftsmen will never know about selling artwork in his complimentary e-course just visit

Source: www.isnare.comFinding The Perfect StoneDarren ThorsonYou're finally off to the stone yard/ showroom to pick out your stone. But, what exactly are you looking for? How do you know which stone is a good stone? Here's a quick guide to help you find that perfect stone!

One of the first things you are going to want to do is check the surface of the stone. Some stones polish smooth while others have dimples, pitting, or fissures running through them. Run your hands over the stone and use a flashlight to check the character of the stone. Being a natural product, fissures and dimples aren't a bad thing. They are characteristics of the stone. But, is it a characteristic you like?

Also under good light, check for fractures or deep long lines and scratches that are running through the stone. These may weaken the stone or cause it to break. Sometimes fissures can be cut around. If you have any questions on a particular stone, call your fabricator and get his opinion.

Look for blemishes in the stone. Strange swirls or large masses may be an eyesore to you and a selling point to me. Look over the entire slab and choose a stone based on what is visually appealing to you.

Your fabricator will have let you know how many slabs you need. If you need more than one, make sure the slabs have consecutive numbers. This just tells you that the slabs are from the same block in the same quarry. Slabs from different

areas in the same quarry can vary dramatically. Once you choose your stone, you have the slab(s) put on hold. It's a good idea to have them hold an extra slab or two for you. Make sure you are VERY CLEAR at the showroom about the slabs you want held.

You may want to find out how expensive the stone is. Most showrooms will not give you exact pricing but they will tell you if it's in the high or low range. The blue stones are absolutely beautiful and tend to be in the high range. Any uniques also tend to be priced higher. Bring along your cell phone with your fabricators number so you can get the price per square foot on a particular stone.

So, which stone is the best stone? It's simply the stone with the perfect color, pattern, price, and characteristics for you.

About the Author: Darren fabricates and installs natural stone. He is also co-author of, a site dedicated to helping homeowners choose natural stone. For tips, hints, and ideas every month, go to

Source: www.isnare.comAbout SoapstoneDarren ThorsonSoapstone is soft and warm to the touch. I's smooth, slippery, and silky. It is a traditional and old fashioned natural stone. The look is warm and inviting. Charming, rustic, and rich looking yet versatile enough to fit comfortably within the modern home. Soapstone has been used for centuries in our homes. It's also the countertop of choice in our science labs. This is a simple and subtle stone which conveys grounding and harmony. It truly emits old world charm.

Soapstone is a siliceous natural stone which consists mainly of talc and chlorite. There are actually two types of soapstone. The artistic soapstone which is used for carvings and sculptures contains a higher talc content. The other type of soapstone, also known as steatite, is used for architectural purposes. Soapstone is used for countertops, sinks, and vanities. Architectural soapstone contains a lesser amount of talc. The more talc the stone contains, the softer the stone.

Since it is a siliceous stone, it is unaffected by acids such as wine, lemons, and vinegar. Special cleaners aren't required either. Any household cleaner will do. This is a very dense stone. Soapstone weighs an average of 20 lbs. per square foot! It is a non-porous stone and will not absorb liquids and stains like other natural stones will.

It is also heat resistant. Setting a hot pot of noodles on your soapstone countertop won't scorch or burn it. In fact, some cookware is made of soapstone.

If you should put in a soapstone counter top, you wouldn't want to cut on it. Soapstone is very soft. It's so soft it can be almost be scratched with a fingernail. Over time, the edges will soften and you'll start to see small nicks, scratches, and indentations. If you like the aged antique look, the patina of this natural stone might be perfect for you. It will age gradually and gracefully. If you don't care for all the small nicks and scratches, a little mineral oil or a light sanding will smooth out the stone.

So, what is soapstone used for? It has a variety of uses. It's best known for it's heat retention. Soapstone is used extensively for fireplace hearths, wood stoves, masonry fireplaces, fireplace liners, and pizza ovens. It's also used for sinks, countertops, island tops, sills, flooring, and shower stalls. It's used for mixing bowls, carvings, sculptures, benches, and planters. It comes in slabs (large pieces/blocks of stone) or tiles. This is a soft stone which is very easy to carve and work with. Let your imagination flow.....

The colors of soapstone are rich and beautiful. They convey calmness. From ash gray to smoky blue-grays to a rich charcoal black. Some stones have flecks of green and blue and contrasting veins twisting throughout the stone. Mineral oil is used to enhance and deepen the color. The stone color becomes more dramatic. Mineral oil also helps to darken the stone evenly and bring out the natural beauty of the stone. The use of mineral oil isn't mandatory. Soapstone will eventually take on its own patina with time and use. It will darken with age. Usually it takes about a year to realize the full depth of color of your soapstone.

It is available in a honed or matte finish. Since it is a soft stone, a polished or shiny finish is unavailable.

Soapstone will last many lifetimes if treated with care. It will develop it's own unique patina based on you and your lifestyle. It is a soft stone, softer than other natural stones. But, it doesn't burn, it isn't porous, it won't stain, and acids won't etch it. Soapstone care is also minimal. If you want to achieve a traditional rustic look, soapstone may be your answer.

About the Author: Darren fabricates and installs natural stone. He is also co-author of, a site dedicated to helping homeowners choose natural stone. For tips, hints, and ideas every month, go to

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Make A Leather WalletDwain BerlinI suppose if you search far and wide enough you could find the pattern to make a leather wallet from scratch, but why go to all that bother? If you don't get the holes lines up perfectly and each piece cut just right, it'll be a mess. Leather wallet kits are made in bulk, precision cut by machine.

Leather Wallet Kits

If you've been curious about making a leather wallet, it's much easier than you think. Buy yourself a leather wallet kit and you're off to the races. has a great selection of leather wallet kits, and practically anything you can imagine in leather crafts. A quick search online for leather wallet kit will give you lots to choose from.

There are tons of pre-stamped designs to choose from, so you should be able to find something to match the leather wallet theme you're looking for. Some designs even come with a blank area to let you stamp your name on it.

If you want to design the cover of the leather wallet by hand, you'll need a few tools and an idea of how to stamp the pattern. If this is your first time, you might want to talk to somebody about which tools to start with. There are a lot of stamping tools available, but you only need a few to get started.

Here's a quick how to guide to give you some ideas.

Preparing The Leather Wallet Cover

The ideal condition for stamping is leather that has been wetted, and then dried until it is cool to the touch. Success depends upon accurate placement of the stamp, and correct pounding of the mallet. A lighter mallet works best on small, delicate impressions and gives more control than a heavier version. Sharp blows leave a nice, crisp impression in the leather.

The leather should be a darker brown color at the bottom of the impression. Make sure you hold the stamp firmly on the leather so that it doesnt wiggle when youre pounding it. Practice makes perfect here, like anything else in leather working, do some samples first and get a feel for how much pressure you need to exert with the mallet.

The leather wallet cover you get in the kit is thick enough to make leather wallets that are quite attractive with the embellishment of various stamps. Seal the leather wallet or any other small leather items you might want to make with Super Sheen leather sealer for a protective barrier that protects against moisture and stains.

Stamping the Leather Wallet Cover

You simply wet the leather, place alignment marks on the leather so that you know where to place the stamp, and then pound the design of the stamp into the leather. Use the skin side of the leather for stamping rather than the flesh side. Try out your stamping skills out on a scrap piece of leather first to get a feel for it.

Tools to Use

* Stamp
* Mallet (lighter for more delicate stamps)
* Board on which to pound the leather


* After wetting, make sure the leather is allowed to dry until just cool to the touch
* Position the stamp over the leather exactly where you want it
* Hold the stamp firmly when pounding with the mallet
* Use sharp blows of the mallet for crisp results

About the Author: Jake's love of leather and the constant questions drove him to write everything down. Now he just hands out business cards with his website on it. Too Easy! *** Hey! Need To Know More About Leather? *** Here's How to Get Your Answers Quick and Easy Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comInuit Eskimo Art Sculptures Of Arctic Polar BearsClint LeungThe Inuit Eskimo people of the Arctic use their keen observations of their wildlife surroundings to help choose which subjects to portray in their artwork. Pretty well all sorts of Arctic wildlife including seals, walruses, birds and whales are represented in Inuit Eskimo art sculptures. The most popular Arctic wildlife subject for both seasoned artists and fans of Inuit Eskimo art seems to be polar bears. For some reason, the polar bear has been chosen as the top animal to represent the Arctic north. Many Inuit Eskimo soapstone carvers strive to make polar bear sculptures but since this animal is not the easiest subject to carve, usually only experienced individuals can produce decent bears. Novice carvers tend to tackle easier subjects such as seals and whales before moving onto polar bears. This is the main reason why in most cases, a polar bear sculpture will be priced higher than a seal or whale sculpture of similar size.

Although most Inuit Eskimo art sculptures of polar bears tend to be in walking positions with all four legs on the ground, this is not always the case. Sometimes, polar bears are depicted in sitting, lying or even swimming positions. In some instances, finished polar bears also include some sort of prey such as fish or seals. Complex sculptures of hunting scenes can involve a polar bear plus an Inuit hunter and his husky dogs.

One of the most sought after type of Inuit Eskimo art is the dancing polar bear sculpture. These polar bears are portrayed upright with one of the hind legs raised. This makes the bear appear to be dancing as it is balancing on one leg. On occasions, polar bears have been portrayed balancing on one of the front paws with the head towards the ground and hind legs up in the air. This would depict a diving polar bear. Needless to say, only expert carvers can successfully produce any type of sculpture that is balanced on one leg whether it is the front or hind one. Again, this becomes a factor in the overall price of the Inuit Eskimo art sculpture.

Some art critics suggest that the dancing polar bear is not true Inuit Eskimo art since the pose is not representative of real nature. Indeed, many Inuit Eskimo communities do not produce dancing polar bears while others do. Regardless, there is consumer demand for dancing bears so there will always be Inuit Eskimo artists who will make them. The dancing polar bears can be seen as an example of the wild imagination that many Inuit Eskimo artists have.

About the Author: Clint Leung is owner of Free Spirit Gallery ( , an online gallery specializing in Inuit Eskimo and Northwest Native American art including carvings, sculpture and prints. Free Spirit Gallery has numerous information resource articles with photos of authentic Inuit and Native Indian art as well as free eCards.

Source: www.isnare.comA Guide To Fruit BasketsKristy AnnelyThere is almost no occasion, event or holiday gift that cant be properly addressed by sending some kind of fruit basket. From humble beginnings as a device fruit growers used to expand their business beyond supermarkets, fruit baskets have become one of the most popular categories of gifts in the country. No longer is this merely a device for fruit growers to send out more of their freshly grown produce at retail prices.

Nowadays, many of the items advertised, sold and shipped as fruit baskets contain hardly any fruit at all. Fruit baskets have matured -- come of age, as they say -- and its possible to satisfy a gift giving need by ordering a fruit basket from any of literally thousands of suppliers across the country. Youll find that many of the local retail stores in town have some form of fruit basket deal to ship their wares, if not all year round, then certainly at appropriate holiday times. For at least two major gift-giving holidays, Mothers Day and Valentines Day, fruit baskets surpassed flowers as the gift of choice on a national basis several years ago and have kept on growing ever since.

Built around themes for the holidays, fruit baskets can contain any type, and almost any amount of high quality merchandise designed to make the receiver very happy upon arrival. Christmas baskets specializing in winter fruits -- especially popular in the colder, Eastern states -- have been stuffing Santas bag for many years. Valentines Day brings chocolate-dipped goodies, especially cherries and strawberries, which really say I Love You to that special person in your life.

Baby baskets send the freshest of fruits for the new parents along with a few bottles of a healthy brand of baby food and other appropriate gifts for the newborn. For Mothers Day, children delight in sending a choice selection of gourmet items to the woman who gave them life. And theres no better way to say I Love You, Dad on Fathers Day than by sending a basket brimming with Dads favorite items and a few new ones as well.

Even giant corporations have gotten accustomed to sending out appropriately stuffed fruit baskets to their highly valued clients and special employees, instead of more traditional fare. Fruit baskets containing all sorts of items have become the easiest and most personal way people can give something to one another that is almost always appreciated. In addition to being one of the easiest and most satisfying experiences, youd be hard pressed to find anyone whos ever returned a fruit basket for any reason whatsoever.

About the Author: Fruit Baskets provides detailed information about gourmet fruit gift baskets, edible, dried and fresh fruit baskets, fruit baskets delivery, and more. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.

Source: www.isnare.comTooling LeatherDwain BerlinTooling Leather / Art Work

Use vegetable-tanned, light-colored top-grained leather for tooling leather. If youre not sure what you have, test the leathers ability to take a pattern by wetting a corner and making lines with different objects like the edge of a coin.

When working with a large piece of tooling leather, tape or glue something to the back to prevent the leather from stretching when you are working on it.

The first step involves cutting a design into the leather, followed by creating depressions with various tools that result in elements of the design presenting a raised surface.

Tooling leather is done before it is painted or dyed. If the leather becomes dry while you are working on it, moisten with a damp sponge. If youre not able to complete your project in one sitting, store the leather in an appropriately-sized Ziploc bag and place it in the refrigerator.

Choosing and Tracing a Design

Choose a design and trace it onto tracing film or wax paper with a pencil. You can get tracing film in most hobby stores. Search the internet and leatherworking books for ideas on tooling leather.

Other sources include wood burning and stamp making catalogues, coloring books, seed catalogues (for floral designs) and magazines like National Geographic. Copy and paste this url into your borwser and check out this great site for tooling leather patterns:

Start with something simple if you are just beginning tooling leather, and work up to more complex designs as you gain experience. Paper palette, available at craft stores, consists of paper on one side and a sort of plastic film on the other side. It can be trimmed to fit in your printer.

Once you find the design on the internet, simply print it off. The plastic side will protect the design from getting wet when you place it on the damp leather.

Transferring the Pattern

Begin by dampening the leather on both sides with a sponge, or by holding the piece under running water or dipping it in water. Try to avoid soaking the leather, as it becomes too soft to work with. Then place the tracing film on the right side of the leather, using tape at the back of the leather to hold it in place.

Using the tip of a ballpoint pen from which the ink cartridge has been removed, trace over the pattern, following the lines, pressing firmly. Instead of a ballpoint pen, you can purchase a special tool called a ballpoint stylus that is specially designed to transfer patterns for tooling leather. Once you remove the film, you can see the design on the leathers surface. If youve made any mistakes, you can smooth them out using the back of a spoon.

Using a Swivel Knife

Taking a swivel knife, trace over the outline, holding the knife with your index finger resting on the u-shaped section at the top of the handle, while holding the body of the knife between your thumb and your middle finger. The knife should be turned by rotating the body between your thumb and the middle and ring fingers.

The knife is held upright at a 90 degree angle to the leather, cutting with the corner of the knife facing you. Dont do multiple cuts over the line and make the cut light enough to just penetrate the grain, about half the thickness of the hide.

Creating Texture and Depressions

Use a firm surface such as marble for the next phase, where texture and depressions are created in the leather using a wooden, PVC or rawhide mallet, a beveller, a pear shader and a camouflage tool.

Bevellers come in different sizes. Start with three: a small, medium and pointy one. This will give you plenty of versatility when tooling leather.

Position the deep part of the beveller into the groove you have made, and the shallow part towards the side you want to push down or depress. Strike the beveller with the mallet. Use the beveller on the outside of the design to create the formation of ridges while giving a raised appearance.

By overlapping each stamping, you achieve a smooth and continuous effect. The pear shader is used to depress areas of the design, adding contour and depth. The camouflage tool works to add texture to the design and is excellent for such fine work as recreating the petals of a flower.

Get comfortable with your tools by practicing on scrap pieces of tooling leather. That way youre less likely to make mistakes when you are working with the actual project.

About the Author: *** Hey! Need To Know More About Leather? *** Here's How to Get Your Answers Quick and Easy Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comAnniversary Gift IdeasRavi AkellaAnniversaries cement the ties of marriage. The amount of love and affection a couple shares between each other climbs new peaks when anniversaries are remembered and celebrated happily year after year. Anniversary gifts play a very important role in this togetherness by helping the couple know each other better. Couples get a chance to express how much they value each others presence in their lives. Family members too get a chance to convey their well wishes to the couple through anniversary gifts.

Traditionally, anniversary gifts become increasingly expensive as the marriage advances with age. For example, gifts given on the very first anniversary usually include clocks and Chinaware; where as in the fiftieth year of the marriage couples may gift each other articles made of gold and emerald. They can also expect gold and silver gifts from their near and dear ones. Since this is the modern era, you may not like to stick to the traditional norms. Here are a few tips to pick up the right anniversary gift.

# Gifts from Him to Her should be very romantic and should be accompanied by poetic verses. These can include ring, bracelet, pendant, chain, necklace and watch. Jewelry can be of gold, silver or platinum and can be studded with precious stones. His gifts to Her can also be very intimate. These can include expensive lingerie.

# To make items like rings and bracelets more romantic, names of the couple can be engraved in them.
# Pendants can contain small portraits of the couple.

# Personalized gift items can include plaq+ues with declarations of love and jars containing 365 chits with `I LOVE YOU written in 365 different ways.

# Her gifts to him can be very formal like a pair of cufflinks and solid gold band ring. Gifts can also be very naughty like a pair of boxers or even thongs.

# If you are to give the couple an anniversary gift, then make sure you do not purchase something like a necklace or cufflinks. Since it is their anniversary the gift should address both of them instead of only one of them.

# If its a couple you care for, then make sure the gift is relevant to the relationship you share with the couple. Keep their likes and dislikes in mind while purchasing the gift.

About the Author: I am currently working as an seo in RST web solutions pvt ltd .For further details visit Gifts toindia

Source: www.isnare.comCapturing The Craft Show MarketNatalie GoyetteFinding the right product to sell at a craft show is extremely important in finding success on the craft show circuit. You may already have an excellent craft product or line of products you are creating or even selling, or you may be looking for a craft to produce in order to enter the business. In either case, market research is going to help you find a craft show product that you can produce at a low enough cost to net a profit - and one that you will enjoy making. If you dont spend time looking into what everyone else has at their craft show booth, you might repeat what others have, or create a product no one really wants.

What exactly is a craft? The dictionary definition of craft is to make by hand, therefore, theoretically anything handmade is a craft. Although that's true, a craft typically falls into a category of items that are normally sold under the umbrella of arts and crafts that are either decorative or useful or bothand that consumers generally purchase for ornamental or practical use. The endless creativity of new craft show items is nothing short of remarkable. The product you choose will likely be one you enjoy producing or have a natural affinity for. It might be a skill passed down from generation to generation in your family, but you can also learn it on your own. You may decide to take classes or apprentice to a master to learn a new skill for producing a craft show item. Yet in order to make your craft business a success, you should consider doing a little bit of homework about what craft show item to make, ahead of time.

Market research

What sells? Wouldn't you like to have the answer to that question before putting all your resources into creating a product? How can you get the answer? Market research. Any large company that manufactures products utilizes market research before developing new products. You can use the Internet as well as common sense. You can ask friends, visit craft shows, galleries, retail stores, eBay and other websites to see what is selling and what isn't. Ask other artisans and craft show booth owners. Study trends by reading consumer magazines, trade journals, the fashion section of the newspaper or even watching TV.

Product ideas also come from everyday lifefind a niche and fill it and you will most certainly find success in craft shows. But, you need to make sure you stay on the cutting edge. Children, animals and nature can provide inspiration as well. Jot ideas for craft show items in your notebook or computer whenever you come up with something you think would be a hot seller. Compile a list of possible items and compare it to what you might enjoy producing. Then ask yourself if the craft show item is practical, decorative, unique, can be priced right (for profit), has a personal touch, is of excellent quality and offers exceptional value.

You might also want to check out the competition in any category you select. How can you put a spin on your product to make it distinct and stand out from the others? If you're a crafter, you're probably highly creative, so use your creativity to come up with something imaginative. Without plunging into it full on, see if you can make a few samples and solicit feedback from friends or store owners. Do a small craft show and gauge customer response. If all systems seem to be saying go then go for it!

Find a craft you enjoy making, that you can construct efficiently and cost effectively, and one you can sell, and you have the craft show market cornered. But, you probably arent going to land the perfect product without some groundwork done beforehand. If you want to find the utmost in craft show success, then take the time to deliver a product that you have researched, and watch craft collectors flock to your booth!

About the Author: Natalie Goyette shows you how to make your craft show business profitable in her best selling ebook: Craft Show Success Secrets. Visit her site:

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Is An Un-Circulated Coin?Lana HamptonYou may have heard the terms proof coin and un-circulated coin, but what's the difference between these two? To understand the difference between a proof and un-circulated coin, let's first answer the question, What is an un-circulated coin?

Un-circulated means a coin has not had any wear, such as the wear a coin might experience when it is used in commerce. Handling a coin, as well as improperly storing a coin, can result in wear on the surface of the coin. This wear, even if very minor, will cause a coin to no longer grade un-circulated.

When coins are minted they often bump into each other and receive small nicks and abrasion marks during the production process. These marks also occur as coins are transported in large canvas bags. These marks, sometimes called ag marks, are more noticeable on larger coins, such as half dollars and dollars. Typical ag marks do not keep a coin from grading un-circulated. However, they can be an indicator of how high of a grade the un-circulated coin might receive.

Current accepted grading standards provide for a range of un-circulated grades, from the grade of MS-60 to MS-70. MS60 would be a lower grade (yet still) un-circulated coin with normal bag marks for that type of coin. Anything below MS-60 would not be considered un-circulated. MS70 would be the perfect ideal coin. Some coins are rare in grades MS65 to MS70, and even unheard of in MS70 grade. (The attribute MS stands for mint state.)

A newly minted proof coin is also un-circulated, however it is the way it is made that causes a difference in appearance and qualifies it as a proof. To understand this, let's look at how coins are made. Coins are produced when two dies strike a blank piece of metal with tremendous force. One die is engraved with the front (obverse) design for the coin. The other die has the back (reverse) coin design on it.

A proof coin is made with a specially polished and treated die! By treating the die in a special way, the coins it produces have a different appearance. Modern technology allows the high points on the coin design to be acid treated (on the die). The background (field) design of the coin die is polished, resulting in a mirror-like look on the coin it strikes. This gives the finished coin a frosted look (frosting) on the raise parts of the design, with a mirror like finish on the background. This contrasting finish is often called cameo. On some older coins a cameo appearance is quite rare. The attribute CAM, when added to a coin's description, means cameo appearance. DCAM means deep cameo, and indicates the cameo appearance is strong and easy to observe.

About the Author: Lana Hampton makes it easy to find the coin collecting information you want. Visit today for the latest coin collecting information.

Source: www.isnare.comCandle Making SuppliesThomas MorvaCandle making can be a fun creative hobby. It can also be a great business opportunity.

There are a number of methods used to make candles. Molds, votives, and containers are three items used to shape the molten wax into candles. The wax itself can come from several different sources. Bee wax, soy wax, and other gel-like substances can be used to make candles.

The type of container or mold used to make a candle usually dictates which type of wax is needed. For example, pillar waxes have a high melting point and are good to use with molds and pillars. Pillar and mold candles are usually freestanding, meaning that they are removed from their containers once they have hardened. Votive waxes have a lower melting point than pillar waxes and are good for use in metal votive candleholders as well as some containers. Container waxes are similar to votive waxes in that the candles created are not meant to be freestanding. Wax for container candles has a lower melting point and is designed be poured into jars or pots used as candleholders.

Aside from the wax and the mold or container, candle makers can add their own personalities to the mix by coloring the candle or giving it a scent. There are an endless number of dyes available to color a candle in any shade imaginable. Truly skilled and creative candle makers can add multicolored swirls and scents to a candle. These soothing aromas are spread throughout the room when the candle is burned. Some of the most popular of these scents are vanilla and cinnamon.

Candle making is a fun and easy-to-learn activity that the whole family can enjoy. Well-made candles can add to the appearance of a room and give off a pleasing smell.

About the Author: Candle Making Supplies provides detailed information on wholesale, discount, soy, gel, and bee wax candle making supply, and more. For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

Source: www.isnare.comAn Introduction To CD MasteringThomas MorvaWhile many people think that the mixing of the separate audio tracks is the final step, a recording must be mastered well in order to sound good. CD mastering is the last chance for creative input when creating a compact disc. After a disc is mastered, it can be printed, reproduced, and sold.

The process of mastering a CD includes several steps. The first step is putting the songs, called tracks at this point, in order. Next, the volume is leveled for all of the songs. The length of time between songs is also adjusted, and any editing on the intros and ends of the songs (such as fades and crossfades, etc.). Also, any unlisted, secret songs, usually known as hidden tracks, are added at this point.

There are several ways to master a CD. First, the mix can be sent to a professional CD mastering engineer, which is what professional musicians with major recording contracts usually do. These mastering engineers often work in their own mastering facilities, which are different from standard recording studios, in that they have much less gear and are designed for the best playback of the mix as possible in order to fix any slight discrepancies.

Aside from professional CD mastering engineers, CDs can be mastered at home using computer software. This option is usually more realistic for unsigned artists or musicians who are just starting out. Depending on the quality of the software and the skill of the person doing the mastering, the CD may sound great or it may sound muddy and unprofessional.

Online CD mastering is another option. CDs mastered online can be a great time-time, in that, instead of sending a mix to a mastering engineer, the mix is sent over the Internet. This option requires a high-speed Internet connection.

Free CD mastering is obviously the cheapest way to master a CD. Artists may want to use free mastering programs on demos or other early recordings that artists use to send to record labels to generate interest. Many CD burning programs included on many computers can be used to do basic but necessary mastering functions.

The difference between a professional sounding CD and an amateurish recording is often found in the mastering. All of the songs played on the radio are extensively mastered in order to sound slicker and more listenable.

About the Author: CD Mastering provides detailed information on CD mastering engineers, facilities, and software, as well as online and free CD mastering. For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

Source: www.isnare.com3 Kinds Of Wood Used In Real Wood FurnitureSamantha BirchReal wood furniture is the most popular furniture in existence. It's been around for hundreds of years and probably existed when the cave people got tired of squatting on the dirt floor of their caves and looked around for a better way.

The woods that are fashioned into furniture fall into three categories:

1. Hardwoods
2. Softwoods
3. Composites

Even the term 'hardwood' or 'softwood' is deceptive. Hardwoods aren't necessarily harder, denser material. For example, balsa wood is one of the lightest, least dense woods there is, and it's considered a hardwood. Technically, lumber is classified based on how the tree reproduces. As a general rule, though, softwood trees are evergreen year round while the hardwoods create the gorgeous autumn foliage that we all love so much.

Hardwoods are considered the highest quality and are the most expensive. Their natural colors vary from the darkest woods to the lightest ones and and they can be stained or painted for even more variety. Hardwood furniture is least likely to warp or bend and is prized in all high quality homes. The five woods most commonly used in furniture production are cherry, walnut, oak, maple and mahogany.

Softwoods are less expensive than hardwoods, but they require extra care. Because they are less durable, it's much easier to scratch or dent softwood furniture. In addition, they often don't have the beautiful grains of a hardwood, and therefore don't stain as beautifully.

Pine is an example of a softwood that is commonly used for furniture. These woods are often used in construction as well so the choicest pieces are reserved for furniture. In construction, knots and splits are common. Lots of construction lumber will not accept paint and this kind of wood is used for shelves or packing crates.

The softwood used in furniture is designated as Appearance lumber and includes most softwood lumber that has been custom milled to a pattern or otherwise surfaced on all four sides.

Composites are the cheapest form of wood and are literally manufactured, rather than grown.

1. Plywood: multiple layers of thin wooden sheets are glued together and pressed. Plywood is strong and resists swelling, shrinking and warping. There is some furniture made directly from plywood, but generally it is only used as a support when incorporated into furniture.

2. Particle board: sawdust and small wood chips are mixed with glue or resin which is then shaped and pressure treated. When used for inexpensive furniture, particle board is usually covered with laminate or veneer. This is necessary because particle board splits easily and the laminate prevents splitting. However, the downside is that the laminate may separate from the wood because the particle board responds to temperature and pressure changes by swelling and shrinking.

3. Hardboard: is made like particle board but it's placed under higher pressure so it's stronger.

4. MDF or Medium Density Fiberboard: wood particles are bonded with resin and compressed. It is harder than particle board or hardboard, and can be cut like plywood although it isn't as strong as plywood. Some MDF is covered with melamine which is a durable plastic in a variety of colors. The exposed edges of MDF are rough and need covering with molding or some other decorative material.

Technically, furniture made from all of these wood products is eal wood furniture, even the composites. Prices and quality range from the hardwoods down to the composites. The higher you go up the spectrum, the more you can expect to pay for your wood furniture. The good part, of course, is that with proper care hardwood furniture will last for decades or even generations. If you can afford it, always choose hardwood furniture.

About the Author: Read dozens of articles & constant new information on home decorating, furniture, unique home decor, home interiors & gifts, including a home blog, books on decorating and weekly specials.

Source: www.isnare.comSamurai Swords And The SwordsmithsNick JohnsonBack in the early times of sword manufacture, the production of super strong high-grade carbon steel wasn't even a vague dream. But we know, as history has taught us, that sword makers of ancient times still managed to produce superb quality, strong weapons.

So just how was this possible all those hundreds of years ago? How did these ancient swordmakers manage to craft weapons of such high-quality? What was the secret to this skill of taking poor quality ore and turning it into the finest quality steel blades? Well, it seems the process of Japanese samurai swords making was an highly advanced artform. It wasn't as simple as casting a sword shape with molten steel and sharpening an edge. What the swords makers would do was to hammer the heated and softened steel flat, and fold it over and hammer it flat again, and repeat this process over and over, maybe by upto as much as thirty times.

This was a very long and labor-intensive process, but in the constant folding and hammering of the steel, it would create internally something comparable to layers. Take a book and fold it parallel to the spine, roll it up and you'll see what a swords structure inside would look like, and also see how strength increases. This gave the sword a superior strength. As in much of Japanese culture, like Martial Arts for example, many advancements and ways are attributed to emulating natures ways and by observing natures patterns.

It is sometimes thought by some that the idea for this 'folding' to create the 'rings/layers' inside the samurai sword came about by looking at the cross section of the inside of a tree trunk and observing the way these almost layer like rings of wood gave the tree the strength to stand upto natures forces without breaking very easily, but merely bending with the wind. This is thought by some to be the idea which gave birth to the folded steel concept of Japans samurai swords.

About the Author: Nick Johnson, visit his site on samurai swords for more information about the samurai warrior, samurai swords and old Japan

Source: www.isnare.comInteresting Facts On Samurai Sword ManufactureNick JohnsonA samurai's sword is his most sacred and prized possession. Not only did the samurai rely on his sword to defend him, but spiritually the sword held greater significance as the samurai actually believed his soul inhabited the sword. Therefore it comes as no surprise that the same discipline and respect in which the samurai wielded his sword, went into the actual making of the sword itself.

Swords weren't simply 'cast' in a mould and then sharpened. A Japanese samurai sword was made by an intricate process of heating the steel, hammering it flat, then folding it, then hammering it flat again, and folding. This process of repeated hammering and folding would be done up to as much as 30 times, or until the maker was satisfied it had been done properly.

There are quite a few reasons for this labour-intense procedure. Firstly, any air pockets which might develop during the heating of the steel would be eliminated. Having an air pocket in a seemingly solid blade would be a weak point, and any weak point would be seen as neglect and any dedicated artisan would produce the highest quality blades as if his own life depended upon the very blade he was forging. Secondly, in the repeated folding and hammering, what might be described as 'layers' were produced. Take a book and roll it up it parallel with the spine, these internal layers would look something like this, almost like the rings of a cross section of a tree trunk. This added much strength to the blade.

Also the natural strengthening carbon elements within the steel, as well as the steels impurities would be spread throughout the whole of the sword, therefore strengthening it in its entirety. When the blade came to be cooled it wasn't simply quenched in water, another process had to be done first. When steel is been cooled, if it cools from a high temperature right down to cold in a short amount of time, the metal becomes very hard and brittle. Conversely, if steel is cooled slowly from a lower temperature right down to cold, the steel takes on more supple, even softer properties. Because a samurai sword was used primarily as a slicing weapon the blades were subjected to a lot of shock upon impact on the enemy, therefore the blade couldn't be made of the more brittle steel throughout else it would shatter like glass. But the sword had to retain its sharp edge, so it couldn't be made of softly forged steel throughout else it would simply blunt. So a balance was struck using a very clever procedure.

What the Japanese samurai sword makers discovered was by painting on a clay formula onto the blade before quenching, thin amounts onto the cutting edge and thicker amounts onto the back, the steel could be made to take on two completely separate properties, thereby giving the blade the hard cutting edge it required, and the more supple back. Because of the different speeds in which the two halves of the steel cooled this also formed the beginning of the curve from which the sword makers would work to create the famous curved blade.

About the Author: Article by Nick Johnson, visit his website on samurai swords for more information on japanese samurai swords

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Works (And What Doesn't) With Gift DeliveryMansi AggarwalAmong the numerous blessings that god has bestowed upon us as humans is experiencing the sense of love and concern. No man is an island every one is emotionally attached to many others and frequently you need to express you concern. It is not only enough to think good for someone you also need to show and prove your affection and concern. Making the other one realize that you do care is as much essential as feeling the emotion yourself. What better way to show that you really care than by sending a perfect gift to mark that particular occasion? But practically that may not always be feasible cause the physical distance between the two makes it difficult to send a choicest gift to mark the choicest occasion.

Gifts for someone you really care can be send on any occasion. The most popular ones being a birthday, an anniversary, congratulations or a thanks giving gesture. Apart from all these there exists numerous reasons to forward a gift for someone you love. Besides you do not need a reason to send gifts to your beloved just saying, thinking of you itself can create an opportunity. These small gestures go a long way in developing an everlasting strong relationship. Later after the passing of the occasion whenever one comes across the gift the lovely memories again makes the gifts invaluable. Not only for lovers gifts are also exchanged between friends, relatives, or anyone else you come across in your life. Even a first meeting with any stranger can be cherished long by conveying gifts.

Many a times large corporate houses also need to offer gifts to their most valued customers, their devoted employees and to their dedicated business associates. This makes all those who are in anyway connected with the business house feel important and cared. The process of sending gifts as a business promotion plan has been practiced since long and has always worked for the betterment of the corporation.

The best part of sending gifts is that it need not be a very expensive souvenir and any bulky commodity to mark an impression on its recipient. There are innumerable ways and various choices for sending gifts. Even a smallest rose or a tiny teddy bear is fine enough to pass the message that needs to be conveyed by sending a gift. Depending on relationship, occasion and budget the gifts that are presented can be decided. Whatever is the reason or the relation there is always a perfect gift to match the occasion. Whenever the receiver of gift is someone invaluable to the person sending a gift, the price of the gift becomes immaterial cause when you can devote your entire life for your beloved the cost of the gift for her becomes the last thing that one is concerned about. Even for many friends, relatives and other acquaintances gifts can usually convey thoughts that are otherwise difficult to express verbally and also that gifts leave a lasting impression on the person receiving it. The only possible hinge in presenting gifts may be that of physical distance between the two people or the lack of time in some cases. But both the receiver and the recipient always cherish presenting gifts.

About the Author: Mansi aggarwal writes about gift delivery topics. Learn more at .

Source: www.isnare.comPreparing For A Leather Craft ProjectDwain BerlinOnce you've decided on your leather craft project, you'll need the right tools and room to do the work. Being prepared ahead of time will make your task more enjoyable and give you a sense of satisfation when you're done. If you're like most of us you'll probably be working on more leather craft projects over time, so creating a designated area is probably a good idea.

What to Cut On

Regardless of the project, youll need to cut your piece of leather. Choose a flat surface protected with a rubber mat. The latter will help protect your tools and prevent them from becoming blunt. Alternatively, you can purchase a self-healing cutting board that comes with a grid work. Any cuts made in the board seal up. This product is readily available at such shops as Staples.

Marking the Cut

Use a ruler or yardstick and a pencil to mark the cut. Just make a light mark with the pencil. A rounded edge will help if youre cutting a curve. Then place a metal straight edge along the line you have drawn. Using the tip of an X-acto knife, cut along the line, keeping the knife against the metal edge

Trimming the Edges

If you want to trim the edges of the leather, lay the piece out on a flat surface. Make sure the leather is damp, and keep it so by using a spray bottle full of water.

Youll need whats called an edge beveling tool to smooth the cut edges. The two prongs that form its V shape need to be positioned so that they are facing upward on both sides of the edge.

Keeping the tool at a 45 degree angle, with your index finger on the top of the tool, push it away from you along the cut edge, holding the leather craft piece firmly with your other hand.

As you work, small strips of leather will come off. Its a good idea to practice on small scraps of leather before using the leather craft beveller, so you feel comfortable with it and what it can do.

Tools to Use

* Cutting board, preferably self-healing kind

* Ruler, pencil, metal straight edge, rounded edge

* X-acto knife

* Leather craft edge beveling tool


* Use a cutting board

* Mark where you want to cut before you cut!

* Dampen the leather when trimming the edges

* Butt the knife against a straight edge or a curved edge for more control

More on Tools

For working in leather crafts, consider the basics: an awl and spare point, a retractable X-acto knife and spare blades, a retractable knife with a break-off blade and a rotary punch.

In addition, youll need needles, a lump of beeswax and some waxed linen thread. As well, a pair of pliers to pull the needle through the leather is a must, and scissors you can use for cutting the leather.

Then there are edge slickers and bevellers that are used to finish the edges, drive punches for bigger holes and thong cutters for making laces. A T-square, compass and yardstick are essential to ensure that your leather craft piece is measured accurately.

If youre just starting out with leather crafts, you might not want to spend a lot of money on tools. Once youve worked with the basic set and completed a few leather craft projects, youll have a better idea of what tools work best and what you use most.

At that point, a little research and some comparative shopping can lead you to acquiring better quality leather craft tools that will enhance your work. Of course, even the most expensive tools wont help if you havent taken the time to develop and perfect your skills.

If you do your very best with what you have, it doesnt matter if you cant afford the most expensive leather craft awl or the latest knife. Quality will show anyway.


* Start with a basic leather craft tool set

* Buy better quality tools once youve completed some projects and have a better idea of what will enhance the quality of your work

About the Author: *** Hey! Need To Know More About Leather? ***Here's How to Get Your Answers Quick and Easy Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comCustomizing Your Car: Pinstriping BasicsCarlo MorelliDid you know pinstriping has a long history? Even before the invention of automobiles, pinstriping was used as an ornamental decoration for horse and buggy carriages.

Custom pinstripes started appearing on automobiles in the mid-1950s. Although pinstriping had been on cars long before that, the last American car to appear with auto pinstriping had been made by General Motors in the late 30s. For those individuals with muscle or sports cars, customizing their ride is an important part of owning and showcasing the vehicle, and pinstriping is a final touch.

Pinstripes are commonly painted in two colors: one that sets off the body color, and another, thin line, in a color contrasted with the stripe to make it stand out.

Mechanical pin striping is the best way to stripe larger vehicles- trucks, vans, or station wagons. The benefit is it lays down stripes of constant width, letting you focus attention on getting the stripe oriented properly along your working surface. You can set up your stripe lines using magnetic pinstriping strips with center grooves designed to be paint templates. They hold fast to steel surfaces, and can also work as guidea for your hand.

Striping with stencil tape is also popular. There are several types of stencil tape that are suitable for auto pinstriping applications. Stencil tape striping uses brushes, and a specialized pinstriping brush is an essential ingredient in a successful project. Stencil tape allows you to apply different color stripes without needing the other stripes to dry.

Freehand pinstriping is the most difficult method, requiring the most practice to master, but permits unrestricted creativity. The simplest plan for a freehand striping newbie is to lay a strip of masking tape down approximately a quarter inch from where you want the finished line to be, and then use this tape as visual guiding for your stripes. Whatever you do, dont use regular masking tape, or your pinstriping paint will bleed under the edge. Get some auto body masking tape from an auto supply store.

No matter what method you use, pinstriping is one of the finest ways to make your vehicle distinctive. Just like anything else worth doing right, practice makes priceless results but having the best equipment you can get your hands on helps too.

About the Author: Carlo Morelli writes for Check out Caroom for more on automotive pinstriping.

Source: www.isnare.comRoad WarriorCarlo MorelliDid you know pinstriping has a long history? Even before the invention of automobiles, pinstriping was used as an ornamental decoration for horse and buggy carriages.

Custom pinstripes started appearing on automobiles in the mid-1950s. Although pinstriping had been on cars long before that, the last American car to appear with auto pinstriping had been made by General Motors in the late 30s. For those individuals with muscle or sports cars, customizing their ride is an important part of owning and showcasing the vehicle, and pinstriping is a final touch.

Pinstripes are commonly painted in two colors: one that sets off the body color, and another, thin line, in a color contrasted with the stripe to make it stand out.

Mechanical pin striping is the best way to stripe larger vehicles- trucks, vans, or station wagons. The benefit is it lays down stripes of constant width, letting you focus attention on getting the stripe oriented properly along your working surface. You can set up your stripe lines using magnetic pinstriping strips with center grooves designed to be paint templates. They hold fast to steel surfaces, and can also work as guidea for your hand.

Striping with stencil tape is also popular. There are several types of stencil tape that are suitable for auto pinstriping applications. Stencil tape striping uses brushes, and a specialized pinstriping brush is an essential ingredient in a successful project. Stencil tape allows you to apply different color stripes without needing the other stripes to dry.

Freehand pinstriping is the most difficult method, requiring the most practice to master, but permits unrestricted creativity. The simplest plan for a freehand striping newbie is to lay a strip of masking tape down approximately a quarter inch from where you want the finished line to be, and then use this tape as visual guiding for your stripes. Whatever you do, dont use regular masking tape, or your pinstriping paint will bleed under the edge. Get some auto body masking tape from an auto supply store.

No matter what method you use, pinstriping is one of the finest ways to make your vehicle distinctive. Just like anything else worth doing right, practice makes priceless results but having the best equipment you can get your hands on helps too.

About the Author: Carlo Morelli writes for

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Buy A Used CarJay MoncliffThere are many people out there who want to buy a used car. Why don't they just buy a new car? The answer is simple. Many people simply can't afford to buy a new car, so they must buy a used car. But before you go out to buy a used car, there are some things you should take into consideration.

First off, when you buy a new car you are the only owner of the car. This means you know where the car has been and you know it is in tip top condition. You also get a warranty on the car. But when you buy a used car, you have no idea where the car has been or what on earth has happened to it. The car could've been in a terrible accident for all you know. Also, when you buy a used car, you probably won't get a warranty... unless if you buy a used car at a reputable dealership.

It is safer to buy a used car from a dealership, not from a newspaper ad. You also need to make sure you buy a used car from a reputable dealership. Some used car dealers are just plain sleezeballs. To be even safer, make sure when you buy a used car that the vehicle is Carfax certified. If the dealer won't provide you with this information, then there is probably a problem with the vehicle in question. Carfax is a free service that provides you information on a cars damage history, if any. You can check the Carfax report online for free, you just need the vehicles VIN number (vehicle identification number). Also, if you buy a used car as is you may be stuck with a lemon. Try to get a warranty on the vehicle you purchase as an added safety net.

The next tip before you buy a used car is to get your credit checked. If you are going to finance the vehicle, you better hope you don't have any blemishes on your credit report. Used car dealers make more money when you finance a car. When you buy a used car, you want to be sure you get the best APR (annual percentage rate) available. If it is too high, then try getting your loan from a bank. They may provide you with a better rate so you may then buy a used car.

Hopefully, when you go to buy a used car you will have a pleasant experience. Not all used cars are bad and not all car dealers are sleezeballs. Alas, an awful lot of them are so be careful. With some street smarts and a little bit of patience, you can end up with an excellent used car that will last you many years.

About the Author: Jay Moncliff is the founder of a blog focusing on the Car, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on Car. For more info on Car visit:

Source: www.isnare.comLower Car Insurance Price - 5 Considerations To Computing Your Car Insurance PremiumsJustin KohHave you ever wonder why car insurance costs vary from one car insurance company to the other? This is due to the different type of computation factors that car insurance companies use to derive the car insurance cost. Based on the answers that you replied to the car insurance company, they will add or discount the cost before arriving at a final price for your car insurance. Thus, it is important for you to shop around first before you commit yourself to a particular car insurance company as different companies take a different view of the various high risk factors. We will look at some of the factors that car insurance companies take into considerations.

1. Having a clean driving record.
Without a doubt, car insurance cost would increase if you have been convicted of a driving conviction. Thus, it pays to be a safe driver so that unnecessary costs won't be incurred.

2. Adding additional drivers to the policy
By adding additional drivers to the policy, extra premiums will be added. Thus, do not add in drivers into the policy just because you think that this person might be using the car in the future. Consider carefully whether it is necessary to add this person into the policy.

3. The age and gender of the driver
If the driver is under the age of 25 the rate will mostly likely be fairly high. This is due to the lack of driving experience. Usually, you will need to have over three years driving to be quoted a lower rate. Also, a single male driver rates higher than a single female. This is because males are rated as a higher risk to car insurance companies.

4. Your credit report history.
Most car insurance companies take into account of your credit history. Paying your bills on time and maintaining a good credit history will allow you to enjoy lower car insurance cost.

5. Anti-theft alarm
Fix up an electronic central locking and alarm on your car. Discount could be given by insurance companies when you have anti-theft devices install in your car.

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest car insurance news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comGetting Your Car Ready For Summer DrivingSimon HarrisWe always seem to make sure our cars are ready for the winter, right?

But what about during the summer? Believe it or not, the heat takes its toll on your car, too, so its important to keep your car serviced.

Periodic maintenance on your car will save you tremendous hassle in the long run. Your vehicle should last longer and command a higher resale price, too! I made it a point to get my car serviced according to the dealers schedule, and when I traded it in, I got far more than I expected due to the stellar condition of the engine.

Now I know this isnt bedtime reading, but the owners manual can be your best friend assuming you read it! At least take a look-through periodically. How about while youre waiting to get your oil changed?

Follow the manufacturer's recommended service schedules. This could save you a major breakdown.

Have the air conditioning system looked over by a qualified technician. A check up here can save you a huge bill later.

The greatest cause of summer breakdowns is overheating. Prevent this problem by making sure the cooling system is flushed and refilled as recommended.

Have your cars belts, clamps, and hoses checked by a technician. This only takes a few minutes and is usually inexpensive.

Change your oil and oil filter every 3,000 miles or four times a year.

Replace air and fuel filters as recommended.

Get plenty of windshield washer solvent we have a tendency to use a lot of this in the winter, so your fluids may be low.

Tires should be rotated every 5000 miles or so.

Check the spare tire to make sure its inflated properly. Also, make sure you have a jack along with it!

Transmission troubles equal money troubles equal emotional troubles! Have your transmission serviced periodically, and prevent big-time repair bills.

If you notice that your brakes are less efficient, get them checked out right away.

Have your battery checked periodically to see how much life it has left!

Inspect all lights and bulbs to make sure theyre working.

Carry a first aid kit, flares, jumper cables, a flashlight, and a cell phone.

There you go a simple list to keep your car in great running shape. Remember, your car needs to be maintained and checked over even in the summer.

Taking care of your car takes only a few minutes each month, and pays you big dividends for the life of your vehicle!

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comRecognizing The Warning Signs Of A Sick CarSamuel MurrayOkay, somethings wrong with your car. You know it. It just doesnt feel right.

That may sound lame when youre talking to your mechanic, but believe me, its not something you want to ignore.

Maybe you feel like the car is difficult to handle. Maybe the ride just seems less smooth and stable. Perhaps theres a vibration that wasnt there before.

These symptoms almost always indicate a problem.

Is it harder to steer your vehicle? Do you have difficulty steering in a straight line? This might mean your front wheels are misaligned or you have worn steering parts.

Does your car feel like it wants to steer or pull to the right or left? Youll need to get this checked out. It may only be that your tires arent properly inflated. But it could also mean that your front end is misaligned or damaged in some way. Thats nothing to play around with!

Maybe your car feels like its vibrating. Your tires may need balancing in this case.

Its a good idea to check your shock absorbers and struts, too. They might need replacing if the car rides strangely.

If you put on your brakes, and your car pulls to one side that means you need to take in it for repair.

If the brake pedal sinks to the floor when pressure is maintained same thing. Take it in.

If you hear or feel scraping or grinding when you apply the brake, this indicates a problem that needs to be checked out.

And of course, the no brainer You need to get your car to a repair shop if the rake light on the instrument panel is lit.

Engine trouble is on the menu if you find that your car is hard to start. Other indicators include the check engine light coming on, your car using more than one quart of oil between changes, the car engine running after you remove the key, if the car stalls or idles roughly, and if theres poor acceleration. Also, getting fewer miles to the gallon is nothing to pooh-pooh. That could mean an engine problem, too.

Say the word transmission problems and your wallet being drained of all thats in it comes to mind. You might have a problem of this nature if theres a delayed response when shifting from neutral to drive or reverse, if your car doesnt shift during regular acceleration, or if the engine speeds up, but the car doesnt respond. If shifting is hard there could be a problem with transmission, too.

Just for your peace of mind, make sure the mechanic checks to see if its just a disconnected hose problem or if maybe the filter is plugged. These repairs are much simpler and cheaper than having your transmission replaced.

When it comes right down to it, you know your car and how its supposed to feel when all is well. If something doesnt quite feel right, get it checked out. You may end up saving money and someones life!

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comTips To Get Your Car Through A Cold WinterSteve WilcottEveryone wants to save money on car repairs, right?

Make it a point to schedule into your calendar a winter booster check for your car.

Keep these tips in mind for your winter travel, and youll have a safer winter travel season all around!

A gas tank which is kept filled helps keep moisture from forming. Make it a habit to go ahead and fill up when your tank is half empty.

Change your oil and oil filter every 3,000 miles or so if your driving is mostly stop-and-go or consists of frequent short trips. Personally, I'd change my oil every 2000 miles, regardless. It will save you loads of trouble in the long run. Go ahead. Schedule it into the planner.

Wiper blades are one of those things we usually never think about until we need them, and they're not working! Have you ever tried driving in sleet and snow with impaired visibility, thanks to dud wipers? Talk about nerve-wracking! Go ahead and replace old wiper blades. If your climate is harsh, purchase rubber-clad (winter) blades to fight ice build-up. Stock up on windshield washer solvent. You'll be surprised how much you use. And, of course, carry an ice-scraper. I keep one in the car, and one in the house just in case my doors freeze and I cant open them immediately.

Make sure your heater and defroster are in good working condition.

Worn tires don't help any time of year, least of all in winter weather. Examine tires for remaining tread life, uneven wearing, and cupping; check the sidewalls for cuts and nicks. It's a good idea to check tire pressures once a month. Let the tires cool down before checking the pressure. Don't forget to rotate your tires, too!

Make sure you have a spare and that the jack is in good condition.

Be prepared for emergencies, even if you live in a warmer climate. A winter emergency list should include gloves, boots, blankets, flares, a small shovel, sand or kitty litter, tire chains, a flash light, and a cell phone. Put a few high-energy snacks in your glove box. You can buy survival aids in the camping section of your sporting goods store.

It may take you less than an hour to get your car checked for winter and prepare for any emergency. That's time well spent and it can save you a giant headache this winter season!
Indeed, it could even save your life and the lives of those you love.

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comMaintaining Your Tires Keeps Your Car HealthyTerry LoweryWe often ignore our tires unless they're flat. But they play a vital role in the overall condition of your car. Maintain them properly, and you'll save money on repairs and on fuel costs.

Keeping your tires properly inflated ensures that they wear longer and can prevent accidents. Your car likely has a card or sticker attached to the door edge or the inside of the glove box door. The right amount of air your tires need is specified here. In case your car doesn't have this sticker, you can check your owner's manual.

Serious accidents can happen if your tires are under-inflated or overloaded. One of my tires blew-out on me and caused an accident. Luckily I was on a little traveled country road and was going slowly. I hate to think of what might have happened if I had been in major traffic.

Buy your own quality tire gauge. You can't tell if tires are inflated properly just by looking. And the air meters at your service station may not be correct!

Ask your auto supply dealer for a tire gauge calibrated up to 80 PSI. They'll know what you mean, even if you don't.

Take a moment at the beginning of each month to check your tire pressure (don't forget the spare! Uhm, you do have a spare tire, don't you??) Check them before you get in the car to drive. Write down the actual under-inflation amount for each tire. Take this info with you to the service station.

Now measure the inflation again and record these numbers. (Don't worry, this only takes a couple minutes.) Now inflate the tires to a level that equals the warm pressure (that you just took) plus the first under-inflation amount. (called the cold inflation pressure)

If the above instructions sound intimidating or confusing, take your car to a shop and give them the cold pressure numbers. Theyll put the correct amount of air in your tires for a minimum fee sometimes theyll not charge you at all.

The leading cause of tire failure is under-inflation. So make a habit to check them once a month.

Overloading your vehicle can lead to tire failure, too. Just because you have a pick-up truck doesnt mean it can carry an infinite load.

Schedule a tire check into your calendar each month and youll save money, save fuel, and perhaps, even save your family from a car accident.

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comFinding The Right Shop To Work On Your CarJohn SandersonDon't mess around when choosing a mechanic to work on your car. Keep an ear open for recommendations and warnings when your friends and family have car troubles. If you know beforehand of a body shop you feel comfortable with, you wont need to make a rushed or incomplete decision when you need one.

Ask friends and associates for their recommendations. I stay in touch with homeschooling families. Theyre often part of a larger group that can share recommendations for mechanics theyve felt were honest and reputable.

Check with your local Better Business Bureau regarding the reputation of a particular body shop. Ask about the number of complaints, if there were any, and how the complaints were resolved. Dont be too anxious if there were some complaints. No one pleases everybody, and there are some people you cant satisfy no matter what. But if you see a pattern of the same kinds of problems, beware.

Next, pay a visit to the shop and ask if they handle your vehicle make and model. Check to see how long theyve been in business. What kind of feel do you get about the place? Are you treated with courtesy? Does the staff behave professionally?

You dont need to white glove test the place, but it should be neat, and organized. Also, times are achangin, and modern equipment is an absolute must.

Sometimes, vehicle manufacturers recommend specific repair procedures and tools for the repair of their vehicles. Ask if the shop is trained in these procedures and has the necessary equipment.

Are there any civic and community service awards hanging on the walls? Its a nice touch. Do you see diplomas or certificates of competence? You want a technically competent staff.

Look around the place. What kinds of vehicles seem to be in the repair stage? Does everything look like its being handled professionally? Dont be shy about talking to folks in the waiting room to see theyve tried the shop before and how pleased they are with the service theyve received in the past.

My number one suggestion is to ask around and see where others have had satisfactory car repair work done. Even if youre feeling stressed and in a hurry, ask at least 15 people. That way, youre likely to get the same place mentioned more than once. A little time spent on the basics can save you a load of trouble in the long run. And once you find mechanic you trust, your cars future looks a lot brighter.

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comWhat You Should Never Do When You Buy A CarPete LanceSooner or later most people buy a new car. It doesn't matter if it's your third new car or your first, it almost always happens sometime.

There is an art to buying a new car and if you know it, you're better prepared when that day arrives.

Every car buyer knows that there are tricks to getting a car at a reasonable price. Dealerships and private sellers rarely mark the car at it's actual worth.

Instead, they mark the price up a little so that they make a good profit for themselves. Another reason is that this lets them give their salespeople better commissions, and this makes them work harder to sell the car to you.

Whatever the reason, almost all dealerships can be talked down on their initial prices, if you know how to haggle properly. When you buy a car, keep this in mind all the time.

The savvy buyer will know that they can talk the dealership's prices down a little bit, if he/she knows the dealer's lingo and tricks beforehand and shows that he/she are prepared to deal with them.

Salesmen are there to try and hustle a good price for the company, while you are trying to hustle a good price for yourself.

If you have ever wanted to get your money's worth out of buying a car, then this will be your comprehensive guide to getting through all of the bull and getting a car at a good price.

Most of the time, it isn't even just the deal of buying a car that is the problem. Dealers and salesmen have a way of getting extra money out of you for the extras.

Many people don't even realize that they purchased the extras until the deal has been closed. And then it's too late.

Salesmen speak their own language, and to know when you are being sold on something that you don't want, you need to know how to speak the same language as the salesmen do. Once you do, you will never again be oversold when you buy a car.

Buying a car doesn't have to be scary and it doesn't have to be the worst experience of your life. Many people are worried when they buy a car because they know that they are likely going to get ripped off.

About the Author: Complements of, a premier company which helps the consumer save money on gasoline. Thousands of gas stations across the nation are tracked daily to guarantee the lowest prices on gasoline anywhere in the United States.

Source: www.isnare.comIs A Classic Car Right For You?Lana HamptonA vintage or classic car can bring you great joy, but it may also be painfully expensive. The truth is vintage car ownership can sometimes be an illusion because not everyone is suited to the hobby, financially or otherwise. The good news is that by using these tips with caution you could soon be at the wheel of the car of your dreams. Some of which may be as old as the car you're about to buy.

Ask yourself if you can really afford a vintage or classic, remembering that if something breaks it could end up costing a small fortune in repairs. This is especially true of rare or exotic vehicles. Parts may be hard to find, thus the car could be out of service for a lengthy period. Can you handle repairs on your own? Got the talent and experience for restoration? Great... but if not, be prepared to dig deep.

Always have a eserve set aside for unexpected repair costs. A friend who restores and sells collector cars suggests a minimum of at least $3000. More if the car is a rare exotic. But then, if you're buying a Bugatti or a Deusenberg, you probably don't need our advice.

Will your vintage or classic be an everyday driver? Daily use puts a strain on old parts and systems. Not that a collector car can't be driven regularly but it had better be dependable; something that starts on demand, can be readily repaired, has parts that are easy to find. Along with a driver who can afford the price of breakdowns.

If you are planning to drive your vintage beauty on public roads keep in mind that it was built for a different time; slower traffic, less highway congestion, more tolerant drivers. Those old drum brakes may not be adequate for a panic stop in modern traffic so learn to adapt. Non-power steering will require muscle. Earlier power steering systems are slow and sloppy. Turn signals, if they exist, might be invisible to traffic accustomed to big, bright blinkers.

It may be necessary to arrange special insurance for a collectible. Be aware that older cars do not have the anti-theft devices or the serial number database of newer cars. Hot-wiring an older car is child's play.

And finally, though this may seem repetitive, get your financial ducks in order before you begin. Falling in love with a car and making a commitment without sufficient planning is, if you'll forgive a clich, a recipe for disaster.

If you've done it right, as suggested above, you can have the fun of searching for that dream car. And that, indeed, can be a lot of fun. Just be cautious, be prepared to pull back and wait if necessary, perhaps even accept a little less than what you'd planned.

About the Author: Lana Hampton makes it easy to find the car information you want. Visit today for the latest car information.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Minimize Your Chances Of Auto Accidents?Terje EllingsenSince the occurence of auto accidents shows an unacceptable high number, it is in every car owner's interest to do all they can to prevent or at least minimize it. There are some basic principles to follow with regard to reducing the probability of an auto accident. If every car driver followed these rules regularly, the amount of vehicle accidents would decrease dramatically. So why not start right now to do your part to avoid auto collisions and other car accidents by learning and keep to these rules. Thus you can serve as an example to other vehicle dirvers and motorists, as a goal to reach for.

To avoid vehicle accidents, you need to trust in your vehicle. Each time youdrive your car you should know, that the driving and security condition of the automobile is as good as it can be, and never worry about this aspect at all. To obtain this motorcar security, having proper and regular maintanance done on your auto is mandatory. Stricktly follow your vehicles maintenance schedule, check out any irregularity you notice vith your vehicle and take note monthly of your car's tire condition.

It goes without saying that alcohol and vehicle driving - or the operation if any type of machinery for that matter - doesn't fit together. Unfortunately too many drivers combine it, with an increased number of unnecessary motorcar accidents - many with lethal results - as a consequence. One-third of all motorcar accidents are related to drunken driving. Every driver should internalize and keep to the principle that says: Never drive when you have been drinking alcohol, no matter how little amount they have consumed.

The lack of necessary space between a car and the car ahead has also caused many fatal vehicle accidents on our roads. Therefore, the importance of eaving a safe distance between your car and others can't be empasized enough. A golden rule of thumb is to leave at least one car length space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you for every 10 miles per hour of speed.

Have you ever tried picking up items from the floormat when you drive your car? Have you ever changed radio stations or CDs? Have you ever been eating while you drive? Or looked at a roadmap? Most people would respond affirmative to most of these questions. Some drivers are even talking on the cell phone or reading newspapers while driving their car. Statistics from Ameican Federal Authorities shows that driving distractions are the main reason for about 4,300 vehicle crashes every day on U.S. roads. So the cure is to simply avoid all efforts that distract you from driving your motorcar. Don't pick up things from the floor, don't eat or drink, don't handle the radio or CD and do not dial numbers and talk on your cell phone, you have more than enough driving your car. You can't concentrate on the driving when you have to punch in codes and numbers.

A large number of automobile accidents are attributed to aggression. Never drive a car when you are in an aggressive emotional state and do not encourage aggressive drivers. If you see others driving aggressively it is not your job to teach them not to do it. Keep as far away from them as you can or pull off the road and call the police .Don't ever loose your temper while you drive your car, no matter how good a reason you might have. This will only escalate a potentially dangerous situation by signalizing aggression to other motorists, no matter how wrong he or she drives.

Lack of courtesy is an increasing problem on the roads and highways today, especially in some areas. It might seem like something of a lost art. How often have you experienced someone speed up to cut you off if they see you use your turn signal before changing lanes? Too often according to my expierience. Just let them pass and never try to force your way in. Many accidents could have been avoided with a little less aggressive driving and a little more courtesy.

Many motorcar drivers haven't understood the function of the mirrors. A lot of information to prevent car accidents can be gathered through the mirrors. Adjust them properly and check the side and rear-view mirrors each time you drive your car. Try to keep the speed of your car as constant as possible.

Be aware of the road and weather conditions and adjust your driving accordingly. For instance during dusk and dawn plus when it rains, keep your vehicle lights on. This is also the law in most states. Be a friend of your vehicle and understand how it function. If you suddenly start to skid - which is not uncommon on wet roads or in the wintertime in many states - you should know how to recover from it. When the weather is especially bad like in rain or snow, you should slow the speed of your car down; who knows what is ahead of you - maybe the traffic suddenly stops to an abrupt halt. It seem quite obvious but Intersections are the arena of most accidents. When entering an intersection look left, then right, then left again to ensure the area is clear.

To be a good and safe driver and thus avoid vehicle accidents, it is a good idea to take a defensive driving class to improve your general driver abilities but also to be better prepared for the unpredictable behavior of other drivers and learn how you can handle this the most secure way.

About the Author: Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher and runs Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like auto repair help, see and vehicle insurance, see

Source: www.isnare.comThe Safest Cars In USATerje EllingsenWhich cars are the safest cars in the United States, you may wonder. Is it BMW, Ford, Chevy? As far as car security matters, only eight of the 2004 model cars on the market have earned perfect scores in crash tests conducted by the U.S. Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) or the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

Here are the criterias: To pass the auto security test, the vehicle had to get perfect marks in all of the following categories:

five-star ratings--the highest available--in NHTSA's frontal
and side vehicle crash tests

five-star rollover resistance ratings


ratings of good, (highest available), which includes an overall rating,plus individual ratings in the following categories:

The frontal offset crash test structure/safety cage

head/neck injury measures

chest injury measures

left and right leg/foot injury measures

restraints/dummy kinematics

ratings of good for head restraint design and the performance of bumpers in low-speed auto crash tests.

Side impact auto crash tests were also conducted for all vehicle brands but no car received perfect marks in those tests.

According to automotive experts, vehicle crash testing is still the best and most objective method for determining which cars are truly the safest. And this does not necessarely mean vehicles equipped with most advanced technology. The difference between a good auto crash test rating and a bad one is significant:

A five-star rating means a chance of serious injury of 10% or less in a car crash at 35 mph

a one-star rating means a chance of 46% or more.

The list might amaze you. Here are the 8 safest motorcars in USA in 2004:

Audi A4

Ford Crown Victoria

Lincoln Town Car

Mercury Grand Marquis

Mercury Marauder

Toyota Corolla

VW New Beetle

Volvo S80

About the Author: Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher and runs Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like online used car sales, see and cheap auto insurance, see

Source: www.isnare.comCar Theft PreventionTerje EllingsenResearch has revealed that 3 out of 4 American vehicle owners do not have utilities to prevent car theft installed on their vehicles. And - as if this wasn't enough - only one out of four who have these tools installed are actually not activating them on a regular basis. We know that motorcar thieves are operating today as they have done as long as there has been cars. We also know that car theft protection utilities can prevent this kind of crime as well as other crimes like burglaries and vandalism.

Prevent thieves from getting into your vehicle

Vehicle alarms are one of the most common security installation in a motorcar today Many auto owners have already got them, and more and more are doing it. Most auto alarm systems are equipped with motion sensors as well as impact sensors. When sombody is trying to steal the vehicle a loud siren or series of tones in the 120-decibel range is activated. High quality auto alarms today arm themselves automatically when you leave the vehicle and include an automatic kill switch (see below). They also flash the headlights and honk the horn in addition to sounding the siren.

Another car stealing prevention facility is a Steering Wheel Lock. This is a long metal bar with a lock that fits on the steering wheel. When this is activated it prevents the steering wheel from being turned. It also discourage thieves from stealing the automobile, as it is very visual from the outside of the vehicle. This device represents an Inexpensive way to keep would-be thieves away.

Prevent thieves from moving your car

If the thieves for some reason have already broken in to the vehicle, armored collars will prevent them from breaking into the steering column to hot-wire the vehicle. It goes without saying that this device almost make it impossible for thieves to get the vehicle running, thus prevent the motorcar stealing

A more technically advanced way of preventing the engine to start are kill switches, which prevent the flow of electricity or fuel to the engine. Starter disablers serve the same function. The switch is normally hidden in the vehicle and it must be flipped on for the auto to start. These security devices are effective, inexpensive and no big deal to install.

Another car anti-theft device is an electronic key pre-installed by the vehicle manufacturer, which allow the vehicle to operate only with a correctly coded key. This system is invisible to thieves, easy to use and very reliable.

Let's say the thives have been able to get the engine going, can you still have some facilities installed that prevent them from stealing it? Yes, install tire locks. These make the motorcar nearly impossible to move. These locks are similar to the circular steel oots used by many larger city police departments. This device significantly hampers thieves who are looking to make a quick getaway and are also visable from the outside of the vehicle, and very effective in discouraging would-be thieves.

Prevent the thieves from getting far

Now, let's say that the thives for some mysterious reason have been able to steal your vehicle. You can say goodbye to your beloved vehicle forever, you may think. Rethink that! With electronic tracking devices installed in your automobile, the police are already on the alert. I am speaking about an electronic transmitter hidden in the car and emits a signal that is picked up by the police or a monitoring station. So don't panic - help is on the way.

The thieves must be deterred

The best anti-theft effort however, is to discourage the thieves from even touching your vehicle. Etching the auto's identification number into the base of the windshield as well as other parts of the vehicle discourages the bandits from stealing it and also aids in recovering the automobile if it is stolen. This make your vehicle not so attractive to thieves.

The most inexpensive way to prevent your auto from being stolen is to apply decals identifying that the vehicle is protected by either an auto alarm system or a vehcile theft prevention company. I will not recommend that you base your car anti-theft system on this bluff only, but rather steer you towards more technically advanced auto security devices which can ultimately prevent the theft of your car.

About the Author: Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher and runs Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like buying used cars, see and finding cheap car insurance, see

Source: www.isnare.comAn Introduction To Car TransportingThomas MorvaThere are several ways to transport your car across the country or across the world. Car transporters are identical to other moving companies: they arrange to pick up your vehicle, load it, and deliver it to your final destination. All auto carriers are required to be registered with the Department of Transportation. You can look up a US DOT number or company name from the Department of Transportation's website. Make sure you are dealing with a legitimate business.

The most popular and inexpensive domestic option is by car carrier, the same type of trucks used to deliver new cars. Other more specialized choices, for antique and exotic cars, include enclosed rail car service, open flat bed truck, or enclosed trailer. Some more adventurous individuals will prefer to rent a trailer and pull it themselves. Auto transport companies will give you quotes over the phone or you can easily check online for rates and services.

Car transport companies are usually listed under the following titles: car transport, vehicle shipping, and auto transport. Additionally there are a host of international car transport services that offer worldwide vehicle transportation solutions to individuals. These companies specialize in reliable, efficient service with frequent departures from major U.S. ports. You should try to speak with a highly experienced customer service representative to insure the careful transport of your car.

You will need to make a reservation for your car to be picked up. If you prefer your car to travel flat without being tied down by chains then a flat bed truck, rail service or small open trailer are some your best options. You can also request a covered transport; this method will shield your car from inclement weather and other pitfalls of the road. Cost depends on distance, mode of transport and time of delivery, some car transport companies will deliver within several days of your arrival date others within a few weeks.

When contracting with a car transport company you have to consider some issues specific to vehicle transport, unlike your other belongings cars have specific requirements such as additional car insurance and vehicle inspections.

Be certain that the car mover adequately insures your car. When your car is picked up, the driver will do a condition report (bill of lading). Take photographs of the car, date the photos, and attach them to the condition report. When your car is delivered make sure you check for any new scratches or damage to your car before signing. Reporting damages or claims immediately is advisable. Get the estimated pick-up and delivery dates and times from your car mover or auto shipping company first thing. Make sure to get a guaranteed window for the pick-up and delivery and get everything in writing. Just knowing the basic facts about car transport will make finding the right company a quick and easy task.

About the Author: Car Transport provides detailed information about car transport services and trailers, as well as advice on locating an cheap, domestic and international car transport company for your standard, classic, or exotic car. For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

Source: www.isnare.comAn Explanation Of Defensive DrivingJennifer BaileyDefensive driving is defined as being able to operate a motor vehicle with the skills to avoid an accident in a situation where one could possibly occur.

Defensive driving is based on the premise that you, the driver, are actually a very good and safe driver that must be alert and able to react to the dangerous driving that others are engaging in.

Defensive driving utilizes advanced skills and awareness not initially taught to new drivers. The goal of one taking a defensive driving class is to become a proactive driver, in order to avoid dangerous road situations or the poor conduct of other drivers. Specific techniques and basic rules are used to achieve a safer driving experience.

Defensive driving courses are taught across the United States, as well as other countries. Defensive driving schools are sometimes referred to as traffic schools, depending upon the regional area.

In Texas, the term defensive driving course is used, while in New York they tend to use the term raffic school. Anybody can take defensive driving courses to brush up on skills or to qualify for discounts on car insurance premiums.

Most often, individuals are referred to defensive driving courses after being ticketed for a moving violation or having been in an accident. Depending upon the laws of the municipality, the documented completion of a defensive driving course can allow for a dismissal of the ticket.

About the Author: Defensive Driving provides detailed information about defensive driving online, and defensive driving courses and schools in Texas, New York, Washington, D.C., and other locations. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.

Source: www.isnare.comMountain Dirt BikesAndrew GreenWhat are mountain dirt bikes?

Mountain dirt bikes are basically dirt bikes for use in climbing and descending rocky and grassy mountains. They can be motor or peddle models and it is up to you which you go for. The motor versions are quite different in design and look to other dirt bikes because of the use they are designed and built specifically for.

How do mountain dirt bikes differ from other dirt bikes?

Specifically, the frame is a lot higher than on a standard dirt bike in order that you get more ground clearance; the extra ground clearance will help you avoid mud build-ups, rocks and other such debris when traversing a mountain or hill. The frames themselves are also much more sturdy so if you do happen to clip a rock or something similar they are unlikely to just snap in half and will provide you and your bike with more protection. The brakes are stronger, making it possible to stop your bike rolling down the hill or off a rock and they usually come with both rear and front suspension to make the trickier terrain associated with mountain riding easier to handle. The suspension also makes the ride a lot more comfortable because you will face a number of bumps and sometimes some quite manic descents down the mountain.

Generally speaking a mountain dirt bike is much more rugged and rough than a normal dirt bike because of the beating and battering it will take during its life.

What else should I know about my mountain dirt bike?

If you own or are considering purchasing a mountain dirt bike you should know that you cant purchase normal dirt bike parts and expect them to do an equally good job on your mountain dirt bike. They simply arent designed for the same purpose. Yes, its true that a dirt bike is built to withstand quite a battering and a beating but its also designed for riding around a dirt track. However, a mountain dirt bike is designed to be ridden over mountains and through rocky, grassy and muddy terrains. The tires are such that they can withstand all of these terrains as is the rest of your bike. The suspension, brakes and frames are quite different when compared to other types of dirt bikes so you should be careful when buying parts or repairing your bike.

About the Author: Dirt Bikes HQ,, for lots of information about dirt biking.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Find Low Cost Auto Parts, At The Right Price!Rob GoyetteWhether its for your 4-year-old Chevy minivan, or the vintage Dodge Charger you have underneath the canvas in your shop, finding auto parts that dont cost you a fortune might be a tough task. Auto wreckers, E-bay, parts locators these are all valid ways to try to find the auto part you need, at the price you want to pay.

For newer vehicles, you might be inclined to pay full retail price at your local auto parts store, just to get the exact part you need for your vehicle. What you should realize is there are dozens of cars with parts just like yours, or reasonably close, that are sitting in impound lots, auto wreckers, and on the Internet, just waiting to find a new home. What makes them more attractive is that these auto parts can be found for a fraction of what you would pay for a new part. Chances are, they will last just as long unless they have been damaged.

With any vehicle newer than 10 to 12 years, you will be able to find anything from windshields and side mirrors to carburetors and radiators at the local auto wreckers. Most auto wreckers can save you piles of cash when you are shopping for low cost auto parts. Many of them have their cars catalogued on computer, along with the parts that have been stripped from them. It makes shopping for low cost auto parts a breeze and very economical.

With many older vehicles, you may face a tougher task of finding the auto part you need at a reasonable price. The parts are out there you just need to spend the time finding them. One of the best places to find auto parts for everything from collector cars and vintage autos, to the Ford Tempo that needs a headlight, is on the Internet. Whether you search for the part on an auction site like E-bay, or if you use a national parts site like JC Whitney, chances are that someone, somewhere is going to have the parts you need for your vehicle. There is a good chance that those parts are going to cost you much less than finding someone to custom make a part, or purchasing the part from a retailer.

Vintage cars, especially ones that are older than a half century may pose a problem for someone shopping for low cost auto parts. The problem is, many of the parts that are out there are really hard to find, and when you do find them, they may cost you a great deal of money to purchase. The first thing you should do is exhaust all of the auto wreckers in your area. You never know who has that 57 Chevy rusting away in the back corner of the lot since their grandfather owned the yard. Next thing to do would be to track down all of the used car parts locators on the Internet. You might find dozens of them, and if you want the final piece to your collector car puzzle, it is worth the work.

If you are still having no luck shopping for low cost auto parts to go with your vintage beauty, there are two other avenues you might follow to track down the part you need. First, search the Internet and the Yellow Pages for any car collectors groups that match your car. If you need a headlight for your Model T, try finding a group that collects those cars, and inquire where they found their parts. You may even get lucky and find someone who has that part in one of the salvaged cars they have used. Collector clubs can not only be a great lifeline for parts, they may be able to offer you advice on fixing up your car on a budget.

This next option might be a reach for some, especially if you live in the city, but rural landowners have a knack for collecting and storing all sorts of machinery on their properties cars, trucks, tractors, etc. This might be your ace in the hole on a part you are having no luck finding anywhere else. They may also be the cheapest when you are shopping for low cost auto parts.

Talk to the local tow truck driver in a small town, or rural area. They often have the scoop on who has what, and if youd be able to find a certain part in the area. It certainly is worth the effort if you are able to find that final remaining piece to finish your car. Dont be afraid to scour the countryside looking for the part you need sometimes they are found in the most unsuspecting places.

Your last resort (and most expensive) is to have a part custom made. If you are shopping for low cost auto parts, this might not be the road to travel. But, it is a final option.

With all of these avenues to follow, in all likelihood you will find the auto part you need, and you should be able to find it at a price that doesnt put a huge dent in the pocketbook. Happy hunting!

About the Author: Search for low cost auto parts online at JC Whitney without paying for shipping. Visit

Source: www.isnare.comIdeas For Small Store OwnersJodie DeenJust when you thought you had run out of things to try, here are five ideas to customize and apply in your store to increase sales and gain the edge on your competition.

1. Animate your window display.

How often do you change your window display? Once a month? Once a week? Try changing your window display every day! I saw a very successful display that had five or six mannequins facing left and right with a backdrop of a street scene. Every day the mannequins would move a short distance in the direction they were facing and the backdrop would pan left or right along the street. Sometimes the mannequins would stop to talk to each other as those around them continued on their journey across the window. Although the store was slightly out of my way I found myself taking a detour to see where the cast of mannequins had got to and what they were doing! Your display does not have to be as complicated as the one I saw or even tell a story but use your creativity and imagination to change your window every day and create an illusion of movement.

2. Music does sell.

In a recent study French and German music was played on alternate days for two weeks in a UK supermarket. During the two week period there were in-store displays of French and German wines. The statistics showed that French music led to French wines outselling German wines, whereas German music led to German wines outselling French wine. Responses to a questionnaire suggested that customers were unaware of the effects of music on their product choices. Music is an essential element in any store because it can be used to create atmosphere and add texture to the environment. Can you think of a way to use it to directly influence product choice in your store!

3. Discounted impulse items.

This is an old idea but so often overlooked. Store owners know that Save $15 is a much more powerful message than 20% off and they also know that the best time to sell an extra item to a customer is when they come to pay. Experiment by combining the two and display only discounted impulse items near or on the checkout counter.

4. Your customers have email.

Now that almost everyone has an email address why not build a database of email addresses of your customers. Ask them at the checkout counter if they would like to be notified of seasonal sales, the arrival of new items etc. Dont give them a form to take away and complete because quite a few forms will never come back. Also dont ask them to write it down because it can hold things up if you have a customer waiting. Just keep a pen and lined paper handy, at a suitable point, ask them what their email address is and write it down for entry into your newsletter mailing software later. You only need to be successful at collecting a few email addresses every day and by the time your sale comes around you could be emailing thousands of previous customers to let them know about the outstanding bargains!

5. Use the silent sales person.

Small store owners can be divided into those that care about in-store signage and those that dont. Poor signage, too many signs, misleading messages, spelling errors and signs written in black felt marker all send a negative message about your store and product. With the wide availability of desk-top publishing programs and cheap high quality ink-jet printers there is no excuse for poor in-store signage.

Make sure you produce professional looking signs, use good quality paper and uniform size acrylic sign holders. Decide what type of signs you need and for each kind select the key components. For example, title, price, product knowledge, ideas for use etc. then set up a template for each type of sign in your desk-top publishing system. This will make it easy for you to create new signs quickly and easily.

Choose a simple two or three color scheme and stick to it throughout the store. Make sure your signage is easy to read and don't try to put too much on one sign. Change the signage as often as you like so that regular customers dont get bored. Remember your silent sales person is always there when the customer needs them, can say everything about the merchandise that you would want them to and works all the hours your store is open.

About the Author: Jodie Deen is the manager of Displayarama Store Fixtures a family run business selling discounted retail store display products. Talking with her many customers and listening to their experiences has given her a unique insight into retailing. Call her Toll Free on 800-292-5227 or visit the Displayarama website.

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Does It Really Take To Succeed In A Home Based Business?Ron LeBlancSo youre there at that webpage again. Looking at all the smiling faces and all the people telling how they started with five minutes a day and no money down and now they have a vacation home in Aspen. Is it real? Can average Joes and Janes really make it that big?

Yes and no. I have personally met many average people who have made many hundreds of thousands of dollars each in home businesses. Some of them had impressive educations and backgrounds. Some were pretty unimpressive before. Ive met a tattoo parlor owner, a bouncer, a college coach, and a homemaker. All of them have made multiple six figure incomes. They were average in terms of their education and work background, but there are also some things about them that arent average at all.

Did they have to train for years and listen to a home correspondence course of hundreds of CDs? No. Did they go get another degree? No. Did they just get lucky? I dont think so. The reason I dont think so is because they all had a few things in common. Logic tells me that if the things they had in common produced the same result, then maybe thats not luck.

I have known all of these people personally, and I can show you some of the things that they had in common. If you have/do these things then you also have a great chance at success. If you dont do these things, then your chances of success are slimmer.

Firstly, each one of them treats their home business like a real business. If you dont put your business near the top with family and your current job, then guess what you will continue to have that job. What that comes down to is making decisions like your whole future depends on it. Dont feel like calling that last contact? Cant attend that company function? That $2000 for marketing could be used for those new curtains or that new stereo. Those are the key decisions and all these people made them with their business in mind first.

Secondly, they all had a very pressing why to their business. For some it was the heartbreak of dropping off their 2-year old in day care. For others it was a divorce or separation and they would have lost everything. In every case these people had a why that gripped them like a grandmother who hadnt seen them in three years.

I have seen people who were asked about why they are doing a business or what their goal was and they were vague such as, I want to get financially free, I want more time at home, you get the picture. Worse yet some people have a negative reason such as I want to be out of debt, or I hate my job. Those are NOT going to carry you through the hard times.

If you cant tell me right now exactly WHY you want to do a business, then you may want to consider figuring that out before you get started. Get really specific and positive. What do you want to accomplish? When do you want to have it by? What are you going to use the $30k in the next month for? How much will you give away?

Once you have concrete answers to these questions, then you are ready to start looking at the how-to. I will discuss the process of figuring out your why in my next article. Dont miss it!

About the Author: Ron LeBlanc, PE spent 20+ years in science and engineering when woke up to his true potential and began working from home. He lives in Boulder, CO and works out of his home. He enjoys helping other people learn to do home based businesses. Get his tip-filled newsletter and some special offers at

Source: www.isnare.comReverse Merger: Have They Taken The Reverse Out Of Reverse Merger?Joseph QuinonesAre the promoters and consultants destroying the market for Reverse Merger? First lets take a look at reverse merger. In a Reverse Merger, an operating private company merges with a public company that has little or no assets, nor know liabilities (the shell).

In some rare instances, the shell may have some amount of cash remaining for investment in the new enterprise. The public corporation is called a shell since all that exists of the original company is its corporate shell structure and shareholders.

The private company owners obtain the majority of the shell corporation stock (usually 90-95%) through a new issue of stock for the private enterprise or assets.

The public corporation will normally change its name to the private companys name and elect a new board of directors which will appoint the officers.

The public corporation will usually have a base of shareholder sufficient to to meet the 300 shareholder requirement for eventual admission to quotation on the NASDAQ Small-Cap Market, Or some other market.

Now to the problem or the devil is in the details: The private company goes out perform the proper due diligence on a shell after finding it to be clean, and with no adverse past history to disqualify it, goes ahead completes the purchase.

After paying an astronomical price, say in the neighborhood of $500,000.00- to 700,000.00 for a Bulletin Board shell they get 90-95% of the stock.

Not only is the price extravagant, he will also take the reverse out of Reverse Merger, by insisting on a stipulation that you wont do a reverse split and reduce the number of shares outstanding. By reverse splitting the shares you are reducing his 10%. Which was the original intent of the reverse merger.

What a bargain $500,000.00 or more for 90% of nothing and it gets better, Lets say the company has 300 shareholders and those 300 shareholders collectively own 500,000 shares and in some cases more, and the shell has 30,000,000 million shares outstanding which the owner(s) of the shell get keep 10% or 3.000,000 share. I am using the old math not the new.

After the market maker files and the company is trading on the Otcc Bulletin Board. Your problems begin, lets say friends and acquaintances hear your company is now public and go out and buy some shares driving the price to say $3.50,

now those 300 share holder who received their stock for pennies decide that they have hit the lottery and start selling making it necessary for you to go out and buy stock in the open market.

Now back to basic math, supposing you want to maintain the 3.50 price so you go out and buy the stock. 500,000 x 3.50 = $1,750,000.00 forcing you to go raid the kids piggy bank if you dont have the spare change.

Now what about the 3,000,000 shares in the hands of the shell owner? 3,000.000 x 3.50 = $10,500,000.00, Time to ask the wife for loan.

And dont forget about those astute market makers and trader that are aware of the stock that will be coming out and depress the price of your companys stock.

Being the enterprising individual that they are, they will establish a short position on the stock of your company, after all they are entitle to make a living too.

Before you jump from the Empire State Building make sure there is net down below waiting for you.

Dont get me wrong a reverse merger can be done if you have a consultant that is looking out for you and is not part of the triumvirate (shell owner, securities Attorney and consultant). And in a few cases the same individual is performing all three functions.

I wouldnt recommend for you to go step out in to the mine field without a mine detector, in some of my previous articles I suggested way to check the smooth talking consultants and shell owners before they take you to the cleaners.

Also be aware that there are alternate way to go public the Reverse merger is only one of several option, so dont jump without looking, if you feel that you must do a Reverse merge insist on obtaining all the stock and not a share less.

In order to prepare you to deal with the complexities of the public arena I would have to write a book not an article, but I will continue to try and inform through articles so that you will be prepare if you decide to take the plunge and go public.

There are honest hard working consultants out there, in over 25 years in the business I have personally come across two of them. But there must be more.

If you want to know about the alternatives to a reverse merger get in touch with me through our website: the alternatives may not be cheap but they are cheaper than paying $500,000.00 for 90% of nothing.

The answer to the title of this article is a resounding yes! They have taken the reverse out of Reverse merger.

About the Author: Joseph D. Quinones, President of Genesis Corporate Advisors has spent over 25 years in the securities industry. In 1992 he founded JDQ Financial Group, Inc. and proceeded to build it up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, advised numerous client and generated millions in revenues.

Source: www.isnare.comCorporate Shells.Joseph QuinonesA corporate shell could be likened to a house that had been occupied by a family. Prior to the family moving out it was a home. But now it is just shell, a skeleton, a plain house with nobody in it, but if a family was to purchase the house and move in, it becomes a home.

Similar, a corporate shell was once the home of an operating company but once the operating company ceases to reside there because of adverse circumstances ( bankruptcy or liquidation ) all that remains is the shell.

Buying and selling corporate shells has become big business, just a couple of years ago a corporate shell sold for approximately $150,000.00 today they go for upward of $500.000.00. Talk about inflation! The increase in price is due to increase scrutiny by the Securities and exchange commission and the demand for shell by Chinese companies seeking to become listed in the United States.

As usual when there is money to be made the vultures appear with their unscrupulous practices. In most cases the shells are own by the same operators who are also acting as consultants to the companies they are helping to become public. This may be a conflict of interest but they are able to hide their ownership well with the help of securities lawyer who may also have a piece of the shell.

The situation described above creates a huge conflict of interest that the regulators have yet to figure out because of the intricacy of the many participant who work in harmony and are able to conceal their actions from the regulators.

If the consultant indirectly own a shell and is trying to sell it to the company that they are advising, how well is he going to represent the client when it comes to price and the amount of shares that they are to Retain? And how about with assisting the company in performing the proper research on the shareholder list and the history of the shell.

Dont get me wrong there are many honest and well meaning consultants and shell vendors who established the shells for the sole purpose of creating a vehicle for private companies to go public, Just like you have the unscrupulous characters that appear every time there is an opportunity to make money, you also have honest enterprising individual who see an opportunity and take advantage of it.

Once the operating company purchases the corporate shell and merges into it, the owner of the private company receives a majority of the shell corporation stock (usually 90-95% ) through a new issue of stock for the private enterprise.

The public corporation will normally change its name to the private companys name and elect a new Board of Directors which will appoint the officers of the company. The public corporation will usually have a base of shareholders sufficient to meet the requirements for listing on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market of Nasdaq Bulletin Board. Although some shell have as few as 35-50 shareholders and are currently listed on Bulletin Board or the NQB pink sheets.

At our company we dont have an inventory of shells nor do we recommend a single vendor, instead we recommend several and after the private company selects a vendor we approach the process as if we were buying the shell for ourselves.

About the Author: Joseph Quinones, President of Genesis Corporate Advisors has spent over 25 years in the securities industry. In 1992 he founded JDQ Financial Group, Inc. and proceeded to build it up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, advised numerous client and generated millions in revenues. For more information please visit our website:

Source: www.isnare.comFive Facts And One Motivating Factor Behind A Successful Home BusinessPurva MewarAll legitimate home business entrepreneurs say it loud and clear that a successful home business is not about an overnight thing. And that you cannot get rich overnight and so on...In this article I will break the facts of home business into points that are easy to understand and relate to.

Persistence and patience is required to promote of your home business: A home business owner will have to add value to her/his site and update the information on a regular basis. Considering she/he owns a website, necessary skills and techniques will have to be learnt and applied everyday. The info flows free on the net. So no need to worry about the cost. Just learn, understand and apply.

Profits take one year minimum to show: One decides to start a home business on a Sunday, buys a domain name on Monday and assumes that profits will pour on Thursday or maximum by Saturday! NO. NO. NO. Till Tuesday all is okay. But after that comes work. You got to promote your site, online or offline or both, advertise free or pay for it, as you please.. There are choices everywhere between paid and free and both hold equal chance to succeed. And both require as much time. It takes time for a website to move up higher in the search engines. The higher you move, the traffic to your site increases, which increases hits and more hits mean more sales... But with time.

The third fact is about the often promoted USP `Convenience of working at home, no dressing up, no commuting.. . In reality that's the only convenience. To work at home is the only convenience Its a real big convenience to work at home. I agree. But please understand and accept that you may have to work harder. There is no escape from work or accountability. If you skip work, your profits dip. Simple. Never confuse the luxury of working from home as one phrase. The sentence has two phrases in it. `Luxury' and `working from home'. So don't fool yourself.

Have conviction in home businessDevelop confidence in the fact that home business is a reality: If you are a skeptical beginner there is a way out for you. There is a free 24 hour open to all tool that you can use - simply go to various work at home business websites and contact their owners. Ask them questions. They will respond. It will prove their existence to you and success and comfort with online home business too. Answers to all your doubts will be found by you in your language. Then you can take the call.

Nobody can double your money in 24 or 48 hours: Unless you play online poker and are an expert at it, don't consider doubling money option as a way to earn a living. Nobody can double your money in 24 hours. Not even world class stocks and scrips. And it they can't, who can? Home business profits take time to show. Once you start earning, its in your control. You can triple your income in a month. But initial efforts will be required.

Now the big question:If home business requires patience, persistence, hard work, regular work, smart work, skills and techniques that will avhe to be learnt online, what's the fun? Well, one thing that will keep you going is that income earning potential is unlimited in home business. Decent people earn a decent living. Decent people who give 110% in their first year make a fortune! Every home business owner you contact will vouch for it. Plus another tail ender fact is that you don't any money to start home business and also can be handled along with your office job until you start generating income and have enough confidence to make it your full time occupation.

About the Author: The author is Purva Mewar, webmaster of two Work at Home Business websites and You are welcome to send her your queries related to home business

Source: www.isnare.comE-commerce: Is It Right For You?Mark ThompsonThe birth of the Internet and the mass availability of Personal Computers in the late 80s changed peoples life forever, Everyone now has had the potential to be their own boss whether you are mother at home looking after your children or a manual laborer there are opportunities in abundance . Just a search on Google for business opportunities will bring up more offers than your parents would have had in their whole life. So it must be easy to make a living from the internet right? No its not, you need a firm business plan and you need to work hard at it.

Setting up and running an online business does have several advantages over setting up a normal business. You can usually run it in conjunction with your current job, your potential market is bigger your initial overheads are usually smaller and you can operate it from the comfort of your own home. Once you decided that you want to enter into the world of E-commerce you then need to take a lesson from main stream business and create a business plan.

The very first thing you need to decide is what type of business is right for you and then research the market. Possible businesses open to you are.

An Affiliate Program
An Adsense Program
Selling Products

With an Affiliate Program you are paid a commission for selling a companies products. You have no contact with the customer, all you do is provide sales leads to the company of whom you are an affiliate. An Adsense program is where you take an existing website of yours about a particular subject and add contextual Adverts from Googles Adsense program. When a person clicks on an advert you then receive a few cents. There are 2 approaches to Adsense programs, build a well respected Niche site with lots of traffic the more traffic you get the higher the Click Through Rate (CTR) and thus the higher the income. The second method is sometimes referred to as the shotgun method, build lots of sites with less traffic but earning a smaller amount from each site. A $1 a day income from each of 50 sites is better than $40 from 1 site. It is worth pointing out here that it against Googles TOS to build site specifically to target Adsense revenue.

The final E-commerce method we will look at is the most similar to mainstream business, selling a product. You build a web site with a shopping cart and give as many details about the products as possible. The products can be something you make yourself, or a product you buy in bulk or a product from a drop shipper. With drop shipping you sell products which are then dispatched from a location elsewhere by a 3rd party.

If all this sounds too easy its not. Setting up the business is just the start of it, the hard work needs to start now. You need to get traffic, the more traffic you get the higher your sales will be. In addition you need to look at the performance of your site and tweak the layout so you make more sales. You need to get your site onto the first page of Google and other search engines. You may need to write adverts and operate an pay Per Click program. In short you need to become an expert in many new subjects. If you have the drive and dedication then it is possible to make a good income from E-commerce but dont expect to spend an hour a day at the computer and the rest of your time on your Yacht.

About the Author: Mark Thompson has spent a number of years traveling the World and Racing Motorbikes, when funds got low he worked as an IT consultant In London. He now lives in Spain and runs a number of Websites Including and

Source: www.isnare.comWhen Ya Give, You're Gonna Receive...SomehowDan ReinholdI saw another one.

It was one of those postings that keep popping up all around in forums and discussion groups.

One of those I made oodles of bucks by doing nothing messages.

In this case, they actually claimed to gain $86,000 (yep, all those zeroes!) from writing and distributing ONE article. Never mind that it was full of whopping grammatical errors and misspellings, it was obviously(???) magic. Abracadabra.

Incredible as it may sound, this extremely fortunate individual ignored the direct requests of several people, including the forum's owner and myself, for details of how this miracle occured.

Remember the cricket sounds in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons when it was supposed to be really quiet?
Yeah, that.

That's a shame for us all, because giving is what it's actually all about.

Not throwing sales pitches, selling hard or wearing 'em down over

It's sharing what you know, what's working, what helps.

And I mean making a habit of it, not throwing little crumbs here and there. No one'll walk up to you with a big bag of money and say, Since you were such a good egg, we've decided to give you the bacon.

For instance, I advertise several products on Google Adwords. Some change from season to season or even with the amount of time I want to put into them. There's one thing that never changes - I keep my copy of The Definative Guide To Google Adwords open each and every second I'm working on any aspect of my Adwords campaigns, referring to it constantly. Why? It's the best resource available for that stuff and by using it ALL the time, my profits continue to increase.

There's a killer introductory ecourse that costs zip to give a feel for it, constant updates, helpful teleseminars, etc. It's awesome!!

Now what if you saw a message from me going crazy over all these smackers I'm making on Adwords campaigns without ever mentioning HOW?!? Would you think I was a good guy? Would you think I was the least bit helpful? Would you think I was just some selfish turkey??

Life is hard. That's definitely no secret. We need whatever help we can get. As hard as life can be, life in any kind of business, online or off, is even harder. The only ones who are still around tomorrow are the ones who help others.

Helping others is not only right, it's also appreciated. Making that buck has to be the furthest thing from your mind. When you do right by others, they remember. When they remember, they return. As they continue to return, they develop trust. I could probably break my desk under the weight of everything ever written that advises establishment of a trusting relationship in business. By the way, remind me not to print this out...

We're all here in this life to help one another anyway. What's the big deal???

About the Author: Dan Reinhold is the proud author of The WAHumor Way: Reality Check, Please!, the essential primer for everyone starting a home business or even thinking about it. With two boys, a dog, a cat, a rat, a wife and a household to keep together to boot, Dan's also the editor of WAHumor to hang on to his sanity by showing how insane the work-at-home community can be! Subscribe quickly at You could Win Big!!

Source: www.isnare.comBusiness Entities What Are The Choices?Neil ClarkinWhen you decide to start your own business, one of the most important decisions you will make is determining which business entity is right for your business. This decision will have a huge impact on how the business is operated, how taxes are paid, and your personal liability. Different types of entities have different advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into consideration, but you should start with an understanding of exactly what each type of business entity is.

The sole proprietorship is the choice for most business startups, but it isnt necessarily the best choice. What makes this type of business structure attractive is that it is the easiest and fastest way to set up a business. All that is required for a sole proprietorship is a business license, which can be obtained in about an hour by visiting your local court house, paying the fee and filling out a short form.

A partnership is just like a sole proprietorship, except that there is more than one owner. Again, a business license will be required, and while not required, a legally binding partnership agreement is highly recommended. The agreement should include the rights and obligations of each partner, how profits and losses will be divided, and how the partnership will be dissolved should one of the partners want out. There are actually two types of partnerships a general partnership, and a limited partnership. The main difference between the two is that in a limited partnership, the limited partners legal liability is limited to the amount of their investment, but this limited partner does not have an active role in running the business.

Corporations are more complicated to set up, but they also offer individuals the most protection. There is additional record keeping and administration work that must be done, but the business owner is not legally liable for the actions of the corporation. Should be business get into financial trouble, creditors cannot come after the individuals assets. There are two types of corporations C corporations and S corporations. C corporations have tax disadvantages, such as double taxation, and most businesses that incorporate choose the S corporation structure, which allows income to pass directly through to the individual shareholders.

The limited liability company (LLC) is an alternative to corporations that many small business owners look to. Like a corporation, the owners of the business are protected from liability, but the business is taxed as a sole proprietorship or partnership. There is typically less paperwork and expense involved in setting up an LLC, as opposed to setting up a corporation. This is the most feasible choice for many small businesses.

For the most protection, a small business owner should opt to either incorporate the business, or form a limited liability company (LLC). Even though a sole proprietorship or partnership is easier to set up, and doesnt cost as much to start, it just will not offer the business owner or owners an adequate amount of protection, and in the end, could cost the owners more money than the cost of setting up a corporation or LLC in the first place.

About the Author: Neil Clarkin is a contributing writer at Incorporation Services Guide. You can find further information on business entities and learn how to form your corporation or limited liability company (LLC) online at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Top Ten Tips For Auction Success!Joe ClareIf you were to look through eBay, or any other online auction site for that matter,you would find that many people make some very basic mistakes. And, they repeat these mistakes over and over again. As indicated in my book eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak with a little common sense these mistakes are completely preventable. So to prevent you from making these very same mistakes I have put together the Top Ten Tips For Auction Success.

10. Shipping
Always state what your shipping price will be. And, Do Not try to rip off your buyers by inflating the shipping price to increase your profit. Believe it or not, people do have a fair idea of what shipping costs should be. If they feel you are inflating your shipping price they will not bid on your item and may not look at any of your other auctions either from fear of being ripped off.

9. Customer Support
You must respond to all emails regarding your auctions. Yes, responding to emails is time consuming. But, if you don't, that potential bidder will look elsewhere for the product and you will have lost yourself a customer.

8. Reserve Price
Do your research on the price for your item. If you must use a reserve price keep it real. If you over price your item you will not get as many bids. And, while all good marketers know there is a time and place for the Reserve Auction, you may actually get more bids using no reserve pricing at all. Do your research to help you make this decision.

7. Item Condition
You must let bidders know what condition your item is in. Is it new and in it's packaging, or used but like new condition. Does it have any imperfections they should be made aware of. A potential bidders will want to know what condition your item is in before making any bids.

6. Terms
This could come under the heading Customer Service. If you have terms on your auction page that read something like this Not Responsible For Item Once Shipped or Item Sold As Is you will get less bidders for that auction. Be a responsible eBayer, have insurance on the item that your buyer can purchase. And be sure to have some sort of guarantee on your products.

5. Feedback
One of the most important parts of your eBay Business. Feedback is a method eBay uses to allow buyers and sellers to record their experiences with each other. Then, others can check out the feedback of any eBayer they wish to deal with, to see if there has been any negative comments left. Therefore, it is extremely important to keep your feedback rating positive.

4. Auction Start/Close Time
You must plan your auction start/close time around the bidders you wish to attract to your auction. If the product you are selling appeals to the working woman, the best time to start/end your auction would be in the evening or on the weekend. Always create a profile on your product and what group of the population you are selling to.

3. Item Description
Not enough information or too much rambling of information will discourage people from bidding. So too will to many typos. Your item description must be clean and concise. Succinctly provide all the information required to describe the item sufficiently and create buyer interest.

2. Image
You need to use an image on your auction page. Remember a picture is worth a 1000 words! Potential bidders will want to see what the item looks like before they make a bid. With digital cameras, being so affordable these days adding an image to your auction page is easier then ever. But, make sure the image is clear and well lit to show it's detail or any imperfections it may have. Also, keep the image at a reasonable pixel size so your auction page doesn't take to long to load.

1. Headlines
This is the most important issue for getting more bidders to your auction page. You must include words that people will search on eBay. And, you must make your headline enticing, so potential bidders will click it. If you are selling an antique make-up table a headline saying old vanity table would not pull in a lot of bidders. But, if you said something like Vintage Vanity Table - Mint Condition - Collectors Item not only would you get more potential bidders to view your auction, you would also be using words people would search eBay for. Your auction title would appear in searches for Vintage, Vanity Tables, Collectors Items. Therefore, allowing even more potential bidders to see your headline.

Happy Selling!
Joe Clare

About the Author: Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak Your Passport to Success! at

Source: www.isnare.comAn Introduction To Store FixturesJimmy SturoEverybody is familiar with the old retail chant, Location, location, location! It speaks volumes about making the right decisions from the start to make your retail establishment a success. Once youve decided what it is your store is offering to the general public, the next step youll take is finding the right location. Once youve found it, the next step is to decide how to dress up your establishment; youll need to decide what retail store fixtures will properly display your product. At this stage another invaluable clich applies, Presentation is everything!

Its true that how you present your products for sale is as important as the location, the timing of your venture and the pricing of your merchandise. On one hand, you wouldnt display expensive wares in cheap, shoddy or dirty store display fixtures. An appearance that turns people off the minute they walk into your store isnt going to help sales and, in fact, it will probably hurt them. On the other hand, you dont want your display choices to completely overwhelm the merchandise. Dazzling displays that distract from the sales appeal of your merchandise wont help business either.

In order to maximize your sales potential you need to decide what look and feel of the store will appeal to your target customer. Remember, no sale is complete until the customer leaves the store satisfied with his purchase, and a crucial part of that process is the way in which your products are displayed. There are many choices to make. It can be helpful to visit other stores selling similar merchandise even if your product is so unique that you have to travel to another city to find them. Even if you are selling an invention of your own that doesnt exist anywhere else, it will still fall into a category of stores that you should investigate before setting up shop. Art stores have one look, plumbing supply stores another and clothing boutiques still another. Even if your investigation helps you decide which display perspectives dont work for you, that knowledge can save you time and money in the long run.

About the Author: Store Fixtures provides detailed information on metal, antique, wholesale, and used store fixtures and store fixture parts. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.

Source: www.isnare.comBig Successes Never Happen OvernightCarolyn Bell SmithTreat your business as a serious, full-time business and be serious about making it work. Put your plans on paper. Neglecting to develop and follow a consistent marketing plan can be devastating to the growth of a business. Big successes never happen overnight. Market and promote your business everyday. There are subscriptions available that can assist in your conquest to success.

Continuous education is required for a business to stay ahead of the competition. There is a subscription that will make available to subscribers a resource center, support team, marketing aids and educational material. The subscribers are not told about the business and how it works but is shown step by step how to be successful.

Learn how to generate thousands to your website free. This valuable information would have taken months to research. The subscription is complete with all the tools to make money. Just because a name is added to a business, money will not start to roll. Sticking to well laid plan is essential for success. There are marketing tools included within the subscription. Different types of training are available on how to market a business. One great tool is the 30 Days to Success step by step guide.

This is an amazing subscription for the novices who want to start a business but dont know how. This site is setup completely ready to take orders. Everything that is needed to succeed is here in one location. The subscription is setup for a year to pull in money without the subscriber doing anything other then advertising. The subscriber could use this time to train himself to do business using the resource center, subscribing to other newsletters, and practicing writing newsletters.

Need more earning power? In a word autoresponder, this powerful feature will follow up and make additional sales. The subscriber doesnt need to write a word or install anything. This is a subscription in a box that is fully functional. The autoresponder is pre-loaded with pre-written newsletters and other business offers; respond to messages instantly, unlimited message length, tracking features, and a powerful marketing list management.

Quality internet marketing will be the ultimate success of a business. Performing the small things will cause a business to succeed; returning phone calls, answering emails, marketing, and promoting your business each day.

About the Author: Carolyn B. Smith Will Personally Build A Money Making Website Just For You Thats 100% Ready to Take Orders and Pull In Massive Residual Profits Get Details and Sign Up Today:

Source: www.isnare.comHome Office Furniture - How To Set Up A Professional Home OfficeJustin KohEach day, more and more people are getting caught in the 'work from home' fever. Government as well as companies is quickly embracing this type of 'work from home' scheme as there are many benefits such as employee being able to spend more time with the family and saving office space rental as well. Likewise, the explosion of the internet has created many internet entrepreneurs who just need a computer in their home to operate a home business.

As home office is getting more and more popular, it is important that you design and setup your home office in a manner that is conducive and productive for you to work in.
First of all, identify a location within your home where you can work conductively without any noise or distraction. Is there a spare room in the house or is there any place where you can create a space to work in? Make sure that there is sufficient lighting during the day time.

Once you have chosen that area, consider doing up wall shelves to put your stationery and office document to save space on the table. As table space is usually small, consider buying a 'miniature' desktop computer / laptop to put on the table. More spaces can be created by attaching the house phone to the wall as well.

If there are clients coming to your place, you might want to add in a sofa at a corner and a few magazine racks for them to browse through the magazine while they are waiting. To give your home office a 'more professional' look, you might want to get creative and decorate the wall with nice paintings or paint the wall with a nice color. Try adding some greenery such as potted plant or flowers as well. By taking the effort to spruce up your office, you can enhance a more professional company image when client steps into your office.

As you can see, the expenses really do add up when you spruce up your home office image. One cost saving idea is to buy used office furniture. Check out places like the classified section in your newspaper, flea market or bankruptcy sales as you can get great bargain for your office furniture.

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest office furniture news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Million Dollar Idea MakerGary DurkinWeve all seen some absolutely fantastic products, services or systems which are incredibly hot profitable money-spinners, and many of us have often wished we had thought of it first.

But just where do the ideas come from? How do the creators come up with the products and concepts?

Surely its based on massive research and development, huge capital investment, public scrutiny, market assessment - and thats just a start.

WRONG! Whilst the above may be true of some products, services, systems, ideas and so on, the absolute best dont involve any such in-depth planning - far from it.

Im going to reveal to you the secret of how some of the biggest, best and hottest ideas are conceived. - and how some of the most successful ever product ideas, were positively the simplest.

Dont get me wrong, product testing and market analysis is still very important, but completely pointless until you have clambered over the initial hurdle of thinking up a product.

Lets look at a couple of brilliant examples of a product which is a world-wide name and multi-million dollar profit centers,

Firstly, just about everyone on knows about Duracell Batteries, and how they came from nowhere, and trounced the competition virtually overnight.

Was it because their batteries were better than the competition? No, not really.. Not in general terms. But the marketing people behind Duracell came up with not one, but TWO pieces of absolute sales and marketing brilliance.

Firstly, they looked at the competition, the market-place, the mode and method of battery sales, then compared their product side-by-side with other leading batteries. It seemed that their battery was just as good as the rest, or at least as good as the market leader.

But in the marketing world, trying to sell a product on the basis of Its just as good as the rest - doesnt really work.

They needed an EDGE.

During comparative product testing, it revealed the Duracell was in fact, better than the leading battery, in a particular way. They had discovered that Duracell batteries lasted longer, much longer than the others.. during continuous use.

EUREKA! That was it! They had found their edge.. The marketing angle.. The secret weapon.

So now, we all know that . Duracell lasts longer any other battery during continuous use ..

They had found a NICHE in the battery market. continuous use.

Why is this so important? Simple. Most people who use products which require batteries, seldom actually use the product (and therefore the battery) for long periods, i.e. continuous use - but rather use them in shorter, regular periods - like flash-lights, electric door-bells etc.

But that was of little importance - they marketed heavily on the lasts longer concept - with the funky little Duracell Bunny going on, and on, and on and on..

Duracell were not misleading anyone - they were completely truthful in their advertising, and with it, became a virtual household name overnight.

BUT - they also wanted a second scoop of the market, and devised yet another unbelievably simple, but so effective concept.. of gigantean proportions. What was it? Sell the batteries in PACKS! Simple but Brilliant!

Many readers may not recall, but before todays multi-packs of batteries, they were simply sold loose, separately, individually. If you wanted just one - you went to the local store, and purchased just a single battery.

Now, Duracell decided to sell in multi-packs, and that was the only way to buy their new batteries. No singles. Period. Instead of selling one at a time, they sold FOUR At a time. Battery for battery, against the competition, they blew them away.

The multi-packs have another great side-effect. Some products which require batteries, need perhaps just one, or maybe three batteries, leaving an odd number of batteries left in the pack for future use. Next time the consumer needed to replace the used batteries in the product, they went to the drawer, and noticed perhaps that there were some Duracell batteries left, but not enough. So the consumer had to purchase more. And if they had already looked at Duracells, and had some Duracells left to use up, what are they likely to buy?

You get the idea.

This is a perfect example of taking something which already exists, and remodelling it, re-branding it, re-marketing it, finding a niche for it - and away you go.

Look at the music industry. Its rife with similar concepts, which make millions. Bands, groups, singers, performers. often do cover versions - that is they will copy a song or track previously done by another artist.

Sometimes music is a fusion - a mix of existing styles, but blended together to create something new. How about sampling? Taking a beat, rift, chord, chorus, few lines, track.. From another artist, and remixing it to create something different.

All they have done is to use something that already exists, make a few changes, amendments, alterations, improvements - and RESELL IT.

Unless you can reinvent the wheel, or perfect cold fusion - the World is jam packed full of existing markets, products, systems, services, concepts, ideas and customers - all of which can be used as your drawing board to get started.

First of all, where to locate great concepts?

Look around. What do you like? What do you dislike? Can it be improved? Can you take a hot product and improve it? Can to take a mediocre product and develop it? Can you take a completely useless product, and turn it in something better? Listen to what others say.

Can you re-package something? Bundle it? Deliver it differently? Re-brand it? Find a different, untapped market for a product which already exists, but is focussed on a different customer-base?

Can you add more value, more options, better support or service?

Do you use a product and think to yourself. Wow. Thats great but if only it did this too.

Here are the vital tools and tips which you will need to start you off creating your own Million Dollar Ideas.

1. Your Eyes - seems obvious, but always be aware and on the look-out.

2. Your Ears - keep them open listen to people, those around, what they say about products, especially the things they dislike, as this could be a great start for you, if you can remove the problem with an existing product, you may just have a seller.

3. Your Mind. Keep this open too. And try to think laterally.

4. A notebook and a pen / pencil (write your ideas down - dont forget them!)

5. Go back to number 3 and remember to do this!

6. A sounding board - a way of discussing your ideas with a few trusted others.

7. Patience. It may take a little time, the best ideas dont necessarily come instantly -stick with it.

8. Dont get down-heartened if some of your ideas dont pan out. Just start again.

9. Dont spend too much time over ideas. Give yourself 60 seconds (no more) to think of a product, service, system etc., Then Stop. Then spend 9 minutes writing down as much as you can, all the pros and cons of the idea, how it can be improved, simplified, delivered - just write as much as you can in those 9 minutes. Then STOP. Take a break. A good break. In fact put your notes away till the next day. Then review them.

When you do finally come up with a really hot idea for a product, service, system etc., dont tell the World until youve taken a few steps to protect yourself! Get advice from experts - Lawyers, Business Professionals Patents. Copyright.. Its important to get these right, or else someone may steal your idea, register it first and make HIS/HER fortune from YOU!

That leads me on to the last area. Dont outright steal someone elses idea, product etc. Breach of Copyright can be serious, Patents are relatively easy register, but a little care is needed - and plagiarism is just downright nasty!

In summary, Million Dollar Ideas can be found in TWO PLACES.

1. Everywhere in the outside world.

2. Inside YOU.

Its just a case of putting them together. Some of the best ideas, really are the simplest.

Copyright Gary Durkin 2005 - All Rights Reserved worldwide.

About the Author: Another article by Gary Durkin Founder of the Internet Advice Center Gary has more than a decade of offline international business success behind him - each day controlling millions of dollars of investments world-wide, and has been doing business online for nearly 7 years.

Source: www.isnare.com10 Tips To Avoid Band-Wagon BusinessGary DurkinFirstly, we have to define exactly what Bandwagon Business means. If you are familiar with my various articles, you will know that I often use common phrases or sayings in support of my argument / points.

This is no exception!

Here, the phrase is jump on the bandwagon - meaning to get involved with the latest venture / fad / craze / in order to make money, achieve an element of success or just simply to appear cool.

In the business sense, I am relating to the frequently changing developments, niche opportunities, schemes, incredible new ventures.

What is clearly apparent, in particular in the online world - or the internet as we all know it, is the vast numbers of people who seem to jump from one bandwagon to another, with intense frequency, that you may be left thinking they have surgically attached springs to their feet.

Unless you are VERY lucky indeed, this process will not work for you. Here are my Top Ten Tips to Spot / Avoid this problem of epidemic levels.

1. Decide on your identity.

In the very simplest of senses, there are two main categories of people online looking to make money. Those who are plain and simple opportunity seekers - looking to make money from some get rich quick scheme.. Doublers, Triplers, Gifting Programs, Money Matrixes..

Then, there are those who are seeking to create their own online business. A real business.

If you are the former (opportunity seeker) - be warned. Most of these schemes FAIL period. End of Story. FACT.

If you are really looking to create an online business - this is vastly different. It may take a great deal more time, energy, work, involvement, commitment, focus and perhaps even investment - but its a business - a real business - not an empty pot of false promises.

So, decide which one you want to be - and stick with it.

2. Dont undervalue yourself.

It is often said, that they key to your success, lies inside you. You may not know it, or have realised it.. but its there. Everyone has weaknesses - so focus on your strengths in the main, and quietly develop areas in which you are a little less strong and gradually turn them into more positives.

3. What are your expectations?

Define clearly to yourself, exactly what it is that you want from your online activities, and what you expect to achieve. Be realistic. Although the internet is FULL of claims of people can make a fortune overnight - it simply isnt so. If you have never made money online, set a target to reach just $500 to start with.

Once this is achieved and sustained, increase your target to $1000 - then later $2000 per month.. then afterwards raise your target to $4000 per month.. and so on Start small.. work from there, and gradually increase your expectations only when you have achieved your first targets. You WILL find this works far more effectively than expecting to make $250,000 a year online within a week. Most people soon realise that they wont be millionaires in a few weeks with their program - so off they go looking for the next one.

4. Believe in it.

Have faith in your business, your product or your service. Sell yourself, sell the idea or concept first - if you truly believe in it, the persuasive powers of this will provide you with 90% of your success. If you dont honestly have faith in your business or product - before you know it, you will looking for the next bandwagon to jump on.

5. Is your rsum / CV 56 pages long?

In the offline real world, just how often do you change job? Every month? I doubt it! But online, people change their direction or business with more frequency than an 8 week old baby goes through diapers. If you were an employer interviewing a candidate for a position are your company - and they presented you with their rsum or CV showing they had already had dozens of positions in a short period of time, what would that tell you?

That they are very experienced? I dont think so.

6. Fairytale? Storyland?

Treat your online business like real fact, it IS a real business, or at least that is how you should consider it. Work at it like a Hans Christian Anderson story, and there wont be any Happily Ever After. One of the BIGGEST reasons why people jump from one opportunity / business to another, is simply because they dont treat it seriously. If you consider it to be a little fun - fair enough, but dont expect much in return.

7. Blurred vision?

In other words.. FOCUS. If you dont concentrate, or you become easily distracted, this will detract from your success, and will prove very costly. Dont underestimate this. This is one of the biggest reasons for bandwagon business - people become easily led away from what they are doing - with the lure of greener pastures.

8. Get committed.

and stay that way. The initial levels of enthusiasm are normally quite high, but then gradually taper away over time. Interest wanes, activity drops off, before you know it, you are spending less and less time on your business. Thats when the next easy option seems tempting. You can develop a vicious circle of doing this repeatedly online - back to the bandwagon jumping routine. Stick with it. Commit to it.

9. Do the Stock Market.

No - not literally. But you must INVEST - that is paramount. But before you grab your Credit Card and send it into meltdown mode - this isnt necessarily all about money. The biggest and most vital investment to make, is your time, your energy, your enthusiasm - and you must regularly invest - keep topping it up, just like a Pension Plan or your Retirement Fund. You gotta keep adding to it. Although money will come into the equation, because you simply cant do everything for free - just dont splash the cash at every opportunity you see, without trying to turn each spend into a positive R.O.I. (Return On Investment).

10. Baahhh..baaahhhhh.

Sheep follow sheep.follow sheep. This is another classic reason for bungee business - or bouncing around from one to the next. You see that all the other sheep are going in one direction - so you follow. If everyone is doing something, must you? Its not necessarily the best answer to go with the flow, or follow the crowd. Consider being contrary, contrasting, doing it with a twist - be different. You might just get the edge over all the other sheep.

Gary Durkin 2005

About the Author: Another article by Gary Durkin Founder of the Internet Advice Center http://www.InternetAdviceCenter.comGary has more than a decade of offline international business success behind him - each day controlling millions of dollars of investments world-wide, and has been doing business online for nearly 7 years.

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Has Happiness Got To Do With Business?Graham And JulieHave you ever been really happy? Have you ever tasted the fruit of pure happiness? Have you ever completed a task with that feeling of YES! I gave it my all. Im really happy and proud with what Ive done. Have you ever had that inner glow and outer radiation? But was it happiness?

You see, most of us have replaced happiness with pleasure. Pleasure is those times when you feel terrific like after eating a fantastic meal with excellent company. Pleasure is when you loll for hours in that hot bath. Pleasure is when you indulge yourself in that spa weekend. Pleasure is when you watch our favourite team play..But it aint Happiness!

The bad news is that Happiness is not an emotional state. Happiness is not the feeling you get when you are enjoying yourself. Its much, much more than that. What makes people truly happy, satisfied and fulfilled?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, (pronounced chick-sent-me-high-ee) director of the Quality of Life Research Centre at the Druker School of Management, Claremont, USA has spent years researching what makes us happy.

And he and his colleagues have found that happiness can only be achieved when you are totally involved in something. When, you are totally immersed. When, you are participating to the full. You know, when you are enjoying yourself so much you have no idea what the time is, what day it is, what is happening around you. You are really happy.

His research involving 250,000 people from every continent including chess players, rock climbers, musicians, people who meditate, artists, sports people and people from all walks of life shows that:

the times when you find yourself fully absorbed in something. Totally focussed, totally immersed and totally concentrated. Whether it be at work, playing with the children or meditating.

the times when you dont notice time passing.

the times when you keep going without being aware of whats around you....The state where I give Graham a cup of tea and he doesnt even know Ive placed it on his desk next to the screen..

the state where you really enjoy what you are doing and when you come up for air you are totally satisfied with what you have been doing. In other words you are really connected: heart and soul. You really enjoy what you were doing.

the times when you were reading a stimulating book and when you put your head up everyone has gone off to bed.

the times when you are so involved playing your favourite sport, you forget everything else

thats when you feel really happy.

Happiness is: the flow state. The state when you feel that you are on a roll. Where everything you do is effortless and just flows. The feeling you get when you completely lose yourself in what you are doing. The time, when time stops. You are in the grove and everything is working for you. You are in total harmony with yourself.

The irony is, that this great feeling of happiness happens, not when you are relaxing or watching TV or enjoying the company of your friends. Happiness is achieved when you challenge yourself.

When, you stretch yourself. When you are doing what you enjoy doing most. When you are totally absorbed in what you are doing. When, you put yourself out there. When, you exceed your expectations.

So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose. All you have to do is put those oughts, shoulds and musts behind you and follow your heart. Lose yourself in what you really want to do. Enter the flow world where:

Being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz.
Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost.
(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)

Thats Happiness!

Go on. Go for it!

Good Luck

Graham and Julie

About the Author: To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels. Please go to: Its free.

Source: www.isnare.comInvention Help... Don't Get Scammed!Emmet PressInvention help is available for a fee and a signed contract to split the profits. An invention submission company will take care of all the details.

The invention help expert will validate your invention through:

a. Internal project review or even new product feasibility assessment.

b. Product manufacturability assessment.

c. New product market assessment.

d. Intellectual property assessment or even prototype assessment.

Once through these, the next steps might be license agreement, patent management, manufacturing, marketing, distribution, fulfillment, project funding / financing, licensing and product development.

A caveat... Through media and web hype, many aspiring inventors identify invention submission companies or invention promotion companies as the best invention help. Not so. A number of invention submission corporations belong to the $300 million a year industry scam, according to MSNBC reports.

Stay updated. Read. Perform comprehensive research. Ask questions. Do background checks. Consistently verify.

You may well require expert invention help to get your invention from the drawing board to consumers at less cost. You may also need expert invention help to know your invention's suitability.

Here are a few suggestions to get your invention help:

a. Get a patent lawyer.

Where? The USPTO,, United States Patent and Trademark Office. It examines and issues patents, as well as, examines and registers trademarks. The USPTO also brings a list of area registered patent attorneys and agents.

b. Call the bar association of your city. It may have a list of patent attorneys. A warning, carefully look through every reference of a prospective patent lawyer. Check each of their client roster and success percentage.

c. Keep abreast with the glossary of terms in filing for patents. They will come useful when terms of services and employment are discussed with the invention help.

d. Contact government advisory and private websites:

FTC, Federal Trade Commission; and

e. Ask questions. If legitimate, the invention submission company will address your concerns. Dont be easily impressed by invention help's credentials. Verify the truth in advertising.

Can you get a list and talk to their industry contacts?
What is their success ratio? You can ask this under the 1999 American Inventor's Protection Act.
Can you get an endorsement list from private and government sectors?

Get the best invention help but be proactive and diligent with background checks. This way, the invention help scam industry won't claim you as a statistic.

Copyright 2005 Emmet Press

About the Author: Emmet Press is a freelance writer on the topic of Invention Information and other subjects of interest. Check

Source: www.isnare.com4 New Income Streams To Your Online Business At No Extra CostNelson TopNo matter what you are earning now on the net, you should position your business/service to earn more, and at no extra cost or time to you.. Most of your high volume traffic will not ultimately be interested in any single offer.

Thus, to maximize revenue, diversify... Use the same method that today internet millionaires are using, and make huge profit, even when you dont have a product of your own.

You will need to follow the four simple but high-yielding steps below.

Step#1: Start with Google Adsense. Adsense ads are just like the Adwords Ads you see on the right-hand side of a Google result page... except that they are on your site.

Basically you place Google Adwords ads on your site(s), for every ad clicked, you get paid. Google Adsense is FREE, easy to join and implement, you dont need to look for advertisers, it reduces your workloads, and ads automatically adjust for each page's content, you get higher credibility being a Google partner. And best of all you will have ongoing advertisers that will never run dry.

Experts after experts have all proclaimed Google Adsense to be the most exciting thing ever to happen to small business sites. Some visitors will click on your Google Ads, but you need to develop a mix of supplementary monetization models (build multiple stream of income) for bigger profit... at no extrta cost.!

Step#2: Use well-chosen Affiliate programs. This is a high reward/low risk website monetization option: no product development, no inventory, no shipping, etc. And it's free to join.

To reap huge benefits from affiliate programs you need to: * Develop best site concept/theme and select best related affiliate programs. Diversify your affiliate monetization.

* Take what you know, what you love (just anything, any topic), and turn it into a theme-based content site, to attract high targeted, interested precustomers and refer them to your affiliated merchants.

Through this you will generate higher click-through rates than straight advertising since you will recommend products in a contextually-relevant way.

Step#3: Build finder relationship with local businesses/ services.

There are millions of thriving local businesses who have no idea how to use the net. They will pay you for referrals.

You can link your site content to send visitors to specific businesses (offline businesses especially), earning referral or finders fee. Here's how it works: Your theme-based content attracts targeted visitors, then you recommend a business or service. You get paid for the lead or sale that results.

For example: As an infopreneur, you can provide a form for visitors to use to contact your favourite real estate agent and you earn thousands of dollars from villa sales and rentals. You will add thousands more when you add referrals to local boat charters, tour operators, inns etc...all on a pay-per-lead or pay-per-sale basis.

Step#4: Extend into new income-generating area. This will depend on your particular niche and business intentions. You may consider the following areas:

(1)E-goods: You can produce a software, ebook, e-photo etc, that contain info that people are willing to pay for.

(2)Service Oriented businesses: Offer a service related to your niche: book indexing,personal training, hoteling, etc. You can build a local or global client base.,

(3)Hardgoods:You can create or sell your own goods, or sell as an affiliate or put up your own store.

(4) SOHO'S/NOHO'S: You can run a full business from home, full time or part-time.

(5)Network marketing: Build your site that attract and presold warm leads to call you all day long.

(6)Ebay/online Auction:You can put ebay to work for you,auction products on the net.

(7)Web professionals:You can be a webmaster that builds professional sites that can generate traffic for clients., etc.

The bottom line: Your monetization mix should include at least two of the above models. Putting all your eggs in one basket is a high risk strategy. By diversifying, your revenues increase, your business is more stable and you are in charge of your business destiny.

About the Author: Nelson Top has shown hundreds of online businesses how to use these simple techniques to make multiple streams of income successfuly. Click here to find out more:

Source: www.isnare.comA Simple Sales Strategy: Talk To Yourself!Tessa StoweYou are about to speak to a potential client, go to a networking meeting or give a presentation. What should you be saying to yourself in those few minutes beforehand? If you spend that time saying what I propose below, you will effortlessly and naturally become very attractive to your potential clients. This approach is very powerful, I promise you.

What if, in those few minutes, you say to yourself:

* I desperately need this client.
* I want their money.
* I need to show them how good my services are.
* I need to get them to listen to me.
* I hope they think I am good enough.
* I need to remember my script and those objection handling and closing techniques.
* I don't think I am going to enjoy this.

Do you ever say these kinds of things to yourself?

Imagine how you are going to come across if you are be-ing like this? Desperate? Unauthentic? Uncaring? Not relaxed? Attached to the outcome? It's all about me, me, me. Like a salesperson? Oh no!

Instead, just suppose that in those few minutes, you say to yourself:

* I am about to have a conversation to explore if I can help.
* I really want to help.
* I want what's best for this person, even if they don't become my client.
* My focus is on what I can give, not what I can get.
* I am committed to helping but not attached to it.
* I am going to put myself in their shoes. I will look at things from their perspective.
* It's all about them, not me.
* I am going to listen, listen and listen.
* I have no expectations from this conversation.
* I am going to be me (open, honest, full of integrity, natural ...).
* I am going to enjoy this.
* I am going to forget about trying to sell them something.

Imagine now how you are going to come across if you are be-ing like this. Authentic? Caring? Relaxed? Committed? It's all about them. Magnetic? Not at all like a salesperson!

If you are be-ing this way when you are having a conversation, you will quickly build rapport and trust; people will listen to you then. Talk about your solution and products before you do this and what you say will fall on deaf ears.

I suggest you create your own written list by using mine as a starting point. Add to it over time. Say these things, out loud preferably, to yourself before you speak to any potential clients. Then sincerely (or it will not work) be like this.

This may sound silly to some of you but it works. Eventually you will be like this naturally and getting clients will become easier and easier. People will find you magnetic.

This is a simple and yet very powerful technique. Please do not underestimate it. Try it out for yourself and if you do, I promise, you'll quickly be on the path to getting a lot more clients. It's all in the be-ing!

(c) 2005, Tessa Stowe, Sales Conversation.

About the Author: Tessa Stowe helps Coaches and Consultants stop struggling to sell, and instead attract clients like magic! Her FREE e-course tells you how: Attract More Clients Naturally: 10 Simple Strategies That Work ... Even If You Hate Selling! Sign up now at

Source: www.isnare.comExecutive CoachingArijit MExecutive coaching has become a very important part of developing a creative and successful work environment in most businesses today. Those who participate in executive coaching are in a unique position of influence and guidance for those around them. With the proper training, executive coaching provides a less conventional yet more effective way of training and helping individuals to advance in their careers. Executive coaches work with their subjects in order to strengthen skills in areas that require improvement as well as can make a difference.

The goal of executive coaching should be about supporting individual growth and any change that is needed. There are a number of ways that those who are involved in or are considering executive coaching can heighten each individuals successes as a coach. Each person who is established in executive coaching has already decided on a set of limits that will define their relationship with each person that they coach. Those in executive coaching may want to think about their role as an advisor, listener, and a creator and as a leader. Each relationship a person has during executive coaching will, most likely, be different but a preconceived set of limits will be applicable in any relationship.

People who are involved in executive coaching understand that they are not in control and need to be approachable. While the role of someone in executive coaching is to guide and advise, it is not to make decisions and criticize. An ideal relationship with an individual who is involved in executive coaching and their subjects is one that is viewed as a partnership that can lead to educated decisions and growth. Ultimately, the executive coach needs to leave final decisions up to the person in training.

Those who are undergoing executive coaching will appreciate and grow if their executive coach includes them in conversations and places them in the decision-making seat when an issue needs to be handled. Coaches who ask their subjects how they feel about an issue or how they think a particular situation should be handled offers them reassurance that their opinion is values and that they are capable of making important decisions on their own.

Sometimes executive coaching can feel more like leading. Some people do not respond to or have the immediate skills necessary to complete the decision making process on their own and an executive coach is able to show them how to do it. When a person is having difficulty coming up with an answer or making a decision, an executive coach simply needs to lead them with questions like What are our options? and Do you think that is whats best? in order to get them thinking about a possible outcome.

The goal of executive coaching is always to educate in order to train and advance a particular individual. Each individual who has been involved in executive coaching should be able to be successful and self-sustaining no matter what their daily challenges might be. Executive coaching simply offers a guided course of action that can be followed in order to build the necessary skills to succeed.

About the Author: Taylor is the webmaster and owner of and has been researching and reporting on Executive Coachings for years. Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comBlogging Dollars In 7 Hours Or LessMal KeenanNeed to make money fast, but you don't want to spend a single cent to establish an online business? Fret not, dear friend. You could actually start earning from the web with zero capital, zero obligations and zero risks! All these can be accomplished within 24 hours! Read on and I'll show you how.

Hour 1

Try to find a profitable niche. Niches are highly specialized segments of a market where the demand is high and the supplies are low. There are few competitions in a niche, allowing you more opportunity to establish your online presence.

Think of a market that you could cater to. Then narrow it down by enumerating its subcategories. The more you are able to reduce the subject, the higher the profitability will be. For example, the general market you thought of is about dogs. A subcategory of this would be about Chihuahuas. A further subcategory would be about Chihuahua grooming.

Hour 2

Once you have found your niche, run a search at or . The results would show how many searches were made for that subject. The more searches there are, the higher the demand is for that topic.

Run a similar search of the same subject in any of the search engines on the net. The results would reveal your competition. Naturally, you would want a subject that has less competition. This would mean that you're looking for one that would produce few results in your searches.

Hour 3

Once you've found a lucrative niche, it's time to look for its relevant keywords. Run a search of the topic at to get a list of related keywords and keyphrases. Keep a copy of this list.

Hour 4

Open an account with a free blogging site. Or, if you already have your own website, download the Wordpress software at . It's free. And Wordpress can be easily integrated with any website.

Set up your account. Fiddle with the controls. You'll discover that using a blog is as easy as writing down your thoughts and clicking on a button to publish them for all the online world to see.

Hour 5

Enroll in any affiliate program of your choice. You could choose more than one, of course. Just make sure that such program is offering some products that cater to the niche you have chosen. Try to find a program that offers highly sellable products and generous commissions. Don't settle for a commission rate of less than 20%. Look for something that would give you at least 40% for every successful sale you would be able to refer. A good place to start is , but eventually you would want to graduate to something grander. But for your initial foray, ClickBank would suffice.

After enrollment, you would be able to immediately choose the products you want to pre-sell. Get the affiliate links for them. Do not lose these affiliate links.

Hour 6

It's time to put that blog to good use! The premise heart of this budget-friendly strategy is your blog. Blogs are excellent and cost-effective alternatives to websites. Search engines love them, and they have their own linking network as well. Also, they are easily updatable, and search engine spiders love consistently updated content.

Write an interesting piece about the niche you have chosen. It may be a personal review of one of your affiliate products, or your views on the niche in general.

The trick here lies in being able to strategically insert your affiliate links in your blog entries. It must be subtle. You won't want your blog to look like a blatant sales page. Your entries should be highly informative, first and foremost. Content is still king, and it is what will drive visitors to your site.

Hour 7

Go to . Ping the blog directories and the search engines that can be found there. This would inform their spiders that your content has been updated, and they will check it out come the next relevant query. What does this mean? Fast indexing for your blog site!

So there you go. A zero dollar, seven hour marketing plan that would rake in some earnings. It doesn't stop there, however. Try to post a new entry everyday, and ping the search engines afterwards. Soon enough, you'll have a high traffic blog site where you could expose your affiliate links to a whole lot of people!

Good luck!

About the Author: Discover the Secrets to Setting up and Running a Highly Successful Online Blog with Our FREE 7 Day Report. Send a Blank Email to Top 10 Tricks to Wordpress Blogging Success Revealed:

Source: www.isnare.com4 Alternative Ways To Gain Lifetime CustomersThomas TrottsYou will always have more people that turn down your offer than actually buy. They might not have bought because of your price, payment options, or any other possible reason. You will just end up loosing all these potential lifetime customers. However, there are many ways you can minimize the loss of these prospects.

One way is to accept barter offers for your product. Maybe the person can't afford to buy your product. They may have something you could use in your business or personal life. If the barter deal isn't fair enough, either of you could add in some cash. You may not make money but, they might buy other products you offer.

Another way is to include a negotiation offer at the end of your ad copy. Tell your reader if there is something they don't like about your offer, they could contact you and negotiate a different buying offer. They may not like your price, guarantee, shipping methods, payment options, etc. You can gain a potential lifetime customer by being flexible with your offer and negotiating instead of loosing them.

A simple way to attract lifetime customers would be to give people a freebie. The freebie should be related to the other products or services you sell. You may not be getting paid for the freebie, but you will get a lot more people using one of your products because it is free. If they are impressed by your free product there is a high chance they'll buy your other products in the future.

The last way is to sell your product at the price it costs you to produce or buy it. You will usually sell more products at a lower price than your competition which equals more potential lifetime customers. You will break even in cost but you'll make your profit from the upsell and backend products you sell your lifetime customers.

Quote of the Day:

A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth...

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits, which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers an fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals, within himself, the laws of thought, and understands, with ever-increasing accuracy, how the thought-forces and mind-elements operate in shaping his character, circumstances, and destiny. -- James Allen

To Your Success,
Thomas Trotts

About the Author: Thomas Trotts is an expert in Internet Marketing and a true leader in Work At Home Business Opportunities. He specializes in SIMPLE Wealth Duplication Systems for Internet Entrepreneurs.To join his latest and fastest growing Home Business Opportunity FREE - GO TO:

Source: www.isnare.comOnline Stock Trading: Freedom Of TradeChristopher SmithI remember the first time I started to trade online. It was just before the tech bubble of the late 1990s and the internet was still something new for most people. Purchasing the now forgotten company was easy, and I made a few dollars on that trade. It was so excitingly simple.

Flash forward a couple of years and I have made and lost my share of money. While still ahead of the game, I learned a few things about online stock trading. Freedom is great, but it comes at a cost. Lets have a look at the benefits and the trade offs of online stock trading:

The Benefits of Online Stock Trading

Low commissions for most people, this is the number 1 benefit of investing online. For $9.99 or less, you can buy and sell your favorite stock. Full service brokerage fees are usually over $100. If you are an active trader, that can start to eat up your profits very quickly. For every $10 000 you invest, you have to make 2% ($200 - $100 to buy and $100 to sell) just to break even.

Quickly act on price moves another great benefit of online stock trading is being able to quickly act on price moves. With the click of a couple of buttons, you are able to take advantage. With a full service brokerage, youll have to call first, explain what and why you want to trade that stock and then wait to see what price you were filled it. Odds are, you may have missed the best entry point, and paid 10x the commission for that privilege.

No middle men No justifying why you want to trade, no having to have someone suggest that a stock might be too risky. You call the shots.

Information at your fingertips online stock trading can bring much needed and real time info that can help you when to buy and when to sell. Technical charts, real time prices and information sharing can be easily accessed online.

The Drawbacks of Online Stock Trading

No middle men while I just listed this as a benefit, its also a drawback. The majority of my losses were from stocks that did not meet my investment plan but were simple stocks that were being pumped and hyped up. Often, you end up buying a stock that is moving higher, and end up having to sell at a loss. When you trade at a discount broker, there is no stopping you from making a mistake. With a full service brokerage, your financial planner can help filter out the bad plays from the smart ones. This advice alone can more than make up for commission fees.

Investment Plans online stock trading doesnt automatically come with an Investment Plan. Why are you buying a stock? What is your exit plan if things dont go right? Will you use margin? Will you buy penny stocks (and if so, what percentage of your portfolio will be at risk)? A full service broker can help create an investment plan. Trading outside of your risk tolerance is one of the biggest risks your portfolio will face.

The best suggestion I can make for you is to look at a combination of both. Trade stocks online, but talk to an investment planner, develop an investment and trading plan first. While you may have to pay for his time, your trading plan will help you to avoid unnecessary risk when you on online stock trading.

About the Author: Investment strategies for trading penny provides traders with online trading and investment startegies and tips. Free stock picks for subscribers to the Leading Source -

Source: www.isnare.comStarting A Successful Direct Sales BusinessVanessa EnnisAn article in my local newspaper states that home based businesses are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy. A direct sales business is a great way of achieving a home-based business because the schedule is flexible, the startup costs are small, and you can continue to work at your current job while your home-based business is in its infancy.

So how do you know if a direct sales business is right for you? Many people make a hefty profit with direct sales while others quit before obtaining their first sale. Do you have what it takes to be successful? You wouldnt expect to receive a check at your current job if you never show up for work, and you wont be successful with your home-based business if you dont show up for work there, either. If you work hard at your home business, however, you can show a significant profit with direct sales.

The main ingredient to a profitable direct sales business is to believe in your product. If you love your product, your enthusiasm will spread to those around you including your customers and potential recruits. Be choosy when selecting the company you will represent. If you would not buy the products for yourself, you should not expect anyone to buy them from you. Also, choose a company that does not have large representation in your area. If your mother, sister, and four of your neighbors already sell the product, chances are you will not have as large of a customer base as if you choose a company where you are the only salesperson in your family or neighborhood.

Your team is also very important to your success. This includes the consultant that recruits you (your up-line) as well as your personal recruits (your down-line). The up-line, including the corporate staff, is important because these key individuals are those who mentor you. You should choose a consultant that is successful in selling the product as well as involved in her down-line consultants. This person should be someone that inspires you to do well in your business, provides training, and is available to help you as you grow your business.

Fall is a great time to get started in direct sales. Not only can you buy all the Christmas gifts on your list from yourself, but the people who attend your home shows will be buying gifts for their friends and family as well. Have them start off with a game listing everyone on their gift list for this Christmas. The person with the most names after two minutes of playing the game wins a small prize. Now that everyone has their shopping list, they can look for items in your collection that would be great gifts for each person. Your guests are going to buy gifts for the people on their list anyway; they might as well buy the gifts from you!

About the Author: Vanessa Ennis is the editor of Home Life First. Go to to sign up for our free email newsletter. Life is hectic. Let Home Life First help you keep the most important things in your life (God, family, and friends), first priority amongst all the hustle and bustle.

Source: www.isnare.comMystery Shopping For Fun And ProfitStephen PopeHow would you like to get paid to go shopping? That's right! Get paid to shop for clothes, eat in restaurants, watch movies, play golf, travel, and so on.

You can have your cake and eat it too! Enjoy the best of both worlds. Make money and have fun at the same time as a mystery shopper.

What is a Mystery Shopper?

Sometimes known as a secret shopper, a mystery shopper looks like any other customer but is working undercover to perform market research or other tests on business establishments.

For example, a mystery shopper may check on the quality of service and products at a particular fast food outlet.

Were the staff friendly, courteous and helpful? Were the washrooms clean? Was the food hot and tasty? Did the staff attempt to upsell? Was the order filled accurately and quickly?

Why the Need for Mystery Shoppers?

Companies are concerned about the quality of your shopping experience. If there is a problem, they would like to know about it so that they can take corrective action and keep you as a customer.

For this reason, businesses hire mystery shoppers to check on their locations and report the results.

As well, comparison shopping can reveal pricing and service differences of the competition.

Mystery shoppers sometimes uncover safety or security concerns and other helpful information.

How To Make Money as a Mystery Shopper

You can make money as a freelance mystery shopper. Contact market research companies and other businesses to obtain clients.

As an independent contractor, you will invoice clients your fees for services rendered. As well, you will be reimbursed for any direct expenses incurred (such as the cost of store purchases).

It is also possible to run your own market research company and subcontract out the work. You would need to get business clients who are willing to pay for these secret shopping assignments. Then, find suitable people who are willing to perform those assignments for you.

Variety is the Spice of Mystery Shopping

Your assignments as a mystery shopper can be varied and interesting.

One time you may eat in a fast food restaurant. Another time you may be asked to see how long it takes to get service from a company by telephone.

Perhaps you may be asked to shop at a website to check out its user friendliness. Still another assignment may require you to rate the helpfulness of store staff.

So, if you would like to have fun while making money, consider becoming a mystery shopper.

About the Author: J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty-five years. To learn more about mystery shopping, visit For profitable Work at Home Small Business Ideas, visit

Source: www.isnare.comMotivation, Quality And Individual In Third Wave CompaniesArvind KumarSecond-wave companies are in the business of getting bigger. Size is their religion. Third-wave companies are more interested in finding a better way.

This leads to a primary third-wave goal: to make yourself and your own products obsolete. No one should be more competent at that than you. Our Macintosh replaced the Lisa; Apple IIgs was designed to replace the earlier Apple IIs. What we do is find ways to give people a growth path upgrade to the next product, to the future, not abandon customers who have bought the now-obsolete product. The way we renew ourselves is to supply our customers with meaningful differences. In second-wave companies, the product objective is generally meant to give customers better sameness an improved version of their same old product.

This is a very contrarians idea. Second-wave companies do everything they can to defend what is already theirs. They will spend more and more money to do so or acquire a company to control the competition.

Second-wave people are motivated by promotion, salary, and bonuses. Third-wave people are motivated by commitment to an ideology, by the chance personally to change the world, the chance to grow as a person. The second-wave company does not offer this as a possibility, not in the promise of lifetime employment and the lure of a pension. As a result, third-wave people are more likely to take risks, to court failure. They are playing according to a different standard their own, not the companys. Their attitudes are based on the possible rather than the actual. They must, as a result, be given high rewards for their high risk, especially in stock options.

In this new wave, quality takes on a broader definition. It doesnt apply only to the product; instead, quality is pervasive throughout every part of the organization. Quality, without compromise, is expected in every function and every department, from finance to sales. Its everyones job. And its defined by anyone who wants to compete not just who is bigger and has more clout.

Thats one of the reasons why so many American companies fell into trouble. They measured quality in terms of what was affordable, rather than insisting upon perfection at the start. The proof of this is in some of the gains traditional corporations have registered in quality since the early 1980s; the increases are shocking not for their improvement but because thy reveal how bad things actually had got.

So what does all this mean? The differences between second- and third-wave companies required vast revolutions in attitude and behavior. These differences are worth nothing during the time of transition we are in currently. The third wave is a model we would do well to being implementing.

About the Author: This article may be re-printed as long as following resource box is included as it is with out any alteration. Article by Arvind Kumar. Arvind Kumar is one of prominent writer and consultant on Marketing and Management. You can reach him at For more on Gorilla Marketing Strategy and planning visit

Source: www.isnare.comSpecialization, Diversification, IntegrationArvind KumarEvery business needs a core an area where it leads. Every business must therefore specialize. But every business must also try to obtain the most from its specialization. It must diversify.

The balance between these two determines the scope of a business.

Parents Magazine Enterprises had for thirty-five years been a successful publisher of magazines and books on and for children. In the autumn of 1963 it acquired F.A.O. Schwarz, the best-known American toy retail chain. This did not change its specialization at all. But it diversified the fields in which the companys specialization is utilized.

Unilever also exemplifies balance between specialization and diversification. With five hundred companies operating in more than sixty countries, Unilever is so complicated that few outsiders understand its structure. Its activities range from growing oil-bearing seeds and catching fish to selling all kinds of goods to the ultimate consumer. Yet it is at the same time a highly specialized business with a major concentration in marketing grocery products, from fish and processed foods to soaps and toiletries. Any business within Unilever, whether it is a chain of grocery stores or a fleet of fishing vessels, can be understood in terms of the highly specialized knowledge and competence of a grocery-products business.

By contrast, specialization and diversification in isolation from each other are seldom productive. The business that is only a specialty is rarely much more than the practice of an individual professional or designer. It cannot grow as a rule and is likely to die with the one man. The business that is diversified without specialization or specific excellence becomes unmanageable and eventually unmanaged.

A business needs a central resource. It needs to integrate its activities into one knowledge or one market. It needs one area in terms of which business decisions can be meaningfully made. Unless there is such a core, people in the business soon cease to speak a common language. Management itself loses its touch, does not know what is relevant and cannot make the proper decisions. On the other hand, a business needs diversification of result areas to give it the flexibility needed in a world of rapidly changing markets and technologies.

About the Author: This article may be re-printed as long as following resource box is included as it is with out any alteration. Article by Arvind Kumar. Arvind Kumar is one of prominent writer and consultant on Marketing and Management. You can reach him at For more on Gorilla Marketing Strategy and planning visit

Source: www.isnare.comBusiness BrokerArijit MA broker is simply businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission. A business broker is quite similar to a real estate agent in that a business broker specializes in putting together people in business who are interested in buying and other people in business who are interested in selling. When it is time to buy or sell, the right business broker can be the difference between settling and cutting a great deal.

There are a number of things to consider when selecting a business broker. First, ask business associates for referrals. Dont ask just anyone about a business broker- and someone that is trustworthy and would have this kind of knowledge. If there isnt an immediate person who can help with this kind of information, there are a number of other sources that can help in offering some assistance including an attorney, accountant and any related organization that can provide the names of a few exceptional business brokers.

Another resource is in the International Business Brokers Association. This is a not for profit organization that describes themselves as a trade association of business brokers providing education, conferences, professional designations and networking opportunities. The International Business Brokers Association has an official certification procedure that must be completed and they currently list that they have more than 1,300 members.

Once a few names have been selected as potential business brokers, it is time to do some independent research on each brokers credentials, background and experience. If a particular business broker is faced with legal action or complaints, it is a good idea to investigate the circumstances around each case thoroughly. The Better Business Bureau is an excellent resource to check on complaints about any potential business broker.

While there are many exceptional part-time business brokers working all over the country, a business broker that works full-time is more desirable. A full-time business broker is usually available for more hours than what is considered to be a typical business day and has the time to make connections and network within the industry. A person who makes their living as a business broker wants to be successful at their only source of income and success.

When asking around about a potential business broker, ask about the discretion of any potential brokers. When someone is considering selling their business it is considered a private matter and is essential to keep the business running without losing important employees and established suppliers. Experience has proven that any business whose employees discover plans for a potential sale; the basic operations of that business are jeopardized.

Finding the right business broker and selling a business can be incredibly stressful tasks and no one wants to have to work with a broker who is aggressive or pushy. Never allow a business broker to pressure any decision before it is ready to be made. Also, avoid any business broker who requests an up front selling fee. Business brokers make excellent commissions on their sales and have no need for assessments or application processes. The right business broker will understand the complete selling and buying process of business and can provide all of the information and sometimes support that is needed for a successful transaction.

About the Author: Stephen is the webmaster and owner of and has been researching and reporting on Business Broker for years. Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comGet More - Using Recognition To Get ResultsDarryl GeeLets face it as leaders and business owners we always want more and in many ways need more. More productivity, more sales, more profit, better service, better quality ... and the list could go on and on. Whether we are faced with the challenge of increased costs or an increasingly competitive environment, the most effective resource that we have to quickly get more are the people that we lead and manage.

The quickest way to get anyone to do anything is to simply ask, and the most effective way to get them to keep doing it is by providing some recognition. In poll after poll, survey after survey, employees say that they are motivated more by recognition, than by money. So why dont we use this tool more often?

Maybe we feel its time consuming, or we forget! or weve never tried it before, or its just not in the budget ... and the list could go to infinitum. Frankly, these are all poor excuses for not giving your people what they want most and crave. Recognition.

I am going to lay out a comprehensive recognition plan that anyone can use to increase sales and productivity. Some of what I am going to share may seem corny - but trust me it works. (Tell me its corny if you follow my instructions to the letter and see no improvement).

Track Everything:
This will be the fuel for your recognition program. You need numbers, numbers and more numbers. Youll need these for each individual on your team. If you do not have an automated way to get numbers, youll have to do it manually (I know it sounds difficult but you must do it. Anyway, what did we do before computers).

In particular we need to track sales and things that impact sales and profits. Youll need detailed sales results. How many of each item was sold and by whom. Was the item discounted or not? Was an accessory or an upgrade attached to the sale. Was the sale made by cash or credit - or on account. What time was the sale made.

Once you have the cold hard data. We need to make it relative by breaking things down into ratios. How many add-ons were added per sale? What was the dollar value of add-ons per sale? How many premium units were sold? And so on

As you collect this data and compare it you will come up with numbers for your unit and numbers for each individual. Your unit may have a rate of $35 per sale, while Steve may average $50 per sale, Bob $20 and Carrie $25. Even though Bob was your top sales person, his per sale average is low and he may be losing you money. Tracking gives you insight into your business in ways you may have never thought of.

Now that we have the data what do we do with it? Share it. Share everyones results with everyone on the team. You need to do this in several ways.

Visually youll need a board to detail the critical results - those that are most important to you. List everyones name from top to bottom and their results from left to right. Leave the last column as an overall rank column.

Next you will need to email the results - just the chart is fine. No commentary is necessary. Hopefully everyone on your team has an email address - if not Yahoo is free.

Now you need everyones wireless phone for the next two. It would be perfect if your team had company phones (if not dont worry do it anyway - as of this writing most carriers include incoming texts free).

Send a text blast - with ranking from the prior day and a congratulatory message for the #1 rep. You may need to send two messages if it gets lengthy.

Here is a sample text that you could send:
'Awesome Day: Christina - Our Champ with 15 sales, Evelyn 8 sales, Mark 4 sales. We finished with 27 thats 2 ahead of our goal. Thank you everyone.'

Send a voice mail blast. This will get you your best results. This is like having your own 5 minute infomercial. If your team uses the same carrier and your service offers it, set up a group distribution list and send a message detailing the prior days results. Rank each person and talk about your leaders

Here is the outline of a 5 minute voice mail:
-Comment on previous days business
-Highlight the leaders
-Detail everyones performance
-Comment on the laggards
-Close with a motivational statement or quote.

Now I will tell you how to use these to grow sales. Instantly, daily, weekly, monthly:

Instantly - as great sales occur throughout the day send out a thank you to the person who closed a big or tough sale. Use text, email and/or voice mail.

Daily - Thank the days leaders and recap the previous days business. Do this one on one as well as in voice mail and text. Be excited in your delivery. Nightly have someone post your teams results on a board for all to see.

Weekly - You should be having at least a brief meeting but ideally a 60 to 90 min. meeting, with your team - Every Week. Detail everyones performance for the week and highlight the leaders. Use them as examples of how to execute. Let them participate by sharing their technique.

Monthly - At the 1st meeting of the next month hand out certificates and takes photos of your leaders. Thank them profusely for their efforts. Be very energetic and motivational. Send out a message thanking your leaders. Do this on the 1st of every month - Voice mail or email is a good medium to use here.

To recap - Keep in mind your goal; whether limiting costs or growing sales etc. Determine what you want to achieve and in what time frame. Decide what behaviors and actions your people can take, to contribute the most to achieving your goals and communicate the actions you expect from them. Devise a simple way to monitor results by individual employee and keep score (detailed above).

Thank your people verbally and electronically for even the slightest increases as you progress through your recognition period. Instantly, daily, weekly and monthly - thank the top producers publicly. Provide your top people with recognition, awards and prizes.

The end result will be you getting the more that you needed and your people feeling pumped up and excited about contributing to the results.

Copyright 2005 - Darryl Gee

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comNon-Profit Organizations - What Are They?John DayDefinition of Fund; Assets; and Fund Balance

According to the Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-For-Profit Organizations written by CPAs Gross, Larkin, Bruttomesso, and McNalley, (fifth edition, pg 25) the definition of a these three terms is as follows:

- A fund is any part of an organization for which separate account records are kept.

- Assets are valuable things owned or controlled by the organization. Types of assets include cash, investments, property, and amounts owed to the organization.

- Fund balance is the mathematical number obtained by subtracting total liabilities from total assets; it is a numerical representation of the net worth of the organization, but has no other significance. Fund balances do not exist except on paper; unlike assets, they have no intrinsic value and cannot be spent. Both assets and fund balances (as well as liabilities, revenues, and expenses) are part of the accounting records of a fund.

What are non-profit organizations?

A few years ago, a dentist client of mine, who did a lot of work for low-income patients under the California medical assistance program called MediCal, asked me a bizarre question. He wanted to know if he could be considered a non-profit organization since he did so much MediCal work. At first, I thought he was joking, but he was serious. I told him that just because he charged less for his services did not qualify him to become exempt from paying taxes. In fact, he made a very nice profit. However, this is a good example of how non-profit organizations (NPOs) are misunderstood by a large segment of the general public.

Most countries around the world have NPOs, but outside the U.S. they are called non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or civil society organizations. These organizations are exempt from paying taxes because they provide some sort of public benefit. They are said to enhance the fabric of society. They differ from a business organization in that there are no owners. A Board of Directors oversees operations of the organization. An Executive Director, who reports to the Board, functions like a CEO of a business. Usually there is a lengthy application process to establish the mission or purpose of the organization before exempt status is granted.

According to Independent Sector, an organization that serves as an information resource for non-profit boards, there are 1.5 million non-profits that, when combined, have general annual revenues totaling more than $670 billion dollars. They report that six percent of all organizations in the U.S. are non-profits and one in twelve Americans work for a non-profit. Thats big business and has caused profit-making businesses to become alarmed that some of these NPOs are competing unfairly. Think about a private hospital as compared to a non-profit hospital. The profits of the private hospital are taxed, but the NPO hospital can apply all their profits to higher salaries, more equipment, etc. Hence, there is high scrutiny of NPOs by the Internal Revenue Service, state Attorney General offices, private watchdog organizations, and the press.

There are all types of non-profit organizations. Public charities are exempt under the Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3). These organizations, such as hospitals, museums, orchestras, private schools, churches, scientific research organizations, soup kitchens, etc., obviously do much more than provide free care and services to the needy. To qualify for exempt status, these organizations must show broad public support, rather than funding from an individual source. In addition, there are private foundations, colleges, universities, social welfare organizations, professional and trade organizations, and many more. Governmental organizations such as communities and agencies are also non-profit organizations, however, their accounting and record keeping is handled quite differently from 501(c)(3) organizations.

How are non-profit books organized?

Briefly, the books of an NPO are organized in the same way as a profit-making business except for a few differences. Its okay for a non-profit to make a profit because there may be many uses the board has planned for the extra money. But, NPOs traditionally refer to profit as Excess Revenues over Expenses to avoid being mischaracterized as a profit-making organization. A net loss is called Excess Expenses over Revenues. Recall the fundamental equation that makes double-entry accounting work:


Instead of the term EQUITY, a non-profit will substitute the words FUND BALANCE or more recently NET ASSETS. The concept is still the same. After subtracting liabilities from assets the difference is what is owned by the organization. Where NPOs differ in their financial statement presentation from profit-making businesses is what is called Fund Accounting. Obviously, the presentation varies depending on the purpose and size of the organization. For instance, a Little League baseball organization may only have one fund for which they have to account. They also may not have any restrictions placed on the usage of contributions they receive. Everything is straightforward.

Or, a scientific research organization may be working on various projects at the same time with funding sources made up of private and governmental grants or contracts, private donations, sales of research documents, some of it restricted to specific expenditures and the rest unrestricted. The accounting challenge is to report the revenue and expenses accurately for each fund or project and be able to combine all the funds into one cohesive financial statement.

The problem in the past for the contributors was that they could not easily tell from the financial documents what funds were restricted and unrestricted and whether their contributions were being spent properly. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) decided that all external accounting should be done using the Net Assets approach as opposed to the Fund Balance approach. Essentially, the net assets approach requires that the equity of the organization be presented with three classes of assets, i.e., Restricted Assets; Temporarily Restricted Assets; Unrestricted Assets. You can still use Fund Accounting for internal bookkeeping purposes, but for external reporting purposes you are required to disclose your restricted and unrestricted funds. If you have no restricted funds, then it is not much of a challenge.

One of the key factors in setting up non-profit books is a well thought out Chart of Accounts. In other words, this is choosing which general ledger accounts are the most appropriate for recording revenue and expenses, etc., and organizing them in such a way as to provide meaning. Some U.S. organizations simply follow the same format found on the 990 IRS form for non-profits. They do this so that their financial statements are in conformity with the way that return is organized. This makes it easy to transfer information from their financial statement to the 990 form.

Nevertheless, the main thing is to design your accounts so that they tell you exactly where your revenue came from and what expenses are related to that revenue. I have worked with NPOs that have not done a very good job of this in the beginning, and I can testify that it is no fun trying to straighten the accounts out later. It may be well worth the money to hire a competent accountant to guide you through the set up phase. Better yet, let your accountant review your books a couple of times a year just to make sure you are on track and save yourself some year-end grief.

About the Author: John W. Day, MBA is the author of two courses in accounting basics: Real Life Accounting for Non-Accountants (20-hr online) and The HEART of Accounting (4-hr PDF). Visit his website at to download for FREE his 3 e-books pertaining to small business accounting and his monthly newsletter on accounting issues.

Source: www.isnare.comThe Accounting Model - Accounting's Rosetta StoneJohn DayAs a small business owner/manager you must have an understanding of the financial end of your business. Certainly, you have a decent grasp of how the business operates, but are you able to visualize an accounting framework that your transactions fit into? To do this requires becoming familiar with how your financial statements are structured and knowing the rules for recording transactions.

Financial statements consist of a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement. These two reports act as a container for all your business transactions. Each transaction is recorded according to a set of rules called The Accounting Model.

The Accounting Model is made up of three very simple parts:

The first part is a ledger page with a line drawn down the middle (like a big T) automatically creating a left and right side of the dividing line. However, in accounting language the word debit is used instead of left and the word credit is used instead of right. The trick here is to not make this anymore complicated than it really is. Dont try to use the words debit and credit to mean increase or decrease like you see on your bank statement. You can do this later when you fully understand how to work with these terms.

The second part is that there are five of these ledger Ts that relate to the five sections found in a set of financial statements. They are: 1) Assets; 2) Liabilities; 3) Equity; 4) Revenue; 5) Expense. The first three relate to the Balance Sheet and last two relate to the Profit & Loss Statement.

The third part is a rule that states: Any transaction that pertains to a section (Assets, Liabilities, etc.) that results in an increase or decrease has to be recorded on either the left or right side of the ledger page.

Go to the following URL to see an example of the Accounting Model, you can print out a copy if you like:

The next step is to memorize the model so you can visualize where transactions are to be recorded. Have you ever tried to learn how to use a ten-key calculator or computer keyboard? At some time you have to stop looking at the keys and allow your mind to memorize the keyboard. Thats when you get fast and efficient. Memorizing the accounting model is no different.

Lets try a sample transaction so you can see how this works. A great technique is to think about what actually happened physically in a transaction. This is an important step because doing this will tell you what you need to know in order to convert the physical event into an accounting transaction.

For example, lets say in your business you had a customer who walked in the door, bought some merchandise and handed you a check for $100. You deposited the $100 check in your bank account and recorded the sale in your sales journal. Keep in mind that each transaction has two parts, a debit (left side) and a credit (right side), and that double-entry accounting requires each side of the ledger to equal each other when the transaction is completed.

The first step is to identify the parts of the transaction and determine in which of the five sections each part belongs. For instance, you know that your $100 cash received is an Asset and your sale is Revenue.

The second step is to identify whether the transaction resulted in an increase or decrease to cash and the sale. In the sample transaction, it is obvious that cash was increased and sales were increased.

The third step is to look at the accounting model and let it tell you on which side of the ledger to record the transaction. Try it now. The model tells you that cash, being an Asset, goes on the left (debit) side when increased, and sales, being Revenue, goes on the right (credit) side when increased.

Since the debits equal the credits the books are said to be in balance. This gives you a brief idea about how the Accounting Model is used as a cipher to tell you where to record transactions in your general ledger (GL). All you have to do next is to practice using this system so that you become familiar with all of your GL accounts. Then the day will come when you become aware that you are no longer looking at the keyboard and realize that the accounting framework is fully integrated into your thinking process.

About the Author: John W. Day, MBA is the author of two courses in accounting basics: Real Life Accounting for Non-Accountants (20-hr online) and The HEART of Accounting (4-hr PDF). Visit his website at to download for FREE his 3 e-books pertaining to small business accounting and his monthly newsletter on accounting issues.

Source: www.isnare.comUnderstanding Depreciation: It May Be More Simple Than You ThinkJohn DayDepreciation is defined as a portion of the cost that reflects the use of a fixed asset during an accounting period. A fixed asset is an item that has a useful life of over one year. An accounting period is usually a month, quarter, six months or one year. Lets say you bought a desk for your office on January 1, for $1000 and it was determined that the desk had a useful life of seven years. Using a one year accounting period and the straight-line method of depreciation, the portion of the cost to be depreciated would be one-seventh of $1000, or $142.86.

Most non-accountants roll their eyes and shudder when the topic of depreciation comes up. This is where the line in the sand is drawn. Depreciation is far too complicated to try and figure out, or so it seems to many. But is it really? Surely the definition of depreciation mentioned above is not that difficult to comprehend. If you look closely you will see that there are five pieces of information you must have in order to determine the amount of depreciation you can deduct in one year. They are:

-The nature of the item purchased (the desk).

-The date the item was placed in service (Jan 1).

-The cost of the item ($1000).

-The useful life of the item (seven years).

-The method of depreciation to be used (straight-line)

The first three are easy to figure out, the second two are also easy but require a little research. How do you figure out the useful life of an item? Let me regress for a moment. There is book depreciation which is based on the real useful life of an item, and there is the IRS version of what constitutes the useful life of an item. A business that is concerned with accurately allocating its costs so that it can get a true picture of net profit will use book depreciation on its financial statements.

However, for tax purposes the business is required to use the IRS method. The IRS may have shorter or longer useful lives for fixed assets causing a higher or lower depreciation write-off. The higher the write-off, the less tax a business pays. The long and short of it is that you end up having to create a book financial statement and a tax financial statement. So, most small businesses that arent concerned with a precise measurement of their net profit use the IRS method on their books. This means that all you have to do is look in IRS Publication 946 to find the useful life of a particular item.

The last piece of information you need is found by determining the method of depreciation to use. Most often it will be one of two methods: the straight-line method or an accelerated method called the double-declining balance method. Lets briefly discuss these two methods:


This is the simple method mentioned in the definition above. Just take the cost of the item, divide it by the useful life and youve got the answer. Yes, you will have to adjust the depreciation for the first year you placed the item in service and for the last year when you removed the item from service. For instance, if your depreciation for one year was $150 and you placed the item in service on April 1 then divide $150 by 12 (months) and multiply $12.50 by 9 (months) to get $112.50. If you removed the item on February 28 then your deduction will only be $25.00 (2 x $12.50).

Double-declining balance

The idea behind this method is that when an item is purchased new, you will use up more of it in the earlier years of its life, therefore, justifying a higher depreciation deduction in the earlier years. With this method, simply divide the cost of the item by the useful life years as in the straight-line method. Then, multiply that result by 2 (double) in the first year. The second year, take the cost of the item and subtract the accumulated depreciation. Next, divide that result by the useful life and multiply that result by 2, and so on for each remaining year.

But, wait! You dont have to do this. The IRS provides tables that have the percentages worked out for each year of the two different methods. Not only that, they have set up special first year conventions that assume you purchased your depreciable fixed assets on June 30. This is called the one-half year convention. The idea behind this is that you may have bought some items earlier than June 30 and some after that date. So, to make it easy to figure out, they assume the higher and lower depreciation amounts will all average out.

Actually, the IRS doesnt even call it depreciation anymore. They call it cost recovery. Lets face it. This is a political tool. Congress giveth and taketh away. They have been playing with this system for years. If they want to stimulate growth in business they will shorten the useful life of assets so businesses can attain a higher write-off. If they are not in the mood, they will extend the useful life of an item. A good example is the 39 years set for the useful life of commercial property. This means that if you lease a building for your business and make improvements, those improvements have to be depreciated over 39 years. Now congress is working on a bill to drop that down to 15 years for leasehold improvements.

Before December 31, 1986 we had ACRS or Accelerated Cost Recovery System. Currently, we have MACRS or Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. Every time congress tweaks the rules they give it a different name.

Keep in mind there are different schedules for different properties. For instance, residential real property is depreciated over twenty-seven and one-half years and non-residential real property is depreciated over thirty-nine years. In addition, if more than forty percent of your total fixed asset purchases occurred in the last quarter of the year, then, you must use a mid-quarter convention. This convention assumes that your purchases made in the last quarter of the year were made on November 15. This prevents you from buying a big expensive piece of equipment on December 31 and treating it as though it were purchased on June 30 and gaining a larger depreciation expense.

Understanding how basic depreciation works can be valuable to the small business owner because it helps to know the tax implications when planning for capital equipment purchases.

About the Author: John W. Day, MBA is the author of two courses in accounting basics: Real Life Accounting for Non-Accountants (20-hr online) and The HEART of Accounting (4-hr PDF). Visit his website at to download for FREE his 3 e-books pertaining to small business accounting and his monthly newsletter on accounting issues.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Measure Your Success.Graham And JulieHow do you measure how successful you are? The size of your home? Your car maybe. Perhaps it is about the amount of money you have in the bank. How many friends you have. The size of your wardrobe. Wearing designer brands. Eating regularly at the best restaurants. Staying in the best hotels. Holidays in exotic place. Or is it the number of homes you have. Perhaps it is the amount of free time you have. The time you can use on whatever you want.

In our experience the best way to measure how successful you are is by looking at how many people rubbish you. How many people criticise what you stand for. How many people go out of their way to ridicule you.

The more people that criticise what you do and complain about, the hours you work, the way you earned your success, the way you spend your money, the way you run your life, the more you can say I have made it. I am a success.

Its a sad but true reflection of the world we live in that the more successful you are the more people want to bring you down. It doesnt matter to them that you have spent years learning and practicing before gaining the fruits of your efforts.

It doesnt matter to them that given the same opportunity that you grasped and worked for they would have let pass as being too difficult. No. The point is they just cant resist complaining and criticising.

It seems as though they have no intention of facing their own demons. They have no intention of standing out from the crowd. They just want everything to be the same.

The last thing they want is you and people like you being different. The last thing they want is you and people like you showing them that there is another way to live your life, a more successful way. They do not need you and people like you to show them that to be successful you have to change your thoughts, the way you see the world.

They want to go through life on minimum effort so the last thing they need is you showing them that by making effort you can succeed. To them the fruits of their labours are simple and regular, they dont need you and people like you showing that with a little nous and commitment the fruits of your labour can be enormous. They do not need people like you showing the world what is possible.

The last thing they need is someone who has the courage to believe in themselves and work towards what they want and become successful.

If it is any consolation to you, the more successful you get the more critics and complainers you collect.

You just have to accept that when they start on you in your office, in your town, in your profession then you are on the verge of being successful. You have done what they are frightened of doing: you have conquered your fear of the unknown and gone for your dreams.

You have the courage. You have the desire. You have the willingness and ability to focus on your dreams. In the end:

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

President Teddy Roosevelt

Good Luck

Graham and Julie.

About the Author: To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels please go to: Its free.

Source: www.isnare.comContract Cleaners A Guide For Businesses. Part 1David Andrew SmithOffice cleaning in particular is the one area of contract cleaning which is extremely competitive. For cleaning companies bidding for contracts it can be virtually guaranteed that there will be someone out there who is willing to undercut you and put in a price solely to gain the contract. Should businesses simply go for the lowest quote or should they be looking for other things?

Sadly many go for the lowest quote and then pay further down the line by having inferior cleaning that they continually have to chase and complain about. Obviously price is important but firms should also be looking for other things. A lot can be found out about a particular cleaning firm by asking a few simple questions.

What is your staff turnover?
Do you provide verifiable training?
Will the cleaning be supervised and how often?
Can you provide a full cleaning survey?
Are your staff fully trained in appropriate Health and Safety practices? Can this be verified?
Can your staff speak and understand English?
Will your staff be able to understand written instructions?

These are all pertinent questions that are very relevant to how efficiently the company are likely to carry out the clean. What you need as a company is to be able to forget about the cleaning so your staff can concentrate on what you are good at. You do not want them constantly complaining about the cleaners or the cleaning. In the second part to this article I will explain why those questions are important to you.

In my own experience of bidding for contracts only about one firm in ten will even ask one of those questions and none have ever asked two or more and yet as you will see they could be vital to the smooth running of your cleaning. Dont just concentrate on cost consider the wider picture.

About the Author: David Andrew Smith has been working for many years in the cleaning industry and is the owner of, general cleaners and specialists in the cleaning and polishing of natural stone

Source: www.isnare.comContract Cleaners A Guide For Businesses. Part 2David Andrew SmithIn the first part of this article I put forward 7 questions that I believed were important to ask of your potential cleaning company. In this article I will explain the relevance of the first two questions and the answers you get to you as a business.

What is your staff turnover?

When the top 150 Cleaning Companies in the UK were asked this question the answer came back as 73%. That means that within a 12 month period 73% of their cleaning staff have left and been replaced. What is the relevance of this figure to you? If the figure you get back is higher than about 25% it is likely that if you engage this firm then you are unlikely to have the same cleaners for very long. You will have a constant stream of new cleaners. This is not good for building up a working relationship or continuity. Worse still might be the answer I dont know exactly because this probably means they are trying to avoid giving you an insight into the correct figure. They can of course lie!

Do you provide verifiable training?

Cleaners might simply be hired to cover a particular clean, shown what to do and left to get on with it. Verifiable means that the company has a recognised training scheme which is documented and you can see the date and times training of your staff has taken place. Is training necessary? You might think not. Everybody should know how to clean because we all do it! Commercial cleaning is not like cleaning at home. The cleaner has a time limit in which tasks must be completed. They must be trained in how to carry out those tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible. Secondly not all the tasks will be assigned to every cleaning slot. Some tasks might for example be designated as weekly in the cleaning schedule or even monthly, for example cob webbing. However the staff must be trained that if they see a cobweb they remove it then and there and not wait until the schedule allows them to do it! This may sound petty and common sense but not all cleaners are capable of working outside their little boxes and schedules without proper training.

To you as a business it is actually quite important that your cleaners are capable of doing things as and when needed and not necessarily waiting for the appointed time on the schedule to come around. So ask the question and then probe a little deeper into the cleaning companies view on cleaning schedules.

About the Author: David Andrew Smith has been working for many years in the cleaning industry and is the owner of, general cleaners and specialists in the cleaning and polishing of natural stone

Source: www.isnare.comDo You Need Accounting Software For Your Small Business?Jakki FrancisIf youre anything like me then you dislike with a vengeance doing your accounts and taxes.

So how can you make this process easier, less painful and cut your accountancy fees?

Well buying an accounting software package is one way.

First of all you need to decide whether you are going to keep your accounting records manually, that is using pen and paper, or whether you are going to computerize the process.

If you decide that computerizing the process is the way to go then you need to decide whether to buy an accounting software package, for example Sage or Quicken, or whether a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel will suit your needs better.

As a general rule if you are a cash business that just needs to record income and expenditure then you are better off using a spreadsheet.

So, should you choose an accounting software package? Yes if:

You have customers to whom you extend credit and you buy goods in the same way

You process in excess of 50 transactions per month

Your business is an Incorporated Company (Limited Company in the UK)


You are computer literate or are willing to learn!

Before choosing the accounting software, speak to your accountants they will be familiar with the various accounting software packages on the market and will be able to advise you. Most accountants use software in their office to process the bookkeeping for their clients and will have a working knowledge of the accounting software package they use. It may be cheaper for you to use the same one they do, because they can advise you how to get it up and running and will be on hand to answer questions, plus at your financial year end when your accounts need preparing it will be less expensive, believe me to have a compatible program.

I also recommend doing some research yourself, you may be able to obtain a demonstration disk or download of the most popular accounting software packages and this will give you an idea of how they work and if they are user-friendly.

The cost may also be an issue, so you need to decide on your budget. But consider how your business is likely to expand - you may outgrow that budget accounting software quickly and end up buying the more expensive one anyway.

Accounting software providers may also try and up-sell you a maintenance contract. Save your money! In my experience the established software providers will not have bugs in their systems. They will also try and upgrade you to the next version on a regular basis, but if the software is doing everything you need then there is no need to upgrade.

Of course, you could also pay someone to do your accounts for you, either your accountant or a bookkeeper the payoff being you dont have to do it yourself and it frees you up to actually run your business!

Copyright Jakki Francis,(UK), 2005

About the Author: This article is copyrighted. Please feel free to use it in it's entirety including copyright information and information about the publisher. Jakki Francis operates the website

Source: www.isnare.comSales Rquires You Get Your Foot In The DoorKathleen GageIf you are in sales and/or marketing you know one of the most challenging aspects of what you do is getting in front of prospects. Prospects and clients are bombarded constantly with items that promote, market, or advertise what people do. So we sell, buy, receive, file, or throw away items that were just not sure what to do with. Millions of dollars in advertising and promotions end up in the trash, completely ineffective and wasted.

The question becomes: How do you keep your promotional advertising and unique marketing items out of the trash and on the desk? The answer is simple: use creative and appropriate methods to get recognized.

Sales is really about the ability to think quickly, be flexible, creative and innovation. If you want to stand apart from the competition, you need to do more than sell products. You need to know how to get your foot in the door. However, it also means making sure you have the right door and a plan for keeping your foot there.

Selling is about taking stock of your market, your prospective customer, and yourself before you even go a-knocking. It is about knowing you are doing the right thing for the right reasons.

Selling is truly an art. It is not just about getting the business. It is knowing you are making a difference in the lives of others with the product or service you provide. It is being of service to others and loving what you do.

Creativity is one your greatest tools. Of course your product and price must be competitive, but, when all other things are equal, its your way of creating and maintaining relationships that sets you apart.

Following are three ideas from the recently released book, 101 Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door.

1. Time is of the Essence

Everyone has too little time and is very guarded about who they give it to. Although many of us in sales say, Ill only need a minute of your time, few prospects buy that.

Rather than attempting to pressure someone out of his valuable time, impress them with your creativity. Send a small one-minute hourglass or timer. Attach a note with your business card that says:

-All I need is one minute of your time!
-I realize how important a minute of your time is.
-I know your time is of the essence. All I need is a minute.

This is a way to minimize your prospects resistance. Youve made them stand up and take notice; youve done something unique and creative. They will probably see you just because you made the creative effort. Take the timer with you to the initial meeting, put it on the desk, and be sure you can deliver your pitch before it goes off!

2. Growing Solutions

A lot of selling is about assisting prospects during periods of growth.

The gift of a live plant is a great way to get your foot in the door. Most everyone appreciates plants. They bring life into a dull space and provide beauty as well. Youd be hard pushed to find a prospect who will deep-six your gift of a plant.

You can play on the words growth and growing while sending a gift that will stay in the office and on the prospects desk.

Along with your card include a note that reads:

-We are interested in helping during this rapid period of growth.
-Is your business growing to the point that you need our service?
-Wed love to help you grow.
-Instructions for growth: Water once a day and call us at .
-Congratulations on your growth.

Dont be stingy if youre going to do this. Buy a big healthy plant and have it professionally potted and delivered. The presentation and delivery are as important as the clever play on words.

3. New Company in Town

A great way to get your foot in the door is to be helpful long before you knock on it. When a new company hits town send them a My Favorites list that refers them to the best people, places, and professionals in town.

Make sure these are reputable companies and individuals who offer quality products and services. If there is a specific contact, include that persons name and number.

A - My Favorites - list could include:

-Chambers of Commerce
-Conference centers
-Local associations and contact numbers
-Local printer
-Media contacts
-Restaurants (think about including a take-out menu)
-Office supply store
-Places of interest
-Travel agents

Remember to include yourself and your services!

Once they receive your list, follow up and ask if you can be of assistance in any way. The Law of Reciprocity is a strong one!

The ideas for getting your foot in the door are endless. Again, all it takes is making sure you have the right door, you are appropriately creative, you believe in your product or service, and you are willing to take a risk.

About the Author: Kathleen Gage is an award winning entrepreneur, corporate trainer and keynote speaker and author. Her most recent book is entitled, 101 Ways to Get Your Foot In the Door. To get more tips on how to get your foot in the door of your prospects and clients visit

Source: www.isnare.comWhy Are Reverse Mergers Often The Victims Of Short Sellers?Joseph QuinonesThere is a great deal of abuse going on in the OTC Bulletin Board Market and a lot of money is being made as result of it. Regulators are trying to deal with the problem but are unable to put a halt to it, unless they take drastic steps which will be detrimental to the small and micro-cap market.

The small and micro-cap market is an essential part in bringing small and mid-size companies public through Reverse merger and Regulation D (504) offering, these are the two most popular methods used by small and mid-size companies to go public.

This two avenues are prefer by small and mid size companies because they simpler and less expensive than the traditional IPO, It can be refer to as a simplified fast track method by which a private company can become a public company.

I described the process in detail how small and mid-size companies can go public in previous articles, if you miss them, you can email me and I will be happy to explain it.

I have over 25 years of experience in the securities industry as market maker and trader. In my own brokerage firm and with a couple of the largest wholesalers in Wall Street. I believe my experience qualify me to write on the subject with clarity and honesty from a birds eye view.

I believe in short selling as a legitimate way of providing liquidity to the market as an essential part market making, that is not what I am referring to.

A short position is established when somebody sells a stock they do not own hoping to be able to buy it bac at a later day for a lower price.

There are several reasons why selling short the stock of companies that have gone public through a reverse merger is profitable and easy, I will identify them and suggest ways that this can be stopped once all for all without affecting the legitimate short seller who are willing to sell and bear the risks associated with carrying a short position. Reason number one (1). Corporate shells, in order for an operating private company to go public in a Reverse merger it must merger with a public shell. A public shell is what remains when a public company is bankrupt or liquidated, also some shell are created as Blank Check companies,

A Blank Check company has shareholder and maybe some cash in its books but nothing else, they are created by enterprising entrepreneurs for the sole purpose of merging an operating private company into it.

What happens is that when the shell owner sell the shell to the private company he retains 5-15% of the shares for himself, on top of collecting any where upward of $500,000.00 for himself. And even if he signed and agreement not to sell for a year, most of these people can not be trusted and will at some point dump the stock or have somebody create a short position in their behalf.

Solution: The shell owner must be made to sell the entire position and be content with the money, which in most cases represents an enormous profit. I dont have anything against anybody making a lot of money, I am all for it because I also stand to make a lot of money, I am against the way they do it.

(2). The shareholder base: In order for a company be listed on the NASDAQ Small-Cap market or the OTC Bulletin Board it must have a specified number of shareholders to qualify for listing.

(2A). Improper due diligence: Prior to purchasing a shell the private company along with the consultant that they retain to assist them in the Reverse merger should do a complete review of the shareholder list. some of those shareholder may have excessive number of shares and the true beneficial owner may be the shell owner or the consultant himself, there are a lot of smooth talking wolves posing as consultant who are operating in conjunction with the shell owner.

Solution: First run the consultants named and his previous employer through google and see if he has been convicted of any securities related crimes and has been barred from participating in any stock related transactions. Second write the regulator and request that consultants be required to have a website with their name on it, most of this unscrupulous character operate in a stealth manner so that regulators cant detect their activities.

Petition the Securities and Exchange commission requesting a reduction in the number of shareholders require for listing, and if a shell has too many shares outstanding dont buy it!

(3), Market Makers: Market makers in OTC Bulletin Board Securities are permitted to maintain a short position in securities that they are acting as market makers, but what some trader do is they register for a stock and go out sell stock on the bid (the price other market makers are willing to pay) and immediately cease to make a market in the stock and keep the short position.

Technically when a trader does this, he is circumventing the intent of the rule which allows market makers to short a stock in his role as a market maker.

Solution: Require traders to remain acting as market makers until they purchase the stock back, also regulators must make clearing agent to enforce the rules concerning the delivery of the securities on settlement or execute a buy in (buy the stock back and charge the seller) if the seller fails to deliver the stock within the prescribed period of time.

I believe that these reforms will go a long way in altering the climate for participant in Reverse merger, and in removing the vultures the prey on unsophisticated business owner from the market place.

But until the regulators act the responsibility is on the business owner to perform the proper research, if I sound like a crusader maybe that is because the industry has been good to me and I hate to see the vultures taking it over.

About the Author: Joseph Quinones is President and founder of Genesis Corporate Advisors, prior to that he was President and founder of JDQ financial Group, Inc. a full service broker dealer which Mr. Quinones proceeded to build up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, and advised numerous clients while generating millions in revenues. If you are thinking about doing a reverse merger and have questions contact us at: Email:

Source: www.isnare.comKnowledge Is BusinessArvind KumarKnowledge is the business fully as much as customer is the business. Physical goods or services are only the vehicle for the exchange of customer purchasing power against business knowledge.

Above statement was made by Peter F. Drucker, a prominent Management and marketing guru.

Any economic result is the result of differentiation. What is that niche you posses that make you hot property in any market. It comes from knowledge. Knowledge is held by organization people. One day all labour can be automated by machines. But knowledge specifically is a human asset. If you have knowledgeable people you can target the sky. Books are more collection of information. Internet is one of the best medium for generating information on particular subject. But information is not a business.

Knowledge itself is not a business when used inside. When it do not produce value to the holder of knowledge, it is useless. It becomes business when applied outside of a business, to the customer, market and end-uses.

Mittal steel is king of steel market today. It posses a peculiar knowledge of converting non- performing public business and factory into highly profitable steel producing entity. It has done this numerous times Laxmi Mittal, Chairman and managing director, and his people do not change much in the plants. According to Aditya Mittal, CFO, and son of Laxmi Mittal, they apply their knowledge and past experience to turn thing around, Mittal steel turned their early acquisition around in 18 months. But now they have refined their knowledge and make any plant they capture profit producer within 6 months. Thats where I say business is knowledge and knowledge is business.

Looking at GE, they have an uncanny ability to mark a new opportunity and jump into it in a big way. GE is one of the leader and rare gem in America to dominate the whole 20th century. None have done that. They posses best of best talent in the market. But still there is no example of a business which they have acquired and which is the leader in its market. They messed up with RCA, and their finance acquisition. Yet they are king with GE capital, a blue eye child of GE.

So what make an organization successful in a specific area, while a distant runner in other area? Assets and money could be acquired but it is the knowledge which turns that asset into real business.

That why an old edge say. Give me 10 knowledgeable people and I will conquer the world.

About the Author: Arvind Kumar is one of prominent writer and consultant on Marketing and Management. You can reach him at For more on Gorilla Marketing Strategy and planning visit

Source: www.isnare.comMyths And Truths Of An Online Work At Home Parent?Catherine WhitcherYou decide that working 40-70 hours per week out of the home is just not for you. Now what?

You begin to explore the internet for options, most sound to good to be true. Are they?

Who do you ask? Who do you trust? Does this really work? Can you be successful?

Discover Myths and Truths of becoming an Online Work at Home Parent!

Myth: Working from home is easier than working outside of the home.

Truth: Working from home successfully is usually much harder. You only depend on yourself for your paycheck. You will need to organize your time around your children and family, which is much harder than asking your coworker when they are free for lunch. Working from home takes extraordinary organizational skills and a true commitment from yourself and your family.

Myth: I'll be able to work whenever I want.

Truth: You'll be able to work when you can convince your spouse and children that you need to work. Life doesn't stop because you need to sit at the computer or go to the post office. There are still needs that your family will have and because you are home, you'll be expected to help fulfill those needs.

Myth: I'll be able to do it all...housework, kids lunches, balance the checkbook, etc...

Truth: You'll be able to attempt to do it all. However, if you are truly working from home you will still be dedicating much of your time to your work. Although you have gained the time of your commute, you have also gained many more responsibilities. Finding a balance will be difficult in the beginning. Keeping the balance will always be a challenge.

Myth: My kids will enjoy having me around more.

Truth: Yes, your children will enjoy having you in the home, however; they also will become more frustrated with you because you will have other responsibilities than playing with them. They will see you at home and wonder how come they can't always have your attention.

Myth: I'm going to quit my job within 2 weeks because I can create a six figure income almost instantly on the internet.

Truth: If you are going to work from home and use the internet you can work towards a six figure income. 98% of network marketers fail within the first year. You cannot build a website and expect people to visit. You must work at creating you business, products and customers.

Myth: Everybody will want to be part of my new business.

Truth: Although you may have some supporters, most people will smile and go back to their regular job. It's up to you to find people who truly want to change their daily lives by working at home.

Myth: Every opportunity on the internet is a scam.

Truth: Many opportunities give false hopes about becoming a millionaire overnight. Luckily there are a few true tools on the internet to help you build a successful business with hard work and persistence.

Overall, if you want to become a work at home parent the odds are stacked against you. However, with a strong desire to see your children for more than moments every day you can succeed in working from home and using the internet to build residual income. My financial future and family lifestyle are in my hands and I wouldn't have it any other way.

About the Author: Catherine Whitcher, found success working at home by building a true business using FREE tools. She has beaten the 98% failure rate and leads a WAHP program to allow other parents to stay at home successfully. Learn more about FREE MENTORING: Learn more about residual income:

Source: www.isnare.com9 Things You Must Do To Maximize Your Chances Of Obtaining A Small Business LoanNeil BestTo get approval for your small business loan application, you must be able to meet the lending criteria set down. Some organisations are more risk averse than others, and will therefore have more stringent criteria. To vastly increase your chances of a successful funding application, you will need to present the following information:

1. The reason for the loan. The lender will be looking for something that fits within the normal range and expertise of your business. The amount may cover a number of items, so you will need to cover each.

2. The amount required, and the repayment term of the small business loan you want. (e.g. $10,000 term 5 years, payable quarterly).

3. Details of how you will repay the amount borrowed. For example:- From the increase in profits of reduced running costs of the Whizzbang Go4It

4. Details of security you will be able to offer to the lender. This will act as reassurance for the lender. If you're not prepared to put up some aspect of security, then why should they?

5. You will need to include your business plan which will serve to answer essential questions relating to management capabilities, information about the market you operate in. What kind of business you are in etc.

6. 3 Years financial statements. You will need to present quality financial information from your accounting software, preferably signed off by your accountant or tax advisor.

7. Latest Set of Management accounts. Again produced from your accounting software.

8. Accounts receivables (debtors) and payables (creditors) ageing reports.

9. Principals financial statements - Particularly required if some form of security is necessary.

If you are a new company, the emphasis is going to be on your business plan , and the security (also called collateral) you or your business can provide against the loan.

You must take the time to practice presenting your case to the bank or lender to iron out any glitches. Practice on your colleagues and family (you never know, they might be so impressed, they'll invest or lend!). It may help to role play the lender and come up with as many pointy questions as possible. The more time you take the better your chances will be. (But remember, don't fall into the analysis paralysis trap!)

Good luck!

About the Author: Neil Best is an accountant with over 15 years experience in business finance.Find info about sample business plans that got funded, sourcing and applying for small business grants, how to find and approach potential investors at

Source: www.isnare.comFive Steps To A Successful Online Shopping Business..Linda QuinonesBefore you set out to explore the online shopping market you should do some planning, take a piece of paper and pen and write down the steps that will help to bring in traffic to your website.

And once they have visited you must have something to entice them to remain and do some shopping, in our website: We try to mix our affiliate, we have some highly recognizable name and some not so well known.

One frequent complain we get is the cost of shipping, people are willing to pay for convenience but they do not want to pay for shipping, so we use the free shipping banners when available.

And the great savings the affiliates are offering, this is a lure to catch their attention, after all when people are saving money and are provided with theconvenience of shopping from the comfort of their home they are happy.

Step (1). Mix your affiliates you want some well known names, but remember the well known retailer pay the lowest commissions and are the most demanding.

Dont settle for the first affiliates that accepts you, you may start with a few, but if you build your site right some of the affiliates that turn you down will revisit your site and approve you.

Make sure to keep good records, and stay on top of the affiliate emails to be able to use the incentives they provide to induce people into buying the products your affiliates are offering.

Develop a program where shoppers will provide their email address so that you can inform them of future promotions and savings available to them.

(2). Links are a way to have search engines give your site a high ranking, reciprocal link exchange are a good way to get started , many businesses are in the same position you are in and are looking to link to somebody.

The more links you have leading to your site the better the search engine will rank you. You may choose to pay for links and here again make sure they are giving you good companies to link with.

If you a have a family oriented business you dont want to be link to an adult site. You want sites that related your business or are complimentary.

A example would be if you have a site that sells only clothing you would like to link with a site that sells jewelry or footwear.

(3). Keywords: key words play a crucial role in your internet business, people must be able to find you. Keywords are what people search for on search engines.

People who have never heard of your company are not going to look for youby name but they go on the search engine and type in keywords to be let to a site that matches the keywords provided.

If the keywords type in relate to the keywords on your site then you will getcustomer to come and visit your site, and hopefully buy something.

You will want to have as many combination of keywords as possible in order to drive web traffic to your site, Make sure you have the most popular search terms and use as many as possible.

Keywords is the key to traffic and traffic the key to sales, when your web page comes up near the top ten in response to a searches on searche engines , your traffic will increase and so will your sales.

(4). Contacts: everybody knows somebody so start using the those contacts to promote your business, but do so in a tactful manner so that people are not turn off by your aggressiveness.

Giving somebody a business card and asking them to checkout your website might be a very soft sell that might lead to conversation about your business and help you gain a potential customer.

Just think of all the people that you come in contact with on a daily basis, by themselves it will not be enough to make a fortune but added to the other marketing results it could make your business venture a profitable one.

(5). Incentives: Offer businesses incentives to continuously use your site for their purchases, businesses expend thousands of dollars every month on office products and other essential items for their businesses but get nothing in return, so offer them some kind of rebate or free items for purchasing through your site.

Offering a free gift for individual is also a good policy but make sure that it is contingent on purchases being made so that you dont attract all the freeloaders.

About the Author: Linda Quinones has been active in promoting her own site while helping others to succeed in the Internet marketing field. Previously she was involved the financial sector for several years. Her website is:

Source: www.isnare.com5 Secrets To Building A Successful Internet BusinessJan PetersonEveryday I talk with people who want to get started on the internet with their own business. But the whole process seems a mystery to them whether they have an affiliate marketing program, a real estate course or they sell health and fitness products. The easiest way I found to walk people through the basic building blocks is to use a real life example of building a brick and mortar business. Success on the internet is possible when you know how to build it and drive targeted traffic to your website.

Let's say you wanted to open a coffee shop that would rival Starbuck's. Where would you begin? You would probably want to do some kind of research to see how many coffee shops were in your town or city. After all, if there are 5 in a ten mile radius, you might want to think about a different location or how you would make your coffee shop unique enough to slaughter the competition.

1. Identify your niche

Well, it's not much different on the web. You want to first identify your niche. First, let's quickly explain what a niche is and isn't. If you are selling every affiliate marketing program under the sun, this is not a niche. A niche would be to focus on affiliate programs in a specific field like health and fitness. Then you want to find out what the top websites are by typing 'health and fitness' into Google. Here you can see the top 10 sites that Google says are important. Remember that even the category 'health and fitness' can be broken down into further niches like weight loss for women or top 20 health products for longevity. See what your competition is doing and how you could do it different or better.

Another way to look for niches is to use Overture's search term tool. Place your keyword in the box and hit go. Overture will spit out anything relevant to that keyword. It will show you possible niches you hadn't thought of and how many people search for that keyword. For example, you may put in coffee beans and it may show you that organically grown and processed coffee beans are all the rage.

2. Build a user friendly website

Back to the coffee shop. Next thing you might do is have the shop built in a good location where traffic can come and go easily. You too must build a website that has what people are looking for, is easy to navigate, easy to shop and checkout with friendly customer service. Tip: If you are selling weight loss products, don't try and sell power tools. While this may sound obvious, many people try to take the 'sell everything' they can approach and what happens is they end up selling nothing.

What will the environment of the coffee shop be like? What experience do you want your customers to have? Your customers will be entering your website with expectations of finding the information they need and the products they want. In that order. You might invite them to sign up for a free 7 part report on 'how to lose 10lbs guaranteed over the next 30 days eating healthy.' At the end of that report you can encourage them to look at your weight loss supplements or vitamins.

3. Good navigation

As in the coffee shop, have your items for sale laid out in a well organized fashion so the buyer can order exactly what they want with little effort except to give you their credit card number. It is best to have your products grouped and images optimized for fast page loads. Think about what you like. Do you want to see ten products described well on a page or fifty crammed in? As you would have nice displays in your coffee shop so will you on your website.

4. Offer something better than your competition does

What other things could you do to enhance your buyer's experience? In a coffee shop you could offer free samples of new drinks or have a discount card for people who drink coffee with you every morning. On your website, you can offer free tips, reports and discounts on volume buys or repeat purchases.

5. Market wisely

So, how do you get people to come try your coffee shop? Typically, a brick and mortar business will advertise in the local paper. It may be that you have the coffee that is guaranteed to get them going in the morning, free internet access, homemade muffins or the freshest coffee beans available. With your website, you may do pay-per-click advertising, exchange reciprocal links or write articles.
Traffic must come in the door of your website, like what they see and hopefully buy from you.

While most of these tips are common sense, it is amazing how few people actually use these critical ingredients in their online business. Pretend you are a customer arriving to your web store for the first time. What could you do to make the whole experience better?

About the Author: Jan Peterson founder of researches and reviews business opportunities including internet marketing, real estate investing, affiliate marketing, financial investing and more. Over 400 FREE reports available.

Source: www.isnare.comSo You Want To Be A Consultant?Matt BacakLet's say you have more than 20 years experience in your chosen field. For the sake of this article, let's say you have been in the nonprofit field for 25 years and are at the very top of your game. And let's say you're a bit bored with the hum-drum day-to-day routine of being an executive director. You love nonprofit sector, but you need more of a challenge and you yearn to help people grow and achieve success in their nonprofit careers. Plus, you'd like to earn a little bit more money and are a bit tired of the board of directors overseeing everything you do.

Perhaps it's time to go into business for yourself. Perhaps it's time to become a consultant, a coach, a speaker and trainer. The thought is exciting, albeit a little frightening. You're current salary is certainly respectable for a person with your skills and experience, and the health insurance and retirement plan are comforting benefits that you don't want to relinquish. But none of these factors have been able to sufficiently scratch that darned itch that keeps telling you it's time to start your own nonprofit consulting business.

Going into business for yourself as a consultant, coach, or speaker (or all of the above) requires determination, a little self-sacrifice (in the beginning), and a lot of experience. People hire consultants because they need the expertise of someone who has been there and done thathundreds of times. There are consultants in literally every career field, and once they become accustomed to the process of generating clientele, they can make over double what they were earning as employees. In fact, recent statistics show that successful and established consultants can make anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per day.

There is power and prestige in consulting that can rarely be found in management positions, even executive positions. The power comes from calling the shots as a business owner and making sure people know they need you; the prestige comes from being the very best in your fieldand making sure people know it.

But there's a not so subtle difference in owning your own business and owning your own consulting firm. Lots of people own businesses. My fianc owns a deli, my father owns a small publishing business, and my mother owns a bakery. But owning your own consulting firm lets people know that you're the crme de la crme in your field - and if they want to rise to the top like you have, they'll hire you to help them.

Consulting firms, like the one you will soon own, can be anything from a one man show to a large agency boasting senior and junior associates. Most consultants make their day to day income from coaching and mentoring individuals in the field - charging anywhere from $300 (for junior level staffers) to $500 (for senior executives) per hour. They also assist clients with organizational development, strategic and financial planning, and a host of other services including workshop facilitation and board and staff retreats. And if they like to speak in front of audiences, many consultants make thousands of dollars simply talking to a crowd for a few hours about their experiences and knowledge.

While it's not as easy as 1-2-3 to quite your job and start making $5,000 a day as a consultant, it's certainly not as difficult as it looks - especially if you're very very good at what you do and have expertise that few can match. Start off as a moonlighter, which is the term used when someone has a day job but works on their own business in the evenings. Make a simple business card for yourself and during your lunch hour at work, go to chamber of commerce or rotary meetings where you can network and talk to people about your new consulting practice.

It's not too difficult to pick up a small client or two this way, and once you do a good job for them and build confidence in yourself you'll begin to branch out and up. People will hear about you, your phone will start ringing, those simple business cards you handed out at the rotary meetings will change hands and generate bigger clients, and you'll begin to realize that maybe you really can quit that hum-drum job and make it big on your very own.

About the Author: Matt Bacak became #1 Best Selling Author in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets

Source: www.isnare.comOil Stocks As A Long Term InvestmentChristopher SmithThe demand for world oil is increasing while world reserves are decreasing. This is a known fact. The current price of oil can certainly confirm this statement. Consensus also agrees that we will never see $25.00 oil again.

The logical conclusion to our above statement is oil stocks should be a good long term investment. However, the location of the oil companies reserves can affect their bottom line and valuation.

Some of the largest reserves in the world are found in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Canada. Political unrest in Venezuela, unstable and unpredictable government in Russia and Osama Bin Laden targeting Saudi Arabia leave Canada, namely the Alberta Oil Sands, as the largest, most reliable oil reserves in the world.

Companies like Exxon Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch/Shell Group and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. are planning to spend billions during the next 10 years to develop Alberta's unusual oil deposits as demand for crude rises and output from existing reserves decline. Oil sands output in Alberta may double to 2 million barrels a day by 2013, according to a presentation by Enbridge Inc. earlier this month.

Oil sands are deposits of bitumen - heavy oil that must be treated to convert it into crude oil for use in refineries to produce gasoline and diesel fuels. The U.S. Energy Department revised its global oil resource estimates to include the oil sands 174 billion barrels of proven reserves that can be recovered using current technology.

With demand for oil and other commodities from China and India increasing due to their growing economies, strong trading relationships are procuring with Canada - a country with numerous resources, political stability and neutral military views.

Companies with reserves in the Alberta oil sands look like a great investment for the next decade

There are many companies with reserves in the Oil Sands here are some with strong exposure.

Suncor Energy Inc. SU.tse , Western Oil Sands Inc. WTO.tse and the Canadian Oil Sands Trust COS/UN.tse

About the Author: Trading Penny Stocks investment strategies for penny provides penny stock traders with online trading and investment tips, online trading strategies and penny stock picks.

Source: www.isnare.comStarting An Internet Business Make You Learn And EarnArthur WangMany people are really thankful to live in the current Internet Revolutions Age as it allows them to work in the comfort of their HOME. It allows them to have more FLEXIBLE time management which they can allocate to their love ones, especially to the
little ones.

Can you imagine people living before the Internet Era?

To make money, you need to be PHYSICALLY there. To make additional income, you need to find a part-time job and you'll be PHYSICALLY exhausted by the end of the day. In the Internet Era, you can create Multiple Streams of Internet Income by creating multiple business website once you become familiar with how the Internet Business WORKS.

You not only can earn money starting an Internet Business, but you will also LEARN many new stuff everyday as you need to keep yourself updated with the latest internet business marketing strategy in order to maintain and grow your internet business.

You learn to:

- research and evaluate an Internet Business Opportunity
- manage and make better used of your time
- choose an internet domain name related to your business
- evaluate the different web hosting pricing and quality of your web hosting
- create and develop your own website
- update and upload your website
- accept credit cards from your website
- bid for keywords with pay per click search engine
- write and submit free reprint articles to ezine
- exchange links with other relevant business website
- understand the natural search engines in order to develop a website that is friendly to the search engine etc.

As you can see, the learning curve is never ending as the internet population keeps growing and growing. Unlike your job, after working for a number of years, you'll tend to get bored as you become familiar with it. You can never get bored with an internet business as it is forever changing and you are forever learning.

Furthermore, you don't need to quit your full-time job or need to develop your own products or services in order to start an internet home business. However, you do need to treat your Internet Business seriously and allocate a certain fixed hour each week to work on your internet business as well as to update your internet business marketing knowledge.

Who knows, if you keep improving your Internet knowledge, the day will come when you became the next Internet Marketing GURU and you can publish your own ebooks to help others.

Winston Churchill quoted: Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.

Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted: Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Wishing you success in learning and making money from your Internet Business.

By Arthur, The Online Internet Home Business Opportunity

About the Author: Helping to groom potential entrepreneurs into the next Business Star. Most Financially Successful individuals Grow Rich by starting their own business. You too can own your dream business.

Source: www.isnare.comTips For Maximizing Your Google Adsense RevenuesDiane NassyDespite what you may hear, the Google AdSense program is not for everyone. There are some types of web sites that do poorly no matter how hard the owners try, and there are others that should be doing well but the webmaster simply isnt putting in the effort to make things happen.

Here are some tips to make AdSense work better for you. If you do them all and youre still not having any luck, then you just might be running one of those sites that dont make money

1. Determine if your visitors are in the mood

Like I mentioned at the top of this article, some web sites just dont work with pay-per-click programs.

The best performing sites fall into one of these categories:

Sites where users go and expect to buy something while they are there. E-commerce sites fit the bill here..

Sites where users go to find specific information on something that they want to buy now. Music and video review sites, vacation information sites, resume building sites, etc. You dont have to actually be selling these types of things; your site can just be a mecca for information pertaining to these things. Then, when the visitor comes to read your content, they are more likely to click on your ads.

Sites where people who have disposable income and a credit card like to visit. This includes sites with money management, investing and lifestyle content.

Sites that draw a large amount of new users every day. Free coupon sites and How to sites are good examples.

Sites where people go who expect to read ads. Classified ads and shopping comparison sites fit into this category.

2. Make sure that your visitors dont feel that you just want to grab their money

Give them plenty of relevant and well-written content. If writing isnt your best skill then hire someone to do it for you. Good content brings steady traffic and steady traffic pays the bills.

3. Play by the rules

Google has some very specific Terms of Service for participating in their AdSense program. Learn those rules and follow them so you dont lose all of your investment by getting shut out.

4. Use the tools that Google gives you

Google gives you tools for determining the best keywords for your site, measuring ad performance, and setting up different ad channels for fine-tuning ad results. These guys and girls are the 800 lb. Gorillas in the Pay-Per-Click market. They didnt build these tools just to keep their programmers busy. Take advantage of their knowledge for they are very big and you are not!

5. Tweak, fine-tune and then tweak again

You should never be happy with your AdSense performance. If its good, then you need to make it great. If its great then you need to make it amazing. If its amazing then you need to take it to the UPS club. The UPS club? Google sends all checks over $10,000 per month to the webmaster via UPS overnight delivery. Now theres a club that I wouldnt mind belonging to.

6. Get more traffic

No matter how much traffic you have, you need more. More eyeballs translate to more clicks. Even if youre only pulling a 2% click-through. Thats a lot of clicks when you have thousands of visitors each day.

7. Experiment with new keywords

New keywords can bring new ads and new eyeballs along with it. Set up some new pages on your site and experiment with different content. Once you get something thats working then refer back to Tip # 5.

You can see results in near real time when you use Googles AdWords. Dont be afraid to be different. If something that everyone else is doing doesnt work for you, then invent something that does work and get it on your site.

About the Author: Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips. For more Google AdSense tips, visit

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Are Car Boot Sales?Janet LemkeIf you live in England then you will already be familiar with car boot sales but I will still offer some valuable tips on how you can make money or find a bargain. However, if you are a resident of any other country then you are unlikely to know what car boot sales are and I hope to enlighten you as to these weekly events.

Firstly, a car boot is the same as a car trunk. So, car boot sales involve selling items from the back of your car. Well, that is how they began. Car boot sales used to be a small gathering of people who filled the back of their cars with goods that they wanted to dispose of and set up a trading stall in the hope that they could make a few pennies from their unwanted goods. Car boot sales have now become big business. Think of them as an offline version of EBay.

Car boot sales typically take place on a Sunday, although it is true that their popularity has led to them occurring on other days of the week. The most common locations for car boot sales are parking lots or even fields, anywhere that can accommodate a number of traders. The sellers pay a fee to park their car and put up a table on which to display their goods. Nowadays, there are professional car booters who visit sales on a regular basis and may even have a truck full of goods for sale.

Most car boot sales do not charge an entrance fee for buyers who walk in to see if they can pick up a bargain but a growing number of organisers have realised that having an entrance fee, however small, can bring them extra income.

So, once you have decided that you have unwanted items that you want to sell at one of the car boot sales there are a number of tips to ensure that you leave at the end of the sale with more money than unsold items.

Ideally you want to have your goods in the best possible condition to attract high volume of sales. To be specific, if you have baby clothes that your child has grown out of then you want to make sure that they are washed and stain-free. Car boot sales attract buyers in search of a bargain but also of certain standards.

You should always have an idea of how much you want for an item that you are selling at car boot sales but be prepared to accept less. Haggling is a major part of car boot sales and you are wiser to accept a slightly lower price to make successful sales rather than stick to your original price and end up taking your goods home.

If you are a buyer at car boot sales then you need to be careful when it comes to electrical equipment especially. I have been conned quite a few times into buying kitchen equipment that it turned out did not work once I got it home. There are a lot of people at car boot sales who are genuine about saying that a particular item is in working order but it is impossible to connect an item to the mains and test it in the middle of a field so be careful.

Car boot sales can be great fun if you are a buyer or a seller. As with everything else in life you need to be selective and not buy something you dont need, unless you want to have your own stall at one of the many car boot sales happening next week!

About the Author: Janet Lemke is the owner/administrator of . She can help you obtain information about this any many other types of sales and selling. Try her site and see what you think.

Source: www.isnare.com10 Great Things Not To Do With Google AdsenseDiane NassyThere is no question that you can make some good money with Google AdSense, but youre setting yourself up for disaster if you make any of these Top 10 mistakes!

1. Do not use fake information when opening your Google AdSense account.

Google says thats a no-no and they will cut your account off and keep all the money you may have earned. Besides, trying to hide your true identity can cause serious problems with the I.R.S. or whoever your tax authority is.

2. Do not hack or modify Google AdSense code other than to change the parameters that Google authorizes you to change.

Any attempt to bypass Googles built-in algorithms not only poses a danger to the integrity of the network, but it threatens the financial modle that Google operates under. Youre not dealing with some Mom-and-Pop company here, and Google has the legal muscle and deep enough pockets to drag you through every court in the land if you damage their business with your hacking antics.

3. Keep AdSense ads off of your registration, confirmation, and all hank you pages.

Dont ask me why you cant put your ads there. It makes sense to me that those would be wonderful locations. Google thinks otherwise, however, and doing so is a hanging offense according to their Terms of Service.

4. Do not display AdSense ads and a competitor's ads (like Overture's) on the same page at the same time.

That just makes plain good sense. Google doesnt demand 100% SITE loyalty from you, but they do insist that their own ads not be cluttered up by offerings from their competitors.

5. Don't eg for clicks or provide any incentive for clicking on your Google AdSense ads.

This is a biggie and you see this rule violated all the time. Any of the get paid to do stuff sites that put Google ads in the members control panels are walking the plank and they dont even realize it. Even those sites with the polite little messages asking you to help keep my site running by clicking on our sponsors ads are asking to be cut off if those happen to be Google ads.

6. Never click on the ads running on your own site, even if you are genuinely interested in the product or service and are thinking of buying it!

Nothing screams FRAUD louder than a webmaster running up his or her own click counts by happily clicking on ads fromtheir own site. The Google Gods can track this activity and it wont be long until you find yourself getting a goodbye note from their fraud team.

7. No misleading labeling

Google is very specific about what text can be placed around their ads. Their Terms of Service state: Publishers may not label the ads with text other than sponsored links or advertisements. This includes any text directly above our ads that could be confused with, or attempt to be associated with Google ads.

This is to keep visitors from becoming confused and barking up Googles tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn site instead of the recipe site they were expecting to visit.

8. Avoid keyword spamming and other divisive tricks

You may be tempted to buy one of those generates thousands of key-word rich pages in seconds programs that are so popular these days but Ill tell you this: Their days are numbered. Google is wise to such shenanigans and they will be hot on your trail. Other prohibited gimmicks include:

Sneaky page redirects that send a visitor off to a different site then they were expecting to visit.

Multiple sites, domains, pages, etc. which have substantially duplicate content.

Hidden text or links of any type.

Excessive outbound links on any page. Google recommends no more than 100. Id keep it way below that.

And here is a nugget of wisdom straight from Googles mouth: Do not participate in link schemes designed to increase your site's ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or ad neighborhoods on the web as your website may be affected adversely by those links.

9. Dont advertise anything on Googles prohibited items list.

Its a lot shorter lists than PayPals or eBays, but it includes a lot of the same stuff like hacking/cracking content, porn, illegal drugs, gambling sites, beer or hard alcohol (I guess wine is OK), weapons, and the other usual stuff.

10. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site thats designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers!

About the Author: Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips. For more Google AdSense tips, visit

Source: www.isnare.comReverse Merger, IPO Or Direct Public Offering (DPO), Which One Is Right For You?Joseph QuinonesDirect Public Offering is when a company raises capital by selling its shares directly to what is refer to as affinity groups, unlike an IPO which are sold by a broker dealer to its customers and the general public through other broker dealers who have customers interested in buying shares in the company.

In IPOs you have a firm commitment underwriting, where the underwriters promise to purchase the securities for their own account if they can not sell them to customers.

Best-effort underwriting: The underwriters do not guarantee any specific number of shares to be sold, they merely act as brokers.

In an IPO the lead underwriter is refer to as the syndicate manager, he keeps the book and invites other broker dealers to join the syndicate. In an firm commitment underwriting, an eastern underwriters agreement makes members liable for any unsold securities, regardless of how much of their allotment they sold. The eastern underwriting agreements have joint and several liability.

A western underwriting a agreement: In a firm commitment underwriting, it makes underwriters liable severally but not jointly. If one syndicate member can not sell its entire allotment, only he must buy the unsold securities.

In a direct public offering the company sells the shares to affinity groups, who fall in this category? Customers, suppliers, distributors, friends, employees and other members the community.

In a direct public offering the company place its shares in the hand of those people who are familiar with the company and know the companys product and management, and are most likely to hold the shares longer because they feel comfortable with the companys prospects for the future.

Direct public offerings are considerably less expensive than IPOs and most effective for smaller offerings, for large offerings the sales staff and customer base of a broker dealer are usually necessary.

Since the affinity group is already familiar with the company and its practices it doesnt put pressure on the company to change the way it does business, and will remain loyal to the company because of its presence in the community.

DPOs are preferable to venture capital financing because it allows the present management to execute its business plan without outside interference. When a small company turns to a single large investor they tend to surrender the freedom to make all the decisions.

In a DPO like other method of going public today audited financial statements are required, unlike a reverse merger you choose your shareholders and you dont have to deal with shady, unscrupulous shell owners.

Shell owners usually keep between 5-15% of the shares outstanding and are quick to liquidate, and besides they do not have an interest in the well being of the companys share price. Even if you insert a stipulation in the contract that they can not sell for a year they will find a way of shorting the stock and destroying the share price.

This make DPO a preferable option even for companies that dont need financing but would like to go public. If you are in the kind of business that keep records of your customer in order to bill them or for follow ups you already have a head start.

You must be able to contact those affinity group in order to market the shares to them, a popular business that has a lot of client but does not have the contact information is at disadvantage because its unable to contact its customer.

There are other ways to market the companys stock for example a medical supply company might try contacting doctor in the area or by purchasing a mailing list.

But the best way is when you have an established relationship with your affinity group and are in constant contact with them, by mail, newsletter, or email.

Sometime a supplier or distributor may want to purchase an interest in the company in order retain the business and keep competitors from stealing the client.

A DPO does not always require audited financials but if you plan on going public you will need them. So you must hire an auditing firm. A foreign company must use a Certified International Accounting Firm.

A good Attorney that has experience with Direct Public Offerings, one that is familiar with the process and does not have to waste time researching and learning.

You must prepare sales material that provides a good deal of information about the company, you want investors feel that your company has a future.

You should always have a business plan, it will show investor that you have strategy for making the company succeed and doing it one step at a time.

By setting dates for the implementation of each step in your plan it shows investors that you have things well under control, but allow some time in case you must make adjustments.

If you wish to take your company public then you must file a form SB with the Securities and Exchange Commission and a form 15c211 must be filed with the NASD.

A DPO is an alternative to an IPO or Reverse Merger for a company wishing to go public or obtain financing, it allows the company owner(s) to call the shots instead of an underwriter or a shell owner.

We assist companies in going public through Reverse Merger, DPO and assist them in finding an underwriter if the company prefers and IPO.

Which one is right for you? We can help you decide.

We assist companies in going public through Reverse Merger, DPO and assist them in finding an underwriter if the company prefers and IPO.

For additional information visit our website:

About the Author: Joseph Quinones is President and founder of Genesis Corporate Advisors, prior to that he was President and founder of JDQ financial Group, Inc. a full service broker dealer which Mr. Quinones proceeded to build up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, and advised numerous clients while generating millions in revenues.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Conduct On-Line Due Diligence Before Entering Into Business RelationshipsFrank BrunoDo you enter into business relationships, acquisitions, property investments, partnerships, or enter into a transaction without first verifying a companies identity, associates and affiliations?

Most people do and your not alone. However most entrepreneurs still enter into business relationships with curiosity and unanswered questions they may have regarding a company or associate of a particular company. Wouldnt it be beneficial to you and or your company to limit liability and risk by conducting due diligence before entering into business relationships?

By limiting your risk and liability your business will have a far greater chance to succeed. By conducting simple due diligence and developing your own profile on any person or business you will have a much better understanding of a particular business and its associates which is vital to your business decisions. 90% of the information you need to know can be found on-line. You just have to know where to look for it, and how to look for it. I will show you how you can develop your own profile on anyone or any business on-line for free.

Example on a property investment acquisition. I contacted an individual who had placed a classified add through an on-line newspaper under real estate finance/services for hard money lending, private money lenders. I was really just trying to get a feel for the market in that specific area of the country. I do this by contacting various types of real estate professionals such Agents, brokers, title companies/escrow, private/hard money lenders, bird dogs, wholesalers, etc. When I call I get their personal name and the company name they work for (if any). If its a company its usually an LLC which is very common in the real estate industry or another type of corporate entity. A lot of times people talk fast or not very clear on the phone. So I always have them spell out their name and company name and have them provide me any additional contact numbers that they can provide should I need to speak with them at another time.

When the subject Im speaking to on the phone tells me the name of the company he or she represents and it is a corporate entity such as an LLC, S-Corp, partnership, etc. I know right away I can get the corporate members names within a few minutes. I will first go to the states web site in which the individual claims to conduct business in and lookup the entity online by the name of the company.

Just about all the states in the U.S have free online searches at their web sites where you can lookup information about a corporation by company name or agent names. Just go to your favorite search engine like Google or MSN and type in the name of the state and corporations. Example Arizona Corporations, Texas Corporations, Nevada Corporations. The search engines will typically return the results your looking for within the first two organic search result listings. Once you get to the states web site you will need to find where on the web site you can lookup a Corporation. Usually it will just read Look up Corporations. Type in the name of the company and you can find out all corporate members, addresses, resident agents, corporate status- good standing- dissolved, revoked, etc. What I typically do is find out if the name the subject provided to me on the phone is indeed an actual member of the corporation, and then I run his or her name through the states database and see if he or she is involved in any other types of corporations. I find that is quite common to have members involved in several corporations.

Sometimes you will not find a companies name in the specific states database. There could be a few reasons for this. The company may be a sole proprietor, or the company is registered in another state but has not filed as a foreign entity in the state they are doing business in. Sometimes companies operate this way. In this case it would be wise to search the Nevada and Delaware corporation web sites to determine if the company or agents are registered in either of those two states. There are a great number of corporations that register in Nevada and Delaware simply because of the asset protection. Its difficult to pierce the corporate veil under the laws of those two states and that alone drives many, many companies to register in those particular states.

I then run the companies name and agents name through online courthouse records in the specific county where they are residing in or conducting business in. Again like with the states, most counties have some type of information that is accessible online. Civil, family law and criminal filings are what you would most be interested in. You can go to the National Association of Counties by going to- and look up the county of your interest and you will go to their web site and see what kind of records that are accessible on-line for you to search. If you dont know the name of the county, you can locate a County by just knowing the City and State by going to the U.S Census Bureau and searching their database located here:

Or you can locate a County by Zip Code by searching this database by just entering a zip code

As soon as you locate the counties web site that you want to search just run the subjects name and company name through the various online databases. It can be very interesting to what you might find through courthouse records.

You should also run the subjects name, company name, phone number, any addresses separately through Google- Using each category- Main Google, Google Groups, Google News. I typically run the above search criteria through Google to see what I can find and where it links to. You can also verify if any address is a mail drop (like Mail boxes Etc.) or if it is actually a street location by using a free database search located here:

Let me give you a recent example of how my typical investigation starts.

The individual that I recently contacted in regards to private money lending had provided me his name and company name when I asked, which is typical with any dealings on the phone. I already had his contact number from the add that he had placed on-line in the classifieds under real estate finance/services.

I first ran the phone number to see if it was a cell number or a landline number. I do that by going to

I then ran his telephone number through Google to see if it appears online anywhere. I enter phone numbers in Google like this:- area code-prefix-phone number. Example- 111-555-1212 . Running this search gives me a good idea if the phone number he provided me has been used anywhere online. Sometimes I find a different name of the company other than what they provided, or I may find a web site where the phone number was used as a contact number, I may even find a personal add placed where the subject was trying to sell a classic car and the contact number matched that of which I already had. Or I can find out which forums the subject hangs out at, he may have used the phone number there. If I find a website where the contact number I entered into Google shows up, I find out who owns the web site by searching the whois directory located here- I may find another name or indeed find out my subject owns this particular web site.

I start developing my profile of the business and the subject themselves by initially starting with a simple phone number. I can find all kinds of interesting things by simply running a search through Google with the subjects contact telephone number.

I then ran the company name that the subject had provided me by going online at the specific states website where I can look up and find out information about corporations. This will allow me to verify or reveal agents names. Sure enough he was a member of the corporation. However the last name he provided to me was spelled and pronounced much differently than what was revealed with the corporation search. It was way off.

I then went to the respective county web site to search online for civil and criminal records on the subject. I knew which county to search based on the subjects phone number and also the zip code that was returned for the subjects address revealed in the corporation search through the states website.

I found numerous civil filings on the subject regarding business dealings including an Exparte filed for a wire tap on the subjects phone number as well as family law cases involving domestic violence. I also found a criminal case-. Possession of marijuana

Now it doesnt take a rocket scientist to make up ones mind if they would like to enter into a business relationship with this subject. There is a greater possibility that I might have issues with this individual and things may not work out so well in the future.

There are many scenarios of why you would need to conduct due diligence on a individual or company. But remember you should always verify or reveal information on an individual or company prior to entering into a business relationship.

About the Author: Frank Bruno has been a Private Investigator for 8 years and is an expert in on-line Investigations. He has been the manager of since 1997.

Source: www.isnare.comBusiness Names Can Bring Good FortuneMarcia YudkinJudging only from the name, which company comes across as more crisply efficient, Order Out of Chaos or Ockahochee Organizers, Inc.?

Which business seems more innovative, Kabloom or Finest Flowers?

Which consulting firm seems more dependable, RP&G Consulting Partners or Skyhunters Consulting?

A company name can influence perceptions - attracting or repelling not only customers but also media people and joint venture partners. It does so through these and other factors:

* the style of the name

* how the name comes across to the ear

* the length of the name

* the personality it conveys

* any explicit or implicit message the words convey

* echoes of famous names and expressions

* associations of component words or syllables

* associations with a specific era, culture or locale

* its vagueness or specificity

A great name also must steer clear of unsavory reminders or implications. Adolf's Auction House would raise eyebrows in Europe or the U.S. And while Fishkill is a respectable town in New York State, the name Fishkill Florists suggests a regrettable juxtaposition.

Name wisely!

About the Author: Marcia Yudkin is the author of 6 Steps to Free Publicity and ten other books hailed for outstanding creativity. Find out more about her new discount naming company, Named At Last, which brainstorms company names, new product names, tag lines and more for entrepreneurs on a budget, at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Benefits Of Creating Multiple Income StreamsCraig ThornburrowLet me ask you a simple question. How many sources of income did it take in the 1960's for one family to survive with? Well, one would probably be enough. Today, very few families can survive on less than two streams of income.

Did you also know that a nice and comfortable retirement is no longer an option for many people? According to recent statistics, 95 percent of Americans will be broke at age 65 and they will be dependent on their church, their family, or the government for financial support. The days of working for one company for 40 years and then retiring with a comfortable pension and a gold watch is long gone.

I've got to say that Multiple Income Streams is a pretty hot word these days. Its the Dont put all of your eggs in one basket theory which is taught by many prosperous and wealthy people. By having several sources of income, you put yourself in a financial peace of mind should one of the incomes start to dry up and vanish.

Ordinary people are much more vulnerable. If they lose their one and only income stream, which usually is a job, it can wipe them out and devastate them.

Creating multiple streams of income gives you the sense of time freedom you can gain by being able to make your own schedule and being your own boss. In addition to your time freedom, another great benefit is having the financial peace of mind that many people never really have. It gives you the security, and motivation to live the life that you enjoy.

Now, there are a many great ways to earn multiple streams of income, online or offline. It does not really matter what you do, as long as you are creating that extra income and you are succeeding in it. Right? You also want to make sure that you enjoy it as much as you can.

Here are 2 examples of creating that kind of income, online or offline.

Online: You can make money from e-bay, network marketing, affiliate programs, selling informational e-books, and your own online store. Sure, there are many more things that you can do online to make money, but you need to do your own research and choose what is best for you.

Offline: I know of people who, at the same time, have 4 different small companies that they own and this brings them not one but 4 different sources of income. Real estate, flower shop, catering, car wash, and so on. These are just a few of many businesses that some people run at the same time. So what ever ideas you come up with, put it into action and have fun.

For the conclusion.Diversify your income and create multiple streams of income. Instead of just making a living, develop a system so that you can live well, healthy, and wealthy. Now is the time to start thinking about creating you own wealth with multiple streams of income and stick with it no matter what so that your future and the future of those you love is more secured.

About the Author: Craig Thornburrow is the owner of http://www.earningmoneyonline.bizYou can follow the 3 simple steps to generating Multiple Income Streams at or by sending a blank email to

Source: www.isnare.comEye On The PrizeDave RoggemanThe daily grind. Back to the salt mines. Another day another dollar. Thank god it's Friday. These are all phrases of the working world with 9 to 5 jobs. For some, this situation works. Others feel trapped, as if all the work they do only benefits others. Theres a reason these phrases came about. There are millions of people who would rather be doing anything other than working. If people loved their jobs, these phrases would be more like The daily party, Back to my dream, and I can't wait till Monday!

Is there a way for you to sing the latter phrases? Yes there is, but it takes hard work, determination, and focus.
Where would you like to be in say twenty years? Do you see yourself in an office job working for a large corporation where you work hard for someone else?

Starting your own business is one of the ways to get out of the daily march through work where all you can do is wait for the clock to spin ahead 8 hours. When you are working for your own growth and benefit, it suddenly doesn't seem like so much work. I recently spent 5 straight hours working on my web site, adding content, checking links, researching key words. When those 5 hours were up, it felt like I had been there for only 30 minutes. This gives new meaning to, Time flies when you're having fun.

Now I know that starting your own business sounds like quite a daunting task right? Well, its a lot easier than you think.

The key is to find something that you love, something that interests you. Something that you want to learn more about or will have long term affect on your life. Sometimes finding the right product or service, one that you believe in and love, can be tough. Other times it will be staring you right in the face. However long it takes, find it!

Once you find that one thing, find a way to sell it. In this day and age, a website can be had for low cost. There are many hosting companies out there that range in price from free to cheap to expensive. Be careful which one you go with. The free web hosting services will probably require you to have some advertising on your site. The cheap services may not have all the bells and whistles that the expensive services offer. Whichever one you go with, do some research before hand and make sure that you are comfortable with them.

There are some services that will pay you a commission for referring someone to that hosting company. This is just one of the many types of affiliate programs on the internet that you can get involved with. Find that product or service that suits you. Something that you have profound interest in.

The next step is to define your goals. What is it that you want to accomplish? How are you going to get there? What will you need to fulfill your goals? What steps can you take right now to get closer to your goal? What steps do you need to take to accomplish some of your more complex tasks?

Create a plan with the answers to those questions and get out there and do it! Start with tasks you can do easily just to get you started. Work up to your more complex tasks. If you get stuck, and you will more than likely get stuck, do some research about your problem. There are many resources on the internet about HTML, affiliate marketing, web site hosting, and any other information you will need. Use Google, Excite, or Yahoo to find information about the subjects you need help with. Find a way to conquer your issue.

Once you are into your project, you will find that you motivate yourself to get through the steps you need to take to accomplish your goals. Why you ask? Because you are working for your own benefit! As long as you keep your eye on the prize and are determined not to be distracted, you are well on your way to freeing yourself from, The daily grind.

About the Author: Dave Roggeman provides internet income and marketing solutions at and highly recommends Plugin Profits to start building an online income stream.

Source: www.isnare.com3.5 Million People And A Possible Uk Home Business OpportunityAhmad UsmanBusiness opportunities are not for everyone. The Internet on the other hand is just one place to start your search for a better life. But beware of many pitfalls as you may just be sceptical for the rest of your life.

Has this ever happened to you... 'John, you have a lot of mail this morning dear'. Stunned as a goldfish you walk over to the kitchen table and pick up the envelopes. Each one is a quality envelope that has an address label with your name on it. You flick through them and the labels are more or less identical. You open one, then another and you can then start to feel what the others are about. More UK home business opportunity!

But that still doesn't stop you. You'll still want to open all of them, just to make sure. If you have time you read some, as there's no chance of you taking them to work to be embarrassed by your colleagues. 'Checking out your 'junk' mail!' Or you'll leave them there to be read in the evening.

Chances are getting slimmer for the sales person (letter) to get your attention. They want you to read the material immediately. Don't leave it till the evening you could be tired or playing with the kids. 'It can wait till the weekend...' Never happens!

But I have the 'Internet', the information highway...

Good, now what?

The Internet

This is possibly one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Why? You see one business opportunity that catches your interest. Gets you drooling over the page and you can't wait to download it instantly to receive the package, virtually. You're about to pay and 'boom' a pop up occurs. Another UK home business opportunity if not from the US, catches your attention and gets you going and now you're confused, then another and another.

With so much to choose from, it's an absolute craze. At the time of writing there is over 650,000,000 pages of 'work from home' opportunities. That's right, over half a 'billion' pages! Also for 'business opportunity' it's in the 100 million mark.

However, through the post you'll get the odd one now and then, but on the Internet there is instant access to over 750 million pages of information relating to home based business.

Now you'll either spend a couple of thousand or be sceptical and buy nothing. There are too many home business opportunities on the net, which makes it difficult to choose or not choose at all.

The Guarantee Period

This is 'powerful' medium. A general guarantee entails that if the system does not work for you within the next 30 days you can ask for a refund. It has been said that the longer the guarantee period, the more the interest. But figure this... Will you remember that in 3 months, 6 or 8 months time?

This is what could possibly happen. You buy the package and you read it several times if not once. You put it down and do your daily chores or go to work. You keep thinking, 'I'll get round to it'. And as you keep thinking I'll get round to it, the 37 days are over. Now whose fault is that?

So What's A Good Business Opportunity?

There are many factors to cover, but a business opportunity is not compatible for every individual. It might work for one and not the other.

If you do take on a business opportunity, learn to adapt to what it says. If you don't, then you can proudly blame yourself, if you can! One difficult skill to adapt to is to work on your own initiative and in your own time. Finding access to these precious factors is a major problem, especially for some.

You need to make time, work on your own initiative and be self-motivated. That's how you'll become successful.

Summing it up and what Winston Churchill said at a conference once:

Never give up
Never give up
Never, never, never

About the Author: Ahmad Usman makes it easy to launch a successful part-time or full-time business, which you can work at home with. To receive your free UK home business opportunity course visit:

Source: www.isnare.comWhat Happened To The Giant Sucking Sound Of Outsourcing?Ian IppolitoThe conventional wisdom is that outsourcing has been very bad for the U.S. Information Technology workforce. After all, now that a company can transfer the work of a $50/hour U.S. programmer to an equally skilled programmer in India or Romania and pay only $5/hour for the same job, what are U.S. workers to do? Ross Perot once famously described the result of job loss as the Giant Sucking Soundfrom the movement of the jobs overseas. Virtually every newsgroup, blog and magazine editorial quotes anecdotal evidence of someone who has lost a job in the recent down turn as validation of this theory. Almost all make dire predictions of the end of U.S. I.T. dominance .

Its too bad that none of these people took the time to notice that the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics survey last month showed the number of jobs in U.S. IT has rebounded to the highs of 2001. (see Reliving the summer of 2001 in InformationWeek) If they had, we would have heard a completely different type of Giant Sucking Sound a whole lot of people holding their breaths while forced to ask themsleves If outsourcing is the awful bogey man I believe it to bethen WHY ARE THE JOBS STILL HERE?

U.S. IT moves in cycles. 2001 was the height of the excesses of the dot com bubble (remember when people wouldnt take a new job unless they got a 50% raise AND could bring their pet in to work?). And what goes up unfortunately must always come down. But when people lose jobs, the pain is real, and human nature is such that we need to blame something or someone for the injustice. And who is a more convenient and defenseless scapegoat than foreigners who cant speak for themselves or defend themselves?

Youd think wed know better about foreigner scape-goating. Remember when the Japanese were buying up marquis U.S. properties in the 1990s like Rockefeller Center? Everyone predicted they were going to own the country. That never happened. Their real-estate bubble busted, they had to leave town and havent been sighted since. And youd think wed know better from history about making simple assumption. In the 1700s, the English gave themselves premature coronaries, because they obsessed over the fact that they couldnt grow enough trees to power the wood power plants. The invention of the coal based steam engine propelled England into the industrial age, and reduced the dreaded wood shortage to a historical footnote.

Outsourcing HAS had an effect on U.S. I.T. but it has NOT been what the convention wisdom predicted. And understanding it is the key to having a real understanding of outsourcing.

The survey data shows that there are about 16% less programming jobs than in 2001. Everyone knew that heads-down coders would be affected by outsourcing (although that isn't exactly true either...something we'll examine further in another blog). On the other side of the ledger, I.T. management jobs have skyrocketed about 20% (70,000). Almost no one realized that those jobs would explode and practically offset the loss in programmers. And a person managing work tends to be paid higher than the people actually doing the work.

Where did these management jobs come from? I call it Affordability Magnification. Say youre a typical IT manager in a small to midsize company with a budget of $1,000,000 for programming. Before outsourcing you ran 4-5 projects a year. Now those projects are just 1/10th the cost. If you still run 4-5 projects, you are going to have a ton of money unspent at the end of the year. The CFO would be more than happy to take it from you and give it to some other department next yearso you cant do that. Instead, youll of course spend every last dime. And youll run 40 projects and hire a bunch of new project managers to manage them. And that is what we are seeing.

To those who think this is a surprising ideaI recommend a trip to library (or Wikiopedia) and a quick read of economics 101. Outsourcing is based on free-trade, and free trade predicts that when 2 countries tradeBOTH benefit, not just one. This is counter intuitive for all the reasons mentioned earlier. But free-trade predicts that people in each country will realign from jobs that the country can do less efficiently, to jobs the country can do more efficiently. And that makes both countries stronger. And that is what were seeing.

Yes, this does mean pain and problems for those affectedsome of whom have invested years of training. And as a society we should be helping those people with benefits and retraining. But we also need perspective as well. Just like the economic cycle we talked about earlierthis is a cycle and not a novel thing at all. Disruptive technology is constantly displacing old industries as it creates newer and better ones. How many 8-track cassette engineers do you know of? Are any groups pushing for a ban on CDs to protect this specialized profession? And this cycle isnt even unique to our century. For centuries, scribes (people who could write) were prestigious and highly paid for their advanced skills. But when the printing press was invented and took off in the 15th century, the scribe felt the pain of sudden unemployment. The cost of books dropped by a factor of 300, scribes made the shift to other professions, and society as a whole is more literate and better off than it was before. Today, there is no scribe in America program that advocates the banning of printing presses to protect the health of U.S. scribes.

So anyone that says that outsourcing has caused some unemployment is correctand some heads-down coding jobs have left the U.S. for good. But anyone who says that outsourcing hasn't also created new jobs, and is somehow unpatriotic because of simply uninformed.

About the Author: Ian Ippolito is the creator of an open marketplace for computer programming (where about 2/3rd of the parties choose to outsource internationally). Rent a Coder data has been studied by American University and others for a deeper understanding of how outsourcing really works.

Source: www.isnare.comBuilding An Action PlanJay ConnersGoing into your workday and waiting for things to happen, and then reacting to them is not a very productive way of doing things. You may as well be going into your workday blind.

This is why it is so very important to have an action plan.

An action plan, simply put, is a plan of action, there just is no other way to say it.

Your action plan should be built piece by piece, based on what it is you want to have accomplished during your work week.

For starters, take a pen and a piece of paper, and write the days of the week across the top of the page. Below each day of the week, write down the numbers one through five, with some space in between to write.

Next to each number, under the given days, write down your goals, or what it is you want to achieve during those times of the day. When you are finished, put it in a place where you can readily see it.

When I was working in the mortgage industry, this is how I would make my action plan. I was taught a similar way, but this is what worked for me, and nobody said it had to be rocket science.

For instance, I would start my Mondays off doing my reports, after that I would make my follow up phone calls from the previous days customers sessions. I would continue on down my action plan to number five, and if time allotted, I would add a few things.

I would create a new action plan every Friday afternoon. This way I was prepared for the coming week and I knew exactly what I would be doing day to day, hour to hour.

Before I started using action plans, I would just come into the office and go with the flow. I would wait for the phone to ring, or for a customer to walk in. The time in between was all just dead time, and my day would drag.

The action plan is designed to keep you focused, and make you productive during your work day.

The action plan also works as a time table. It splits your day up into segments. Think of every next stage of your action plan as something to look forward to. This will get you through your day at a much more productive pace.

When you leave your office at night, you want the feeling of accomplishment, not the feeling as though you have wasted an entire day. The action plan will give you the feeling of accomplishment.

Sometimes we need to go back to basics. We need to start at the beginning, and do the things that made us successful to begin with.

Your work day can be stressful, and your action plan can be a positive way to keep you focused on your daily goals, and your mind off of anything stressful.

So before you start another work day, put together an action plan. It doesnt have to be fancy, it only has to be want you want to accomplish day to day throughout the week. Best of Luck!

This article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact and active. Going into your workday and waiting for things to happen, and then reacting to them is not a very productive way of doing things. You may as well be going into your workday blind.

This is why it is so very important to have an action plan.

An action plan, simply put, is a plan of action, there just is no other way to say it.

Your action plan should be built piece by piece, based on what it is you want to have accomplished during your work week.

For starters, take a pen and a piece of paper, and write the days of the week across the top of the page. Below each day of the week, write down the numbers one through five, with some space in between to write.

Next to each number, under the given days, write down your goals, or what it is you want to achieve during those times of the day. When you are finished, put it in a place where you can readily see it.

When I was working in the mortgage industry, this is how I would make my action plan. I was taught a similar way, but this is what worked for me, and nobody said it had to be rocket science.

For instance, I would start my Mondays off doing my reports, after that I would make my follow up phone calls from the previous days customers sessions. I would continue on down my action plan to number five, and if time allotted, I would add a few things.

I would create a new action plan every Friday afternoon. This way I was prepared for the coming week and I knew exactly what I would be doing day to day, hour to hour.

Before I started using action plans, I would just come into the office and go with the flow. I would wait for the phone to ring, or for a customer to walk in. The time in between was all just dead time, and my day would drag.

The action plan is designed to keep you focused, and make you productive during your work day.

The action plan also works as a time table. It splits your day up into segments. Think of every next stage of your action plan as something to look forward to. This will get you through your day at a much more productive pace.

When you leave your office at night, you want the feeling of accomplishment, not the feeling as though you have wasted an entire day. The action plan will give you the feeling of accomplishment.

Sometimes we need to go back to basics. We need to start at the beginning, and do the things that made us successful to begin with.

Your work day can be stressful, and your action plan can be a positive way to keep you focused on your daily goals, and your mind off of anything stressful.

So before you start another work day, put together an action plan. It doesnt have to be fancy, it only has to be want you want to accomplish day to day throughout the week. Best of Luck!

This article may be reproduced by anyone at any time, as long as the authors name and reference links are kept in tact and active.

About the Author: Jay Conners has more than fifteen years of experience in the banking and Mortgage Industry, He is the owner of, a mortgage resource site, he is also the owner of, a mortgage lead company.

Source: www.isnare.comUse QA As Your First Step To OutsourcingSteve MezakQuality Assurance, or QA, is often given short shrift in a software development organization, especially when budgets are tight. When debating the software development budget at one of my software companies, the CEO finally asked, Well, do you really want to hire a QA guy, or a programmer to add features to the software?

It was a tough choice. I decided to hire the programmer because we had a huge list of features to implement. And we could not afford to implement a QA process without hiring a significant staff of QA engineers and someone to manage them.

In another example, an Accelerance client had developed their software and was getting ready for a Beta release to their first customers. They too had neglected QA. Although the work of their individual programmers was good, the entire system needed testing after the programming work was integrated together.

This client realized that going to market without a comprehensive test of the system would be a major disaster. An obvious indicator of the impending doom was the missing data on screens of the application whenever the VP of Engineering tried to use the software. Their target market was ordinary consumers who would not tolerate any missing data, confusing behavior or unexpected error messages.

How could such good engineers create such lousy software!?

It is because QA is the ugly step sister of software development. Even if the engineers are unit testing their code, they do not want to be bothered with testing the entire application. It is not considered a creative or fun part of the process. Consequently, QA is often neglected, leading to mediocre software and unhappy users.

Outsourcing is an excellent solution to the problem of nonexistent or incomplete QA. Yet some people are surprised to learn QA can even be outsourced. Outsourcing your QA is a terrific first step to taking advantage of low-cost offshore engineering resources.

One reason QA is such a good place to start with outsourcing is you do not necessarily need to divulge your source code. You can deliver a binary version of your software for installation and testing by your outsourced QA team.
Look for a team with experience performing the type of QA that you need. You can divide QA into 5 different types of testing:

1. Requirements Testing - making sure your software does what you designed it to do
2. Usability Testing - specialized testing that may require focus groups of target users
3. Load or Stress Testing - to ensure your software has the required performance
4. Environment Testing - testing your software on different operating systems, browsers, etc.
5. Regression Testing - an automated process to repeat tests quickly on each new release of your software

Regression testing is often used with unit testing. Unit testing is performed during programming and requires access to the source code. Other separate regression tests can exercise the user and programmatic interfaces defined for your software without viewing the source code.

Avoid outsourcing too much at once. Pick the type of testing that will give you the biggest benefit. For example, Regression Testing may be valuable because you can reuse the tests yourself after they are developed by the outsourced QA team. On the other hand, Environment Testing requires a large number of test cases, and low cost outsourcing is the only way to affordably complete them.

In summary, it is important to recognize the value of QA in the software development process. You may start out with a small development team and be satisfied with the quality of their code. As the complexity of the software grows, you can add QA resources either by outsourcing or hiring your own internal team.

When you undertake the creation of a large and complex software project, it is critical to plan for professional QA as part of the effort. If you don't, you run the risk of making a bad first impression and losing critical early sales, funding for future projects, or worse. Even though outsourcing is criticized for eliminating jobs, outsourced QA may be just the tool you need to help keep yours.

About the Author: Steve Mezak is a successful Silicon Valley technical entrepreneur and international outsourcing expert. Get your copy of his free report on Outsourced Development - A Secret Weapon for Quickly Creating Software Products now at

Source: www.isnare.comIdentifying Candidates For LeadershipMike BeitlerA critical task in the succession planning process of any organization is identifying candidates. Traditionally, candidates have been identified based on past performance. While this seems logical, it is problematic in practice.

Past performance always measures success in a lower-level position. What is needed in succession planning is a system to identify potential for success in a future higher-level position. The best predictive model I have found is the Leadership Pipeline Model by Charan, Drotter, and Noel.

The Leadership Pipeline provides a model that describes the skills, time applications, and values required to succeed at different levels in the organization. While most leadership models and theories describe characteristics of leaders in general, the Leadership Pipeline describes specific criteria for success in transitioning from one level to the next.

The Leadership Pipeline Model helps us to see the importance of identifying candidates for positions throughout the entire organization. The pipeline must be continuously filled with leaders who have been identified for development for the next higher level. A pipeline clog at one level will clearly harm leadership development and succession throughout the entire organization. What is needed is a carefully monitored system for developing in-house talent from front-line supervisors to CEOs.

At GE and Citicorp, two companies using the Leadership Pipeline Model, leadership passages from one level to the next are seen as turns in the leadership pipeline. These turns (or passages) provide significant developmental experiences. If these turns are skipped the individual may not be prepared for higher-level leadership positions. The focus for development should be the lack of critical skills and values for the next higher level, not past performance.

I am often asked Is it better to recruit from outside the organization or to develop leaders from within? The safe, but rather uninsightful answer is, It depends.

Recruiting from outside the organization makes sense when a major change in corporate culture or direction is needed. But, I would caution about the over-dependence on outside recruiting of leaders. Desperate attempts to recruit leaders from outside the organization suggest an inadequate leadership pipeline.

Recruiting leaders from the outside of the organization can be very expensive. As we all know, there is a talent shortage in the marketplace. This can lead to paying high premiums (or even outright price wars) for promising talent.

The Leadership Pipeline Model offers a common language (terminology) and specific criteria for what to look for in leaders at the next higher level. The Model provides a description of the skills, time applications, and values required of leaders at each successive level. This criteria is critical not only for identifying candidates but also for their subsequent development.

The key to identifying candidates for higher levels of responsibility is to predict their potential to succeed in attaining and using the skills, time applications, and values of the next higher level. Past performance is often a poor predictor of future success. Remember that the skills, time applications, and values of each successive level of leadership are dramatically different.

The challenge in succession planning and identifying candidates is making sure people are assigned to a level that is appropriate for them. The challenge is complicated by the fact that people change (hopefully for the better) over time. An appropriate position for someone today may not be appropriate three years from now.

Identifying candidates for the organizations future leadership positions is a critical task. Do you have a system for identifying candidates that considers not only their current skills, but also their willingness to adopt new work values and time applications?

About the Author: Dr. Mike Beitler is the author of Strategic Organizational Learning. Get a free 7-part mini-course and learn more about the book at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Right People On The Bus Stays The Companys CourseLori DernavichWhat makes a company great? Jim Collins, author of the book Good to Great, says that great companies first get the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats. People are not your most important asset. The right people are.

The right people are those who fit into your organization and help you to accomplish your future goals.

You might think this is a topic you dont have to worry about at the moment, especially if you are a startup. But many companies fall into this classic case. One person has a great idea and draws in a friend with whom he has worked in the past. They then hire a friend of a friend who is an expert in a desired technology. Six months down the road, things havent progressed as planned, everyone has a different idea about the direction of the company, the original passion is missing and the dream dies a slow death.

So who are the right people, and how do you get them on your bus? There are three things you must consider: job descriptions, the interview process and team design.

Job descriptions

Where do you get your job descriptions? Competitors websites? Do you even have them?

Most companies put little thought into them. Traditionally, jobs are defined as a certain set of skills and experiences, and prospective candidates are screened for those skills and experiences. But even if a candidate meets these requirements, you might still encounter turnover and poor performance.

The reality is that although a job requires a person to have a certain background and set of skills, it also requires the person to have predictable behaviors, talents, motivators and communication style. These are all unteachable qualities.

The job, in other words, has a personality. To get the right people on the bus, companies must first correctly define the personality of the job and then assess people with respect to the total job personality. Only then can a good fit be achieved.

When developing job descriptions, first think about what skills and experience a candidate will need today and in the future. Then identify those critical components that are unteachable. Keep in mind that you should have diversity on your team(s). Have a balance of detail-oriented people and big picture people, Ph.D.s and MBAs, fact-checkers and cheerleaders.

The interview

The second thing you need is a solid interview process. Companies are often formed because founders have a passion for a technology or idea, but those people are not necessarily expert interviewers. It would be comparable to expecting your salespeople to code your software. Invest in some training for your staff or hire someone to help with the hiring.

A good interview process employs behavioral interviewing. This is a method of asking probing questions about competencies based on a candidates past and present performance in order to predict future ones. In todays market, most candidates have become expert interviewers and will tell you exactly what you want to hear. Going with your gut wont work.

Designing the team

The last element to consider when getting the right people on your bus is team design picking the right people and placing them in the right seats on the bus.

All of us can adapt to situations that arent a perfect fit, but 99 percent of the time we will resort back to our normal way of doing something (i.e., once a disorganized person, always a disorganized person).

Dont set your people up to fail by putting them in roles that dont match their personalities. Examine the total employee and determine which role would best fit each person. Dont simply promote employees into manager roles because they have tenure and you want to prevent them from leaving. Place them in manager roles only if they possess the great manager qualities.

This will absolutely help you to retain employees, keep them motivated and increase their performance.

About the Author: Lori Dernavich, President of Step Ahead Consulting, helps executives who are frustrated as they try to bring great talent into their organizations but face the problem of this talent not meeting expectations or fitting into their roles. Specializing in team assessments/coaching and job candidate assessment for fit.

Source: www.isnare.comFocus On The Positive In Your Business OrganizationMuqadas JavaidDo you believe that despite the complaints and problems encountered in your organization, there is nonetheless significant good work and results occurring? Do you want to find a way to fan the flames of these positives so that they engulf your entire organization? Lets admit it sometimes our problem-centered focus places too much attention on the negative. Perhaps its time for a new approach. We can seek to discover the excellence already present in our organizations just as Michelangelo is reported to have said that he saw an angel in the rock and carved to set it free.

Having a positive vision is the underlying premise of Appreciative Inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry is a philosophy but it is also practical since it suggests a particular method of changing social systems. In its most basic form, an appreciative inquiry is about asking questions about the best of what is and what has been. The information is like a discovery that lends itself to dreaming about the positive future and finally, designing the action plan to make it happen.

For example, a consultant or trainer is frequently in the position of needing to understand the training needs of a client company. Here are several potential questions that could be used in appreciative interviews:

Describe a time when you took part in professional development that was especially energizing and enlivening. Who was involved? What happened? Describe the event in detail.

If you could imagine or transform the professional development available in any way you wished, what one to three things would you like to see happen to enhance its vitality and effectiveness?

What do you imagine your own role might be in helping to make this happen? Who could work with you?

The resulting qualitative data would be most efficiently analyzed by computer software such as text retrievers, code and retrieve programs and conceptual network builders. Such software programs would help draw valid meaning from the data by reducing it, help to identify patterns through comparative analysis and go beyond the narrative text to display the data in matrices.

Consider asking one or more appreciative questions at your next staff meeting. Set it up properly by giving employees a little background and reasoning for the approach. Let them know what you plan to do with the information and invite interested parties to get involved in the resulting action plan. You might be surprised by the synergy that results!

About the Author: Muqadas Javaid is founder of - He is internet marketing guru and expert in web portal development. Find out more about the Website at:

Source: www.isnare.comAre You Winning The Talent WarsMike McCormackHow many times have you heard or read, Our employees are our greatest asset?

What are the chances of any company surviving if it cannot find the right employees or find enough of them? In 2003 Roger Herman, Tom Olivio, and Joyce Gioia wrote in Impending Crisis that by the year 2010 the U.S. economy will support 10 million more jobs than there will be people in the work force to fill them.

This future scenario could make the late 1990s volatile job market look like it was relatively stable compared to what we may soon experience.

Is your company currently at risk of finding enough good people? Can you predict whether or not your top employees are planning to leave? In this era of information on demand, drastically changing work environments and workforces, and employees that bring a tremendous network of resources with them to work every single day (and also take those same resources home with them at night), wouldnt it be good to know how you are really doing in the war for talent?

Peter Drucker states that, 66% of your new hires will turn out to be mistakes within the first 12 months, yet most companies continue business as usual as it pertains to employee selection, development and retention. Most companies are constantly looking to hire more productive employees, but most dont know the best place to start, as evidenced below:

Most companies do not use any type of assessment tool prior to making an offer

Of the companies that use assessment instruments, most use tools that focus only on personality traits

Many of the personality style tools were not created for business use they were intended to help identify deviant behaviors

Many of the most commonly used personality assessments have reliability scores that are below the recommended minimums set by The Association of Testing Professionals and some are not intended for use as predictive tools

Research on over 85 years of assessment history indicates that general mental ability (i.e., how a person processes information) has the highest validity in predicting future job success of any single characteristic measured

The Best Selling Authors Say the Same Things

Several best-selling authors over the recent years have boldly suggested where companies and individuals should be moving in terms of helping people find their right niche in the world. It doesnt matter whether you are coming from the individuals or the companys perspective, the results and conclusions are all the same.

All of the authors listed below agree that the best way to maximize productivity is to match peoples gifts, abilities and interests to the jobs you ask them to do. An employee who is a good match for his/her role will be more productive, make more money for themselves and the company, and stay longer than one who is not a good match for their role. This sounds simple -- like good old common sense -- but we all know common sense is not all that common.

In 1999 Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman wrote First, Break All the Rules. The book was based on data collected by the Gallup Organization from over one million employees and 80,000 managers. Some of the conclusions drawn from this research included:

Great managers do NOT believe that, with enough training, a person can achieve anything he sets his mind to

Human behavior can be divided into three distinct categories: skills (capabilities that can be transferred, or taught, from one person to another), knowledge (things a person is aware of, and can also be taught), and talents (recurring patterns of thought, feeling or behavior). This last category - talents - are either gifts bestowed at birth or developed before we reach adulthood, and can rarely be significantly changed after a person matures

To best understand the talents that are most important in those occupying specific roles in your company, you should start by looking at the current top performers in those roles

Jim Collins wrote Good to Great in 2001, explaining through another extensive research project why some companies turned out to be truly great, while other companies who faced similar circumstances did not. One of his startling conclusions was that, The old adage People are your most important asset turns out to be wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are. His chapter 3, First Who, Then What, made many leaders stop and think about how they build their teams around themselves.

In 2002 Lou Adler released a revised version of his 1998 book Hire With Your Head. In it, Adler reviews a plethora of hiring practices and why some methods work better than others in building great companies. In his chapter about what to do after the first interview, Alder recommends using tools that have the ability to measure not only personality, but also cognitive skills and interests, and concurred with Buckingham and Coffman in saying that these tools should also be able to benchmark your companys top performers in a specific job function.

Also in 2002, Rick Warren wrote a best-seller called The Purpose Driven Life, in which he describes why people are better at some things compared to others. Warren was not attempting to explain success from a business perspective like the other authors listed above, and he used slightly different terminology. But there are many obvious similarities in Warrens SHAPE framework for what people should understand in choosing their vocations compared to frameworks suggested by the other authors.

S = Spiritual Gifts, abilities for serving God given only to believers

H = Heart, your desires, hopes, interests, dreams and affections

A = Abilities, natural talents you were born with

P = Personality, behavioral characteristics that make us all unique

E = Experience, or what we have been exposed to

Companies often consider the information above and then usually think one of three things:

Were doing O.K., we dont need to change our selection or retention practices

We probably could do better in these areas, but it would cost too much

We dont have the time to add this to our current processes

About the Author: Mike McCormack is the President and Owner of PEOPLERIGHT. He is an expert at evaluating and categorizing human performance potential, especially as it pertains to the assessment and hiring of employees. He can be reached at (214) 357-2505 or, or visit our web site at http://www.people-right.comPeopleRight was founded in 2002 to help companies make more intelligent decisions in selecting, developing and retaining great employees. We show companies how they can take advantage of the latest research and technology in the assessment industry without breaking the bank or extending the selection process. Our services normally cost less than the cost of one bad hire, and we are happy to measure our results to continue to earn your business. Over 95% of our clients have asked us back to do additional work after our first project.

Source: www.isnare.comAdvice For New ManagersDarryl GeeHere is the transcript of our interview with Darryl Gee, a.k.a the madmanager.

If you had to give a new manager some advice, what would it be?

Wow. There are so many things that I would want to say to them.

Whats the most important, impactful thing you can think of on the spot?

Dont let it go to your head!

Now explain what you mean by that?

As a manager you are the boss. You hold all the authority - Yes. But dont let that go to your head. Think of yourself as a servant to your employees and your customers. Think about what your role really is.

So you think a lot of new managers make the mistake of being autocratic and king like?

Yes. Its nothing wrong with asserting your authority when necessary, but the times you do assert yourself should be few and far between. You should be focusing on helping your people to perform their roles better. In this way you are their servant or their helper. Isnt it true that on the football field the coach is helping his players to win. Isnt he standing on the sidelines observing what the players cannot see. Isnt he helping to keep them focused and motivated when they are tired ... he is their servant.

Interesting, I never really considered a manager to be a servant.

The good ones are. The best managers that I have ever had are the ones who cared about me and helped me to achieve my goals. Trained me. Supported me. Motivated me. Helped me get promotions. They were selfless.

Why is this so critical? I asked you for the one piece of advice and you give me Dont let it go to your head. Why is this important, especially for new managers.

Well there are several important things new managers need to accomplish. In my book the primary objective is to motivate your team. Dont get me wrong - your true objectives are your business objectives. What I mean is that motivating your team is one of the essential weapons in your arsenal. There are even veteran managers who fail to motivate. If you can create a motivational environment then you can really do anything! You cant motivate if you are an autocrat or if you come in cracking the whip. What you are when you do that is a de-motivator.

I know what you mean. I hate working for those demanding hard driving types.

I think those managers do o.k. because most people find ways to motivate themselves. Usually they think about their bills and realize they have to go to work. So they drag themselves in and do the best they can.

I know that feeling.

New managers will have a hard enough time trying to learn their new responsibilities. How awesome would it be to lead a team where people wanted to come to work. Where they anticipated what a great day they would have. Thats what we want as managers and leaders - motivated people. This is essential to your managerial success. Remember that as a manager - you work through others. Motivate em so they want to.

Those are great parting words. Madmanager thank you for your time. I think you have shared something that will absolutely help new managers.

Copyright 2005 - Darryl Gee

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comTaking Over A New UnitDarryl GeeThe author shares how he successfully takes over an existing sales unit.

I know that you have taken over new stores before?
Yes. You mean another location, not necessarily a new build?

Right. What I want to know is how do you get the sales to be what they need to be? Assuming the store is under performing. What is your formula for success?
The first thing that I do is assume nothing. I dont assume that the team is weak. I dont assume that the neighborhood is the reason for the weak sales. I dont assume that I will have all the answers.

Hmmn. I like that. Go on.
I like to figure out what are the key metrics. Thats a fancy corporate word ... it means what are your sales figures.

(We both laugh)
I like .... no I NEED, sales results broken down by individual. I need as up to the minute data as I can get. Usually this data is raw and difficult to read. I break it down and simplify it so that everyone knows what the numbers are and what it means about our performance as a group. It also lets them know about their individual performance. What did they do, to get us where we are.

So its a numbers thing?
Not totally. The numbers a merely are means to an end. I use numbers to get them to think like business people. I use them to get my team to think like I do about the #s. I also use them to personalize the business. Now they see how they performed and how their co-workers performed. Its like watching a video tape. You cant deny it.

This is exciting. You use the numbers to get them to think like business people?
Yes. This is a must. I am trying to create a war room mentality. How are we going to get this victory? I talk to them very passionately. You know like those Fire an Brimstone Preachers ... with a lot of passion.

That makes me think about the Legendary Lombardi.
Absolutely. Me too. I dont yell (well not always) but I let them know that this stuff is important. I let them know if they contributed or if they did not contribute. Did they help or hurt the team. Most people want to help! I find that there are only two reasons why they will not perform. Fear. They get fearful in selling situations. Lack of know how. They simply dont know how to do what I am asking. There is actually another reason but it is rare. I default to Fear and lack of know how as the main reasons why they dont perform.

What is the rare one?
They choose not to. I find it is rare that someone just will not perform. When this is the case we start thinking about promoting them to customer.

(We laugh)
Ok youve said a few things and I want to make sure that our readers get this. You get your team focused on the #s. You personalize the #s. What are you doing? and How is this helping?
Again the #s make them think. They think about their personal results and they think about business results. It makes them want to do better. Most people do not want to think of themselves as failures. Most people do not want to be part of a failing team. I just want them to know where we are and I want them to understand that THEY got us here.

Good point. How does this translate into sales?
Well now that we know the symptoms. We develop a remedy. As I said there only two reasons why they dont perform. Fear and lack of knowledge. I conquer fear with motivation and encouragement. I look for little things. Whenever they get success I praise them and provide recognition. Finally I show them how. I conquer lack of knowledge with training and coaching. This basic formula has gotten me much success!

Copyright 2005 - Darryl Gee

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comCall Center ServicesArijit MBusinesses often find that the amount of time, money and employees required to do the amount of work required on the telephone per day is simply overwhelming and not at all profitable for their business. It might be that they dont have the proper number of employees that are required to handle the volume of calls for that particular business or they dont have any of the equipment or skills that are available to handle large volumes of telephone work. Whatever the reason, many large and small businesses eventually find that they need to seek help from call center services.

A call center is an office that is designed to handle all kinds of telephone communication for the customers of other companies. There are a number of call center services available and most companies will discover that they can outsource almost if not all of their customer telephone contact services through a call center. Call center services may be offered from a single location of from a number of different location spread throughout the country. This is often called a corporate computer network that is a connection of a number of technological computer systems integrated together.

The sole purpose of using call center services is to communicate with a businesss customers. These call center services can include but are not always limited to answering incoming and making outgoing phone calls, faxing, responding to email inquiries and even replying to written correspondence. Many mail order catalog companies, utility services and even support services for computer related software and hardware issues are currently handled by a call center. Just about everyone who has had some kind of dealings with a business over the phone has probably been in contact with a call center service.

Call center services are built for the specific purpose of handling all the communication needs of a business. While it would cost more than most companies could afford for the equipment and technology required to provide their customers with the kind of support available through a call center service, call centers have all the technology required to do that job for them. The technology used to provide any call center service is designed to make responding to any question as productively as possible and as quickly as possible without sacrificing the quality of service provided.

Successful management and efficient performance of any call center service can depend on a number of factors. The type of software that is used like interactive voice response, automatic call distribution, predictive dialing, automatic number identification, chat and web collaboration, email management and other technology as well as preparing for demand often influence how effective any call center services will be for any company. A great deal of estimating the amount of staff and cost for all call center services as well as the kind of demand each service may encounter is done in order to be both productive and profitable needs to be done accurately in order to supervise a successful call center.

About the Author: William is the webmaster and owner of and has been researching and reporting on Call Center Services for years. Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comEmployee Retention: Its A Changing GameMike BeitlerAs a management consultant, I have seen some poorly conceived retention policies at otherwise well-run companies. The philosophies underlying these policies lack some basic knowledge of two things:

1. human nature, and

2. the changing world around us

Human Nature

Lets start with human nature. The practice of management requires an understanding of how people work. Successful managers can be forgiven if they do not know how a particular machine works, or how to debit and credit the general ledger, or how to write HTML code. But, managers must know how people work. Specifically, they need to know how people work well.

People are motivated by goals their own! Organizations that help individuals achieve their goals and career aspirations have less trouble with retention. Are you helping your best employees achieve their goals?

I recently read some research findings that were just plain silly. The findings you ask: Workers leave organizations for two reasons:

1. they feel mistreated or unappreciated

2. they can get more money/compensation from another organization

The researchers went on to say, most workers are unaware of more money at other organizations until they feel mistreated or unappreciated. Did you catch that? If not, re-read the two findings.

Heres my interpretation: If you treat your workers well and make them feel appreciated they will stay with your organization; money is not the primary driver for workers leaving. Help you workers achieve their goals. I believe appreciative workers are more motivated than happy workers.

Before you think this is more soft management talk, lets look at some hard facts. The average cost of hiring a new worker is one-and-a-half times the workers annual salary. And, the average worker will need a year to master his/her job skills.

The Changing World Around Us

As the world changes around us, we must change the way we think about retention (and everything else). Gone are the days of the homogeneous workforce. The world is being changed by unstoppable trends: globalization and an aging workforce.

Future work teams will include three generations of workers (a 23-year-old worker, a 48-year-old worker, and a 73-year-old worker), workers with different religions and nationalities, and workers with dramatically different life experiences.

The brain drain in developed countries can be slowed by retaining older, highly skilled workers. But, that is not nearly enough. Companies must compete globally for talent. (And remember what is necessary to retain these individuals. We must understand their individual goals and career aspirations.)

American companies that hope to depend on American talent exclusively will fail miserably. American knowledge workers are losing their competitive edge. Lets look at some more hard facts:

1. In China, 42% of students earn undergraduate degrees in science or engineering. In the U.S., the figure is less than 5%.

2. Only 70% of U.S. high school students graduate. The U.S. public education system was recently ridiculed by a British news journal. When you consider that the British public school system is arguably the worst in Europe, Americans should hear this as a wake-up call.

3. Only 32% of U.S. students leaving high school qualify to attend a four-year college or university.

Add to this some alarming facts about off-shoring. One organization recently said it was off-shoring jobs to India not simply because the cost was lower, but because the quality of work was better. The off-shoring of high-level professional jobs (such as engineering and IT) is now a common practice.


Organizations must do two critical things:

1. develop retention policies that recognize the need to understand the individual workers goals and career aspirations, and

2. learn how to recruit and develop talent from around the world.

These are big changes for most organizations. Is your organization ready for these changes?

About the Author: Dr. Mike Beitler is the author of Strategic Organizational Change. Get a free 7-part mini-course and learn more about the book at

Source: www.isnare.comTime Management: How To Make Your Meetings More ProductiveBurt CarlsonIn most organizations, meetings are often the biggest time-wasters. With a bit of planning, its possible to both shorten the time spent in meetings and to make that time more productive. Heres how.

* Let all participants know why youre holding the meeting, whats to be accomplished and what each participant is being called upon to contribute. This should be communicated well before the meeting.

* If any of the participants need to do preparatory work before the meeting, mention that fact. Dont take it for granted that such preparation will be taken care of automatically.

* If the meeting is a follow-up to an earlier meeting, circulate a copy of the minutes of the latter, even if it has been done before. This is especially true if theres been a significant time gap between the first meeting and the follow-up.

* Try to see that everyone arrives in time and is already seated when the meeting is due to begin. Someone walking in midway through a meeting can be a great distraction.

* Serving refreshments while a meeting is in progress is also a distraction. Set out refreshments before the meeting starts. Schedule breaks for refreshments if the meeting is to go on for several hours or a day.

* Make copies of all necessary papers. Passing around a single set of documents for everyone to read is highly unproductive. Yet, its surprising how often something as simple as this is not taken care of.

* Stick to the point. Whoever is presiding over the meeting should be ready to intervene if someone is digressing from the topic. Beating around the bush is a huge time-waster.

* Minimize interruptions from other participants when someone is speaking. Others can respond when the person has finished speaking.

* All cell phones must be switched off. Calls on land lines should be deferred as far as possible.

* The meeting should end with a summary of the main points covered and the conclusions reached. You should also spell out who is responsible for each specific action to be taken, along with a timeframe. Later, a written communication covering all these points should go out to all participants.

Making meetings more useful is all about using a commonsense approach. Stick to the above guidelines and watch your meetings become far more productive.

About the Author: Burt Carlson is a top corporate executive whose passion is helping people get more out of life by managing their time better. His articles at and cover topics like time management at work, overcoming procrastination, getting organized and more.

Source: www.isnare.comAvoid These Seven Deadly Dangers Of OutsourcingSteve MezakHere are seven dangers of outsourcing your software development. They become deadly if your career or entire company depends on the timely release of your software.

Danger #1- Ignoring Outsourcing
It may seem safer to ignore outsourcing and stick with what has worked well in the past -- hire employee programmers and work with them directly to get your software developed. There are situations where concerns about intellectual property or security make this the only choice. But if you do not have these constraints, then you are wasting money and time by hiring your own programmers.

Danger #2- Hiring the Wrong Team
It is a common mistake to look for an outsourcing vendor only in your immediate circle of friends and acquaintances. Considering ONLY your friend's roommate's brother in Bangalore, or his cousin in Kiev, is unlikely to provide you the outsourcing vendor that best matches your software development needs.

Don't hire an outsourcing vendor that will be distracted by developing their own products. The best teams are dedicated to providing software development services for their clients and already have multiple happy clients in the US.

Danger #3- Not Protecting Your Intellectual Property
The dangers of not protecting your intellectual property (IP) are multiplied when working with outsourcing. Are you using all three types of IP protection - physical, electronic and legal?

Make sure your outsourcing vendor has a secure facility and uses computers without removable media to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your IP. Use firewalls, VPN and encryption to protect your IP when in transit over the Internet. Use proper legal protections including written agreements and NDAs that are enforceable in the US. A clearly stated contract helps avoid disagreements later and keeps you from the expense of litigation.

Danger #4- Not Knowing What Your Software Should Do
Having good requirements and specifications are key to successful software development, and especially for outsourcing. Fortunately, outsourcing can be successful with only a high-level specification and an outsourced team that can collaborate and communicate with you to determine the details.

Danger #5- Meager Engineering Management
Unfortunately, you cannot completely rely on an offshore team to manage your software development. They will do their best to meet commitments to schedules and a high level of quality. You can outsource the programming but not all the responsibility for creating great software.

Danger #6- Mediocre Software Development Methodology
How do you go about the process of developing software? Do you create an excruciatingly detailed spec and then micromanage? Do you pile up the features for a single stupendous major release? And do you make sure the offshore team must cram all those features in the software by next Tuesday? If so, you have a mediocre software development methodology.

Do you assume No News is Good News, if you have not heard from your offshore team? Do you NOT have a standard software release procedure or source code control system? If so, you have a mediocre software development methodology.

Danger #7- Quality as an Afterthought
QA is a critical part of the software development process. It is also a major concern when you outsource to programmers that are far away. You cannot wait to start testing until just before you release your software and rush an unacceptable version into use. Having your users find the bugs is a bad strategy.

About the Author: Steve Mezak is a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur and international outsourcing expert. Get your copy of his free report now on The Seven Deadly Dangers of Outsourcing Your Software Development by visiting

Source: www.isnare.comFocus On Results - Not MoneyDarryl GeeAre you in sales management for the money? Of course you are - and thats fine but you must not lose sight of what will get you the money you are after. Developing the plan, implementing the plan and monitoring results - while being merely aware that you are making money. Winning starts with a passion for the task at hand. To be an effective leader you must love the challenge of devising and implementing strategic plans.

Money absolutely motivates me. It allows me to live the quality of life that I desire and to provide for my family. I dont like to think about it, that is I prefer to know I am making money. This awareness puts me at ease and allows me to focus my thoughts on the task at hand - driving sales results.

Almost every position Ive had offered a commission as incentive. I used it as a barometer to help me set goals - thats it. I dont dwell on the fact that I earn $100 from each sale my team makes. I do dwell on what is necessary to make the sale. I have an awareness that money is being made, but it does not consume my thoughts. Reason being money the great motivator that it is, can be a distraction if you are constantly counting it. How can you focus on providing excellent customer service if every customer represents a dollar sign?

Now dont get me wrong, counting money is an excellent way to keep score but not during the heart of the battle. When you are on the front lines your mind should be focused on implementing your strategy.

We get emotional about money. Very emotional. How much we are making can cause us to get excited or it can depress us. 100's committed suicide during the stock market crash of 1929. Day traders have lost great sums and went on killing sprees. These people were passionate about one thing - money. The loss of which left them nothing to live for. Others looked at the score and trudged on - focusing on doing those things that would help them succeed.

There are few championship teams that are undefeated. They lose games, sometimes several in a row, yet they make the playoffs, the finals and are victorious. They dont dwell on the score, they focus on the fundamentals that will help them to succeed. They focus on their passion for the game. As fans we are disappointed in athletes who are focused only on cash, because we want them to love the game.

The passionate driven manager is too busy to worry or get excited about his income - he is devising strategy, reviewing results and coaching sales people. He knows he is doing the right things to get him to his goal so he isnt worried about income. Hes not counting, hes doing.

I recently saw a Mike Tyson fight in which he lost. Being from Brooklyn, I took it personal. I take pride in watching Tyson, despite his legal woes (no one is perfect). However, I was disappointed when in the post fight commentary, Tyson exclaimed I only did this for the money. I need money for my bills.

While there is nothing wrong with wanting and needing money, there is something wrong with allowing it to cloud your judgment. There is something wrong with allowing it to take your focus off of the fundamentals that help you achieve your goals.

Mike Tyson should have been focused on his victory in the ring. Planning how to counter his opponents strengths and exploit his weaknesses. Instead he was driven to make money - and this arrested his focus, denying him the ability to train properly and deliver a victory.

The money is there. It will always be there but the passion is what we have to continually cultivate. If there is passion for the task the money will come, because the task will have been done properly. Remember, to be an effective leader you must focus on devising and implementing strategic plans - and the money will follow.

Copyright 2005 - Darryl Gee

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comThe Fine Art Of YellingDarryl GeeYell wisely and at your own risk

I know what youre thinking You should never yell at your employees. However, I imagine if I polled your employees and asked Has your Supervisor ever yelled at you, a least one would say yes. If youre going to do it, then do it properly. - Consider this continuing education for those who yell and initiation for those who don't.

Yelling is not for everyone, Coach Bill Belichek included. This is a skill that must be learned and used sparingly. Vince Lombardi, Bill Parcels were/are masters at it - their records speak for themselves. To be effective your team must know without a doubt that you have their best interest at heart.

Yelling is a dark, yet essential management skill that is very under rated and misunderstood. I have used it many times in my career to salvage unproductive weeks and months. I found it to be very motivational and useful in waking-up my team and displaying seriousness. HR may have a different take on this, so tread lightly, but tread.

Before you use this technique your employees need to know you care. If you are a new manager recently assigned to an existing unit, I dont recommend this for you. You need to have communicated care and concern for the team prior, otherwise yelling will backfire.

You need to build a close, supportive relationship. They must know that you have their best interest at heart. Demonstrate this by helping them to close sales and giving them sales tips. If they have aspirations of becoming a leader, coach them.

They must also believe you are a person of integrity. Amongst the worst things you can do as a leader are lying and not keeping your word. This is the fastest way to distance yourself from your team. Being honest not only builds trust, but it brings them closer to you.

If your team considers you a tyrant, STOP HERE. This tool is not for you!

Public Flogging
Public flogging is not the recommended course, however all rules are made to be broken - if only occasionally. If you have open communication and routinely share intimate business details with your team, it will not be out of character when in a meeting you begin yelling. This is an emphatic and sincere form communication. You will get their attention in a strong way. Yelling is much more effective if used sparingly and your point is logical.

You may get some backlash from the individual or HR. If so apologize, but focus on the behaviors that lead you to yell. This allows you to demonstrate care while focusing on your issue.

Im sorry I yelled at you during the meeting. I just need you to understand how important it is that we follow up with each customer. When I see you repeatedly ignoring my request, and I see sales decreasing .... It makes me angry. All I want is for you to improve. I didnt mean to embarrass you.

Let me define yelling
I should really call it pseudo acting. You are acting out your sincere response to disappointing results or behaviors. Acting because the form of yelling that I purporting is controlled and not erratic or angry. It is more a demonstration of tough love. When you are angry and upset and out of control, this is not the time for you to yell! Its time for you to take a walk.

Interestingly, You can !YELL! by whispering. I have on ocassion, talked very angrily - talking in my lowest voice. Almost demanding that they listen and demonstrating that the results were so poor that I am restraining myself, by talking low. Your main objective is to communicate passion and focus for your cause - which is achieving awesome business results.

(I always tell people that the difference between a spanking and abuse is your attitude and emotion while administering the discipline. I suggest not disciplining any child out of anger. The anger takes away the social teaching aspect of your discipline and your self control. My apologies to those who disagree with spanking children.)

How do you act angry?
This may confuse matters, but here we go. To act angry you have to actually be or have been angry very recently. Something must have really disappointed you. The indiscretion should have happened very, very recently. Within the week, but ideally within 2 days. I say actually angry because this is the only way for you to communicate your sincerity. Part of the point of yelling is to communicate your sincere, extreme emotions! If you do not come across as sincere you will not be believable and the yelling would have been pointless.

Remember you can also yell by talking in a low voice. The look of dismay on your face makes the point as loudly as your voice can.

If used in a meeting, the yelling must come at the beginning of the meeting. This will make it most effective and allows you to end your meeting on a motivational high note.

In meetings call attention to individual performance. But try not to single out individuals or attack them - this pulls them out of the team. (Ocassionally you may want to publicly flog - do so only ocassionaly). Make a strong effort to maintain the team spirit and your groups oneness.

There are however instances where yelling should be directed at an individual during a meeting:
1. You have a long term employee, with whom you have a good relationship; and this person is slacking off.
2. Your units results are suffering because of 1 or 2 people.
3. Your star performer isnt performing to their standards.

Yelling must follow an indiscretion by an individual or the team, otherwise you are always yelling and it loses effect. Counselling can be done as often as you like (counseling - having a serious conversation).

Do not insult people. You are a jerk is an insult. Phrases like this are never acceptable.

The only curses you can use are dam, hell and sh-it (Check your HR guidelines you may not be allowed to curse)

You can use sh-it as an exclamation but you should not say you are full of sh-it this is an insult.

Curses you cannot use, ever! Never use any racial slur, the word bi-tch, or motherfu-cker. In certain rare instances for effect you may use fu-ck as an exclamation.

Never get right up in someones face, this is confrontational, very disrespectful and useless.

Any gesture is fine, except gestures that are curses. Point sparingly, and it will have greater impact.

Throwing things is perfectly fine. As long you are not throwing at someone or someone can get hurt. Dont throw things you dont want to break. I have kicked garbage cans, thrown pens and slammed down clipboards - this is all acceptable.

Remember your main of objective is to communicate THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER. Yelling is less loud talking, and more of emphatic communicating.

Copyright 2005 - Darryl Gee,

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comMaking Time For Your Family And A New Internet Home BusinessJohn PurdyStarting your own internet home business can be a very fulfilling experience. It offers many new and exciting challenges, with the hopes of providing financial security for you and your family. To this end, a home business also requires a serious commitment and can easily consume a large portion of your time if you dont plan properly.

While searching the internet for business opportunities, youve undoubtedly encountered claims of how working only a few hours per week can result in a successful home business. Although it is true that after your business is established you could potentially devote less time towards it, this is not normally the case in the beginning.

If youre new to internet marketing or the home business industry, you should initially plan on spending at least 2-3 hours per day researching your products and developing your website. You should try committing even more time if youre not working a day job or have other obligations prohibiting you from doing so.

Believe it or not, one trap to avoid is spending too much time on your business Its very easy to become immersed in your business because there is always something to do--a new product to review, updating your website, responding to emails, etc. Before you know it, you wont have time for anything else.

This can be especially problematic when you have a family. For many of us, the benefit of spending more quality time with our family was the reason we started our home business to begin with! Because so many new home business owners struggle between spending time with their families while trying to get their business off the ground, I offer the following tips.

1. Take one entire day off per week. Yes, this means NO WORK. Spend time with your family and friends and as far away from your business as possible. Believe me, the business wont go anywhere. Plus, the day off will help to alleviate burn out. If youve worked more hours than usual in a particular week, take two days off.

2. Set aside 1-2 hours every evening for family time. From 5:30-7:00, for example, you could have dinner with the family, help the kids with their homework and squeeze in time for walking the dog. If possible, try to choose this same time everyday. A structured schedule will allow you to better plan your time.

3. Stop working at a specific time every evening and stick to it. For example, you can turn off your computer every night at 10:00 p.m. You can use this time to catch up on the news and tend to other personal matters. This is also your time to relax and unwind from a hard days work.

Learning to manage your time is critical to a successful business and living a full and happy life. Theres nothing wrong with being dedicated to your business, but your family should be your first commitment. Make time for your spouse, children, parents and friends now, because before you know it, youll be wondering where the time went.

About the Author: John Purdy is an affiliate marketer and operates his own internet home business. For access to free affiliate programs, work at home opportunities and other resources on the home business industry, visit his website at

Source: www.isnare.comKeeping Your Cool When The Audience Gets HotLydia RamseyA day in the life of a business person can be filled with joy and satisfaction or it can be frustrating and stressful. When things go wrong, some people lose control. Holding emotions in check and reacting professionally under fire are not always easy. It is particularly difficult to be nice to people who are not being nice to you.

So what do you do to keep your cool when the customer is chewing you out? Most of the time, it is not even your fault. It could be that the problem was with a product or a service delivered by someone else in your organization. You're getting the blame because the unhappy person found you first, and it's not pleasant. When faced with angry people, there are four key steps that will help diffuse the situation.

Step one is to apologize. But, you say, it's not my fault. It doesn't matter who's to blame; apologize anyway. As a representative of your company you have a responsibility to see that things go well. Your willingness to be accountable will have a positive effect. After all, it takes two to have an argument. If one of you refuses to be disagreeable you can't have a disagreement. You are not accepting blame-you are simply saying, I'm sorry about the problem. You are wasting your breath unless you apologize with complete sincerity so be sure that your tone of voice matches your words.

Step two is to sympathize with the irate customer. Let the person know that you can identify with his feelings. Say that you understand the frustration of receiving a faulty product or poor service. The angry person begins to feel better as soon as his reaction is validated.

Step three is to accept responsibility for the situation. Be accountable to the customer. Let him know that you intend to do whatever it takes to make things right. You can't help what has already happened, but you will come up with a solution to the problem or you will find someone who can.

The last step is to take action. Decide what you can do and tell the customer. You will replace the defective or incorrect product as quickly as possible. If the issue was poor service deliver better service. Whenever you can offer a bonus of some sort or waive fees, the tiger before you is transformed into a pussycat.

Use the acronym ASAP to remember these four steps for calming upset customers. Each letter stands for part of the process.

A is apologize.
S represents sympathize.
A stands for accept responsibility.
P means prepare to take action.

Nothing will be solved by becoming argumentative and reactionary. Instead, diffuse the client's anger by being apologetic and sympathetic and focus on positive steps that will resolve the situation. Before you know it, your adversaries will become your allies.

Oh yes, remember to smile. It will make everyone feel better and behave better.

(c) 2005, Lydia Ramsey. All rights in all media reserved. Please reprint article with by-line intact and all links made live.

About the Author: Lydia Ramsey is a business etiquette expert, professional speaker, corporate trainer and author of MANNERS THAT SELL - ADDING THE POLISH THAT BUILDS PROFITS. She has been quoted or featured in The New York Times, Investors' Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Inc., Real Simple and Woman's Day. For more information about her programs, products and services, e-mail her at or visit her web site

Source: www.isnare.comAction Learning: Its More Than OJTMike BeitlerFor centuries companies have used on-the-job training (OJT). OJT works because it follows much of what we know about adult learning theory. For example, we know:

1. Adults learn best when new learning can be applied immediately.
2. Much of classroom learning is lost because it does not transfer back to the job.

Action learning is a two-part method to maximize learning and productivity by maximizing OJT. Action learning involves teams of organizational members working on real organizational projects and problems. The team members work is also accompanied by regular (and spontaneous) facilitator-led reflection and discussion meetings.

Action learning projects have led to new product launches, acquisitions and divestitures, and large-scale organizational changes. In addition to extensive and measurable productivity, there are significant learning benefits from these action learning projects. The benefits include:

* exposure to other parts of the organization,
* development of emotional intelligence (EI),
* learning the political realities of the organization, and
* being able to showcase skills to senior management.

Obviously, action learning projects require serious senior management commitment. Senior management buy-in includes not only contribution to choosing projects and participants, but also a commitment to evaluating and implementing projects.

Not every organizational project is an appropriate action learning project. Many projects have severe time constraints that would not allow sufficient time for reflection and discussion for the project team. Some projects are not strategically important enough to justify the investment of organizational resources (time, people, and money).

The facilitator for the action learning project must be a trained facilitator. To maximize the learning in an action learning project, the coach or facilitator must know how to extract learning from the teams work. Learning goals must be identified early in the project. Provoking critical thinking, reflection, creative thinking, and self-awareness is the job of the facilitator.

Action learning is one of many organizational learning strategies. Action learning must be used in alignment with the other organizational learning programs, such as individual coaching. For example, many coaching discussion topics can be based on the real-time learning that takes place in an action learning project.

Obviously, action learning projects (like any other organizational learning methods) are not a cure-all for every learning need. But, the productivity and learning benefits of action learning should be considered by every organization.

For more information of action learning projects read Dierck and Saslows May 2005 Chief Learning Officer article entitled Action Learning in Management Development Programs.

About the Author: Dr. Mike Beitler is the author of Strategic Organizational Learning. Get a free 7-part mini-course about organizational learning and learn more about the book at

Source: www.isnare.comInternal Control: A Preventive Maintenance ProgramJohn DayYou read about this in every newspaper in every town in the entire country: Some bookkeeper, trusted by the owner of a small business, embezzles thousands of dollars. If the theft doesnt put owner out of business, it certainly causes a major headache.

The reason we hear of these cases so often is that, in a small business, there may only be the owner and a bookkeeper. The owner doesnt like doing the books, doesnt understand them, and relies on this one person to take care of things. The bookkeeper, who is usually having personal financial difficulties, takes a small amount of money intending to pay it back. No one seems to notice, so more is taken. Over a period of time, it starts to mount up to a lot of money.

This is where the concept of internal control comes in. Essentially, every business should have, at some level, an internal control system in place to protect against losses, both intentional and unintentional. This is because internal control systems will: 1) protect cash and other assets; 2) promote efficiency in processing transactions; and, 3) ensure reliability of financial records. An internal control system consists primarily of policies and procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance that these three objectives will be achieved. The size and complexity of the business will determine the extent of the internal control system.

Regardless of size, one of the most important aspects of an internal control system is the concept of separation of duties. Separating duties makes it more difficult for theft and errors to go undetected. It is highly unusual for two employees to collude in an effort to steal from the company.

I worked as an internal auditor for a newspaper chain for three years. My job was to walk in to the newspaper offices unannounced and go directly to the cash boxes, count them, and verify receipts. One of my most important audit steps was to make sure the internal control procedures were in place and working properly. Here are a few suggestions for internal control procedures regarding handling of cash:

- Allow only specific designated individuals to handle cash.

- Give responsibility for bookkeeping to an individual who does not handle cash.

- Use numbered receipts to document all payments.

- Make all bank deposits promptly.

- The person who prepares the bank reconciliation should be different than the one handling cash.

- If possible, the person who makes the bank deposit should be different than the one who handles the cash and the one who prepares the bank reconciliation.

- Make deposits intact with no amounts withdrawn to pay expenses.

- Keep cash and checkbook in a locked drawer or cash register.

- Since tills will never be 100% correct all the time, establish a tolerance level for overages and shortages to determine the point at which corrective measures will be triggered.

- Make all disbursements by check, except minimal amounts paid from petty cash.

- Make certain every payment is related to a paper document, such as a voucher, to ensure that a paper trail exists for all disbursements.

- Conduct random surprise counts of petty cash and cash drawers.

- Count inventory and other assets frequently and compare with company books.

An internal control system set up early as a preventative measure is more efficient than establishing a corrective system in reaction to a loss. If it so happens, that there is just you and the bookkeeper in your small business, you need to learn how to do some of the bookkeeping tasks so you can spot check the bookkeepers work. That, in itself, is an excellent preventative measure.

About the Author: John W. Day, MBA is the author of two courses in accounting basics: Real Life Accounting for Non-Accountants (20-hr online) and The HEART of Accounting (4-hr PDF). Visit his website at to download for FREE his 3 e-books pertaining to small business accounting and his monthly newsletter on accounting issues.

Source: www.isnare.comMeasuring Training Programs: Cost vs BenefitMichele WebbFor decades companies have been struggling with the real costs, benefits and return-on-investment of training costs. With increasing online learning opportunities, organizations are finding their focus shifting from providing costly onsite training programs to the use of new tools and technology now available. Companies need to understand and apply the business analytics in order to fully appreciate the effectiveness and impact that e-learning and training offers.

Companies invest large amounts of money, resources and time in training. According to a 2002 ASTD State of the Industry Report where over 375 major corporations were surveyed, companies spent between one (1) and three (3) percent of their total payroll on training. This translated to a per-person basis of more than US $700 per employee per year. In cutting-edge companies that significantly increases to US $1400 or more per person per year.

If training expenses are viewed as a percentage of the company's profits, then the training budget could represent as much as 5 - 20% of the total profit margin. With increasing costs associated with travel and lodging, as well as increasing costs and expenses to register and attend meetings or to develop in-house training programs, training budget costs are undboutedly going to increase, which only underscores the need to justify its cost.

In order to effectively measure training programs, companies are faced with three critical issues: efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance. Every major decision made regarding training falls into one of these three areas. Fortunately, each of these three areas can be benchmarked and measured.

The ASTD 2002 study reported that only one-third of companies measured the effectiveness of learning and that 12% or less attempted to measure job and business impact of their training programs. Why? Interestingly enough the top reason why companies fail to measure training is that they lack the experience, tools and infrastructure to do so.

It is impossible to improve or effectively optimize the training program if it is not benchmarked or measured. Training should be measured and evaluated just as companies measure productivity, profit or quality. There have been many scorecards, dashboards, algorithms or metrics developed for this purpose.

If one considers the total training investment per person in the company (see above), the question is how much should they spend on measurement and evaluation? One, five or ten percent? Looking back at the ASTD 2002 study of best practices, we find that most companies spend 40-50% of their total training dollars on content development, 8-10% on infrastructure and the remaining resources on salaries and facilities costs.

For many development of measurement and evaluation tools sounds like additional costs and expense to the organization. Companies who allocate a small, but fixed percentage of the training budget to this purpose will find themselves able to effectively measure the effectiveness for their overall investment in training. One study found that organizations who adopt this model, and who spend US $2-10 per employee on learning analytics reported noticeable improvements in the measurability and return on investment.

Companies will need to justify the costs associated with measuring learning by identifying the business impact and risk of not training its employees. This could be quantified by fines, or profit loss as a result of being out of compliance with laws or standards. Often times this can result in fines levied against the company or even lawsuits or other forms of profit loss.

In healthcare, for example, lack of compliance with correctly collecting, coding and reporting cancer incidence could have far-reaching impact on budget dollars spent not only in the training and operational costs associated with the Cancer Registry department, but could also negate the costs associated with cancer program development and community outreach programs. Although program development and outreach programs have the ability to compete with the consumer's dollars, all this could be for naught if the required reporting is not done accurately and in compliance with the State or accreditation program standards. Training programs for the Cancer Registry can ensure that the data management processes are appropriately managed.

So, in summary, companies should be focusing on the development and measurement of their learning programs. The investment in learning analytics will outweigh the risks of inadequate training. Success for any organization will directly depend on their employee's understanding of their products, services, operations and policies. Employees must be thoroughly trained in compliance, standards, confidentiality, non-disclosure and other legally sensitive areas of the company. And, companies must be able to track and measure this using effective learning analytics.

Copyright 2005, M. A. Webb. All Rights Reserved

About the Author: Michele has 20+ years experience in healthcare and Cancer Registry management. She actively promotes online learning opportunities at, a Blog and at

Source: www.isnare.comHiring The Perfect Fit Through Elance.comMatt BacakOutsourcing has moved upward in the most-improved columns of efficiency and respectability through This website offers time-saving access to high-quality expertise that enables you to offload projects for quick completion, while maximizing your budget and letting you focus on those items not easily delegated. If the project you have in mind falls into one of the twelve categories currently supported by eLance, you are literally in business: 1) Software & Technology, 2) Writing & Translation, 3) Sales & Marketing, 4) Management & Finance, 5) Legal, 6) Website Development, 7) Graphic Design & Art, 8) Search Advertising, 9) Administrative Support, 10) Training & Development, 11) Audio, Video & Multi-media, and 12) Architecture & Engineering.

Once you are registered on the site as a Buyer (a sliding scale of fees is involved), eLance provides an extremely user-friendly series of steps and links that guide you through the project listing process. This article serves as a summary of those steps, with a few suggestions and tips merged in along the way for added success. First, you need to select one of the twelve categories, and then a sub-category (e.g., Writing & Translation?Editing & Proofreading). You will then select a Title for your project and give a detailed description of the job-at-hand, including specific expectations, any required expertise, and so forth, followed by the total number of days and the date range that your project will be open for bidding. Next you will establish the timeframe for job completion once a bidder has been selected, and you will set your budget.

Let's take a sidebar for a moment here to discuss the subject of budget. Although outsourcing does enhance your ability to save money, eLance is not a marketplace for slave labor. There are always exceptions, but for the most part, the Service Providers bidding on your job(s) are sincere professionals eager to return a quality product at a fair price. Prior to setting the budget for your project listing, take a little time to understand the market for the type of work you are posting. Google your main and sub-categories, and then check out websites and pricing to get a feel for going rates. You might also want to consult with applicable local businesses and with colleagues as well, to help determine a price that is affordable for you but not insulting to prospective bidders. Buyers who attempt to milk the system-or who are sub-contracting, for pennies, work they themselves have acquired through bidding-will quickly discover that only the very least qualified suppliers are submitting bid proposals for their jobs. Simply put, be reasonable and fair in your pricing expectations.

Once you've established your budget, you will have a couple of options that can assist you in pre-screening in-coming bids. You'll have a choice of whether or not you wish to allow Service Providers to communicate with you, via Private Message Boards, prior to their actually placing their bids. This communication is optional but advisable, because you will receive more comprehensive bids if the Service Providers are able to clarify their questions in advance of bid commitments. You will also be able to list up to three questions you'd like bidders to answer, which will further assist you with your pre-qualification.

Perhaps the most important decision you'll make as you're creating your listing is whether you want your project to be at the Basic or the Select Level. Either one will give you access to top-notch Service Providers, but there is one key difference between the two: At the Select Level, Service Providers cannot see the other bid proposals being submitted. This results in more detailed but fewer responses, generally from the most seriously invested tier of registered providers. At the Basic Level, where Service Providers can read each other's submissions, you will still receive bids from highly-qualified individuals, but you'll have a larger number of responses, with less proposal detail. This Basic level also produces a lower bid range, since providers view all the other bid amounts and competitively bid against them. Participation in the Select Level costs more for both you and the Service Providers than Basic, so you'll need to decide the best option for each of your project listings. eLance gives you additional information on the listing levels to help you make the most advantageous choice.

Once you've paid a fully-refundable deposit of $25 to re-confirm your identity, your job will be posted and bids will begin pouring in. This brings you to the most difficult part of the entire process: hiring the best match for you and your job-at-hand. Some bids will be rejected right away due to inflated pricing or an obvious qualification mismatch, but you will generally end up with a collection of contenders. If your project has been listed at the Basic Level, you will have received bids from both Select and Basic Service Providers, and in the upper right hand corner of each proposal, you will see the eLance statistics for each bidder: average feedback rating, number of feedbacks, and total dollars earned through eLance projects. These statistics, in addition to the bidders' Profiles, Feedback Comments and Portfolios, will help you complete the pictures created by each proposal submitted. On a number of proposals, you will also see the words New Provider. Please don't discount these bids out-of-hand, even though there might not be much of an eLance track record yet. You will frequently find the most qualified, cost-effective option in someone who has just signed on to eLance and is eager to build a strong clientele base and a solid reputation. If your project was listed at the Select Level, you'll see all of the statistics as before, but only Select Service Providers will have placed bids. There will be New Providers in this category as well, though, so take the time to review their credentials.

Once you've read all the relative proposal and background material and then made your selection, you will go into the Buyer Activity section of My eLance and offer your chosen Service Provider the job. When the Service Provider accepts, you will pay him or her according to the terms stated in the proposal (usually a deposit of 25-50% of the total bid amount), a process most easily accomplished using eLance electronic funds transfer or Pay Pal. At that point, you and the Service Provider can begin communicating directly, based upon your mutual agreement, through the Private Message Board, email and/or telephone, to get the project started-and voila!, you can cross that task off your list.

Assuming your outsourcing requirements fall into one of the twelve eLance categories, you will discover that managing those demands has just become immeasurably morewell, more manageable. There is a legion of talented freeLancers out there, ready and willing to do everything possible to help you get your you-fill-in-the-blank job accomplished through new, efficient partnerships. As you begin building associations with a group of Service Providers, you'll soon find that you'll want to avail yourself of the option enabling you to invite individuals to bid on projects, a time-saving feature that lets you quickly hire your favorite(s)-and together, you can make each other's day-one right after the other-the eLance way!

About the Author: Matt Bacak became #1 Best Selling Author in just a few short hours.Recent Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host isturning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories.Discover The Secrets

Source: www.isnare.comGetting Started: Creating A Business PlanDan AmesYour excited. You have a great idea for a profitable online business. Maybe it is an original idea that has not been marketed online before. Maybe you have come up with a new spin on the ordinary. Whatever it is that has influenced you to start your online business, be sure that you have a plan before you begin. This is not the time to pick it up as you go. These are some basic things that should be included in your business plan.

The business summary should give a brief description of the entire business and is an integral part of the overall business plan. After you have completed the business summary you should begin to list the objectives or the goals that you want to accomplish through the business. Next and perhaps most importantly, you should develop your marketing plan. The marketing plan will address all the specifics of the business. When developing the marketing strategy you should consider the following:

The target market. The target market is the customers that you expect to see visiting your site. For example will your product be more appealing to college students or those who are in retirement?

Consider the competition for your product when determining the marketing strategy. Choose a product that will be seen as unique and useful. Visit sites that are offering the same or similar products. Find out the cost, and how they are marketing their product. Finds out the pros and cons of their business and try to improve your product based on their flaws.

Research the various methods for advertising online. You should become educated about search engines and how they work since each one is different. Also be sure that you know how to submit your site to search engines. You should be prepared to spend a small amount of money on advertising, but the profits that you will gain from the advertisements will prove to be money well spent.

Think about pricing. Again, look at the competition and see what similar products are selling for. Pricing can play a big role in the success of your product since selling a product well below the average price may lead customer to think that there is a problem with the product or that it is not of the best quality. However, pricing items too high could also detour customers.

Determine the shipping method. Be sure that you know how products will be shipped so that you can have shipping details clearly posted on your site. If you are shipping things of great value, you should consider providing shipping insurance. Also think about shipping outside the country that you live in.

Think about the different methods of payment that you will accept. If your business does not accept credit cards, you should be ready to give up half if not more of your sales. If you decide to accept credit cards will you use a merchant account or will you use a third party credit card processing center? Both will help you get started and the third party processing center will handle all of the business so you dont have to. You should decide which you will use and also if you will accept checks or money orders. It is essential to have a secure server when taking credit cards.

These few things will help your online business to become a great success and also provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have thoroughly thought about and planned for the opening of your online business.

About the Author: Dan Ames can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours... To learn more, visit:

Source: www.isnare.comDelivering Fantastic Service!Darryl GeeFantastic customer service is a friendly smile, its a warm greeting, its a caring attitude, its aimless small talk, its genuinely going the extra mile, its truly understanding the other person, its cheerful enthusiasm

Fantastic service is what makes customers want to shop with you despite a higher price or the inconvenience of distance. Even if you are providing a lesser quality product or service, fantastic service can help you compensate for it. It gives you an incredible, low cost competitive advantage.

To test whether you are providing poor or fantastic service take an honest look at your business and answer these three basic questions.

1--Are customer greeted in a warm and friendly manner? And are they greeted immediately?
2--Are your people sincerely and enthusiastically focused on customers and their needs?
3--Is Thanks You a phrase that is used at the end of every transaction?

While poor customer service may not kill a business, it will hinder your efforts to grow your business. Many managers have no clue that they are providing poor service. Answering the above questions will give you a clue as to where your service stands.

To improve your customers experience, start by changing yourself. Change your attitude when handling customer issues. Be friendly and liberal versus stern when implementing policy. This may require you to convince yourself that you can afford great service. Do the math and discover that it will cost you less to take care of that customer now and build a life long patron. Set the example by regularly chatting with customers and enthusiastically pitching in to solve hard problems.

Next challenge your people by asking them to step up their game. Catch them providing great service and provide some simple verbal recognition. Constantly bring up and talk about how important it is to set yourself apart with great service. Create a bulletin board in your employee only area, and post positive comments from customers - if a customer verbally tells you something great, type it up and post it on the board. For employees that just dont get it try to understand why and help them with some training, coaching and counseling.

You should now be on your way to providing fantastic service and increasing your sales. Starting with your next customer start building that essential service foundation today.

Copyright 2004 - Darryl Gee

About the Author: Darryl Gee has 18 years of sales and management experience. He shares his entrepreneurial and corporate management expertise on his website and the madmanager message board at

Source: www.isnare.comWhy Communication Skills Don't Work In Customer ServiceTim DawesEvery time my firm conducts communication skills training, we know someone is going to object.

That doesn't work. Everybody's heard of active listening. You can't use that stuff anymore.

And we have to admit, there's a lot of truth in that. Everyone has heard of active listening. And it doesn't work for many people much of the time.

But communication skills can work for your staff.

The problem usually isn't the skills. It's the way people are trained to use them. Learn to use communication skills effectively, and they can create happy customers and higher income.

There are two components to good communication skills: (a) the skills themselves, and (b) what you're trying to do (your intention) when you use them. Many employees learn communication skills from manuals. And many manuals emphasize either skills, or intention but not both. And so, much of what we think of as communication skills training fails.

Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1: How active listening gets a black eye: using good skills, but with the intention to fix or change a customer

I was coaching a hospital social worker through a confrontation with a mother who was terribly frightened. The social worker was doing his best to demonstrate active listening.

OK, I get that you're upset. And you want to get out of here. And I want to help you. But you've got to go through this process before you can take your daughter home.

The mother didn't react at all the way he'd hoped. I don't want to hear all this institutional talk, she said. You leave me alone. I'll sue if I have to!

This appears to be a failure of active listening. And it is, but the problem goes deeper than that. When I paused the encounter and asked the social worker how he thought the mother was feeling and what she needed, he said, I don't really know. I was busy trying to get her to do what I wanted and think it was her idea.

Active listening skills are useful, but they're only tools. They serve the intentions of the person using them. And if you don't teach trainees useful intentions, most will fall back on trying to fix people or change them. So you'll be training your staff to be very effective at letting your customers know they need to be fixed or changed. And your customers will let you know how unpleasant an experience that is.

Example 2: How understand before you are understood fails: having a useful intention but lacking the skills to communicate it

I paused a training scenario just after an angry man blew up at a nurse. I was coaching the nurse through an encounter with a father who felt the staff was trying to hustle him and his son out of the hospital.

He told her that he worked all day and came into the hospital all night. And where did she think he was going to get the time to go through training before he took his son home?

When I asked her how she thought the man was feeling and what he needed, she suggested that he seemed overwhelmed and afraid, and that he might need some support.

When I suggested she might ask the man if that's what he was experiencing, she turned to him and said, You need an appointment with a social worker. I'll set something up for you.

This is a classic failure that comes from understanding your customer, but lacking the skills to communicate it. The nurse could describe the source of the man's anger clearly to me. She had real empathy for him. But she couldn't put her words together in a way he recognized as compassionate.

We'd taught her the words, of course. But like most people who learn new skills, she lacked the confidence to use them. So she, like the trainee above, fell back on trying to fix the customer. And he let her know how much he disliked being treated that way.

It don't mean a thing if you ain't practicing

Both of the examples above underscore a third important component of communication skills training, namely, the practice.

The trainee in the first example was a compassionate man with a degree in social work. I'm sure he'd had ample exposure to good communication skills. It had never gelled for him before.

Once we put him in a scenario, coached him through the skills, and alerted him to the fact that he was struggling because he was trying to fix his customer instead of connecting with her (that's the intention we teach), he developed skills rapidly. He even returned to training weeks later to report that he'd created a real difference in his life using the skills at home. He quickly became a valued mentor to others in his work group.

Communication skills are deceptively challenging. It takes no great intellect or dexterity to utter the words. What is terribly demanding is all the processing: keeping your focus on the other person despite your own discomfort, listening for the needs beneath complaints and accusations, drumming up the nerve to suggest to an outraged man that he might value some support.

What gets you through tough interactions is your confidence in your own intention and skills. And you learn confidence through practice.

In my experience, those are the keys to effective communication skills:

1. holding a useful intention like understanding the other person or connecting with them,
2. employing skills that communicate your intention, and
3. practicing the skills and intentions so you have them at hand, even when interactions get intense, especially when they do.

Find training that will provide you all three, and you'll have communication skills that will please your customers and increase your income.

About the Author: Tim Dawes, founder of Interplay, Inc., specializes in helping health care organizations exceed their strategic goals by demonstrating unexpected empathy to patients. Sign up for free monthly how to articles at

Source: www.isnare.com7 Simple Ways To Organize Your Daily Life While Running A Home BusinessBrenda HoffmanAs a home business owner, it is rather easy to become overwhelmed with your daily life and responsibilities. Here are 7 simple ways in which you can organize your daily life.

(1.) You need to know where you are and where you want to go in each area of your daily life. There are 8 areas that mingle, intertwine and combine together to form your daily life. Knowing where you are, and where you want to be, in these areas will help you immensely. These 8 areas include:

Self - What do you believe? What do you value? What are your morals? How is your spirituality and your relationship with yourself?

Support System - These are the people who give support to you, as well as those who receive support from you.

Work - You already know that you're a parent but what other career or job do you have? What business do you own or run

Money - What do you earn? What do you save? What do you spend?

Hobbies and Fun - What you do to relax, refuel and recharge?

Health and Beauty - How you take care of your body, both inside and out?

Love - What is your most intimate relationship? Is it healthy?

Home - What is your living environment? Who is in it? What is in it?

(2.) Create a plan to get what you need and want out of life! This is also known as goal setting. Clarifying the specific actions that you need to take in order to reach these goals will help you stay organized with your priorities. Take a look at each of the 8 areas of your life and create a list of the specific actions that you must take to obtain your goals in each area. Then take a look at this list and decide which area needs most work. By simply working on improving this area, the other 7 areas of your life will also be positively effected.

(3.) Remove what isn't working for you! Some things that will keep you livin in chaos and unhappiness include: clutter, disorganization, broken items, and time wasting tasks. These items will only stress you out and wear you down so after you make a list of them, it is time to begin removing them from your daily life.

(4.) Create a positive, uplifting support system that you can surround yourself with! Negative people will only hold you back. Positive people will help you feel less stressed, more organized and happier! Start by recognizing the supportive people in your life, how they support you, and how you can acknowledge them for this support. This will ensure that you continue to receive their valuable support and encouragement. Then take a moment to recognize those negative people who are around you and begin slowly weeding them out of your life.

(5.) Manage your daily stress! Believe it or not, daily stress has a huge effect upon your body, mind and spirit. Being proactive in handling your daily stressors will help you to stay organized and live an enjoyable daily life.

(6.) I'm sure that you've heard this said before, but it really is important to: Manage your time wisely! Don't waste time on tasks that are done only to please other people. This will leave you feeling resentful and angry. Do not waste time on activities that are not in line with your priorities either. Instead, stay focussed upon completing those tasks that are necessary in order for you to achieve your goals. Begin each day by deciding precisely what it is that you want to accomplish that day. From there you can designate what tasks need completed, delegated, or even deleted.

(7.) Keep track of your progress! This will help you to understand what is going well for you and why, as well as what isn???t working out for you and why. Taking notice of these things will help you to either continue doing them or make some changes.

If you'd like to begin noticing things becoming and staying organized, then I highly recommend that you start incorporating these 7 simple ways to organize your daily life, into your life today. Living an organized daily life is the key to successfully enjoying your daily life!

About the Author: Brenda Hoffman has been delivering holistic health and wellness advice for over 7 years since receiving a BA in psychology. As a home-based professional and mother of 1, she operates a holistic wellness network. She invites you over to to learn how to improve you and your family's health.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Hire A Freelancer Using ElanceMatt BacakIf you have a project that you need to outsource but don't know where to turn, Elance might be your solution. Elance connects businesses with a pool of professional providers from around the globe. When you post a project on Elance, providers compete against each other to give you the best price and service. You can choose either an open bid where all qualified Elance professionals can bid or an invitation only bid where you can peruse portfolios and choose which providers you'd like to invite to bid on your project. Signing up with Elance is easy and it's free. Here's a step-by-step guide to start you on your way to finding the professional that's right for you.

1. Go to and click on the Buy Services tab located at the top of the page. This will take you to the next screen.

2. On this screen you'll be presented with three choices: Post Your Project, Search For Providers or Get Project Review. For this guide we are going to focus only on posting a project for open bid. So, click on the first button, Post Your Project. (You can always come back later to investigate the other options.)

3. Here, you'll need to enter your contact information. If you do not already have a username and password, click on the click here underline next to the password box to get to the next screen. If you have a username and password, enter it now and skip to step 5.

4. You'll see a screen with eight empty boxes. You'll need to create a username and choose a password. Enter each within the assigned boxes. Re-enter your password in the Re-enter password box. Remember to choose both a username and a password that you'll remember. Next, enter your e-mail address, first name, last name and phone number. You'll also need to re-enter your email address for verification purposes. Then, click continue.

5. Choose the category which best suits your project needs. There are 11 categories to choose from. These include: Administrative Support, Architecture & Engineering, Audio, Visual & Multimedia, Graphic Design & Art, Legal, Management & Finance, Sales & Marketing, Software & Technology, Training & Development, Website Development and Writing & Translation. Once you choose your main category, you'll be asked to choose a subcategory. This allows you to receive bids that better match your project. After choosing your subcategory, you'll be taken to the next screen.

6. On this screen there are three main boxes of information to provide. In the first box, you'll need to Choose a Title for your project (e.g., 12 Business Articles), describe your project in detail (how many words, project deadlines, etc.), choose how many days you will allow providers to bid on your project, choose an estimated start date, a projected budget and attach any files that may be relevant to your project. The more detailed you are in describing your project, the easier it will be for qualified providers to give you detailed proposals regarding your project.

7. In the next box, you'll be asked if you want providers to able to seek clarification on your project via the private message board. If so, check the box. If not, skip to the next box.

8. Finally, you'll be asked to choose how you receive your bids. The Select Level will provide you with higher quality providers. Providers will give you more competitive bids as Elance charges providers a higher rate to list as a Select Provider. You'll also be seen as more serious about your project if you choose this level. The lowest amount you can receive for your project is $250 and you also must pay a refundable $25 deposit to post your project. If you choose not to go this route, you can pick the Basic level which allows you to post your project without a deposit but you'll still need to be credit card verified (so that Elance knows you can pay for projects you award.) After filling in the required information in each of the boxes, click Continue to move to the next screen.

9. Here, you'll need to provide your credit card information. Unless you chose Select providers you won't be charged. If you want to pay your provider with a credit card through Elance, you'll need to verify your credit card. Elance will make two small posts against your card and then refund them once you've posted your project. Once you supply the required information, click on Continue.

10. On the next screen, you'll confirm the information you supplied regarding your project. If you need to make any changes, this is the place. You can either click on Post Project Now to make your project active or on Save & Post Later to post the project at a later date.

11. Now that your project is live, bidders can bid on your project. When you receive a number of bids, pick the provider best suited to your needs and your project is on it way to being completed.

About the Author: Matt Bacak became #1 Best Selling Author in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories.Discover The Secrets

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Effectively Hire A Ghost WriterMatt BacakIn today's busy world, whether your business is large or small, it is easy to become over whelmed with day-to-day tasks. Suddenly you realize that you need to update your web presence content or you need to have a processes and procedures manual on-hand in case of key personnel being out. It just becomes too much to handle! Or perhaps you need to produce articles to promote your business, but writing simply isn't your forte. What do you do? It's simple; hire a ghost writer to assist you in performing your writing tasks.

Professional, well-qualified ghost writers can be contacted via any number of freelance project posting sites such as or , and others. These freelance project posting sites permit a buyer who needs writing projects completed, while maintaining all rights to the material upon payment, to post a project description and allow Work for Hire freelance writers to bid on your project. You can set the time length during which bidding is permitted and even request samples of the writers' work for review.

When posting a freelance writing project for bid on any project posting site, you should strive to communicate facts clearly so that service providers can bid accurately on your project.

Establish exactly what length, in number of words or pages, you are requesting to be written for you.

Define exactly the content and purpose of your requested project. Some examples of content types are web content, search engine optimized web content, magazine article, resume, processes and procedures manual, how-to report, ebook, or white paper. The type of writer that will bid on one type of job may not be well suited to another type of project.

Define format requirement. These requirements include exactly what format you want the data should be delivered to you as a final product such as MS Word, plain text, or rich text format.

Determine precisely the deadline for delivery of your final products. If you have an exact need date for your material, state that date in your project description. Those writers who can not meet your deadline will simply not waste your time reading their bids.

Communicate any other requirements. You may want content to have bulleted points, or to have margins of 1.5 inches on every side. Any requirements that you desire in your final product should be stated in your project description. Most freelance writers, upon accepting your project award, copy your exact project description into their information files to ensure they are working to your specifications.

The online freelance project posting systems allow you to review the portfolios of the writers who are members of that system. You can select based on criteria such as previous feedback, length of time on the system and other factors to view a selection of service providers' information. You can then select a few service providers which appear to fit your needs and invite them to bid on your project, if you wish.

Keep in mind when reviewing service providers' feedback reports that no one makes everyone happy all of the time. If a 5.0 is a perfect rating, and a writer has over 20 projects on which they have received feedback, you can expect at least one client to have not given even an exceptional writer a perfect score. Be realistic and look for service providers with a feedback rating near the top as well as those at the top of the ratings.

Once bids have been placed on your project, review those bids. It is wise to identify which service providers bidding on the project included in their response your exact project requirements. If you stated that you desire 30 articles written and the bid stated the provider will write 15 articles for you, it is clear that they did not read the project description. That kind of inattention to detail when bidding can indicate a general lack of attention and your project deserves to be treated with care. A good service provider will tell you in their bid exactly what services they will provide for how much money and within what timeframe. If those key items are not contained in the bid, move on and review the ones that have clearly responded to your request.

If you request samples of work from the service providers bidding on your project, you can expect to receive anywhere from one to two articles per bid to as many as ten articles attached to bids. Read at least one sample from each bid to learn about that writer's style and tone. If the sample style fits with what you have in mind and their bid reflected care and precision in bidding, you should add that writer to your short list.

As soon as you have honed the respondents down to three or four bids that are from reliable providers, choose based on price and turnaround time that best suits your personal needs. There are many, many wonderful freelance writers working in the global marketplace of the Internet today. Let them relieve you from some of your job stress by writing documentation and content for you!

About the Author: Matt Bacak became #1 Best Selling Author in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazines e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets.

Source: www.isnare.comProstate Cancer - Which Treatment Is The Correct One?Fritz FreiThe cancer illness can be attacked by many working methods. No other kind of cancer has so many possibilities. But we do not know to today yet, whether also only one of the possible types of treatment is value, the life of patient with Prostate cancer to extend. Naturally, results from it that for the patients in addition, for the treating physician for a certain working method to decide to have itself.

However often the expertise of the before and disadvantages is missing to the patient. The treating physician is however often technically embarrassed and partial. the Urologist's tell it for years after that a radical operation should be made and the only working method it is. However, we forgotten that there are no hard proofs for it. It's could be affected also by a financial motivation. (the interference costs between $20'000 and 30'000).

The radiologist recommends of course naturally the irradiation and that holistic oriented expert wants its alternative working methods applied. The patient is advised well to catch up a second or third specialized medical opinion before it decides for a working method. A working method for Prostate cancer is Watchful Waiting.

Beside the treatment procedures of the adical operation or the irradiation treatment wins this methodology and meaning. Although neither for the operation nor for the irradiation treatment proofs for a concrete survival advantage for the patient is present, these procedures in highest place stand.

Still will Watchful Waiting to treat (without the cancer observe decisive therapy) reluctantly by many physicians in addition, patients concerned by around perhaps only later with coming problems. Watchful Waiting is one of expert recognized treatment strategy for many patients.

For example, we know that in the USA only 1 patient of eight patients at the consequences of the illnesses will die. The problem is, we can not forecast, which of the eight patients with died present possibilities of treatment has the largest chances. Even if we knew, there is no warranty the fact that the present possibilities of treatment this man to heal or would extend its life. This points us out that we are in a problem of the ways to the treatment.

Conclusion: Let's you guide from your own feeling. Reading all over this sickness and let you know a second opinion of a doctor of your confidence.

Thank you for your reading.

Cancer-Info-Health-Service Center
Admin Fritz

About the Author: The Health-Service set up the problems of the cancer treatments for prostate cancer on the point. Everbody must know the reality before he made a decision. Cancer prostate website.

Source: www.isnare.comNormal Cells Vs. Tumor CellsLisa ParmleyWhat makes a tumor cell so different from a normal cell? Explore the basic differences.

Tumor cells vary from normal cells in several basic ways. First, the division of normal cells is tightly regulated by special cell signals. With tumor cells, its as if the signals are no longer produced or perhaps they are no longer received.

Research involving cells is often accomplished by removing the cells from an individual and growing them in a sterile dish with the nutrients required for their survival. Growing cells for research use is termed cell culture. Just by watching normal cells in cell culture it is obvious that their division is regulated by something. Normal cells in culture grow until the bottom of their dish is carpeted with the cell. The layer is only 1 cell thick. Once this density is reached, they stop dividing because there is no more space. If one cell dies, an adjacent one will divide to fill in the space. Additionally, normal cells will divide a certain number of times after which time, the division process halts. There are a certain pre-determined number of generations that may be produced and then there is no more dividing. Eventually, the entire culture will die.

With tumor cells, its a completely different story. Tumor cells will divide over and over, time after time; forever if supplied with nutrients. With enough time, tumor cells in culture will become a piled up mess. They lack order to their growth. It is as though tumor cells lose have lost the capacity to follow the rules and they divide (proliferate) out of control.

A second major difference between normal cells and tumor cells is that normal cells perform a special function or duty for the body. Healthy cells have specialized behaviors and serve a purpose. For example, lung cells have a specialized duty to perform while cells of cardiac tissue have a very different one. Normal cells taken from different tissues even have very different appearances. Tumor cells have a different appearance than normal cells taken from the tissue they are derived from. This is due to the fact that they have lost their specialized function.

Differentiation is the term given to describe the specialized function a given cell has. Differentiation and proliferation are closely tied together. In general, a cell that proliferates at a high rate loses some of its specialized function. The problem is, it really doesn't have time to perform a specific function since its too busy dividing. Cells that perform a highly specific function (i.e. differentiated) have a lower rate of proliferation. Researchers are studying the possibility of making tumor/cancer cells differentiated so they might lose their ability to proliferate continuously. In theory, this would cause the tumor to stop growing.

About the Author: Lisa Parmley - M.A. in Biological Sciences specializing in Molecular Biology. Please review more cancer related articles at

Source: www.isnare.comLung Cancer 101 What You Need To Know AboutMansi AggarwalAccounting about for 14% of all cancers and 28% of all cancer deaths, Lung Cancer is now the major cause of deaths (of both men and women) in the United States apart from being the most prevalent species of cancer. Lung Cancer is different from benign cancer tumours (which do not generally spread to other parts of the body affecting only the part which is hit by it) as Lung Cancer (having the ability to start anywhere in the respiratory systems or lungs) CAN spread to different organs of the body.

Concerned!! You have a reason to be and make yourself rest assured that a little information will not suffice and thus, you need to know more. This is where the website comes in; to make you more aware about the causes and the results of such a disease or rather we can call it such a life threatening disease. It is said Prevention is better than Cure and we thereby to safeguard you against this deadly disease provide you with the best of information so that you can avoid being engulfed by it because we care.

For acquiring knowledge about anything I think one should start from the basics and that is precisely what is offered to you by the site as soon as you visit it. The very basics of the disease are provided so as to make it much simpler for the pursuer to comprehend and assimilate the information associated with the said disease and provided in the site further. The site here deals with the nature of the disease. The next information tab on the website is of the causes of the lung cancer followed by the symptoms of the disease. Here it provides material relating to the different factors which can cause the disease. The website further deals with the symptoms that can indicate and help identify the formulation of the preliminary stages of the disease (though difficult to be detected) so that adequate measures can be taken at the earliest possible opportunity. A basic question can arise now that what is the result of the disease? If you are worried about life, then yes it can take it away and this is precisely the reason the website promotes information on this disease in the interest of the masses so as reduce the number of the people affected by the killer disease. The site apart from the above also provides information of what kind of diagnosis will help, what treatment to be adopted and what surgery to be undergone. Quite handy!! Isnt it?

Viewing the site on the whole, the site provides a perfect blend of information and warning about the disease. The material collected is very comprehensive and the mode of communicating with the viewer of the site is commendable. Looking at the way of depicting the information creates an impact on the viewer and gives an effect of the information to be reliable.

About the Author: Mansi Aggarwal writes about lung cancer. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comLeukemia 101 What You Need To Know AboutMansi AggarwalCancer in any form is a deadly disease. But when it affects the most vital components of the body then their fatality increases manifold. One such type of cancer is cancer of the blood, technically known as leukemia. Blood is the most important tissue of the body. It is the connective tissue which carries and supplies oxygen and other vital elements to the remotest parts of the body. The importance of blood can be understood by the fact that it is the most important of all the connective tissues which provide the nutrients and other vital elements to the body.

The most dangerous feature of leukemia is that it is related to the blood which has access to almost all body organs including the all important brain and heart. The incidence of cancerous cells being carried to the different parts of the body increases drastically due to this fact. Another striking aspect of the blood cancer is that it affects the leukocytes or the white blood corpuscles of the blood. These are the ones that protect the body from external infections. Thus the immunity of the body is seen to decrease drastically due to leukemia. The main effect of the disease is that the body starts producing infected and abnormal cells that hinder the function of blood i.e. carrying of oxygen.

A patient suffering from leukemia is seen to loose weight due to anemia. This happens because the cancerous cells are unable to carry the hemoglobin properly which is the chief source of iron to the body. And due to that the body looses all vitality. The situation of the patient becomes vulnerable because the brain also starts to dysfunction due to infected blood. Headache, night sweats etc. can be commonly seen to occur as an attachment to this deadly disease.

The people living in areas prone to radioactive waste disposal and activity are most common targets of leukemia. Overexposure to radioactivity causes the cells to mutate and function abnormally. The children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome have a high probability to develop leukemia. Over exposure to Benzene, the industrially important hydrocarbon is also a known cause of blood cancer. The abnormal cells are easily detected under the microscope. Thus the doctor suspicious of such a disease advises the patient for a bone marrow examination. The onset can be detected by the swollen lymph nodes of the body which are commonly found in armpits, around the neck and at the thigh.

Chemotherapy is the most effective but a very painful way of killing the cancerous cells. The patient is subjected to drugs orally. The patient undergoes tremendous pressure as he is injected with lot many chemicals at a time. Another treatment is through the radiation. It is also very treacherous way of getting treated. The patients are seen to loose hair and texture of skin.

Leukemia though very dangerous is still curable and the research in the field is also being done on an extensive basis. Proper treatment at the right time can prevent the reflux of this disease. Methods like bone marrow transplant, which may be required at a later stage, are also effective in treating the patient. Above all to over come with the disease a person needs to be loved and supported by all. Leukemia is fatal disease but life is mightier then it.

About the Author: Mansi Aggarwal writes about leukemia. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comCervical Cancer 101 What You Need To Know AboutMansi AggarwalCervical Cancer affects the female body in the cervix region. The womb of a woman finds its opening through the cervix. Many a times the human papilloma virus causes the disease. It is transmitted sexual exchanges. The cervix being the most important organ of the reproductive system requires proper attention as far as cancer onset is concerned. Such a cancer affects the other organs of the cervix region and can cause damage to the reproductive organs. This makes the disease all the more fatal. Such a spread is commonly termed as metastasis.

Although human papilloma virus is the main cause of the disease but it is also diagnosed with women who are in a habit of smoking. The instances of lung and breast cancer associated with the cervical cancer are there. This shows that the susceptibility of women to have cancer is higher by the means of cervical cancer. The disease is indicated by the presences of warts on the area around cervix. But a regular medical check up is required because sometimes the warts may not even appear on the skin and the disease goes undetected.

The common symptoms of the disease are prolonged pains in the thoracic region. Sometimes the leg and the lower back start paining unbearably. Anemia is very frequently associated with cervical cancer. As a result of anemia the patient also experiences a weight loss and fatigue. The person also looses his normal appetite. The detection of this carcinoma by oneself is almost impossible. It is at the later stages only that, with the help of a doctor can one detect it.

The disease is very deadly as its detection is very difficult. Though the doctors can detect it by a simple pap smear but if the treatment is avoided for too long then it may cause a fatal results. The most important thing to note here is that the disease can spread to other parts of the body including the vagina and the other connective tissue. It spreads vigorously and the infection spreads very fast. The disease has the potential to damage the primary reproductive organs and jeopardize reproductive capacity of the woman.

A particular form of papilloma strain increases the vulnerability to disease. Also improper sexual behaviour and inadequate hygiene also caters to the onset of cervical cancer. A drug administered to prevent miscarriage (diethylstilbestrol), if given in great quantities also increases the susceptibility of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease is done by examining the vaginal fluid of the suspected patient and is checked for the strains of cancer.

Chemo-radiation is a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is an effective measure in treatment of cancer. The infected cells can also be surgically removed. But the woman has to make a tough decision regarding jeopardizing her fertility. Thus most women go for the usual medication. A simple approach to prevent the disease is to have clean habits and regular check ups. The disease can be prevented by such steps though it cannot be ruled out after these.

A healthy woman is the most important asset of a family and there fore a woman should keep her self clean and ready to prevent such disease.

About the Author: Mansi gupta writes about cervical cancer. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Become A Successful Freelance TranslatorFester LeenstraAfter completing their translation training programmes at higher professional education or university level, many students cant wait to set up as a freelance translator. However, gaining a foothold as a freelancer in a very competitive translation market may turn out to be a pretty complicated business. Translation agencies are not usually keen on contracting inexperienced translators, business clients are difficult to find without commercial tools, and the tax authorities wont just accept anyone as a self-employed person. So what do you need to do to set up shop as a successful freelance translator?

Translation agencies

Most translation agencies are wary of admitting new freelancers into their networks. After all, it takes a while before it really becomes clear whether a freelancer can live up to their expectations: does he/she stick to agreed deadlines, offer a consistent level of quality, consult relevant reference resources, deal effectively with various registers and specialisations (commercial, technical, medical, financial, IT, etc.)? Many translation agencies begin with a trial period in which they closely monitor the work submitted by new freelance translators. To reduce the risk of a fiasco and avoid the associated costs translation agencies normally only accept applications from freelance translators who have had at least two or three years fulltime experience in the translation business.

Business clients

In their attempts to introduce themselves directly to companies, freelancers usually find it difficult to gain access to the people that matter and, once they are there, to secure orders. Companies tend to prefer outsourcing translation services to partners that are able to offer comprehensive solutions. They look for agencies that can fill their translation needs in a range of different languages, are always available, can take on specialised texts and have the procedures in place to ensure that all deadlines are met. In view of their need for continuity, capacity and diversity it is hardly surprising that many companies select an all-round translation agency rather than individual freelancers. An agency may be more expensive than a freelancer, but the additional service and quality guarantees justify the extra investment.

Tips to achieve success as a freelance translator

What steps will you need to take after graduation to develop into a successful freelance translator?

1. After completing your studies, its best not to present yourself on the market straightaway as a freelance translator, but first to find employment at an all-round translation firm and spend a couple of years there to gain the necessary practical experience. As a salaried employee your income will be less compared to what you might potentially earn in a freelance capacity, but dont forget that without experience youre never going to be successful in the first place. In many cases, you will be assigned to a senior translator who revises your translations, monitors your progress, and makes you aware of your strengths and weaknesses. This will enable you to acquire the skills and baggage you need on your way to becoming a professional translator, and will give you the opportunity to experiment with various types of texts and disciplines.

2. If you cant find a position in paid employment, try to find a post as an (unpaid) trainee. A translation agency may not have the capacity or resources to take on new staff, but it may still be able to offer you an excellent training post to help you gain practical experience in a commercial environment. A traineeship may serve as an effective springboard for a career in the translation business, perhaps even within the same agency that offered the traineeship.

3. After having whetted your skills at a translation agency for a number of years, you may decide that the time has come for you to find your own clients. Ideally, you should move on to a part-time contract so that you have enough time to recruit clients and work for them, and enough money to live on. It is important to make clear arrangements with your boss at this stage, to avoid a conflict of interests. The best strategy is to send your personal details and CVs to a selected group of professional translation firms and translation departments within companies and governmental institutions, explicitly referring to your work experience. Dont forget to highlight your willingness to do a free test translation.

4. Make sure to register as a self-employed person with the relevant tax authorities and seek their advice if necessary.

5. Once you have managed to find enough freelance work to keep yourself busy for around 20 hours a week, you might consider terminating your employment contract and devoting the extra time to attracting new business. In 20 hours most experienced freelance translators tend to earn around as much as a full-time translator in salaried employment.

These are obviously very general guidelines, and your personal career may evolve along quite different lines depending on your preferences, skills and personal conditions. Whatever your circumstances, however, you will find that experience and a certain amount of business acumen are the things that matter most in a successful freelance career.

About the Author: Fester Leenstra is co-owner of Metamorfose Vertalingen, a translation agency in Utrecht (The Netherlands). After having worked for several translation firms in paid employment, he took the plunge in 2004 and incorporated his own company. For further details about Metamorfose Vertalingen, visit

Source: www.isnare.comPaying For A College Education The Army WayTim HenryThe United States Army is one of the most organizations in the country at not only promoting higher education for its members and recruits, but in assisting them to pay for it as well. They offer a number of programs to all qualified applicants whether they are an active duty soldier or in the Army reserve.

A soldier in the U.S. Army can take advantage of the Montgomery GI Bill and the Army College Fund as ways to pay for a college education. These programs offer up to $70,000 for soldiers on active duty and up to $22,000 to soldiers in the Army reserve to help pay for college.

The Army reserve is always in need of filling certain jobs at certain locations. If you qualify and take one of these jobs, you can benefit by earning more through the MGIB Kicker. Your Kicker can be $100, $200, or $350 per month if you enroll in school full time. Amounts can vary depending on job and location.

The Army ROTC Program on more than 700 campuses nationwide offers students one of the best leadership courses in AmericaArmy ROTC Military Science and Leadership. Students learn practical experience in management and problem solving while training to become officers in the U.S. Army. Students can also compete for up to $17,000 per year in tuition scholarships, with generous textbook allowances.

In addition you can pay off your student loans with assistance from the Armys College Loan Repayment Program. To take advantage of this program you must enlist full time in the Army for three years or in the Army Reserve for six years. For soldiers on active duty you can qualify for up to $65,000 for college loans and soldiers in the Army reserve can get up to $20,000 for college loans.

You can even attend college classes while being in the Army or Army reserve. The options include attending one of over 1,600 community colleges and four-year universities that the Army partners with, you can also take college courses through online correspondence and you can take courses for college credit, earn certifications or further your Army training. To assist you in this regard the Army will provide the computer and you can learn through a virtual classroom.

So if you are in the Army or Army reserve get your college education the Army way. Its easy, cheap, and certainly will be a lot of fun.

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comBenefits Of A College Education For WomenShaan RandowA college education offers many benefits to all people who enroll in a college or university. They include increased knowledge and awareness about themselves and the world around them, an enhanced sense of personal purpose and pride, and the important ability to enhance their earning power in a difficult business environment.

But women can especially benefit from a college education and research studies have provided some hard evidence to prove that point. But it is not easy, for a variety of reasons for women to get to college and to complete the college degree that will allow them to reap these benefits.

The barriers to women attending college include finances, social stigmatization, and family responsibilities. For many women it is difficult to ask their families to assist them in attending college or university, particularly is their family lives on a low income, or if there are other male siblings who share the goal of a college education. Unless a woman has a high academic standing or athletic prowess that will grant them a scholarship, they either choose not to attend, or are financially unable to afford it.

Despite the advancements in equality between the sexes there still exists a degree of social stigmatization that persists around women attending college or university. This is prevalent in some communities and within some cultural backgrounds. There is also some very real and perceived discrimination against women seeking a higher education that prevents many women from seeking that goal.

Family responsibilities also limit some women from attending college. These include having their own children at an early age, having to care for older or ailing relatives, or just being required to assist with the collective raising of their siblings. All of these factors make it difficult for some women to get a college education.

But for those women who can make it to college and earn a university degree, the future is as starkly bright and it is dark for the women who do not. Over half of African American women age 25 or older that head households and have exactly 12 years of schooling live below the poverty line. After only one year of postsecondary education, the percentage of those families living in poverty is cut by more than half, to 21 percent.

In the case of other minorities, about forty percent of families headed by Latinas with exactly twelve years of schooling live in poverty. The number drops to 18.5 percent with at least one year of postsecondary schooling. For white women, the percentage of those living in poverty drops from 22 percent to 13 percent with one year of higher education. Other statistics bear out the dramatic impact of a college education on womens lives. For example an associate degree raises women's income by 65 percent over their earnings with a high school diploma.

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comGood Reasons To Get A College EducationNorman FlemingIf you decide that you want to choose your own career and learn how to be an expert in that field you will almost certainly have to have a college education. A college degree is a prerequisite for many professions and without one you may not even get in the door at many corporations. But there are many good reasons to get a college education. Here are a few to think about.

College will give you a better understanding of the world in which you live and all that has come before you: art, history, culture, language, science. Knowledge is power and the things you learn in college will help you to pass that knowledge on to your family and to your community.

College will teach you not only how to become an expert in your chosen field of study but it will help keep you up to date on all the latest trends and developments in that area. That will make you a valuable employee, a great addition to any team, and a source of information for all your new co-workers.

College will help you deal with the changes that are happening in our country and the world. You will learn and listen to different points of view, and better understand your role as a citizen in a great and vibrant democracy.

College will open your eyes to new possibilities that you have never even dreamed of before. This may allow you to bring positive changes to your life and your community. It may even inspire you to research and create cures for incurable diseases and different ways to reduce community conflicts.

College will help you contribute more to the American way of life, to freedom and democratic ideals. You may choose to follow a political path or run for elected office. Even if you dont you will be an informed and educated voter,

College will help you earn more money and proceed rapidly in your chosen career. On average college graduates make more than double the annual salary of high school graduates and over a lifetime often make a million more total dollars.

But perhaps most importantly of all your college degree will be an inspiration to your family and friends. They will see that you have succeeded in achieving your dream and they will believe that their dreams are possible too. Maybe that by itself is a good enough reason to get a college education.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comGetting Ready For Your College EducationSamuel MurrayMost experts recommend that as soon as you enter high school you should start thinking about high school.
You dont have to pick a college or program that you would like to apply for right away but you might as well take classes in high school that you think might be useful to helping you understand yourself better and help to identify possible career paths for the future.

If you are a good athlete you may wish to try out for one of the sports teams at high school. Universities are always looking for talent in a wide variety of sports and if can reach the elite level you may draw their attention. An athletic scholarship is a great and free way to attend many of the best schools in the country.

Here are a few other suggested things that you can do in your high school years to get you ready for college.

In your freshman year you should talk to your high school counselor about the general requirements for getting into college and you need to decide if you want to take college preparation courses. That might include specific math or science courses and maybe even another language.

In your sophomore year you should consider taking the PSAT (Preliminary SAT). That will give you a general idea what the SAT test will be like in the future and also point out your weaknesses early so that you can work on them. You should also continue taking math and science courses that might be of value to you in college.

In your junior year you should begin to decide the type of colleges that you might be interested in attending and start visiting ones nearby to get a feel for what the campus life will be like there. You will also need to see what your financial options might be and its a good idea to try out a SAT to see how that process works.

In your senior year you need to take your SATs and review how to fill out college applications. Apply for scholarships and check out FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Send out applications and attend information sessions or open house sessions put on by colleges that have accepted you to get a sense of that college.

Then you are ready to choose your school and start packing for your new life as a college student. Good luck with your studies.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comBefore You Begin, Know What To Expect... How You Can Make A Living, Proof Reading From HomeNiall KennedyProof reading from home is an excellent way to make money, right? How hard and challenging can it be to do some editing after all?

In fact it can be quite challenging to find a good quality proofreader that works from their house. This is due in part to the heavy demands it places on the individual and on their family. It is often more work than realized. Here, we will talk about the realities of proof reading from home.

It is not an easy job no matter where you do it. For those who proofread at home, it is even more demanding. Most that do are freelance agents that are building their own business. This too creates added stress and pressure on the situation. A proofreader needs to provide quality work for the client. It is important to provide a solid foundation of work to the client in order to maintain their business. For that reason, when you are proof reading you need to treat it like a job. You need to have a secluded area to work and you need to work. No distractions from children or the housework. You will need to devote all of your attention to the work at hand. That is mandatory.

Proofreading requires a great amount of knowledge and skill. The distractions of home can destroy any work that is done if it breaks the concentration of the individual.

Proof reading is ideal, though, to many individuals. If it can be done effectively, it can be an excellent source of income. It can be a full time or part time job, and needs to be taken seriously. And, for those looking to get into it, they will need to devote time to learning the skills needed. Then, it may work out for them to be the ideal setting for work and building a business.

Freelance work like this is hard to find and should be cherished when it does happen!

Copyright All rights reserved.

About the Author: Visit for more Articles, Resources, News and Advice about Freelance Writing Jobs.

Source: www.isnare.comFull LifeMike Stanton-RichIve got this friend well call her Jill. Well call her Jill because that could be her name. Jill is leading a very full life. She is married to a go-getter workaholic. She has a career of her own. She and Mr. Jill have 2.2 kids, live in a much better than median price home for their community, and are a part of every group and organization that needs their attention. Looking at it objectively, the Jill Family has it all.

Yet Jill doesnt see it that way. Here are a few of her complaints:

I have no time to myself. With the demands of her job that seem to increase every year, the demands of the little Jills, and the lack of help around the house from Mr. Jill, there is just no time left. Her therapist says this is a cop-out. He thinks that anybody could set-aside time if it is important enough. Jill told the guy to stuff-it on her last visit.

I have got no time for family. One of the reasons Jill and her hubby got together in the first place was so that they could have 2.2 kids and live the dream life in the suburbs. But something got out of whack along the way. The bigger the house, the bigger the yard, the more exclusive the schools, the smaller the paycheck looked. Jill remembers how happy she was working part-time for the doctor down the street when the kids were small, and how Mr. Jill would come home at 5:30 pm every night to play with the kids, and how they spent their evenings together as a family. But that was a long time ago.

My body is falling apart, and I dont know what to do. She used to go to the gym three days a week, but now that looks like a luxury in an already full life. Back when Mr. Jill was with his first company and they finally got some health benefits, Jill took advantage of everything offered. Now that they have the best insurance available for human consumption, the Jills never go to the doctor and rarely take the time to use the benefits. They write it off as too much hassle to deal with their managed care provider. Jill knows she feels better when she works out, but she wont take the time knowing that she already has no time for her family.

Weve got money, but its not what we need. The bank account has never looked better. The stock portfolio is solid. The 401-Ks are growing every year. Retirement looks sweet. Whats wrong with this picture? Jill asks. Shes never had so much money, and has never been so unhappy. She misses seeing the hubby every day; She misses being with the kids; She misses those once relaxing vacations together.

I just want to get off this rollercoaster. Seems like every Monday Jill thinks this same thought. She even knows that shes going to think it before she does, so it is easier to dismiss it rather than deal with it. She hates the roller coaster life she is leading. The constant climb to the top of the hill, the mad rush down, the twists and turns and the jolting stop, only to be repeated over and over again. She would like to get back on the slow moving train around the amusement park, but doesnt know how. Secretly she enjoys the rush of the rollercoaster, and really does not want to get off. The view from the top of the hill will always be better than the one on the outskirts of the park.

Jill went back to work this Monday with all kinds of angst. But darn the money, and the prestige and the perks are good.

About the Author: Mike Stanton-Rich is The Leisure Guy. Armed with a Ph.D. in Leisure Studies and years studying stress and burnout, he writes regular articles and features about enhancing work and leisure. Catch his latest at:

Source: www.isnare.comRoad WarriorMike Stanton-RichIve got this friend; well call him Bob, because thats his name. He works for a global company with offices all over the world. They sent him to Japan a few years ago so that he could be closer to his accounts. They sent wife and family with him, are spending all kinds of money to keep them here, and then proceeded to put Bob on the road (or in the air, in reality).

Bob is a professional road warrior. He gets home a couple of weekends a month, greets his boys, asks a few questions, and they proceed to laugh at him and say something like: That was stupid! If you actually lived in Japan, you might know the answer to that. Bob is not amused.

But Bob knows they are right. Technically, he spends more time in Thailand and China that he does Japan. And I suspect that he has gotten more sleep in a business class seat every month than he has in his spacious apartment in Japan. Mrs. Bob is not amused.

Given the circumstances, the Bobs have learned to adjust. Bob makes more money than he ever has in his life. Mrs. Bob spends more money than she has ever has. And the little Bobs are in a great school, and get anything they want. The Bob Family appears to be perfectly normal because many of their peers have the same exact story.

Bob has learned some tricks of the trade and even wrote them down for a guy who was about to take on a similar job in Australia (which in reality means all of Asia).

Here are a few to entertain you:

Buy a good back pack and leave the brief case at home- A brief case is easier to steal or lose in a foreign country, plus it takes up one hand. Put the backpack on your shoulder and that leaves the travelers hands free for pulling a suitcase, and carrying another item.

Never exchange foreign currency-it takes too much time, you always lose money, and you will be coming to that country soon anyway. Bob keeps five or six envelopes in his backpack that he rotates through his wallet depending on his travel plans.

Get an iPod- if you are going to spend 80% away from your home, might as well bring your entire music collection with you. In Bobs case, he has a different play list for every trip. He says that his reason for buying an iPod came home to him in Thailand after sitting in a cab for fifteen minutes with a driver who liked weird string music with chimes. Never again Bob proclaimed.

Buy some melatonin- Bob is not a doctor, but he thinks like one. He will give you a prescription based on your height, weight and number of time zones you will be crossing in a day. He says he sleeps like a baby and never feels jet lag. Other road warriors who consider him a genius have adopted his methods.

Keep all of your computer gear organized for the trip you are making- this is real important since the only way you communicate with your family and your work is by email and instant messenger. You should know how to hook up every phone line, wireless modem and power cord for the country you are in. Bob offended Mrs. Bob on their anniversary when he didnt get his computer hooked up in time for some late night dirty talk by instant messenger.

That brings me to his last advice to the guy about to take a new job:

Keep pictures of wife and family updated regularly with a digital camera (that may be the only way you see them this week)- this is a sad commentary on the life of a road warrior. This is not a normal existence by any stretch of the word, and yet many people lead lives like this across the world.

Will Bob survive his job? Probably. He figures he can put up with a lot of hassle for the money hes making (though he confesses that he plans to retire and do something else by the time hes 50). Will Family Bob survive? Probably. They have got a lot of grit and really dont want to go back to the picket fence world of Pennsylvania.

Has their quality of life suffered? Bob, answered, What quality of life?

About the Author: Mike Stanton-Rich is The Leisure Guy. Armed with a Ph.D. in Leisure Studies and years studying stress and burnout, he writes regular articles and features about enhancing work and leisure. Catch his latest at:

Source: www.isnare.comThe Cost Of A College EducationSimon HarrisThe costs of a college education continue to rise like a hot air balloon and many fear that they will soon be beyond their reach. Some experts have estimated that the cost of an average four year program at a public college or university may cost as much as $100, 000.00 in fifteen years from now. Thats a lot of money, regardless of your current income.

The good news is that you can play now to avoid that super-hit later on. You may not be able to control the costs of a college education, but you can find ways to lesson that blow. One way is through a 529 college education savings plan and even if your child does not decide to go to university later on you can roll it over to someone else in the family who does.

A 529 plan is named after its section number in the IRS code is a savings plan for college education and when you open an account you have a number of options to choose from.

Those options include prepaying tuition at a qualified educational institution at today's tuition rates or you can save money in a tax-deferred account that can only be used to pay for education at future tuition rates.

529 accounts work because either your investment earnings will grow to meet the higher costs of future education or you will have already prepaid for your childs college education. Most people favor the savings account option because they feel that is most attractive but it really depends on your individual finances and your risk tolerance.

A 529 plan is a state-sponsored investment program. That means that your state sets up the plan with an asset management company and you open a 529 account with that asset management company that must live with the states desired plan features. You still own the account and you designate a child as the beneficiary of that account. All of your dealings will be directly with the asset management company that has been designated to manage the 529 plan for your state.

Depending on the state you live in there will be variances in some of the procedures that you have to follow and conditions on the asset management companies investment strategies. Most plans are very similar but there are no restrictions on which state you choose to invest in so it may be worth your while to check around.

Whatever plan or option you choose a 529 plan will help relieve your worries about how you will ever pay for your childs college education.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comBe Happier And Healthier With A College EducationSteve WilcottBe Happier and Healthier With A College Education

It has always been clear that a college graduate could make more money than a high school graduate but new research is showing that college degree holders and their families are generally more happy and healthy than those with just a high school diploma.

The money equation has never been simpler math. A college graduate will make on average twice as much per year than a high school graduate. Over an average working lifetime that will add up to a million dollar gap in earning power. A person with a masters degree can make triple the money and a doctorate will bring in as much as four times the income as a high school diploma.

But the intangible value of a college education have long been in doubt and debated widely. Now studies are showing a remarkable list of quality of life benefits that accrue to college graduates versus their high school only counterparts.

That list includes longer life spans, better access to health care, and
better dietary and health practices. In other words, better overall health. But the list also includes things that make people happier. Things like greater Internet access, greater attendance at live performances, greater participation in leisure and artistic activities and more book purchases.

A college education makes better citizens as well. College graduates have less dependency on government assistance, lower levels of criminal activity and incarceration, greater community service and leadership, and more volunteer work. Who would you rather have living next to you, a high school graduate or someone with a university degree?

Knowledge is indeed power and not every college graduate is a saint and not every person with only a high school education is a sinner. But it appears that those who have more knowledge do less damage to their society on average and contribute a great deal more. One only need look at societies where education was banned to see the result.

The other intangible but real impact of a college education is on the children of those who complete a college degree program. Once the door has been opened they gladly follow through. They end up improving their own lives and their childrens lives as well. Just as welfare pulls children under, education lifts them higher.

Not everyone can attend university or college for a wide range or reasons that are almost all related to finances. But every year more of those barriers get knocked down and more and more students walk through. Knowing what we know now, wouldnt this be an even greater country if everybody who wanted to could have a college education?

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comMore Ways To Use The Taxation System To Pay College Education CostsTerry LoweryIn addition to Education IRAs and federal tax credits there are many other ways to use the taxation system to pay for the high and increasing costs of a college education. You need to consider all of these tax benefits in order to ensure that you can benefit from this form of government support to families who are helping their kids get a higher education.

Some of the other ways to let the taxation system pay for some of your familys college education expenses include deductible expenses, Section 529 plans, regular IRAs, savings bonds, investing on your childs behalf, and putting your child to work for you.

You can deduct up to $4,000 a year in qualified educational expenses but you cant combine a deduction and a tax credit for the same student in the same year. You can however split the deduction and the credit if you have more than one child who qualifies.

Many people also contribute money to Section 529 plans which are named after the section of the IRS code that regulates these plans You can also put money into so-called Section 529 plans. Section 529 plans are regulated by the states that hire an asset management company to look after the business side. You can contribute to these plans for future college education and the earnings added to the funds are tax-free.

You can now also use your regular IRA penalty-free if you want to use some of it pay for qualified educational expenses. You can deduct up to $2,500 in interest paid for educational loans as an above-the-line deduction. Like many other deductions these benefits are not available to single, or dual high-income earners.

But perhaps the easiest way to get taxation monies working for your childs college education is through a special U.S. Savings Bond exclusion. You can exclude a portion of the interest that accrues on such bonds if you meet certain qualifiers. Those qualifiers include having paid education expenses in the year of redemption; are not married and filing separately, and if you meet the general base income restrictions.

Still another way to beat the taxman and save money on college education is to make investments in your childs name. Children under 14 face a much lower tax rate and even as their income grows it will likely be at a lower rate than yours. Just make sure that the investment is in your childs name and stay on their good side because ultimately that money is theirs.

The final way to meet your college education needs that works for some people is to hire your kids if you are self-employed. There are some restrictions but once again any monies you give your children should be plowed back into their own or the family college education fund.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comContinuing Education OnlineTim HenryAll you need to get started in continuing education online is a computer with Internet access and an appetite to learn. Once you have those things you can begin your journey in distance learning on any subject matter and any interests you want to follow.

Continuing education online is very different from learning in a traditional classroom but the results are very much the same. You may even find some aspects of online learning to be more conducive to your continuing education.

One of the best things about continuing education on line is that you wont have to commute back and forth to the community college or university. You can wear whatever you want without having to notice if it is in style or even color coordinated.

If you are able to motivate yourself enough to turn on the computer then it is almost impossible not to learn, if you listen and pay attention. Its not the same as having a real life teacher in the room with you but at least no one will tell you to sit up straight or stop chewing gum.

You will however have to study and do your homework and assignments. But even that can be fun in continuing education online because you dont have to watch someone elses re-creation of the first moon landing first hand. You work at your own speed, at your own pace, and at the time of your own choosing.

Before you take the adult plunge in life and move out from your parents house, you should always check into continuing adult education. With the proper education, you could end up with a job that will keep you happy for many years to come.

Successful online students develop regular work and study routines and keep on top of all their assignments. They may choose to study early in the morning or on their lunch breaks, but their continuity, regularity and the ability to follow them make them successful.

Continuing your education online can be a pleasant and satisfying experience if you allow yourself to learn in a different way. The benefits of finally finishing your college degree can mean a great deal to your future income, but the joy of learning about a new and interesting subject can be just as satisfying.

So what are you waiting for? Go online today to check out the online programs available and choose one that meets your needs. At worst you will learn a new skill. At best you will rekindle your desire to learn. As the credit card advertisement says you will find that is priceless.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comDistance Learning OnlineArijit MPeople are busier than ever, but still have the desire to improve their lifestyle with a better job. Many times the only way to get a better job is to begin or continue with education in order to learn essential skills and often a degree in order to be of value in a new position. Finding the time to attend classes at local schools or universities is almost impossible for most people. Not only that, but tuition fees can be incredibly expensive and not affordable for many. With such a huge market of individuals looking to complete higher education levels, a market has emerged offering busy people affordable classes that can be completed at home with distance learning online.

There are hundreds of schools that offer distance learning online options available to anyone interested in advancing in education. However, not all schools that offer distance learning online are accredited and will not be recognized when applying for a new job. It is important to verify that any schools that offer distance learning online can offer proof that they are accredited and are recognized by the appropriate educational institutions to make it a genuine educational institution.

Each individual considering completing school by distance learning online will need to assess their commitment and organizational skills in order to see if they can truly commit to a self-guided learning experience. Much of what is learned through distance learning online is done independently and discipline is an important part of successfully completing distance learning online.

People who commit to distance learning online find that they often do as well if not better than people who are attending a traditional classroom environment do. Motivation and setting personal goals is an essential part of their learning experience and that is all of the support that they need. Students who use distance learning online are so disciplined that they rarely find that they put off assignments. Completing an assignment without the pressure of attending a set class time as well as the motivation to complete their education as soon as possible tends to be a constructive learning environment for many.

Students of distance learning online tend to have one skill in particular in common and that is excellent reading and understanding skills. These students dont need or often like to listen to lectures or even video. The written word is the best way that information is taken in by distance learners. With adequate reading comprehension skills, completing college level courses without the immediate guidance of an instructor is easily done.

Distance learners are unique in the fact that they are often not afraid to use the word no. Distractions can become overwhelming with the telephone, television, spouses, children, pets and so many other things that attempt to draw attention away from learning. Students completing distance learning online know that they have to disconnect the phone, turn off the television, let the dog out, send the kids out to play or simply just tell everyone that there are to be no interruptions during specified times in order to complete school work.

When choosing distance learning online, a person recognizes that they are not focused on the support from other students or social interaction. They are focused on the completion of their education and make that their priority. Distance learning online is not the right choice for everyone, but those who have just a few of the conditioned qualities mentioned above might want to consider distance learning online as a realistic educational option.

About the Author: Rod is the webmaster and owner of and has been researching and reporting on Distance Learning Online for years. Click Here ==>

Source: www.isnare.comHome Study: What Life-enhancing Skill Do You Learn?Ian McAllisterYou're already doing unofficial home study when you research a project online. Study in class has its place, but...

Up to date I've done many courses in classrooms but only two were very useful. I've learned most of the useful stuff from books or the Internet.

What will help you most in life?

The most valuable thing you learn at school is to write an essay. Essays help you organise your thoughts. An essay helps you convince people. Your feedback in a home study course will mostly be essays. This will encourage you to write a good essay.

Many years ago I read about Electronics, and took a correspondence course on the subject, and made electronic gadgets for where I worked.

Then I decided to study Electronics at college. Unfortunately the nearest I could get to it was Physics with Electronics as the main subject, so I qualified in Physics.

The lecturers were shockingly out of date. One of my classmates and I spent a lot of time instructing the lecturers. We'd learned modern stuff from books and practical use.

It has been said Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. What this means is that lecturers sat through lectures and passed exams. They go on to teach what they learned in these lectures - which is already out of date. That's the first benefit of home study.

Three advantages of classroom study

1. You can get recognised certificates when you pass exams

2. You can get a useful plan for what to study

3. Facilities for practical work

You'll have noticed that although I learned more from my home study course, I still did a four-year course at college. I couldn't get recognised exam certificates from correspondence courses. That was the main benefit.

If you want to study genetics and you don't even know what a gene is, you obviously don't know enough to plan a syllabus for your home study.

You get a useful skeleton outline from your lectures. Using my book about exams you will learn how to improve on the skeleton, but you need one to improve on!

At home you don't have a chemistry laboratory or a machine shop or volunteers to practice dentistry.

Apprenticeships let you learn about real life from an employer. Schools and colleges have labs and workshops for you to do your practical work.

Lecturers don't know as much about practical work as an employer would. I hated doing chemical titrations because they took such a long time.

Then I noticed that one of my classmates took about a quarter of the time, with greater accuracy. He worked during his holidays at a chemistry lab. He showed me the tricks and I was soon flying through my titrations too.

Even if you do have a machine shop at home, you'll be taught safe working procedure in a conventional course. That could save you from being a cripple for the rest of your life.

Instant Feedback

When I was about to hold a chunk of metal with a rag wrapped round my hand to give me extra grip, my lecturer yelled a warning. That probably kept me from losing my hand.

Even if you're learning something safe like oil painting, you can learn faster with instant feedback from a lecturer strolling around behind the students.

Oh, you could take a digital photograph of your oil painting and shoot it down the line to an instructor, but she could be having a meal, or even be asleep if she is on the other side of the world. So you still won't have instant feedback.

Writing essays works fine.

Conventional courses for abilities

It seems that conventional courses win out when you want to develop an ability, unless your parents already have that ability to pass on to you.

Knowledge courses

Of course, there are knowledge courses such as English, Philosophy, History, Anthropology where you don't have a practical syllabus. These are ideal for home study, and perfect for using an essay as a tool.

More and more Universities offer online courses. You can get recognised certificates with home study. You just need to be good at writing an essay (see my free report) and a few other exam techniques to succeed.

Even technical courses have lots of theory. University extension courses allow you to study the theory online. Then you just go to college for your practical work.


A friend of mine refused to be distracted by girls or parties or sport until he completed his degree as a dentist.

I don't think I could have overcome these distractions. If you do home study you don't have any distractions.

I prefer home study any time that it is available. However you can't learn to sing, or karate, or dentistry without a teacher, so conventional study is often needed to supplement home study. Essay writing is particularly useful in home study.

About the Author: Ian McAllister discovered the easy way to writing fun essays to beat the examiner from a book as a schoolboy. He still uses the same ideas for fun and profit. Get your free report here.

Source: www.isnare.comWork At Home Jobs vs. Self EmploymentRandy RayNot everyone is interested in owning their own home business, but a lot of people are interested in dropping out of the rat race a little bit. More and more jobs are available where you can work from home. And since your productivity will probably be better working from home, you'll probably make more money. The other advantage is that it doesn't cost as much money to work from home, since you no longer have commuting expenses, lunches out expenses, or the same clothing expenses. These are big advantages.

Just because you don't want to own your own home based business doesn't mean you can't work from home. All it involves in a change in mindset and some effort.

Recommended Reading

If you're interested in learning more about this way of thinking, there are a few books you should probably take a look at. I highly recommend Joe Dominquez's book Your Money or Your Life. This book will give you a completely different perspective on how much money you're making driving to and from your 9-to-5 every day.

Another pair of great books are Die Broke and Live Rich, which are both written by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine. These two books will also help you redefine your own personal ideas about work and how it fits into your life.

Recommendations About Working from Home

It would be relatively easy at this point to list several work-at-home job opportunities and call this a finished article, but the reality of the 21st century workplace is that telecommuting and working from home are becoming more and more commonplace. And almost ANY job can be done from home now.

My recommendation to anyone who wants to switch to a work at home job is to talk with your current boss about whether or not you can be allowed to work from home. A broad minded boss with her finger on the pulse of the business realities today will understand that if she can't accommodate your work from home request, then you'll probably find someone else who will.

If that doesn't work out, all you have to do is start looking for work. Any of the many get a job or find employment sites out there are going to have work from home jobs available as well as more traditional jobs. All you have to do is seek them out.

Another Look at Owning Your Own Business

But don't rule out starting your own home based business either. Many people find this more satisfying than working for someone else, and they wind up making more money than they ever thought possible. That was my experience, and it was also my wife's.

The best work from home job is the one where you're your own boss.

About the Author: The author works from home and owns his own business at the same time. You can read about paid survey websites like Survey Scout and Survey Platinum at his website.

Source: www.isnare.comPlanning To Work AbroadRhiannon WilliamsonWorking abroad can be an exciting, rewarding and horizon broadening experience; and if you take the time to plan ahead carefully before you go, you will make your transition into the overseas work place a smooth and successful one.

So, if youre considering relocating overseas to take up a temporary assignment or youd like to move abroad permanently and find work there are basically three main aspects of expatriation that you need to think about before you make your move and this article examines them for you.

1) Location

Unless youre being relocated by your employer to a fixed location you will quickly discover that its a big wide world and you therefore have a great deal of choice when considering which country best suits your lifestyle and employment requirements. In an effort to narrow down your search a little consider any country youre interested in in view of the following considerations: -

i) The locations distance from your home country and your family and friends remember that there will be times you want or need to return home and/or to catch up with old faces. How easy and affordable will it be for you to go back home should the need arise and how simple will it be for your friends and family to come and visit you?

ii) The weather some countries are more or less hospitable in weather terms and someone who originally heralds from Tropical North Queensland may find it a struggle to cope with the wet, grey winters in England for instance and someone from Canada may find is a shock coping with the searing summer temperatures in Spain. Thinking about your ideal overseas location from a weather perspective may well cut down your choices!

iii) Your family particularly if youre expatriating with children youll need to think carefully about the healthcare and education facilities available overseas and also about getting your essential insurances in place before you go. Some countries are more expensive and restrictive than othersbear this in mind.

iv) Language barriers if youre considering moving to a country where the mother tongue is other than your own will this restrict your employment prospects? Can you overcome this by learning the language before you go or do you need to reconsider your destination?

2) Employment

Are you a professional in a given industry or do you have a flexible skill set that will allow you to seek work in many different sectors? Do your qualifications translate favourably and transfer directly overseas? What sectors would you like to work in, in which countries can you find work in a profession that suits you?

These are all questions you have to consider carefully. Next, if youre moving overseas permanently you need to be practical and realistic and consider the long term employment prospects for you, your spouse and any other family members accompanying youif you can find employment today how easy will it be to change employer or advance your career later in life?

You should then examine your desired location carefully and determine whether or not you need work permits, residency visas and permission to work and live abroad, if so you should get the ball rolling and apply as soon as possible in case of any paperwork and administrative delays.

Also consider the taxation and financial aspects of working abroadremember that if youre moving to a low cost country the economy will likely pay lower wages than youre used to, will these be sufficient to sustain your ideal lifestyle?

3) Accommodation

Last but not least is the thought of finding somewhere to live abroad. By now youll have a clear favourite in the location stakes but now you need to examine the property market and whether its easy and affordable to rent accommodation when you first arrive and whether, long term, its possible for foreign residents to purchase freehold property abroad.

If youre planning on moving abroad permanently youll also need to think about moving your household belongings and personal effects with you, and what about transporting your pets overseas too?

There are many relocation companies who specialise in relocating individuals and families abroad, these companies have a fantastic skills base to assist you with every single aspect of the process. If on the other hand youre on a budget or looking to work abroad for a shorter period of time use the internet to find forums and information sites dedicated to expats, working abroad and the particular countries youre interested in and youll quickly be amazed at the wealth of invaluable information out there.

About the Author: Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer based in Cyprus whose many articles about living and working abroad have appeared in expatriate publications around the world. Visit this link to read her latest articles about:North Cyprus

Source: www.isnare.comIs Pursuing A Career In Patent Law The Right Move For You?Lisa ParmleyDid you know that you might be eligible to gain entry into the field of patent law even without a law degree? The basic requirements are a degree in a technology-related field and the will to pass the Patent Bar Exam.

The field of patent law is wide open to Biologists, Chemists, Engineers, Computer Scientists, and many other science and technology professionals. And its true; individuals with the proper science or engineering degree need only pass the Patent Bar to become registered Patent Agents.

Upon becoming a Patent Agent, you may gain employment writing and prosecuting patent applications at law firms, technology transfer offices, biotech or engineering corporations, and government institutes.

From there, you may decide whether or not to go on to law school and become a Patent Attorney. In addition to writing and prosecuting patents, a Patent Attorney can also litigate in patent infringement cases.

The Perfect Skill Set
Patent law is the perfect field for many creative and talented individuals since it requires so many qualities to be successful.

There is definitely a people-oriented side to a career in patent law. This is especially true when you consider the isolated lab environment most scientists and engineers are used to. Contrast this with the fact that an inventors hopes and dreams will be riding on the invention and that you will be there every step of the way to help them achieve their goals. Obviously, a great deal of interviewing and excellent communication is required in order to adequately learn what was invented and write a patent application.

Which brings us to the next point; patent practitioners must also have excellent writing skills. Drafting a quality patent application is tedious work that requires the absolute best in written communication.

In addition, a strong background in either science or technology is a must. You will have to understand exactly what has been invented in order to write a quality patent application.

Lastly, as a Patent Practitioner, you should possess a thirst for never-ending knowledge. You will be right on the cutting edge of research and development. You will constantly be exposed to new and exciting discoveries virtually before anyone else!

The Dollars and Cents
Its the million dollar question. What might you expect to make as a professional in the field of patent law? Well, the pay scale varies from $45,000 up to $250,000+ for Patent Practitioners and is determined by many factors (yes I realize thats quite a span).

First, as weve already eluded, if you are a scientist or engineer without a law degree you will be classified as a Patent Agent after you pass the Patent Bar Exam. If you have a law degree and are already considered an attorney, you will be classified as a Patent Attorney upon passing the exam. As a Patent Attorney with the same level of experience as a Patent Agent, you will typically earn the higher income because in addition to writing and prosecuting patents, you may also help protect patents in a court of law.

Second, your degree level will help determine your pay. If you have a Bachelor's degree in your particular area of expertise, you will typically make less than someone with a Master's or a PhD.

Third, your experience level will make a difference. Your previous positions will count when factoring your salary. The number of years you have worked as an engineer or scientist will make a difference. The more experience you have, usually the more valuable you will be perceived by the company. The longer you have worked in the field of patent law, the higher your pay will be as well.

Lastly, where you seek employment makes a difference in your pay. Law firms typically pay the most, whereas a Technology Transfer department at a University will usually pay the least. Furthermore, the state and city you apply for work in will also play a factor.

Hot Commodity
Businesses in the science and technology sectors regard patents as their lifeline. Therefore, gaining status as a registered Patent Practitioner can open many career doors for you.

Since the fields of research and intellectual property are so intertwined, imagine the new career opportunities you would be presented with if you were trained in both areas. Furthermore, as a scientist or engineer, most of the qualifications necessary to achieve registration as a Patent Practitioner have usually already been met. It is likely that your only requirement may be to pass the Patent Bar Exam. It is a difficult hurdle, but in comparison to the time and money you already spent to become a scientist or an engineer, the time and money necessary to pass the Patent Bar Exam is reasonable.

In today's unpredictable job market, expanding your skills makes sense, especially when this can be accomplished for a relatively low expense and little time. Compared to getting a degree, setting aside even a full year (although it can be completed in much less time) to learn about the patent prosecution process and take the Patent Bar Exam is very reasonable. Especially when you further consider the fact that it will open an entirely new career door for you. Whether you wish for a complete job change or the desire to become more marketable for technology based companies, gaining skills is always a smart move to make.

About the Author: Lisa Parmley is a Registered Patent Agent and the owner of Intellectual Properties Enterprises, Inc. To learn more about a career in Patent law, please visit

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Take Your Freelance Writing ChancesNiall CinneideYour initial freelance writing assignments are the best way to present yourself to your client for repeated work. If you provide for them a good product, at a good price, they are likely to come back time and time again. The goal of any career, particularly as a freelancer, is to have steady business. Instead of continually needing new clients or another job to fill your day, why not utilize repeat business? When you make the most of your freelancing time you are helping yourself to gain more business and maintain that which you already have.

For many people getting that first job is the key to success. It is the hardest part of working because more and more people want quality providers and want to use someone who is proven and worth the risk. You cannot get these jobs if you are new. But look at it another way. When you do get to that point, it is important to make the most out of all assignments so that you get return business from that client. This could be any number of things, but should always focus on maintaining a strong working relationship with the client. Providing them with good work, timely work, and listening and meeting their needs will have them coming back to you time and time again.

There is another, even more important, reason to build your business like this. That is referrals. When you do an outstanding job for people, they return time and time again with more business. But, they also tell people about your talents. This can be an outstanding way to use the jobs you get to create more jobs for yourself.

Now, that is not to say that you can not search for new writing job vacancies in other realms as well. But, you must strive to maintain the employment that you already have. By building strong relationships with your clients, you can help them continuously meet their needs while building your business.

Copyright All rights reserved.

About the Author: Visit for more Articles, Resources, News and Advice about Freelance Writing Jobs.

Source: www.isnare.comBogus Distance Learning Degrees - How Can You Tell?Rose MusyokaWith the rise in demand for online distance learning degrees, many bogus learning institutions have mushroomed over the internet with the sole intention of taking advantage of innocent students seeking for a genuine degree. These so-called Colleges often attract applicants with their attractive degree programs which are boasts of easy graduation, low tuition fees, no examinations and credit given for life experience, all of which just sound too good to be true. Some of them even go to the extent of prospecting for customers by sending out bulk email citing university degrees for sale.

Therefore, with all the confusion generated, how can students sieve out the genuine from the bogus? This may be especially difficult for distance learning programs when students practically make their choices based on what is shown on a website. In many cases, especially for international students, it may not be feasible to visit the physical site of a college before enrolling. With this, making choices will really depend on the appearance and content of a website, which sometimes may not be an accurate judge of the creditability of a college.

One of the qualifying factors that can be utilized by students to make correct enrolment decisions is by determining the type of college accreditation that has been received by their college of consideration. If the college vaguely states itself as having nationwide or worldwide accreditation without stating specifically which regional accreditation body it is accredited with, then most likely this college does not possess legitimate accreditation.

In the U.S., college accreditation is awarded by one of the following six accreditation agencies which are all appointed by the National Board of Education - New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), North Central Association of Schools and Colleges (NCA), Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSA), Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS), Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NWCCU). Each agency has been allocated responsibility for providing accreditation for schools in specific states. Therefore, it would be best to run checks on a particular online degree institution with the agency offering college accreditation for the state in which the college is registered in.

Another tell-tale sign of bogus degrees offered is when the university advertises itself through mass-mailing email featuring university degrees for sale. Many bogus distance learning institutions prey on people who are desperate for a degree, but dont have the time and money to go for proper education. That is why these colleges boast of degrees without any examinations, classes, studying or even waiting. There are even websites that offer degrees for just a few hundred dollars which can be ordered and received within 7 days. Furthermore, some of them also have dubious URLs, stating accreditation from agencies which are not any one of the six listed above. Additionally, they offer fixed prices for their Masters, Bachelors, and even Doctorate Degrees. Their justification for awarding degrees will be for giving credit to life experiences such as any type of work experience, any educational background, any workshops or community services attended as well as travel experience, hobbies and even on the number of books that a person has read!

In conclusion, as the awareness on bogus degrees increases amongst prospective employers, degrees obtained through a legitimate avenue of education can sometimes be mistaken for bogus degrees too. Therefore, the best approach to select a college would ideally be based on legitimate college accreditation awarded by the appointed authorities to the respective colleges.

About the Author: Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information on why college accreditation important at

Source: www.isnare.comWhy Are Some Online Degree Colleges Better Than Others?Rose MusyokaAny student who is on the lookout for online degree colleges would probably have been swamped with the many options marketed to them over the internet. Therefore, it is not a wonder that many students feel confused on the right college selection as they may not know the way to nail down the advantages that certain colleges have over others. Although many renowned colleges charge higher fees for their courses, the extra costs incurred may not necessarily be justified by the facilities, recognition and educational value that they provide to students.

For one thing, different online colleges are accredited by different authorities. Therefore, it is important to find out whether the degrees offered are actually accredited by the relevant educational association for your particular state. Otherwise, you may end up having a degree that is not valid and be rejected by your employers. There are also times when colleges may be in the process of getting accredited. Therefore, this information is important to you as their applications for accreditation may be rejected by the authorities later.

Once you are certain of a colleges accreditation, you should then determine the history of the college. How many students have graduated as compared to the enrollment numbers? How long has the course been offered? Answering these questions will give you an idea on the level of experience and expertise that the college has to offer for the particular course you want. After all, you are paying them for online education and deserve to get value for your money.

Apart from that, different colleges will have lecturers of different educational levels. Of course, it would be best that a college have more lecturers with Ph.D. qualifications. Most lecturers should at least possess a Masters Degree in order for them to qualify teaching an undergraduate course. Again, the quality and quantity of lecturers will give you a good gauge on the standards of the college.

You can also check on the lecturer-student ratio that the college is proposing. In order for online education to be successful, the lecturer-student ratio should ideally be low. Better colleges will recognize the importance of this, and will ensure that they dont over-enroll their online students so as to maintain the quality level of their courses. With a low ratio number, students will be assured of having adequate time to work with lecturers.

Apart from that, different colleges impose different rules on their students. For example, some colleges allow students to go on overdrive mode and complete their credit hours over a shorter period of time. On the other hand, other colleges have a minimum course study period that a student has to adhere to and therefore will not be allowed to accelerate or take up extra credit hours for the course. There is good and bad to both of these scenarios as certain colleges want to ensure quality by not allowing students to sacrifice quality for speed of completion. It is therefore up to the discretion of the student to determine if slowing down on their course would be acceptable to their circumstances.

Finally, always ask for a hotline number from the online college that you are planning to enroll in. Legitimate colleges will have a number and someone qualified to answer your questions whenever you need help. Call them up before you enroll and test them out by asking a couple of questions. Also, check with them on other numbers and the suitable time that you can call should you encounter problems with your coursework. Through practical experience and gut feeling, you will then be able to make the right decision on choosing the right college for your online education experience.

About the Author: Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information on why college accreditation important at

Source: www.isnare.comAre Online Degrees Valid To Prospective Employers?Rose MusyokaOnline distance learning has gained rapid popularity with the advent of the internet, which has proven to offer great supporting facilities and convenience for online education. However, just like everything else with pros and cons, the internet has also opened doors for the widespread sale of bogus online degrees. According a report by USA Today, there were already 400 diploma mills in the year 2003 and the numbers are rising. In fact, many of these unscrupulous operations are run by organizations in an industry that is worth $500 million a year.

However, amidst the negative hype about online education, there are actually many distance learning colleges offering valid degrees and diplomas. These institutions do not sell bogus certificates, but actually aim to provide quality education as alternatives for on-campus higher education. Valid online courses with online video lectures as well as online library facilities and test examinations conducted are often deployed to ensure that students truly qualify in their areas of study and graduate legitimately. Sadly though, many employers only see the negative side of things, and easily brush off online education degrees as equivalent to bogus degrees.

In view of the confusion, the National Education Board of the U.S. government has authorized 6 accreditation agencies to provide institutional accreditation to education institutions, as a measure to differentiate legitimate universities from the crooks. This means that students choosing their universities will be assured that these universities would have met minimum criteria set forth by these agencies for learning institutions. Additionally, there is also The Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) which provides accreditation specifically for distance learning institutions. The DETC is an accreditation agency that is recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

Furthermore, there is also specialized accreditation for specific programs of different areas of specialization. These programs which are found to have attained excellence will be awarded accreditation by various professional accrediting agencies depending on the area of specialization. For instance, the International Association for Management Education (AACSB) gives accreditation to accounting related programs while health programs are accredited by the American Health Information Management Association. It is also important to know that only accreditation agencies recognized by the Department of Education or CHEA are considered accreditation agencies which are acknowledged.

What does accreditation mean to a student? An institutional accreditation agency evaluates the various aspects of universities or colleges against minimum standard criteria to determine if the particular institution meets their list of basic requirements. College accreditation is necessary to ensure that the education, facilities and support provided by a college or university adheres to basic levels. On the other hand, specialized accreditation evaluates excellence in individual program regardless of which institution the program is being delivered within. In this type of accreditation, course content and program curricula is evaluated against pre-set standards of the institution.

All accreditation does is to assure employers, students and parents that the graduates who are awarded degrees from accredited colleges have undergone adequate training in their respective areas of specialization. This also means that colleges that are not accredited by the proper accreditation body would not have met the standards imposed by the agencies. However, courses taken by prospective employees that are accredited by the respective agencies would have met standards imposed on the respective specialized areas.

It is totally up to the judgment and decision of the employers on evaluating the validity of an online or on-campus degree. With the recent hike in bogus degrees, employers cant help but be stringent in their applicant screenings and consider those with degrees that have been accredited. This may prove tedious and sometimes employers may get confused. Therefore, if your accreditation is provided by an agency recognized by the US Department of Education, then you will need to explain to prospective employers on the background of the accrediting bodies. This way, you can avoid employers from sidelining your application based on something that they may be unclear about and increase your chances of being short listed for a job interview.

About the Author: Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information on why college accreditation important at

Source: www.isnare.com7 Strategies For Success With Distance LearningRose MusyokaDistance learning has opened doors for many students, especially for those who cannot afford to pay for the high fees of full-time courses. Although online distance learning courses have many advantages over on-campus degree courses, many factors come into play in order to make this a success for students. Due to the differences in the way that education is being delivered and acquired, adjustments and changes in approaches need to be undertaken.

1. Selecting the right distance learning school
The first element for success is to choose the right distance learning school. There are many unscrupulous degree mills around in the market that are only keen to sell their degrees without providing good education and ample student support. As a result, the degrees offered by these institutions may not be recognized, or may sometimes even be regarded as bogus degrees. In order to prevent this, do the proper background check on the institution you are considering with the relevant authorities to verify on their accreditation and authenticity before registering.

2. Cost-benefit analysis
Some students enroll in an online distance learning course without doing a cost benefit analysis of taking the course in the first place. It is a known fact that obtaining an education requires a hefty sum of investment. However, this should be compared with the potential additional income that can be generated from the degree that is earned. Only then can the full rewards be reaped from gaining an online degree.

3. Degree positioning to employers
There have been many cases where employers were wary of the validity of online degrees. With so many online institutions selling degrees, it is justified for employers to exercise caution. Although a distance learning degree may be 100% legitimate, it would help if you provide adequate explanation on the accreditation of the degree in order to avoid misunderstanding. By stressing that the accreditation body which accredited your institution or your program is recognized by the US Department of Education as well as CHEA, you can then eliminate any doubts that employers about the validity of your degree.

4. Exercise discipline, determination and time management
In the actual course of study, many students lack discipline and focus and therefore are unable to keep up with online lessons and assignments. It is very important for distance learning students to have great determination to succeed, as it is very easy to get de-motivated and distracted when you are alone with no peers. Good time management along with communication with other students would make excellent measures for success.

5. Make full use of facilities provided
Many distance learning online courses offer online lectures and email correspondence to facilitate communication with lecturers, tutors and other students. These facilities should be utilized as much as possible as it provides a link back to the education institution. Furthermore, this would be a great source of motivation in order to keep progressing through the course of study.

6. Utilize credit transfers
Most distance learning institutions allow students to transfer their credits from other courses that they had taken from other universities or colleges. This way, students will not have to repeat what they have already learnt. In order to do this, it is important for distance learning students to obtain transcripts and results from their previous schools and send them to their distance learning online university to obtain credit transfers.

7. Good utilization of technology for education
The final element for distance learning success it the ability to make full use of the conveniences that technology has to offer. Many online universities provide students with online research resources that are valuable for completing assignments or producing research papers. The cost of facilities such as virtual libraries and online books has probably been factored into the fees paid and therefore it makes good sense to utilize these facilities to the fullest.

About the Author: Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information on what is distance learning online at

Source: www.isnare.comDistance Learning: How To Work And Study At The Same Time?Rose MusyokaDistance learning students seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education without actually needing to attend classes, and at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheck. In fact, this is one of the more prominent distance learning benefits that attract many students to make this their choice of education. In addition to that, distance learning students also gain the advantage of flexibility where they are able to study at their own pace without adhering to class schedules.

However, amidst these perks, distance learning requires a lot of discipline and motivation from students. When we are juggling between a job and studies, it is very easy to lose track of our priorities and fail to keep up to mark. Moreover, distance learning students do not have the advantage of getting their learning drive renewed whenever they interact with lecturers or peers in classes.

Therefore, how can distance learning students then overcome this challenge? The first thing that a student must have is good time management. Everyone has 24 hours and it is up to us to utilize our time in the best way possible. Set up a daily or weekly plan for yourself and ensure that you set aside time for your studies daily. If you have a family, let them know about your schedule so that they know when you should not be disturbed. Divide your time appropriately between your work, your family and your studies. Of course, discipline is important here as any schedule will not do any good if it is not followed.

Getting yourself motivated is also essential towards distance learning success. One of the ways to do this is to stay in contact with your classmates. With the internet today, it is often easy to stay in touch through email, instant messenger as well as internet phone. Discussing projects or assignments with your teammates will help you stay on track and keeps you and your teammates accountable for one another.

Setting goals and rewarding yourself when you attain them are great self-motivating habits. Start by drawing a chart on the milestones that you need to reach in order to complete your course. Strike out each goal as you complete them and reward yourself accordingly. There is a certain satisfaction whenever we see ourselves progressing and this becomes a motivating force for us to face the next hurdle.

Additionally, it is ever essential for a distance learning student to set up a quiet place for study away from home life distractions, such as the television, phone calls or other family members. Organize an off-limits study area or lock yourself in a quiet room to ensure optimum focus. Apart from that, a good chair, a strong table and adequate space are also essential elements in creating a conducive environment.

Finally, although distance learning is a great and effective learning concept, much of its effectiveness is dependent on the habits and determination of the individual. The full advantages of distance learning can only be gained through hard work, discipline and determination for success.

About the Author: Rose Musyoka is the editor of where you find answers, information and advice on distance learning colleges, accredited online degrees and online courses. See more related information on what is distance learning online at

Source: www.isnare.comWorking In DubaiRhiannon WilliamsonDubai in the United Arab Emirates is one of the worlds fastest growing employment hotspots in the world. Up to 20 new companies establish themselves in the emirates free trade zones every week and since 2002 some 650 companies have registered in the Dubai Media City free trade zone alone.

Particularly in the fields of tourism, IT, media and finance there are significant job opportunities for qualified personnel and if youre interested in working in Dubai heres a guide to employment in the most exciting, tax free, fastest growing multi cultural location in the world.

Yes, you heard me right, Dubai is tax free if you live and work in the emirate your income will be paid to you gross and furthermore, if you buy a house to live in you will not be subject to property taxes because direct personal taxation is against the law in Dubai!

The emirate currently has 15 free trade zones and 7 more are in the planning stages. The free trade zones are where foreign businesses can establish themselves and grow without the restriction of corporate taxation for example and without having to submit to a local majority shareholding structure. As a direct result of all of the incentives offered to overseas businesses, take up in the free trade zones has been incredible and employment opportunities for foreign personnel are being created within them on a weekly basis.

To work in Dubai you require a work permit and a residency visa and the majority of employers arrange these for their expatriate work force when they appoint them. If youre planning on travelling to Dubai to look for work you can enter the country on a temporary visa and then as soon as you secure employment you can apply for your work permit and visas. Rules relating to the period of time you can remain in the country on a temporary visa vary depending on the country you herald from and you should check with your local UAE embassy on rules that apply to you before you travel.

Most business in Dubai is done on a networking basis and so when you first arrive it can feel a little alien to have to immediately get out there and start introducing yourself to people. But dont worry, you soon get used to it. Just make sure you have a pocketful of business cards to hand whenever you leave your accommodation as trading in business cards is the first step to successful networking!

Once youve settled into the different working hours in Dubai many businesses close for a few hours in the afternoon and no local people take appointments on a Friday and once youve settled into the fast pace of your social life you will begin to love your new surroundings. The quality of life achievable in Dubai for expatriates is quite possibly inimitable elsewhere as such emphasis has been placed on creating a paradise where foreign workers can work hard, play hard, live life to the full and experience everything in one day from skiing on an indoor slope to playing golf to diving to camel riding in the desert.

Expatriates make up 94% of the population in Dubai and as a direct result you can almost guarantee youll make friends very quickly and easily. The environment in Dubai is so multi cultural, open and free and there are a great deal of social clubs and events designed for people to meet up and make friends. These all help ease new residents into their brand new life. Everyone makes a great effort to get along in Dubai because they are all in the same boat together working away from home but enjoying being in a country that offers first class business opportunities and a tax free lifestyle could you ask for more?

About the Author: Rhiannon Williamson is a freelance writer whose many articles about living and working abroad have appeared in expatriate publications around the world. To read her latest articles about Dubai visit this link:Living in Dubai

Source: www.isnare.comThe Key To Learning Happens After Class Is OverElise RoyalMany things happen during a lecture. The previous night's homework is reinforced, new concepts are introduced, and clarification of confusing topics take place. It seems like a lot of work for an hour or two of your time. Once class is over, so is your learning, right? Wrong! You'll need to do a little more work. This is going to be difficult, I know, because you're probably focused on grabbing a bite to eat or meeting up with friends after class. However, by doing a litte bit of work now, you'll save yourself a LOT of work later.

This is an important point. Think about the routine for a minute. You go to class. You write down everything the professor says, thinking to yourself that you'll read the notes later if you forget what is said. You stuff the notes into your bag, never to be read again until the night (or day of) a test. You might even bring a tape recorder to class with the same intentions. You might read the recommended chapters for homework, or you might not. Then, the night before a test, you forsake a social outing to review all of your notes and to catch up on all the reading in the textbook. You continue this dance minutes before the test begins. You sweat during the test, trying to sort out what you've assimilated the night before. Does this sound like you?

Many students fall into this trap. Not only is it inefficient, it makes you work too hard, and you end up learning nothing. This is why you need to invest a little time now in order to reap the rewards later.

What to do? First, glance over them as soon as possible after the lecture. The lesson will still be fresh in your mind, and you will be able to recall almost the entire lecture. You will also be able to supply missing parts from memory. Some students make it a rule to reduce all their notes to typewritten form soon after the lecture. This is an excellent practice, but it's pretty time-consuming. If you want to take this extra step, it's definitely effective, but not completely necessary.

Secondly, review your notes, typewritten or not, as the first step in the preparation of the next days lesson. This will connect up the lessons with each other and will make the course a unified whole instead of a series of disconnected parts. You'll be amazed at how the subject matter makes more sense when you do this. Too often, a course exists in a students mind as a series of separate discussions, and he sees only the horizon of a single day. This condition might be represented by a series of disconnected links:


A summary of each days lesson, however, preceding the preparation for the next day, forges new links and welds them all together into an unbroken chain:

A method that has been found helpful is to use a double-page system of notetaking, using the left-hand page for the bare outline, with largest divisions, and the right-hand page for the details. This device makes the note-book readily available for hasty review or for more extended study.

These techniques will improve your learning, make your classroom time more efficient, and supercharge your homework. Come test time, you will find that you won't need to cram the night before! The night before a test is a time to relax and get a good night's sleep. Your mind and body will be fresh and ready for any exam the next day. Just a quick review of your notes before the test will jog your memory, priming your brain to ace that exam!

About the Author: Better College Grades is a 100% free resource to help students achieve scholastic success in the smartest and most efficient manner. Improve your study skills, get good grades, and set up your future successfully.

Source: www.isnare.comWhat To Look For When Choosing An Online UniversityJohn McGovernA college degree gives a person a guarantee of higher wages and a better job. Sadly, many Americans continue to go on without having a college degree. Using an online university is a great way to get a degree while still keeping a job, or taking care of a family. There are numerous online universities out there, and it is up to you to decide which one is best. The best online university should fulfill all of your needs and provide a solid education. Here are a few tips that are good to follow when choosing an online university.

1. Choose a university with a plethora of class options. If you need to still keep a job and take care of your family, than you want to have the ability to have flexible classes. Some online universities offer more classes than others. The more classes a university has, the easier it will be for you to explore and find a field of study that interests you. People always are most successful with a field of study that they are interested in.

2. In addition to offering a wide variety of classes, it is always good to choose an online university with a great amount of degrees. Some online universities only offer a select few degrees. Having a limited amount of degrees keeps class options to a minimum and you may find yourself with a degree in a field of study that youre not interested in. The goal of an online university education is to provide you with a useful degree that you will be able to use in order to get an enjoyable job. In order to find whats best for you, having many degree options and class options is very important.

3. Choose the university with the best costs for your situation. Some universities charge more or less than others, and it is up to you to decide what cost best fits your needs. Search for universities in a specific cost range pre-determined by you. You should not be afraid of either extreme, however. If you cannot afford the highest cost education, than the cheapest online university will still be significantly better than no education. At the same time, if you a very interested in a specific universitys degree programs, but are afraid of the cost, you should enroll anyway. The value of higher education surpasses any initial costs and you will be happier when you are learning what you want to learn.

4. Finally, look at the online universities reputation. There are a few web sites in existence that give information about online universities. Some web sites rank online universities in certain areas of study. Having a degree from a university with a high reputation can help you get a better job than you might have had with a less-reputable university degree.

Take the time to research and make sure that you are getting a solid degree. Research is the best way to ensure a successful online university endeavor. The more you know about what you are looking for, and whats available, the easier it will be to make a decision. Getting a college degree is a great idea, and you should give your best effort to find the university thats right for you.

About the Author: John McGovern is interested in online university education and writes for Online University Lowdown ( ).

Source: www.isnare.comConvenience Of Online DegreesKelly GillisToday, more than ever, it's easier and more convenient to obtain a degree than ever before. This is thanks to the prevalence of online degree and distance learning programs now widely available.

Statistics show that 56% of all 2 year and 4 year colleges now offer some kind of online learning and distance education courses. That is over 2,000 colleges nationwide. The University of Phoenix saw it's enrollment almost triple in the five year period 1998-2003. Trying not to be left behind, some ivy league colleges such as Harvard and MIT now offer online courses and full degree programs online.

Convenience is the key to the success of these programs. Most of the students that are attracted by online degree programs are busy full-time working professionals, some with children at home. Some are single parents who can't get out of the house two or three times a week to attend school at a traditional campus. Utilizing online education students are able to learn at their own pace. They can do their studying at their leisure.

Distance education program requirements vary from college to college. Some require that you visit the campus a few times during the semester, some only at the beginning. Most have orientations at the beginning of each semester which allow the students to meet with professors. After this initial orientation, the college utilizes teleconferencing and taped lectures for further learning and discussions between students and professors.

If you are thinking of taking advantage of an online degree make sure that the college is accredited. Accreditation means that the school is held to high and established standards of education. You should only attend a properly accredited college. Some degrees, such as nursing and education require licensing. Make sure that your state will accept the degree obtained from an online university. Don't forget to see what type of financial aid might be available to you through the school, local and federal governments or even in the workplace. Most employers offer rebates to employees who return to school to advance their career skills.

Be advised that as with traditional college learning, online courses involve lots of studying. It's important to be organized and focused to realize success with self paced learning. In general, surveys have found that nine to ten hours of study per week is needed for each class you are taking.

About the Author: Article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comJuggling Career, Family, Consider Online EducationHana LeeFinding the time to do it all - career, family, continue education? Having trouble jugging? Some problems in this area that people face are very similar to those of the beginning juggler. According to The Instant Jugglers' Manual, (c)1993 Infinite Illusions/Lofty Pursuits, four common problems are handling two areas of focus at the same time, moving forward while you try to juggle instead of standing still, not being able to juggle in a third area of focus, and keeping all three areas from bumping into each other or overlapping. So lets take a look at some solutions to these problems.

Two at Once

To juggle two objects, you first toss one into the air to about eye level, then toss number two. The same with life. Pick any two areas of focus, and only try to tackle one at a time to establish goals and a system for it in your life. Then work in the second area. And just as juggling wouldnt work if the wrist puts too much or too little force into the toss, causing one or both objects to go too high or too low, the same can happen in life. If established goals are too high or low, not compatible with one another and your lifestyle, that juggling act doesnt stand much chance.

For instance, if fictitious person, John Wentworth, wants to complete a doctoral program, yet only earns minimum wage, he may need financial assistance with his continued education to balance the act. Otherwise, John could have to work over time and take on a second job to fill gaps and pay bills. He may miss out on valuable family time with his wife and young son and become stressed out and exhausted. Not to mention his grades could take a dive! Student loans, grants and work-study could be some possible solutions in this case.

Where is juggling help? Instead of The Instant Jugglers' Manual, there are many resources available to help with juggling career, family and education. Local colleges are a good place to start.

Not Being Able To Juggle In A Third

Ready to add a third factor into the equation? Concentrate on throwing ball number #3 and do not even try to catch ball #2, advises The Instant Jugglers' Manual. Or once you have two areas of focus pretty much underway, say your career and family, add the third education.

Get help planning your education into the mix with resources. Head to your local educational center or public libraries for help. Dont get left dropping or not juggling the ball!

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comFive Steps To Choosing A CollegeRich NiccollsMy name is Debbie Ross. The information I have about my journey in finding a college can help both parents and students alike. Going back a few years, I was at the turning point of my life. Graduation from high school was just around the corner and I had no clue which college I was going to attend. My parents had their list of colleges that I could attend, and most of my friends were already being accepted to their college or university. With deadlines for applications approaching, I knew that I had to begin finding a college. Choosing the right college is such an important decision, and so I came up with a game plan to find a college. Here are the steps I took in choosing a college.

1. Choosing my future career

The first step I took was to determine what I liked and what I did not like. I quickly ruled out being a doctor, a lawyer or a dentist. In addition, I knew there were career choices that were out of my league, such as being an architect or engineer. My high school grades proved this! Therefore after a lengthy thought process, I narrowed down my choices to Communications, Journalism, Business Management and Information Technology.

My school counselor also helped me by giving me a Career Assessment Test. This revealed many of my strengths and tendencies. From this, I discovered that I was best suited for Business Management related studies. I highly recommend this. Career Assessment Surveys are not very expensive and can be found through an internet search.

2. Matching courses with colleges

The next thing I did was to list the colleges and universities that offered Business Management studies and had a good track record. I used The Fiske Guide to Colleges. Within a short span of time I came up with a list of 20 colleges that I could see myself in for the next 4 years. All of these colleges had multiple specializations within my field of study, were fully accredited, and had good graduation rates with good reputations. I further narrowed my list down to 14 by selecting those universities which were located near a larger city, one of the criteria that I was looking for in my college.

3. Narrowing it down to my top five

I had above average SAT scores (nothing to take me to Harvard though) and therefore had a wider selection of options for myself. Therefore, my final decision would largely be determined by the funds from my parents, any scholarships or grants, and the money I could earn through on-campus work study. I visited the web sites of each college and took virtual tours of the facilities they offered. Each had its strengths -huge libraries, modern student housing, student body size, a variety of extra curricular activities and sports, and more.

I was able to narrow the list from fourteen to five based on the following criteria: going to college within 4 hours of home, my budget for college, and a smaller student body to offer a more personal approach to my education.

4. Parents and Applications

Next, I got my parents involved in my decision. They had been helping me all along the way, but I needed their help in making the final, important decisions. I showed them the list of 5 colleges that I had, including details, locations, and costs. Together, we narrowed the list to three possible colleges that I could attend. They wanted a college or university which would be easy for them to visit, but would also have excellent teaching and housing facilities. The following weekend I filled out all 3 applications and mailed out them to these colleges and universities. Now it was time to wait for the response.

5. Making the final choice

Within a few weeks, I had received acceptance letters from all the colleges where I sent my applications. In the end, my parents and I decided the best way to make the final decision was to visit the campuses. We took two days to visit all three campuses. Visiting the actual university was vastly different from the virtual tours. My final choice was actually rather easy. I decided on the University of Texas at Austin.

The most important steps along the way for me were to take the Career Assessment Test, researching my college choices online through virtual tours, and sitting down with my parents to discuss which colleges to send applications to. This helped make my final decision easier. I hope these steps can help you in finding a college or university as you make career choices.

About the Author: Rich Niccolls has been a college recruiter and professor for 12 years. Read his 7 key factors for choosing the right college for you. Visit The Right College web site.

Source: www.isnare.comSeeking Knowledge Will Give You PowerGary SimpsonWhat are you interested in? We all have a passion for something. So, what is your passion?

Are you actively seeking information about your passion? Knowledge, providing it is correct knowledge, will increase your power.

In this century there is an increasing demand for experts in so many fields. Everything is becoming more and more specialized.

Let me give you an example. At the turn of the 19th Century, all you needed to do to be an Accountant was to be good with numbers and undertake some training with other accountants. Later, formal qualifications were required. It consisted of a special course called a Diploma where up to a dozen specific subjects had to be studied.

As technology increased and finance, book-keeping and taxation became increasingly more complex, more subjects were required to be undertaken, presently around three dozen. The Diploma was replaced with a Degree.

Accountants can specialize in general accounting, management accounting, taxation accounting and other specific areas. Employers pay much more for specific talents and qualifications than they do for general labour.

So, are you seeking knowledge in your chosen field? Are you updating your knowledge platform on a regular basis? If you are not then you are almost certainly going backwards. This means that you will be rapidly overtaken by others who are embracing new technology and absorbing the knowledge that goes along with it.

To succeed today you need to specialize in a niche market.

Let me ask you a question. Let's assume that you have created a new and exciting product. You want to patent it to protect your rights. Would you go to any old lawyer or would you seek out a specialist Patent Attorney?

Let's say you required a knee reconstruction. Would you ask a normal doctor to perform the surgery or would you seek out a surgeon who specializes in this form of re-constructive surgery? You want the best surgeon, don't you?

One more example. If you owned a Nissan motor vehicle, would you prefer to take it to a Nissan specialist mechanic? Or would you entrust the repairs to a general mechanic whose workshop is full of clapped-out old bombs.

Finally, don't be fooled into thinking that you don't need to keep learning. We all need to learn on a continuing basis. To achieve more we have to know more. We don't necessarily have to do more but that helps too. Some people get a couple of years of experience, repeat that experience for twenty years then think that they have twenty years of experience. Wrong. They still have only two years of experience that they have repeated ten times. There is a big difference.

What are you doing to become a specialist?

About the Author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is: . His website is located at

Source: www.isnare.comProtect Your Pictures And VideosMarco BarraAs more and more of us become owners of the latest camera phones and are able to capture information at a touch of a button, a new trend is being set in the world of journalism.

To set the scene, let's imagine you are walking down the road when you spot a couple of A-List celebrities getting off the back of their car. You get your cam phone out of your pocket and start to snap your encounter so that you can share this moment with your friends, when out of no where a man begins an argument with the celebrities which quickly scales to a full-blown fight.

By the time the press are informed of the attack, the event is all but over, leaving journalists with the difficult task of having to collect information from eye witnesses at the scene and in some cases with few or no images to support the report.

Your pictures which are now a 'first-at-the-scene' account of the event, are collected by the journalist, often for little or no compensation, and used to produce an exclusive report. The images are then sold at exuberant fees to other members of the media industry, increasing their profits even further.

Scoopt, a new service designed to help and protect the information you capture on your phone or your digital camera has recently been launched and can be found at Scoopt will act as an agency between you and a wide network of media contacts, ensuring that as well as being recognised for your material, you are also financially compensated.

About the Author: Marco Barra is a web designer for Digital Phone Company, a leading independent provider of mobile phones serving over 30,000 customers across East Anglia through a network of 11 retail outlets and a team of dedicated Business to Business consultants.

Source: www.isnare.comMobile Phones ExplainedMarco BarraEven though the popularity of mobile phones is at an all time high, the complexity of the systems driving this technology usually means that only those involved with the industry have a complete understanding on how mobile phones actually work.

Until recently, and like most of todays millions of mobile phone users, I found myself confused by the amount of information on the subject, and even when I found information which was relevant, the terminology used was best suited to someone with a degree in telecommunications.

In truth, the technology is very easy to understand when the information is presented in simple terms. In this article Ill try to do just that simplify the technology.

The concept:
Even though technology has become widely known as wireless, this is only true between your handset and your nearest receiving antenna. After that the connection goes through a series of telephone wires until it reaches the antenna nearest to the person you are calling assuming the call is to another mobile.

Your handset and provider:
If you put features to one side, one handset works in much the same way to any other and the same is true of the actual network provider you choose to go with.

Manufacturers such as Nokia and Samsung dedicate themselves at producing the handsets and network providers such as Vodafone and O2 focus on the structure of the network itself.

Cellular networks:
The term Cellular has been derived from the fact that each antenna only has a reach of a limited area; this area is known as a cell. By placing antennas in various part of the country, providers have created Cellular network. The total area within these cells, determines the coverage of a network service provider.

Making and receiving calls:
When you make a call, your mobile phone locates the nearest antenna available for your network and connects you to the wired telephone system. The telephone network then locates the nearest antenna available for the person you are trying to call and connects you to that mobile. The opposite happens when you receive a call.

Your location:
For a connection to be successful, your network needs to know where your phone is located. To achieve this you mobile phone is in constant communication with your nearest antenna.

If you move location, and your original antenna no longer has enough reach to connect to your mobile, your phone will automatically search for another one. The new antenna then informs the system of your new location.

This article is by no means trying to undermine the achievements or the potential the technology has to offer. Instead, it is intended to provide an insight to the key elements of the mobile phone technology which would otherwise remain invisible to everyday users.

About the Author: Marco Barra is a web designer for Digital Phone Company, a leading independent provider of mobile phones serving over 30,000 customers across East Anglia through a network of 11 retail outlets and a team of dedicated Business to Business consultants.

Source: www.isnare.comA Brief Guide To Audio Conferencing ServicesSteve ValentinoAudio conferencing provides a way for businesses and other groups to interact, without having to travel to each others offices. The savings in time and travel expenses quickly make up for the cost of audio conferencing services and equipment. Audio conferencing usually involves other types of teleconferencing technology, such as video and collaborative software. Collaborative software is software that one user may send to other users for simultaneous viewing and modification. For example, if the group wants to work on a diagram, it can be seen and drawn upon by anybody in the conference via a special electronic whiteboard.

An audio conferencing system can be rented, bought from a vendor or reseller, or hired as part of a full audio conferencing solution. Such full-service packages include human support services like management, marketing, and tech support.

When audio conferencing services are rented, the communication is routed through the vendors server software. The client is charged according to the number of users or seats who will be participating, the length of time each seat will be participating, and any initial equipment rental or purchase costs. The vendor can charge a per-seat and per-minute fee (for example, $0.15/seat/minute). Alternatively, a client can rent the service by the week, month, or year, with a maximum allowed number of seats per conference or session. For example, a one-week service for five seats could cost $100 a week, while a one-year service for 100 people could cost a few thousand dollars. Rental audio conferencing services are best for small to medium sized businesses where the initial equipment purchase costs would far outweigh the savings on travel.

When audio conferencing services are bought, the communication is routed through the clients server software, which is bought and licensed from the vendor. The client chooses how small or large a package he or she wants. For example, the client can buy software that allows for 100 seats, 1000 seats, or much more. The client can decide whether to include any of a number of high-tech add-ons such as whiteboard capabilities, and whether expandability is important. The client buys all the necessary equipment and software to run the system. The initial cost can be tens of thousands of dollars, so these are best suited to larger numbers of seats over the long term. However, tech support will always be a necessity, so the client should subscribe to the vendors expertise.

About the Author: Audio Conferencing provides detailed information about audio conferencing services, equipment, software, companies, plus online audio conferencing, and more. For more information go to and/or visit our affiliate site at

Source: www.isnare.comMalware And Antivirus SoftwareJoel WalshWarning: most antivirus programs will not protect you against all forms of malignant software (often called malware) on their own. Find out how to protect yourself.

Sure, your antivirus software will protect you against viruses. It will probably even do a good job against worms. But what Trojans, exploits, backdoors, spyware and the dozen other nasty software parasites?

Malware and Antivirus Software: a History

The war on computer viruses has led to an arms race between the designers of antivirus software and the designers of viruses (you didn't think viruses just created themselves did you?). Some years ago, virus designers responded to ever more successful antivirus software by creating the descendents of viruses, worms, which did not infect files but rather installed themselves directly on the hard drive, making them harder to detect.

The arms race has since led to a total of at least eleven distinct types of what is now called malware, a neologism meaning bad (as in malignant rather than shoddy) software. According to Wikipedia, these eleven types of malware are:

1. Virus
2. Worm
3. Wabbit
4. Trojan
5. Backdoor
6. Spyware
7. Exploit
8. Rootkit
9. Key Logger
10. Dialer
11. URL injection

There's a twelfth kind of malware: adware, which Wikipedia considers simply to be a subset of spyware.

Why Antivirus Software Isn't Enough for Malware

As you can see, makers of antivirus software have their work cut out for them if they're going to keep every instance of malware off your system. As a result, antivirus software makers have often had to pick their battles. Adware, whose makers often claim they are doing nothing illegal or even questionable, often gets treated more lightly.

Even when antivirus software makers do come out with a product that fights all twelve or so kinds of malware, responding to each new instance of malware to come on the market isn't easy. First the malware has to be identified, which means someone's computer, and probably tens of thousands of computers, will be infected first. Then, the malware has to be dissected. Then a removal program and a filter must both be written. Then the removal program and filter must be tested to make sure they work, and that they don't interfere with any other functions of the antivirus software or the computer itself. When a fix for the virus is out, it then has to be loaded into an antivirus software update and transmitted to every single computer worldwide that has the antivirus software installed.

The speed with which antivirus software makers are able to deliver updates for newly discovered malware would impress even Santa Claus. Yet there's still a crucial window of one to a few days between when the new malware has reached a critical mass of thousands of computers, and when the update is released. If your antivirus software is not set to check for updates automatically every hour or so, that window opens even wider.

Practically speaking, then, you're better off having more than one line of defense against malware. Even if two different anti-malware programs utilize the exact same database, there might be a crucial difference in the speed of getting updates. It makes sense to back up your antivirus software with anti-spyware software. When you consider that dedicated anti-spyware software developers make protection against the non-virus forms of malware their stock-in-trade, you can see why anti-spyware software is so essential. In fact, you should strongly consider having two anti-spyware programs running on your computer at all times, since the gap in updates between two anti-spyware programs can be even longer than for two antivirus programs.

After all, with a dozen kinds of malware out there, shouldn't you at least have two pieces of software to fight them?

About the Author: Joel Walsh writes for on how to remove spyware: [Publish this article on your website! Requirement: live link for above URL/web address w/ link text/anchor text: spyware adware blocker OR leave this bracketed message intact.

Source: www.isnare.comThe Bad Guys Are Phishing For Your Personal InformationTim KnoxDo you know what phishing is?

No, it doesn't mean you grab a pole and head to the late to catch some phish.

The official Webopedia definition of phishing is as follows:

The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the users information.

Phishers prey on ignorance, fear, and emotion. They also play the numbers game. The more bait they email out, the more phish they'll catch.. By spamming large groups of people, the phisher counts on his email being read and believed by a percentage of people who will volunteer their personal and credit card information.

The latest attempt by identity theives to steal the personal information of eBay members hit my inbox earlier this week and I have to say, this one is pretty convincing. Even this old dog did a double-take before realizing that the identity thieves were phishing for my personal information again.

The sender of this email is listed as: eBay Member - rivernick and the email subject line reads: Question from eBay Member.

The email begins: Question from eBay Member -- Respond Now. eBay sent this message on behalf of an eBay member via My Messages. Responses sent using email will not reach the eBay member. Use the Respond Now button below to respond to this message.


Of course the email was NOT sent by an eBay member or sent via eBay's messaging system, as it appears.

The email then takes on a threatening tone.

It reads: Question from rivernick: I'm still waiting payment for my item for about 7 days. What happened? Please mail me ASAP or I will report you to ebay.

The recipient is then prompted to respond to this rather disturbing email by clicking a Respond Now. button.

Doing so will take you to a website designed to look like eBay where you will be prompted to login using your eBay user name and password.

Once you pass this point you will be asked to update your account information before proceeding. Unknowing souls will offer not only their eBay password, but personal and credit card information, as well, without even knowing that they are about to have their personal information stolen.

The one thing that makes this scam so effective is the threat by the supposed eBay member to eport you to eBay.

The email preys on the fear of most eBay members that they are in danger of receiving negative feedback. Many eBayers would rather you cut off a pinky than leave them negative feedback. It is this emotion that the new phishers are hoping to hook.

The phisher is betting that most people will either be horrified by the threat of being wrongly reported to eBay or they will be ticked off that some jerk is threatening them by mistake.

Either way the phisher is counting on a percentage of people to have a knee-jerk reaction and login to the fake eBay website he has set up clear matters up.

I've yet to see what percentage of people who receive these phishing emails fall for the scam, but if a phisher gets 1% of recipients to turn over their personal information, he will probably consider his phishing expedition a success.

I've warned you about these phishing scams before, but let's review it one more time.

NEVER reply directly to an email that appears to have come from eBay, Paypal, Amazon, or anyoen else asking you to click a link in the email to update your account information. If there is any doubt in your mind whether or not the email is really from eBay, for example, open a browser and type in the URL NEVER click a link within the email to respond.

NEVER believe that an email supposedly from another eBay member is for real. Again, do not click an email link to reply. Open a browser and go to eBay directly and log in. If the email was from a real member, there will be a record of the inquiry in your My eBay account.

You must be aware that there are bad guys out there who do nothing but spend time trying to come up with new and innovative ways to steal your information.

Be paranoid. Be aware. But don't be fooled.

The phishers will cast their line, but you do not have to take the bait.

Here's to your success!

About the Author: Tim serves as the president and CEO of three successful technology companies and is the founder of, an online organization dedicated to the success of online and eBay entrepreneurs. - -

Source: www.isnare.comDifferent Categories Of Computer GamesDavid ChandlerComputer games can be categorized mainly into PC games that are played in your computer after installation using the CDs that contain the software, downloadable pc games, and the online games. Many websites provide you with the downloadable version of the PC games.

Category based on permission to use

The games can be categorized based on licenses. Some of the games are free and they can be downloaded on the internet free. Some pc games are free downloadable games but are shareware. Shareware games have limitations in the features. Some of the shareware can be used for only 30 days time and some are limited by the number of times that software is used. Trial versions of the software are also available which are time limited or feature limited.

Online Games

Online games are those that are played online. The user who is playing the online games should have an internet connection in his PC. You should be aware that your internet bill is on the rise during the time you play the online games. Yahoo games are one among the popular online games. Many websites provide you online games. Some of the sites require you to become a member to play these online games. Some charge you on per game basis for playing.

PC Games

PC Games are those that require an installation through a CD to play the pc games. Some of the games even require the CD to be present in the CD drive to play the game. These software CDs are to be purchased by the user. There are many pc games available like Tomb Raider that requires you to purchase the CD. Most of the games that contain Car races and Motorbike races require the software to be installed through the CD bought by you.

Downloadable PC Games

These games can be downloaded from the internet and can be installed in your computer. Most of the free game downloads are small enough to be downloaded from the internet. There websites like that can be searched for free game downloads. A good search engine would give you thousands of links to free downloadable games.

What you need in your PC to play these games?

Most of the games can be played without any additional hardware. If you are having the latest configuration of the PC, which has the software pre-installed in your computer, then you might not need any additional software to be installed. Some of the online games require you to install plug-ins to run the online games. Plug-in is additional software that is required to run an application in your computer. You will be provided appropriate links to download the plug-ins required by your browser or your computer. You need to check the system requirements for the computer games that is downloaded or installed in your system and install them before you start playing the game.

About the Author: For more information, visit

Source: www.isnare.comNetwork Performance Management - The 6 Pillars Of Network Management SystemJustin KohNow that we are in the 21st century, most companies need to have some form of connectivity or another in order to have their business running well. In another word, network management can be the life line of these companies. Can you imagine Yahoo, Google, and Ebay going down for a few minutes? Millions of dollars could be lost during those few minutes. As such, the importance of network management in this type of companies cannot be underestimated.

In order to understand network management better, we have to look at the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) which looks at security management, fault management, configuration management, accounting management and performance management.

Security Management
Security Management looks at alerting the personnel when resources are accessed. An example would be emailing or calling the network personnel that a resource is down and needed his attention or sending messages when certain files is accessed.

Fault Management
Fault Management is to log, find, and alert the network personnel of problems that will effect the systems operations.

Configuration Management
Configuration Management is to identify effects on network's operation after tracking the software plus the hardware on the network.

Accounting Management
This is to watch and determine the usage of information or resources for billing purposes. A typical company such as a mobile company or internet service provider would need these features in their business operations to bill their customer.

Performance Management
Monitoring, assessing, and adjusting the available bandwidth and network resource usage are tasks that are performed by network personnel as part of performance management system. This is to make the network run more efficiently.

In order to have a good network management system, the 6 pillars of network management need to be implemented by the network personnel in their companies.

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest network management news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comCrouching Trojan, Hidden MalwareJoel WalshTrojans are not just more dangerous than computer viruses, they're stealthier, too. Find out where they hide.

Minions of an evil master lurk in your hard drive, crouching in your system registry, ready to pounce.

What Is a Trojan?

The word Trojan is a mystery to most people, even many who think they know its true meaning. If more people really understood what Trojans are and the risk they pose, there would be fewer Trojans, since fewer people would ever leave their machines vulnerable to them.

A Trojan is malware. Malware is a special kind of software, like spyware, adware, and viruses that no one wants. Yet a Trojan is more dangerous than any other kind of malware. Unlike those other types of malware, Trojans are not mindless flunkies hurled at your computer by their masters. A Trojan is a master that first craftily infiltrates your PC, then unleashes its malware henchman.

What Trojans Do

Some Trojans may install worms, which are programs that use your computer and internet connection to send out armies of server requests in the hope of shutting a particular website down, or to spread viruses or worms to other computers.

Other Trojans are thieves, out to steal your computer's processing power and turn it over to their hacker masters, often by setting up a backdoor, a hidden internet connection that allows for outside manipulation of your machine.

Some thieving Trojans are fraudsters that may go after your financial information by installing keyloggers that record what you type--especially passwords and important banking numbers.

How Do Trojans Hide?

No one thinks they have a Trojan on their computer until it is too late. That's because they do such a good job of blending in.

Trojans come disguised in innocuous file names, often pretending to be a helper application to software or an essential operating system component.

Trojans try to avoid calling attention to themselves, and so will often only interfere a little, if at all, with your computer's performance, choosing instead to do their dirty work while your machine is idle. Computers left on and connected to the internet while their owners are asleep or at work or school are favorite targets.

How Do You Remove Trojans?

Removing Trojans can be a can of worms. Here's why you need to proceed with caution:

Since Trojans can disguise themselves as software your computer actually needs, you could accidentally delete a vital program or system registry entry. In the worst case scenario, you won't be able to restart your computer.

Many Trojans are trained for survival. When you try to removal them manually, they may simply copy themselves to another directory.

Intimidated? You don't have to be. Rather than trying to defuse a Trojan yourself, why not call in the bomb squad? Good anti-spyware and antivirus software will fight Trojans, too. Just make sure to look for a program that specifically says it fights Trojans. After all, this is no job for amateurs.

About the Author: Joel Walsh writes for about spyware removal: [Publish this article on your website! Requirement: live link for above URL/web address w/ link text/anchor text: spyware removal OR leave this bracketed message intact.

Source: www.isnare.comIntroduction To VoIPMike BromleyWhat is VoIP?

First things first, VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. At a base level that means phone calls over your broadband connection. You really do need a high-speed connection to take advantage of VoIP to get phone calls comparable to a normal landline phone. Traditional dial-up connections are not really sufficient.

VoIP works in a different way to your home phone. Your home phone is based on an analogue network, whereas VoIP is based on a digital one. Essentially when you speak into a VoIP enabled phone or headset your voice is converted into digital packets; it is then compressed to help your Internet connection run more efficiently and then it is transferred down the connection much like an email. Once it reaches its destination the process is reversed.

Why might I want to switch to VoIP?

Its a good question. We all have a working phone in our homes or business, why should we change? Lets look at the advantages and disadvantages of VoIP


Well to put it simply - cost. VoIP makes calls significantly cheaper. And (Depending on your package) for a low cost monthly subscription local and national calls can be made for free, and international calls made at a significantly lower rate.

When you subscribe to a VoIP service it is possible to get a phone number for life. You will be able to take your number with you whenever you move (or even travel) with obvious benefits.
The contract packages that companies who are offering the service contain for the most part all the features and more that your current phone service supplier offers. You are likely to find most VoIP companies offering free voicemail, call forwarding, caller ID, call waiting, call waiting ID, 3 way calling, speed dialling and much more.

VoIP is very much in it's infancy; the technology is progressing all the time. Future benefits that we may not be able to envisage yet are certain to appear, you current analogue phone system will not be able to compete.


Your VoIP phones system will be exclusively based on your broadband connection, if you ISP has a period of service downtime then you will not be able to make calls. Additionally if your electricity supply has a power out then you will not be able to make any calls, this includes calls to the emergency services. Some providers have already got a work around with the emergency calls, so make sure when you decide on a supplier they provide this.

A further disadvantage currently is the set up of the VoIP is not the simplest procedure to undertake, though many suppliers will assist with installation.

The quality of the call via VoIP can be slightly less than your current analogue phone, but the technology is steadily improving, and before long you will not be able to tell the difference in call quality between the two mediums.

Mike Bromley 2005

About the Author: The author runs a site about VoIP Service Providers at

Source: www.isnare.comStop Intrusive Pop-Up Ads And Regain Control Of Your Online Experience!Jason FrovichStop intrusive pop-up ads and regain control of your online world! Intrusive and distracting pop-up windows are not an unavoidable part of being online. You don't have to put up with offensive, time consuming and bandwidth stealing pop up ads. Visit today to try out some of the most sophisticated pop-up blockers on the market - for free! Make screen cluttering pop-ups a thing of the past by installing a pop-up blocker right away.

- You enter a webpage, and suddenly your window is filled with a myriad of annoying new little windows, multiplying like amoebas and cluttering your entire screen. Every time you click on a window to shut it down five more windows are opened, ultimately making your computer freeze or even crash.

- You try to read a friends' webpage located at a free web hotel, but every time you click on a new link the screen is smothered with commercials about mortgages, miraculous diet pills and MLM-marketing.

- You use a search engine to find information, but when you click on the top link you are suddenly faced with x-rated pictures and very graphical commercials for generic Viagra.

Do any of the above scenarios sound familiar? Unfortunately most of us can answer YES! to that question. While using the web we are constantly targeted by commercials, and a lot of them come in the form of intrusive and distracting pop-up windows. They are however not only annoying, they are also stealing valuable bandwidth and slowing down our browsing; thus making our time online less effective. In the long run, these pop-up ads are making the whole Internet much slower than necessary, costing the users time as well as money.

Fortunately pop-up ads are not at all an unavoidable part of the Internet. There are several programs available online that once installed will block all forms of pop-up ads. These programs are known by many names, including pop-up blockers, pop-up stoppers, ad window blockers and pop-up removers. They all work in a similar way, but are not identical.

Most of them offer you the ability to start of by using the general settings, and then later customize the program to flawlessly match you specific needs and preferences. Stopzilla, for example, is a very user friendly program constructed with the novice user in mind. Still, it offers you the ability to tailor the program for your self later when you have become more accustomed to it. Maybe you would like to have a visual or audible warning every time a pop-up is detected and blocked? Maybe there are some web pages where you wish to allow pop-ups? Other programs, like the Pop-Up Stopper Professional, have even more settings to choose from for the more advanced user.

The good thing about most pop-up blockers is that you can usually set the program on auto enable, which means that the pop-up blocker will start whenever the computer is started. You don't have to worry about remembering to turn it on; it will always work in the background, protecting you while you're online.

Before choosing a pop-up blocker make sure that it is of high quality in order to get the most out of you time online. A good pop-up blocker should be able to stop any undesired window that tries to open automatically, regardless to whether it is a pop-up or pop-under ad. It should also be able to block the kind of ads that open up after a page is loaded, or when you leave a site or close your browser.

In addition to this, a good pop-up blocker should have a user friendly interface that is easy to manage, and give you the opportunity to customize the settings. Based on you individual settings, a good pop-up blocker should be able to decide whether a launching window is good or bad. A good pop-up blocker can block ads and other undesired windows without interfering with your normal browsing.

Stop wasting your time on intrusive and offensive pop-ups and install a pop-up blocker today!

About the Author: offers new and enhanced popup blocker software . Not only will these programs effectively prevent popups, once installed they will also shield your computer from future popup intrusions.

Source: www.isnare.comReclaim Your PC From The Internet SpiesJason FrovichViruses are, however, not the only malicious software programs out there. The newest addition to the evil software family is the so called Spywares and a good anti-virus program or firewall is not enough to safeguard against these clever programs.

Spywares are known by many names such as adware, trojans, malware, browser hijackers etc. The thing they all have in common is that they will transmit your personal information to companies and individuals who have an interest in knowing about your surfing habits, online purchases, credit worthiness, interests, web searchs, chats, birth date and even your credit card number. The list goes on and on, since Spywares are constructed by promotional companies who need to know as much as possible about the online consumers to target them effectively. By ewes dropping on you online, these companies hope to be more successful when sending out promotional materials.

Spyware usually enter your PC by piggybacking on other software downloads. Every time you use downloaded or otherwise shared files, including Freeware, Shareware or p2p sharing programs, you stand the risk of unknowingly infecting your computer with Spyware. Even confirmed virus free music files, films and computer programs can have Spyware stowaways. Once inside your computer, they will hide, monitor all your actions and promptly start telling your secrets to anyone willing to listen.

Contrary to most viruses the Spywares actually make an effort not to be observed. Since they wont cause obvious harm such as deleting important files or shutting down your computer, they can thrive in your PC for years without you noticing, sending out massive amounts of information about all your online habits.

At a first glance, you might find this annoying but essentially harmless. Why not let the companies send me promotional material about things I am actually interested in? Spyware is however far from harmless, since the infiltration by Spyware not only let the companies know about your latest online search, but also much more private matters such as credit card details, online purchases of medicine and your private e-mail correspondence with family, friends and business partners. There are even examples of how this massive gathering of personal information has led to an overall loss of privacy and stolen identities. In the computerized world of today it is not hard to imagine the amount of damage and personal suffering the fraudulent use of a persons identity can cause.

It is obvious to anyone that we must start combating the Spyware programs, but the best way of doing this is not to panic and pull the plug on your PC, never go online again and keep five feet away from all Freeware.

About the Author: offers new and enhanced spyware removal Software. Not only will these programs effectively check and clean your computer from Spyware, once installed they will also shield your computer from future Spyware intrusions. There is a much better solution:

Source: www.isnare.comTraditional Antivirus Programs Useless Against New Unidentified Viruses!Jason FrovichEvery now and then you can read about a new virus and the damage it causes. The millions viruses costs companies each time they strike. It is however not only companies that are suffering from the damages caused by viruses. A virus can be just as damaging if not more for a private Internet user by destroying important documents, family pictures and everything else you keep on your computer. Therefore should no home computer be without a good virus protection software. This way you can protect your computer and yourself from loosing data, corrupted hard drives and a number of other problems. There are several anti virus programs available of which some are free and some are not. You should however always remember that you might get what you paying for, meaning that the service and the updates might be better for the paid alternatives and thereby protect your computer better.

When using a virus program you should try to find one that is fast, reliable and able to discover as many viruses as possible. Whether it is fast or not might seem unimportant if you don't use your computer that much, but you will find that an anti virus program that scans your computer faster will be used more frequently and thereby giving you a better protection. If an anti virus program should be effective when protecting your computer it needs to be able to recognise all viruses, and since new viruses are constantly created this means that the database for the program has to be constantly updated. You should therefore consider how often the different anti virus programs update their databases when choosing which antivirus program to get. You should always make sure to keep your virus program up-to-date.

One of the best anti virus programs on the market today is Panda Active Scan Anti Virus Software Online which has an unrivalled capacity for detecting viruses and other threats online which is the most common path for viruses to reach our computer. Almost all viruses today are spread through the Internet. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 is easy to install and once it is installed it finds and remove viruses automatically. Panda Anti Virus also automatically updates itself if you want it to. In other words: Panda Anti Virus is an anti virus program that manages itself and makes sure that it is up to date and able to keep your computer safe from viruses. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 scans your entire computer, including the program itself, to make sure that a virus can't infect any part of the computer. Panda Anti Virus doesn't just search for virus, it also search your computer for a number of other security risks like spy wares and Trojans.

Panda Anti Virus contains TruPrevent Technologies. TruPrevent Technologies is a system designed to help Panda Anti Virus protect your computer against unknown viruses and intruders. The user can choose whether they want to use TruPrevent Technologies or not. The technology has been implemented to allow Panda Anti Virus to protect your computer against new virus since a new virus can spread world wide within a few hours. The TruPrevent Technologies allows Panda Anti Virus to detect and block viruses even if they are not yet included in the virus database. This allows Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 to keep your computer safe against all viruses and not only the ones that are already identified, since you might encounter a new virus despite the fact that Panda updates their database at least once a day. Old anti virus programs - and most of the modern anti virus programs as well - can only protect you against already identified viruses. The ability to protect against unknown viruses is what Panda Anti Virus a superior choice for an anti virus program.

Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 does not only offer superior security and very user friendly functionality. It also comes with tech support where experts answer any questions that might arise.

All personal computers should have virus protection since you otherwise risk loosing important document, family pictures etcetera and if you are looking for user friendliness and a superior security Panda Anti Virus is your best choice.

About the Author: offers new and enhanced free virus software. Not only will these programs effectively check and clean your computer from virus, once installed they will also shield your computer from future virus intrusions.

Source: www.isnare.comTake Back Control Of Your Inbox. Eliminate Annoying And Potentially Harmful E-mailsJason FrovichAre you tired of spam stealing your time, your money, your bandwidth and your hard disc space?

The time you devote each day to sort and delete spam from your inbox could be put to much better use. In the European Union alone, the working hours employees are spending on sorting and deleting spam is costing the companies and estimated 10 billion euros every year! By manually sorting out spam after it has reached your inbox you are loosing time and money, as well as bandwidth and space. You are also putting your computer at risk by allowing possibly hazardous content to enter your server. offers free intelligent Spam Blockers, helping computer users to protect their computers as well as reclaiming their time, money, bandwidth and space from the spammers.

Every day - 365 days a year - more than 10 billion spam e-mails are sent out to e-mail users all over the world. Despite new laws and verdicts trying to strike down on the spammers, the number of spam e-mails are expected to rise to 30 billion a day by the end of 2005. Today spam constitutes 37% of all e-mail traffic in the U.S.

Spam is not only annoying, it's dangerous and it is causing financial losses for companies as well as individuals. For example, an estimated 10 billion euros are spent every year by companies in the European Union to deal with spam. Spam is sent out by fraudulent companies and individuals and can often be infected with viruses, spy programs or other undesired software. Studies show that 95% of all computer viruses are sent through e-mail. Even virus free spam causes problems since it consumes the users' time as well as hard disc space. Spam is however not only shunned by the users, the Internet Service Providers abhor it as well since it chews up a lot of bandwidth and disc space, and the non-stop sending of e-mails uses a lot of system resources and stresses the e-mail servers. This leads to a less effective Internet and increased costs for everyone.

The best way to protect your self from spam and battle the spammers is to use a Spam Blocker. The most basic forms of Spam Blockers are software programs periodically checking your e-mail for the best known types of spam and remove them, or filter them into a special folder for you to remove. There are however much more sophisticated Anti Spam programs on the market. The Webroot Spam Shredder is a Spam Filtering Software that lets you to remove spam e-mails from the mail server without ever pulling them down into your inbox. This means heavily increased security for your computer and your network and is the most efficient and effortless way of controlling your incoming e-mails. You will be given the opportunity to accept or delete suspected e-mails while they are still on the server. You can also choose to quarantine them for later review.

The Webroot Spam Shredder is equipped with a smart learning engine, which studies your decisions to keep or delete spam. The longer you use the Webroot Spam Shredder, the more effectively the program will sort your incoming e-mail. The Webroot Spam Shredder Whitelist and the Webroot Spam Shredder Blacklist features let you identify e-mails that should be immediately delivered or instantly deleted. If you use Outlook, Outlook Express or Eudora for your e-mail, you can effortlessly import your contact list into your Whitelist. When friends, family, colleagues etcetera send you e-mail those letters while be instantly delivered to you inbox and you won't have to make any decisions regarding them.

The Webroot Spam Shredder database is a frequently updated to protect you from the latest known spam. You can choose your desired level of protection and the type of messages to scan with the Spam Shredder.

Are you tired of spam stealing your time, bandwidth and hard disc space? Applying the Webroot Spam Shredder allows you to determine up to 99.9% of the spam e-mails. Install the Webroot Spam Shredder today and start safeguarding your time as well as your money from the fraudulent spam senders!

About the Author: offers new and enhanced Spam Blocker Software. Not only will these programs effectively check and clean your email from spam, once installed it identifies and diverts spam before it reaches your inbox.

Source: www.isnare.comAntivirus Software Get The Bugs Before They Get You!Felicity WalkerYou turn on your computer, and it doesnt look quite right. Maybe your icons have changed, or the background picture is wrong. Some options are disabled. Even worse, you may not be able to boot your computer up at all. Guess what its probably got a virus.

In todays online world, protecting your computer from all the nasty things online is vital. Viruses can cause obvious issues, as described above, but they can also run silently in the background, propagating themselves across your computer and transferring on to the computers of people you know. Mostly, you only know you have a virus when substantial damage has already been done.

Some common signs of a virus include:

- Programs working erratically
- Computer locks up
- Greyed out options
- The browser home page has changed
- Icons have changed
- Difficulties starting up the computer

There is a solution! Antivirus software is readily available, and the good ones are very efficient at dealing with viruses in all their many and varied mutations. Basically, if youre online, you need this type of software.

So which one do you choose? For starters, be careful of using something free off the internet, particularly if its one youve never heard of. Sometimes these programs are a way of implanting more viruses on your computer. Some of the better known brands give you the option of doing a free scan online, which is useful, but not a long term solution.

Its really important to choose well-known antivirus software. Ask friends, or someone computer savvy, for their recommendations. It may be worth visiting a computer store and buying it there, rather than online after all, if theyve gone to the trouble of stocking it, its most likely an established and trusted product.

There are plenty of good brands available, far too numerous to list here, but some of the best known are from McAfee, Norton and Trend. Check out the support available to you can you contact someone if you have trouble installing the software?

Most importantly, make sure theres an easy way to update the software on a regular basis (preferably as part of the purchase cost!). For example, my antivirus software pops up a little box every time an upgrade is available. I click okay, and its automatically downloaded to my computer. Viruses change and develop at an alarming rate, so its vital to keep your antivirus software up to date.

Finally, the all-important backup! The word backup tends to produce the same glassy eyed response as the word budget, but it really is an essential part of being online. Regularly backup your important files to CD or DVD. If youre a business user, an automated and frequent backup process is vital. Once a virus has destroyed your computer, its too late.

Being online is wonderful, but dont let it become a nightmare. Antivirus software will play a vital role in keeping your online experience a positive one.

Copyright Felicity Walker

About the Author: Keeping her computer running smoothly is a priority for the author! To find out more, check out for more information.

Source: www.isnare.comInternet ISP'sMark WoodcockChoosing an internet ISP is often a rash and impulsive decision, but you should put more research and time into this decision to achieve the best results. Internet ISPs are the portal by which you get onto the internet to visit websites. There are many different ones to choose from. The main goal that you should have in choosing one is that it offers a steady and consistent connection without disruptions, as well as speed.

Internet ISP service prices vary from company to company. You should not solely base your decision on price though. There are many other things to take into consideration when choosing an internet ISP. Here are a few:

1. How many email addresses do they allow per account?
2. Do they offer personal web site service?
3. Can I connect from anywhere?
4. What is the amount of web storage that is available?
5. Do they offer SPAM block or virus protection? What is the cost?
6. What is their customer service like? Is their response quick and helpful, or slow and irritating?
7. What type of service do they offer? Dial-up, DSL, cable, satellite, etc.
8. What are their billing options? Do they allow you to pay monthly or by the year?
9. If you have children, do they have web blocking service?
10. If you are on dial-up, are there local access numbers?

As you can see there are many different things that you need to take into consideration when choosing an internet ISP. This list is not inclusive, there may be many more items that are important to you and your family.

When you find an internet ISP that you are interested in, research them via internet or by asking friends. Call their customer service number and ask questions to see how well they answer the questions and to give you a feel of their availability and response. A simple five to ten minute conversation can give you a pretty good idea of what their service would be like if you had a problem.

Narrow it down to two or three choices and then line up their features side by side to see which one is the right choice for you. You may find that they vary little or you may find that they vary widely. This will give you a clear picture of your choices to enable you to make the right choice for you and your family. This will give you an internet ISP that is sure to make every member of your family happy!

About the Author: Learn the essential information for picking the right Internet Service Provider at

Source: www.isnare.comInkjet Printers: Stating The Trend Of Todays PrintingJinky MesiasInkjet printers makes use of inkjet ink which a very complex formulation that makes possible for the ink to infiltrate almost any type of surfaces. Inkjet printers are also commonly used by home owners as well as various businesses. The usual inkjet printers used are bubble jet or thermal printer that are best for everyday printing needs. However, when it comes to printing for the business industry although a bubble jet or thermal printer may do some of the easy printing jobs but for some of the complicated printing requirements like the use of codes and markings in order for prints to attach to certain materials like plastic, metal, cardboard as well as glass an industrial ink specially formulated for inkjet printers are required. The inks used on such type of printers are water-based coupled with a user-friendly print delivery system.

There are many advantages derived from using inkjet printers and these are as follows: produces crisp prints, quick drying, inexpensive, dependable and very easy to use. These are made possible through the use of a reliable printing system that is based on software and hardware that are used to create practical applications for the whole printing industry.

The whole inkjet printing principle is really simple since it involves the process of mere spraying of ink in a surface. The only complex component of inkjet printing is the ink used. The composition of the ink must adhere or must be compatible with the printer to be use. In terms of the inkjet inks used for industrial purposes proper formulation that would result to just the right degree of viscosity, surface tension, pH, reactivity are all required in order to come up with quality prints.

The only problem that can be experienced when it comes to inkjet printing is if ever there is an ebb and flow on the intensity, hue or brightness which greatly affects the final prints. That is why it is of great importance to buy inkjet inks only from reputable companies that are known to manufacture high quality industrial inks.

Likewise, the printing environment must be considered. Big printing companies that make use of industrial inkjet printers must ensure that no elements such as dust particles as well as other airborne residue from various procedures are present in their printing plants or printing factories. These elements may affect the quality of the prints.

With the conventional printing only a handful of materials are use for printing since the ink used chooses only a few number of materials in which it can penetrate but with the onset of inkjet printing system printing in a much larger number and types of materials became possible and affordable.

About the Author: Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spends most of her time reading and writing poetry. For comments and suggestions about the article kindly visit:

Source: www.isnare.comInkjet Printing: The System That Demonstrate Printing ExcellenceJinky MesiasInkjet printing is a flexible, affordable, user-friendly and upgradeable printing service for the ever changing business needs. The inkjet printing system makes use of a variety printing techniques, inks and configurations that allows it to print vivid, concise codes and markings that penetrates almost any surface. And since it is user-friendly anybody with mediocre knowledge on printing may use it.

The upgradeability of the inkjet printing system also allows it be readily reconfigured to suit every printing requirements there is. Likewise, inkjet printers are also very easy to repair in fact the replacement of parts alone may only take a mere 5 minutes. Inkjet printing system is also very reliable and seldom breaks down unlike the conventional printers that require time to time repairs and changing of parts.

The use of the inkjet printing system in place of the conventional printing system helps businesses save in terms of their printing costs especially when it comes to printing for their packaging requirements. That is because Inkjet printing provides high quality printing and an inexpensive printing operation. Moreover, inexpensive but compatible inks in inkjet printing may be used instead of expensive industrial inks these way businesses may further lower down their printing costs.

The role of inkjet printing in the business industry is very much apparent and can be seen in almost any aspect of business endeavors. From the common everyday printing of office documents to the most complex projects like printing on round shaped bottles, printing on woven bags and then even printing on lumbers for advertising. The list simply goes on and on.

The inkjet printing system is divided into two main category and these are the drop-on-demand and the continuous inkjet printing. The drop-on-demand printing is the most frequently used by businesses as well as home owners. The drop-on-demand technology is the one used for bubble jet printers and even for Hewlett-Packard deskjets. The Epzon printer on the other hand has its own drop-on-demand system. A recent development in the high-resolution system ranging up to 300 dpi has been added to the inkjet printing system. These three inkjet printing categories creates a more efficient delivery of barcodes, batch numbers, lot numbers, date codes as well as product identification on any types of material.

The drop-on-demand used for industrial purposes requires two types of technologies. The first one pertains to the distribution of the ink, valve or plunger. The ink is distributed by means of a manifold to the various valves which is controlled by a high speed electrical pulse.

On the other hand, the continuous inkjet printing works differently since it involves the releasing of small droplets of ink. An electrical field and a deflection plate sort outs and determine which droplets are to reach the substrate or the material. The droplets that are not utilized are then recycled through the system. In addition, the finer the droplets, the higher the resolution, the better to print bar codes and graphics.

About the Author: Jinky C. Mesias is a lover of simple things and of nature. She spends most of her time reading and writing poetry. For comments and suggestions about the article kindly visit:

Source: www.isnare.comInteractive Technology In Healthcare EducationMichele WebbHealthcare professionals are under pressure to perform and absorb vast amounts of new or changing information in increasing volume. This surge has led to new and improved computer-based tools for many healthcare activities and to an explosion in the marketplace of tools used in instruction and education of healthcare workers. This article explains the use of interactive technology in healthcare and how this benefits instruction and education of healthcare professionals.

Digital systems that capture images from documents, 35-mm slides, physical samples or specimens, or virtually anything that the camera lens can see, is found in interactive technology. In healthcare, transmitting these images to computers with simple devices or software that will allow the display and integration of educational material into the training environment is easily accommodated.

The method for delivering these images or documents, usually via PowerPoint presentations, photography, videotape or audio presentations can turn a standard Windows PC into a dynamic, interactive, teaching tool. Depending on the type of training environment needed, interactive presentations can be found in the use of liquid crystal displays, large plasma displays, rear projection systems or even whiteboards. Educators can now tailor their courses to their audiences expectations and needs using any number of these presentation forms.

Effectiveness of interactive learning systems is largely dependent upon the type or form of delivery used in combination with software that is easily used by both novice and expert users. Smaller systems will use a pen or stylus vs. a computer and a mouse where larger systems may use elaborate videoconferencing systems where many participants can be in the virtual classroom at the same time. Many healthcare organizations already utilize small and large types of communication systems routinely in the delivery of quality, high-tech healthcare to patients and their community. Adapting this equipment or having it serve dual purposes is an easy and cost-effective transition.

The era of the blackboards and chalk dust is now a memory for most of us. Interactive technology tools permit the educator to draw on, write on, and annotate data right on the screen as part of their dynamic presentation. In addition, the educator can now annotate their presentation and then save, print and even distribute by email, the contents of the class session to all participants.

The mobility that interactive technology gives the educator in the virtual classroom lends itself to unlimited types of uses and methods for delivery of high quality, interactive, sessions. Participants, too, benefit from easy access to the sessions, improved and more accurate note-taking that can be used later for study and reference. This all leads to greater retention of the learning objectives and enhanced or improved application in the field once the participant returns to the office or department.

Healthcare professionals should look for educators and learning systems that combine ergonomics with interactive technologies that integrate use the user of free text, annotation, images and video clips with the traditional printed materials. Transitions between screens or programs, linking to the Internet and class sessions, downloading or printing of the course materials and saving of files or information for future classes or reference use should be easy and simple to use. The presentation and delivery of the educational material should be efficient and easy to use and tailored to use by both healthcare professionals that have varying levels of technological skills.

Regardless of whether healthcare workers are new to the workplace or seasoned professionals, the learning systems used should assist them with learning new skills, procedures, diagnostic techniques and terminology. Communication between healthcare workers in both local and distant communities is on the rise and the use of interactive technology enables the participants to collaborate and share critical data and information.

Interactive technology can also benefit the bottom line and reduce costs formerly associated with travel or staffing and resources to send workers to local, regional or national meetings. Interactive presentations and systems can also attract and hold the participants interest and attention, enhancing their learning and retention gained from the course(s).

It is no wonder, then, that interactive technology has gained such a strong and prominent position in the education of healthcare workers. Healthcare workers looking for either online, distance or local training should evaluate the presentation and delivery systems used in order to maximize their learning experience.

Copyright 2005, M. A. Webb. All Rights Reserved

PUBLISHING RIGHTS: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your e-book or on your website, free of charge, as long as the author's information and web link are included at the bottom of the article and the article is not changed, modified or altered in any way. The web link should be active when the article is reprinted on a web site or in an email. The author would appreciate an email indicating you wish to post this article to a website, and the link to where it is posted.

About the Author: Michele has 20+ years experience in oncology healthcare, including Cancer Registry management ( You can learn more about cutting-edge learning tools and opportunities by visiting her blog (, Cancer Registry ( and online training site (

Source: www.isnare.comD2X Digital SLRCoolpix 8800 Actually Refers To Two Nikon CamerasW R KirkAddressing a D2X Digital SLRCoolpix 8800 search, this article provides a quick comparison of the Nikon D2X digital SLR and Coolpix 8800 cameras.

Nikon D2X Professional Digital SLR

Check out a Nikon D2X review or two and quickly realize this is a world class professional digital SLR. Instantaneous response and fast 37ms shutter lag allow the photographer to compose and take the photo instead of waiting for camera start-up, shutter or processing time.

The D2X sports a 12.4 megapixel DX format CMOS sensor capable of 5 FPS. Continuous mode can be increased to 8 FPS with a cropped field of view using 6.8 megapixels. The D2X SLR's 4-channel color readout and advanced image processing algorithms deliver truer color and higher processing speeds.

Additional features such as i-TTL Speedlight technology, sYCC color profiling, and Advanced 3D-Color Matrix Metering II make the D2X digital SLR a professional photographer's dream.

Nikon Coolpix 8800 Long-Zoom Digital Camera

An 8800 camera digital Nikon review search reveals a surprisingly compact mid-sized digital camera. With 8.0 effective megapixels and 10X optical zoom, this camera ranks at the top of Nikon's Coolpix line. Vibration Reduction circuitry compensates for camera movement, allowing shutter speeds up to 3 stops slower without image blur.

The 8800 offers a choice of built-in flash or external hot-shoe. Nikon's i-TTL flash technology delivers full flash zoom control with the SB-600 and SB-800 Speedlight units. In addition to fisheye, wide angle and telephoto converters, and other adaptors, Nikon 8800 filter options include neutral color, neutral density and polarizing filters.

Other Coolpix 8800 features include: 15 automated scene modes, 5 movie modes, and continuous shot modes up to 30 FPS. For the serious digital photography enthusiast the 8800 offers quality and features comparable to, but at a lower cost than digital SLR's.

How Do These Cameras Compare?

Unlike many digital camera comparisons, comparing the D2X and Coolpix 8800 is not a true apples-to-apples comparison. Both models have a rugged but lightweight magnesium alloy body and high quality Nikkor lenses. And both feature i-TTL flash technology, multiple AF, scene, shot and exposure metering modes, plus aperture and shutter-priority settings.

The Coolpix 8800's rechargeable lithium-ion battery will take up to 240 shots per charge, while the D2X's (also lithium-ion) will take up to 2,000 photos on a single charge. DX Nikkor lenses for the D2X offer wide-angle views up to 180, and the camera also accepts all conventional AF Nikkor lenses. The D2X also supports both WT-1A and WT-2A transmitters for wireless image transfer and full remote camera control from a computer.

But there's a huge difference in cost. The Coolpix 8800 is available from about $550 to $900, while the Nikon D2X price is closer to $4,000. For the professional who earns a living with his camera, the D2X digital SLR is one of the best and most reliable cameras available. But for the serious photographer that can't justify the D2X's cost, the Coolpix 8800 offers professional quality photos at an affordable price.

2005 A-Z Digital Cameras All rights reserved

About the Author: Digital cameras information from A to Z: camera types & features, how they work, accessories, photo printers, comparisons and more - plus digital photo processing tips and info at, Your Complete A-Z Resource for Digital Cameras, Accessories and Information.

Source: www.isnare.comBeating Adware, The Sneakiest SoftwareJoel WalshPromoters of adware, software that shows advertising on a user's computer, use some cunning tricks to get you to install their software on your machine. Here's what to look out for.

Adware is, by definition, something reasonable people don't want on their computers. That's why malware can't just come out and ask people to install it. Often, the computer owner is completely unaware of it being installed. But not always.

When adware doesn't want to sneak in through an open window, it will try to trick you into letting it in through the front door. Don't think you could be tricked? Don't be so sure until you've checked out these most common ways people have been tricked into allowing malware to be installed on their machines.

Adware Installation Trick 1: Piggybacking

How it works: malware may come bundled with a legitimate piece of software the user actually wants, such as a game or emoticon. The malware is merely labeled companion software, without any indication of what it will do.

How to fight it: be very suspicious of any software that comes bundled with other software. Don't installed software that comes bundled with other software unless you know everything that the bundled software does. After all, if the bundled program has anything to do with the program you actually want, why couldn't the software developer just get both programs' functionalities into a single piece of software? Software developers are now very sensitive to malware concerns and will provide a lengthy explanation of just why the bundled software is necessary, in the cases when they actually do need to use bundled software.

Adware Installation Trick 2: Bait and Switch

How it works: since people are getting more and more suspicious of bundled software, the malware's developers may simply label it as valuable software, for instance, a browser plugin that supposedly accelerates web browsing (but in reality only shows ads).

How to fight it: again, a suspicious mind is useful in avoiding malware. Ask yourself some questions:

o What will this software actually do? Malware often comes with very fuzzy claims attached. Sure, it says it will improve your browsing experience, but how? Often, this improved browsing experience just means a browsing experience with more advertising.

o If the software is so great, why is it being given away free? Most commonly, software is only given out free in two cases: if it's OpenSource (designed by a community of developers and not proprietary--OpenSource software is always clearly labeled as such); or simply a come-on for a fuller-featured version of the software. If neither case is true, there's a real chance the software is financed by adware.

Adware Installation Trick 3: Outright Lying

How it works: malware may even be labeled as something else entirely, such as a well-known piece of software or a crucial component of the computer operating system.

How to fight it: this is the trickiest malware of all, and requires extreme caution. You don't want to start deleting any of your program files, much less your system registry entries, unless you're absolutely sure it's malware. Plenty of overzealous parasite hunters have shot their own machines to bits this way. This is one case where you want to be using an anti-spyware program, and preferably a second anti-spyware program to provide a second opinion.

Getting Rid of Adware

Adware is so tricky that trying to uninstall it by yourself could be like a trip into the Matrix. Luckily, there are good anti-spyware programs that tackle adware as well--after all many adware programs are also spyware since they monitor your internet usage.

True, it may feel like adding insult to injury to have to install more software to get rid of software you never meant to install in the first place. But sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire.

About the Author: Joel Walsh has written a companion article on stealth tactics used by adware: [Publish this article on your website! Requirement: live link for above URL/web address w/ link text/anchor text: adware protection OR leave this bracketed message intact.

Source: www.isnare.comComputer Data Backup - Data Backup Solution Will Give You A Peace Of MindJustin KohImagine that you have been working on a file for the entire day and there was a power surge that caused your computer to 'black out'. It would have been a frustrating experience for us as we had put in a lot of time and effort into it. I am sure that many of us would have experienced data loss in some form or another and have learnt to be wiser to backup our data to avoid any form of data loss.

Have you ever thought of a worst case scenario where a fire broke up and destroy your computer or where your laptop got stolen? Should that happen, the first thing that comes into your mind is the thousands of dollars that you spend on your computer or laptop and you would feel very upset about it. However, when you thought for a second moment, you started to realize that what is really valuable are the amount of data that you have built up over the years in it. Though hardware can always be replaced, even at no cost to you if you have insurance, but lost data is gone forever.

Lost data such as the thousands of mp3 and movies that you have downloaded from the Internet, thousands of digital photographs that are impossible to replace are lost in an instant. This form of data loss hits home especially hard when the laptop holds the lifeblood to your business. Imagine all your business contacts documents and contracts that you have painfully built up over the years would be vanished just like that. Your business would be wipe out overnight.

Do not wait for the worst to happen before you start to consider about data backup solution. Having a data backup solution will give you a peace of mind as you know that your data is in safe hand.

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest backup news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comHome Weather StationsCraig WicksIn this age of digital technology, with instant access to up-to-the-minute data, forecasts, and images from the National Weather Service (NWS) and innumerable other online sources; with timely reports from local broadcasters and cable television networks; with personalized forecasts and storm alerts sent directly to your email, pager, or cell phone; why would anyone need a home weather station?

The answer to that question lies right there in your backyard, where the weather conditions you experience at home are often not the same as any of those resources might suggest. We know that all too well living here in southwest Virginia, as weather conditions up on the mountain ridges can be completely different from those down in the valleys. Fortunately, keeping an eye on local weather conditions using your own state-of-the-art weather station has never been easier or more affordable. Whether simple or elaborate, home weather stations will provide you with information that cannot be obtained anywhere else. And having the ability to glance over at your weather station console from the comfort of your couch or armchair is not only convenient, but fascinating as well.

Depending on desired features and accessories, electronic weather station prices can range from as little as $30 to as much as $3,000 or more. Available in either wireless or cabled versions, these highly accurate weather instruments monitor a variety of weather conditions: temperature and humidity (both indoors and out), atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind direction and speed, dew point, wind chill, and heat index - all displayed within the comfort of your home! More advanced weather stations offer enhanced features such as faster sampling rates, extensive data graphing and history, and additional sensors ranging from ultraviolet, solar radiation, and evapotranspiration to soil temperature/moisture and leaf wetness. All electronic weather stations include a clock and many of them are radio controlled, resetting themselves daily to the official U.S. government atomic clock located at Fort Collins, Colorado.

Cabled weather stations use a cable to connect their weather sensors to the indoor console. Drawbacks include the risk of lightning (must use lightning arrestors!) and having to drill a hole in the wall to link the two, but cabled units are generally less expensive than wireless units. Wireless weather stations use radio signals (typically in the 433 MHz band) to transmit measurements from the weather sensors to the indoor console, eliminating the need to string cable and drill holes. The maximum unobstructed (or line of sight) range between the sensors and indoor console can vary between models, from 80 to 1000 feet. However, their effective range is determined by the building materials their signals must penetrate (walls, siding, roof structure, etc.) and by sources of radio interference. As a rule-of-thumb for a typical installation, the effective range is about a third of the rated unobstructed range.

Weather station sensors need to be placed or sited properly to provide accurate measurements. Once installed, sensors transmit their data to the indoor console, which updates the display and records the readings at an interval set by the manufacturer. This interval may vary depending on the type of measurement (temperature, wind speed, rainfall, etc.) or may be fixed at one interval rate regardless of the type (every minute, every three minutes, etc.).

Some home weather stations are capable of interfacing with a computer, either included as part of the package or available as an optional accessory. A computer-linked weather station offers not only real-time display of weather measurements on your computer monitor, but also provides for advanced data collection and graphical weather analysis. And with a dedicated internet connection, you can even post weather data to your own weather web page or become a part of the process by sharing your readings with the Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP), which forwards the information in a format that the National Weather Service can use. Even if your weather station isn't connected to a computer, you can still participate as a volunteer Skywarn spotter, providing your local NWS weather forecast office with important weather measurements and severe weather reports.

Interest in weather is nearly universal and the information that home weather stations provide, combined with additional relevant study, can offer you an opportunity for a rewarding lifelong hobby. Most have discovered that their home weather station has given them a better understanding of weather, which has heightened their interest in other aspects of the natural world. After all, weather observation is not just confined to where you live.

About the Author: Craig Wicks is an amateur meteorologist, Skywarn storm spotter, weather photographer, and General Manager of,, a leading provider of consumer and professional weather stations. To obtain additional information about the set up and use of home weather stations, visit the WeatherShack Education Center.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Prevent Spyware From Attacking Your ComputerTom JensonSpyware is software or hardware installed on a computer without a user's knowledge. It gathers information and reports it back to its source. It ties up bandwidth, slows down CPU speed and generally is a nuisance.

In its more malicious forms, it can disrupt the PC so much that it is unusable; it can run up modem bills, it can spam or send copies of itself to everyone in your address book and it can download pornographic material to your PC.

The last is probably the one most likely to make everyone stand up and take notice. Downloading porn at the office can get you fired, downloading child porn anywhere can get you arrested.

The only way to keep these and all the other problems associated with spyware from infecting your life and disrupting your activities is prevention. As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

There are numerous programs available (both for free and for pay) that offer protection from spyware and its related cohorts. Most free programs remove spyware that's already been downloaded and installed to your machine, such as Ad-Aware, one of the first original anti-spyware programs.

The free version requires that you scan to capture and remove spyware. The pay for version includes a real-time scanner that actually prevents spyware from downloading or installing itself.

There are numerous other products on the market, but don't be taken in by their pronouncements of being anti-spyware. Be wary, a few of the free programs are just spyware themselves.

Security for your PC at the home includes using up-to-date virus software, installing an effective firewall, employing reputable anti-spyware tools, making sure all patches and being sure to install all updates for the operating system. The best thing to do is to avoid risky online behavior or the downloading of every free offer that literally pops up.

Never download anything from an unknown source. A lot of home PC users can find their machines besieged by problems because they downloaded something they weren't sure about or just assumed was safe. Don't assume, be sure. You can even check security settings for different websites you visit. Be sure what you're downloading is from a reputable source.

You wouldn't invite just anyone who knocked on your door into your house; you shouldn't let any file or program into your computer. Spyware at its best is a nuisance, and a potentially dangerous and damaging element that can cost you real time, and worse of all, money.

About the Author: Tom Jenson has worked in software development for 20 years. He's seen spyware develop from an occasional problem, to a daily, hourly threat to all pc's. He made it a mission to research these threats, and work out how best to combat them. Now this series of article helps others protecttheir computers too. Discover all you ever wanted to know about spyware. Latest discovery methods, latest incoculation treatments, latest removal techniques. Clickfor useful info and daily updated blog of spyware news and articles.

Source: www.isnare.comMany Ideas Will Get You NowhereFlorie Lyn MasarateYou have been in front of the computer trying to go over the details on your mind for a long time and yet not getting even one out. It seems that you have lots of ideas for a great graphic design but you do not know where to start. All of it is just in your head and you cannot get anything in concrete.

If you have known better, you would have guessed that you are having one of the cases of not having an exact idea of what you want to create for your design. In situations like this, it is better to just stop what you are thinking and trying to do. With all the ideas on your mind, it is obvious you do not have a definite one that will be the basis for the graphic design that you will do. Having load of idea is not a sin in graphic designing. It is always best to have more to get more results done. The thing is, one idea is enough for one design. From that one idea, note the many possibilities that you can make out of it and make it work for you.

Asking questions like; is this better than the rest or how will this work for the company or the person you are representing? Is the idea being clearly represented in one of the designs? These simple questions to begin with will be able to make all abstract thoughts that you have a concrete and strong foundation that you will be working on all throughout the designing.

The next thing to remember is to slow down. Take things at a time. There is no rush once your idea is there already. Just like all designs, the pictures you will create together with the colors that should be sued is the factors to consider first and foremost. If the client has already given a definite preference that you do not think will work, you can always improve it and make it work for you. That is your main purpose after all, to make something out of anything that looks to be ordinary and even hopeless. Being the great designer that you are, you are always open to ideas that does not always go with what you think. The test of being great starts from small and making impossible possible.

Make a guideline to follow as you go about your graphic design. This are meant to be followed but it does not mean they cannot be bended or twisted if the process calls for it.

About the Author: Florie Lyn Masarate got a flair for reading and writing when she got her first subscription of the school newsletter in kindergarten. She had her first article published on that same newsletter in the third grade. For comments and inquiries about the article visit

Source: www.isnare.comIt's Time To Sing The Encryption Song AgainMike AmeyeYes, I'm wearing my encryption hat again. Why you may ask? Well I just finished reading about the newest security hole in Microsoft's latest server product. Then couple that with all the recent hacker activity, new reports from the GAO (that's the Government Accounting Office) that the government can't protect it's own computers and data much less the data WE send them, reports that computer theft is on the rise and news that the FBI is now developing a new computer worm (read virus) to spy on citizens, I decided to sing the encryption song again. This time I'll sing a verse about personal data encryption.

So what do I mean by personal data encryption? I mean scrambling ANY data on ANY storage medium that relates to you, your family or your business! (For those of you unfamiliar with the term, encryption is the process of scrambling electronic data in such a way that it's unreadable to anyone but the owner.)

For the purposes of this article I'll cover two different ways to encrypt data and the pros and cons of both.

The first way is file encryption. This is the process by which someone identifies what data they want to protect on a file by file basis and then encodes each file using some kind of software encryption tool.

What are the pros of this style of encryption? First, each file can be assigned its own encryption key. Then, even if one file gets cracked open, all the other files will still be safe. Next, only those files you identify and select will be encrypted. This allows for a gnat's behind level of detail that some folks just are not comfortable without.

What are the cons of file level encryption? Well, at this level of detail, tracking of all the different encryption keys and file locations would be an administrative nightmare! So, unless you have days to spend identifying files and encrypting them or if you are really, really, really into details, file level encryption just isn't practical for most people.

The second way to protect personal data is drive encryption. Unlike file encryption, drive level encryption allows a user to create a reserved area on the hard drive called a container. Once created, this container can be mounted or set to act like another fully functional hard drive on a computer. It will appear in the file manager just like any other drive.

What are the pros for drive encryption? This space can be mounted using a single encryption key and the key only needs to be entered once. After it's mounted, this virtual drive can contain any data and / or programs, just like any regular drive. But when it's dismounted, the virtual drive is no longer visible and the container looks like any other file, the contents of which are completely inaccessible without the encryption key.

What's the down side to drive encryption? If you forget your key, all the data and / or program information in the container is lost. Also, all the information is only protected by a single key. So if your key is compromised, all your information is available to prying eyes.

What's my recommendation? Drive encryption. Drive encryption is far more efficient than file encryption especially if you need to access your data frequently. Drive encryption also allows for the complete encryption of programs, something virtually impossible to do with file level encryption. (Well not impossible but certainly problematic and time consuming!) And by creating an encryption key of sufficient size and complexity, the single key issue becomes almost moot.

One site I visited recently stated that it would take one million computers performing one million operations per second approximately 11 trillion years to crack a 128 bit encryption key! I don't know how I could verify that kind of estimate but I know that it would take longer that most hackers want to spend! So, by using an encryption key of about 64 random numbers, letters and characters your personal data would be secure from almost all types of hacks.

There are several programs available online for both file and drive encryption. All these programs differ in functionality, price, encryption algorithms and interfaces. The best way to proceed is to do a search from your favorite search engine on encryption tools and read about the options available.

Don't wait! The day will come when your system gets compromised by some hacker or thief or FBI agent and then you'll wish you had protected your data.

About the Author: Michael Ameye has been developing web sites since 1995. He started writing about online privacy issues to answer questions from family, friends and co-workers. Visit to see his latest work or to sign up for PSS Online - a privacy, safety, and security ezine.

Source: www.isnare.comOCR Software-- Optical Character Recognition Or Optical Crud Recognition?James EglinOptical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text into computer searchable text.

Done correctly, OCR enables users to search for and retrieve individual words contained within a file or page. In addition, when a set of files is indexed, users are able to search for keywords across an entire document library and retrieve each page with exact precision. OCR enables users to execute searches in seconds, searches that once could take several hours or days to complete.

However, this technology did not work well on older or poor quality documents that contained mixed fonts or combinations of texts and graphics. Until now!!

Due to several recent technology advances, it is now possible to obtain six-sigma level character accuracy from these types of document collections.

Although it is important to keep in mind that the quality and condition of the paper documents are still key factors in the successful OCR conversion, dramatically improved results can be obtained by enhancing the quality of the scanned image prior to processing.

Noise removal of borders, speckles and skews are now common on the more advanced document scanners.

Furthermore, advanced color filter technologies may be used to reduce any page background colors, in conjunction with multi-light image capture technologies to remove any shadows cast by page creases that could impact image quality or recognition accuracy.

Once document scanning and processing are complete, an OCR text layer can actually be added and hidden behind each image. An additional orientation filter can be used to ensure that the best image is presented to the OCR engines.

To achieve the highest conversion accuracy possible, the characters in the image can be processed using multi-engine OCR voting technologies that rank each character to determine the best text recognition fit. Then once a word is generated, it will be filtered through a proprietary lexicon to ensure the highest quality results.

Finally, this text can be processed utilizing sophisticated layout retention technologies to represent the image text layout, to provide the best possible text representation for precise search and retrieval. After all, isnt that why they call it Optical Character Recognition?

About the Author: Founded in 2001, we have successfully completed over 500 document scanning projects within a variety of industry vertical markets and have provided our services to clients throughout the United States. In addition, we are currently supporting the global document management needs of several clients.

Source: www.isnare.comSome Things Not Learned In SchoolFlorie Lyn MasarateSince most people and companies now ate turning to computers and showing off their crafts online, the probability is that many others would want to have one for themselves. Having your own website adds to the guarantee that people will be likely to visit them and get information and idea from you. With the majority of sites having their own marketing and advertising strategy, the question remains on how to best make your site attract and maintain the attention of the readers. One way of doing this is by the way of graphic designs that you put into your site.

For the graphic designers who have gone to design schools to learn their expertise, there are still many things to learn on how to go about your designs. It is important to note that not all things that you need in your chosen filed is learned in school. Some things are best learned from outside of it or from the experience you will gain in the real world. If designers think about it, they are better off learning more than the basics from the ones who have been there and have done it.

In websites for example, if the school taught you to make the most remarkable and marvelous site you can to get peoples attention, the experienced tells you otherwise. The advice they would give you is for you to have a thorough understanding about what your site is about. You can go about this by reading through the printed materials that you have and taking in every aspect, detail and concept. Only then can you have a concrete and stable ground to make your graphic designs with. If you already have the main idea, then incorporate all the magnificent designs into this idea. Merge the two but not necessarily losing the idea altogether in the process of the designing. If you based the result from the readers, you will notice that even though they are prone to being initially interested by beautiful designs and gets into sites with loads of them, in the end, they would look for another site where their purpose would be served. The fact that when you see one design, you have seen them all is still very much the opinion of people even now.

There is also the possibility that Even if you are a graphic designer for websites, someone, someday will want you to do some print work maybe because of the way you handled the site or just to see if what you can do on websites you can also do in print.

For the graphic designers out there, learn not only from the school who have taught you what you want to know but from the real world which teaches you what you need to know.

About the Author: Florie Lyn Masarate got a flair for reading and writing when she got her first subscription of the school newsletter in kindergarten. She had her first article published on that same newsletter in the third grade. For comments and inquiries about the article visit

Source: www.isnare.comBranding In PrintingFlorie Lyn MasarateWhen you encounter the term branding in printing, the logos, designs and styles that are inherent are the first things that come to mind. Branding, if you dig deeper are not just these things. A more concrete definition of branding is the response that people have when they think about your business or company. The response may be in terms of emotional or intellectual aspect, depending on how the readers perceive them. Both ways, branding is the strong and consistent message that you impart and get through to the people.

Why is branding so important? It brings customer loyalty. If they have used your services, they will remember you for sure the next time they might be in need of something. Also they will be able to tell friends about you. In some cases, the logos and designs that the company has are the ones that stick most in their minds. If they do not remember other facts about you, chances are they will remember the logo and maybe even the colors in your printing designs. Understanding the customers needs and issues should go hand and in hand with branding because this two works well together. One cannot always succeed without the other.

If branding in your business has already been established, it does not mean you can just leave it that way and relax. The brand that you have is also one part of your business therefore it should be maintained and updated often. As with the business itself, branding is also an ongoing process that should be reinforced if the business and booming and be exposed more in slower times. Wanting for your customers to retain a positive outlook about you is attained in branding. If your print job is losing the effectiveness your readers have gotten used to, they may also lose interest and think about using others for their needs. You would not want this to happen.

Building a strong and reliable branding for your printing materials can help your business or company more than you can imagine it could. Just think that it is not everyday people remembers and stays loyal to something. With the variety of other businesses available and easily accessible, staying loyal to one is getting more difficult to do. It is always best to maintain what you have started and continue it doing so for your customers.

Knowing what branding in your companys printing materials is one guarantee that you can be sure to result in revenue. But first, think what you need to brand about and how to keep it unique and memorable enough.

About the Author: Florie Lyn Masarate got a flair for reading and writing when she got her first subscription of the school newsletter in kindergarten. She had her first article published on that same newsletter in the third grade. For comments and inquiries about the article visit

Source: www.isnare.comMaking Professional-Looking BrochuresFlorie Lyn MasarateBrochures are for displaying services. They are also for selling an idea or service. If these purposes are put into a list, then it would be endless. The numerous ways and intentions why people have and use brochures. No matter what the reason for these brochures, the main thing is that it should be kept readable, interesting and very functional in order to become effective. It should be able to get the peoples attention long enough for them to read what is inside, and remain useful for them to come back for more in the future.

How can you grab the attention of the readers with just these pieces of papers?

By making your brochures look professional not only in its appearance but also in the designs, the way it is written and printed. To make them appear this way, there are considerations to think about. What are these?

Doing it with questions. Nothing like a question with an impact to grab the attention of even those who may have just sneaked a peak unto these prints. With the right question, even those who do not have the initial intention of reading them may be too aroused with curiosity to see what it is about. And maybe to have the answer to the question that they saw. A style that works most of the time is asking a question not even related to what the brochure is about. Or asking the opposite of what the implication is about. Knowing the question that will work perfectly would mean perfect attention grabbing and perfect results in your favor.

Type matters. It is the thing that people will read in your brochures so typography should be thought of and done properly. You would not want your readers to judge you as an amateur from the way you have done your writing. Or giving them the impression that the services you offer may have that same careless and irresponsible quality. Writing out words that are seldom used or incomprehensive will not work either. Some may not be able to grasp what it is you are trying to say or may not have no idea whatsoever basing from the words that you are using. Just the basic understandable words that are also professional will do just fine.

Making brochures appear professional not only reflects back to you. It also implies the time and effort you spent on checking from the most important to the least important details. To sum it all up, these brochures should cater to the different kinds of people who might chance upon them and take interest.

About the Author: Florie Lyn Masarate got a flair for reading and writing when she got her first subscription of the school newsletter in kindergarten. She had her first article published on that same newsletter in the third grade. For comments and inquiries about the article visit

Source: www.isnare.comChoosing The Right Phone And Voice Mail SystemJason MorrisPhone and voice mail systems can be pretty costly, even for companies with a low number phones. Before investing in any type of phone system or voice mail system, you need to estimate how much your company is likely to expand over the next few years and if possible how many phones you may require. Failure to do this could cost you or your company a lot of money in upgrade and restructuring costs further down the road. It is better and cheaper to plan and allow for expansion at an early stage, than wait until it is too late.

If you plan to remain under ten phones then I would recommend you invest in a KSU-less phone system. Basically these look like normal phones that carry all the technology and software needed to run a small phone system of up to four lines and eight to twelve extensions. These systems incorporate many of the features that full PBX phone systems offer (though not voice mail). So be sure to check with your supplier what features are available on these types of phone systems. These systems are relatively cheap compared to other types of phone systems. They are also easy to install, so can be quickly re-located to another office or building. This type of phone systems usually arrive as a boxed product that is installed by you, and carries a manufacturers warranty. You will have to make enquiries with your vendor as to the level of after sales support that is available. You may find it is much less than if you had purchased a larger more expensive phone and voice mail system. One major disadvantage of KSU-less phone systems, is that they cannot integrate separate voice mail systems. If you do choose to purchase one of these KSU-less phone systems, then you will have to use a voice mail service that is offered by your telephone company.

If you decide that you must have a fully featured voice mail system, and can confidently predict your company will expand beyond ten phones within next few short years, then you will be better off investing in one of the fully featured KSU phone systems on the market. These phone systems are typical in companies with around ten to forty users. Some suppliers may recommend installing something called a Hybrid phone system. These systems are ideal for small to mid sized companies of about fifty to a hundred employees, and offer many of the features much larger PBX phone systems offer.

Below is a check list for when you are selecting a new phone and voice mail system and supplier:

1. Try to estimate how much your company will grow in the next three to five years. Look at how many lines and extensions you have at the moment and decide how many your company may require in the future.

2. Contact potential phone systems suppliers, and arrange an appointment with them for a full demonstration. A number of these can be sourced off the internet or through your local business pages. This will also give them a good opportunity to have a look at you and evaluate your potential requirements. Remember to ask them about their experience and if necessary ask for referrals. You could even ask to see a phone and voice mail system they have recently installed.

3. Make sure you decide on a rough budget for your proposed new telephone and voice mail system. Ask around other businesses of similar size, what amount they have invested in their phone systems.

4. When potential suppliers provide you with a quote for your new phone and voice mail system, go through them carefully, ensuring they include all of the requirements your business will need. These may include extras like; Full voice mail capability, additional handsets, call handling software, automated attendants, service level agreements (SLAs) and any other additional features.

5. Once you have decided on one or two suppliers, it is time to get them back round. Remember, they want your business. Bearing in mind the budget you decided earlier, make your decision based upon not only price, but which supplier you think can provide your company with the best service before, during and after the installation of your new phone and voice mail system. Any good potential supplier will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the phone system they intend to supply and install for you.

Thanks for reading

About the Author: Jason Morris is co-author, search engine optimization and marketing consultant of Business Phone Systems Direct. Specialists in the supply and installation of business phone systems and accessories. Visit our site now and get a free quotation on a quality Business Phone System.

Source: www.isnare.comSMS For Redundant CommunicationsLew NewlinMost wireless handheld devices such as Blackberries offer the ability to send and receive email messages to some degree. Despite the fact the PDA devices and services vary, handheld email has become a popular business communication tools. Using PDA devices has become so prevalent in fact, that most senior executives that use Blackberries understand the term crackberry all too well.

A downside to business wireless email lies in the way in which it is used and infrastructure components involved. For example, an assistant may send an email to an executive that is attending a meeting, or a support person may receive a network based alert while performing a service call. Both of these examples increase productivity and efficiency. However, both examples also depend upon your companies IT infrastructure to function.

Could your company electronically communicate if your Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES), SMTP gateway, internet connection, or other core email component failed? What would happen during an emergency event or natural disaster? Would your ability to communicate via electronically be crippled?

If the answer is yes, you may wish to consider Short Message Service (SMS) text message for message redundancy. SMS, or text messaging as it is commonly referred, offers the ability to send short text messages without involving your companies IT infrastructure.

Just about all wireless providers offer SMS packages. If your wireless devices are SMS capable, implementation requires nothing more than enabling the service and a little user education. The first step in SMS utilization is to contact your wireless service provider. Providers normally offer a given number of SMS messages with each wireless packages, so before you spend additional resources review your current plan to see what is included. If SMS is to be used for redundant or emergency communications only, your current plan may offer the capacity you need. If you find your current plan does not offer SMS or the desired capacity, exercise caution when dealing with your provider. Most wireless providers view SMS as an outstanding revenue source.

The second step is educating your users on how to send SMS messages. It is actually quite simple. Wireless providers provide 'SMS email addresses' with their service. The table below lists some well known providers and their SMS email address formats.

Provider: Alltel
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: Ameritech/SBC Paging
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 230

Provider: Arch
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: AT&T Wireless
Web page:,,,00.html
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: Cingular Wireless
Web page:,,,00.html
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: Metrocall
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 200

Provider: Nextel
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 500

Provider: Qwest
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: Rogers
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: SkyTel
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 500

Provider: Sprint
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: T-Mobile
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 140

Provider: US Cellular
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Provider: Verizon Wireless
Web page:
Max Mes Length: 160

Armed with the SMS email address it is just a matter of typing then sending the message. As the chart above shows, different providers support different message lengths. When sending a SMS message across providers, message length should be limited to 140 characters to insure cross-provider compatibility. Update your wireless handheld contact list to include SMS addresses and you will have an emergency messaging method if needed.

What happens if I need to send an SMS message to a wireless device and I do not have a wireless device? The SMS address is the key. If the SMS is known, you can send the device a message from a normal email client, the providers web site, or programmatically. Most providers offer the ability to send their customers SMS message via a web page. Text or a button labeled send a text message is prominently displayed on most provider web sites. As this is a revenue source, providers offer everyone the ability to send their customers SMS messages.

Normal email clients can also be used to send SMS messages as long as the SMS address is used and maximum message length requirements are followed.

An often overlooked use for SMS is in alert messaging. Services that perform email, web site, and other network infrastructure monitoring could, and probably should, be setup to use SMS addresses. Since key components could fail and leave normal infrastructure components unusable, SMS offers an alternate way to insure message delivery.

Short Message Service can provide your organization with a redundant message path during emergencies, disasters, and for alert notifications. The service is relatively inexpensive and chances are your devices are SMS capable.

About the Author: Lew Newlin is CTO of SiteRecon, a provider of internet email monitoring and web site monitoring services for business.

Source: www.isnare.comTop Paying Keywords: How To Increase Your Pay Per Click ReturnsChristopher SmithThere is no doubting the success of Google's Adsense program. Even Yahoo! and Kanoodle have joined in on the game, offering to join publishers with advertisers. Given the right circumstances, its a win / win situation for both.

There have been many sites that promote Top Paying Keywords and how if you add these keywords you can instantly improve your Adsense revenue. However, if you really want to see a dramatic increase in pay per clicks, you need to ensure 2 very important areas are addressed. They seem very obvious, but many site owners miss the opportunity to attract higher paying ads simply because they ignore these two areas.


Many would be web designers decide to build a site around the highest paying keywords, yet, forget to optimize their site around a specific keyword. Instead, they forget the basics of how to properly create a title tag, page description, keyword density and having clean search engine spider friendly code.

Remember, its the source code that the Adsense and Kanoodle programs are using to decide what ads will appear. If your top 2 keywords are insurance and downloads, you may find that you end up with ads regarding insurance downloads which of course will not pay much.

Also, having a high keyword density score for the keyword can get you into trouble with the search engines (specifically Google). Keywords spamming is never a good idea.

Optimize your page and you will search more hits to that page and not confuse the bots that create the ads for you.


This is by far the most important and most missed tips. If you are going to include top paying keywords on your site, remember, if you want to attract high paying ads, you need to be selling your visitor on what your advertiser wants. Your content should sell to the visitors needs. Why should your visitor consider car insurance? What are the benefits of car insurance? Where can they get the best quotes? If you pique the interest of your visitor, they are more likely to click on your ads than if they feel that they are not getting the information they came to your site for in the first place.

Your content should have a specific flow to it. If you start jamming keywords into your content, your visitor will automatically suspect that you are trying to deceive them. Once you do that, they are gone! Why waste your visitors time after working so hard to get them to your site in the first place?

Well optimized, focused content will always produce better, higher paying ads. That is why you are a publisher: you want those high paying ads on your site. What use though are those high paying keywords if your content doesn't pique your visitors curiosity? Be passionate about your content, and the click through rates will skyrocket!

Its also important to make sure that you are using the right number of ads per page, but that is for another article!

About the Author: Christopher Smith has been helping people make money through Google Adsense by providing them with the Top Paying Adsense Keywords for his visitors to Adsense Heaven.

Source: www.isnare.comCould Your Email Compromise Your Safety?Tim HenryHackers, phishers, viruses, wormssimply having your computer online can expose your data and personal information to all kinds of malicious and worrisome problems. If youre somewhat new to the 'net' or to computers in general, these four tips could help protect you from identity theft, credit card fraud, or a complete computer takeover all of which can happen without you even knowing about it!

1. Whats in Your Inbox? If your e-mail program allows you to preview the entire message before or while it is being downloaded, turn this setting off. Some e-mails can contain dangerous code that could unknowingly compromise your computer and leave you vulnerable to viruses, worms or worse! Check the options in your e-mail program for a way to disable the message preview pane.

2. Scrutinize Your Messages Dont ever respond to messages claiming to be from your bank, credit card company, or other financial institution, which ask for personally identifiable information such as card or account numbers, passwords, or other private information even if the e-mail looks to have come from the actual company. It may be a hoax designed to get you to unknowingly part with crucial financial or private contact information, leaving you vulnerable to credit card fraud, identity theft or credit card theft. Contact the institution or company that claims to be sending the e-mail and verify the contents of the message with them. Chances are they never sent it. Only use the number on your statement though, and not the number that appears in the e-mail message. It may direct you right to the scammer, who will do everything they can to assure you that nothing is wrong!

3. If its From a Friend, it must be Safe, Right? Its logical to assume that a message from your friend or colleague is safe, but that isnt always the case! If you receive an email from a friend or colleague which contains an attachment (could be a media clip, a screensaver, a picture or anything else), call them up to check and see if they really did send it. Many viruses and worms can hijack your computer and blast out a virus-ridden email to everyone in your address book, making it appear that it came from you and therefore, making it appear trustworthy.

4. Read Your Messages in Plain Text Some e-mails written in HTML (the coding language that makes up many web pages) can be harmless. Others can contain malicious code that can hijack your e-mail program, browser, or your entire computer and send your personal and financial information out to a hacker or scammer without you even knowing about it! Stay safe by setting your e-mail program to only show messages in plain text format (often in the options or settings section of the software). This will prevent threatening code from installing itself and compromising your system and private information.

Possibly one of the best ways to protect your e-mail is simply by exercising common sense. The Internet is a lot like a crowded plaza. Would your banker or credit card lender walk out into the middle of the throng of people and shout out to you to ask for your account information? Would you tell him where everyone could hear? Definitely not! The same caution should be exercised when checking your e-mail. These tips can help you stop scammers dead in their tracks while keeping you from becoming another victim of fraud or theft.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comThe Lowdown On VoIPMike SchudaIt seems like technology is headed for a massive telephone change over. The traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is looking to be replaced by VoIP. VoIP is short for Voice over IP. VoIP is the routing of conversations over an IP network or the Internet. VoIP uses a packet-switched network instead of the circuit-switched voice transmission lines used by traditional telephone networks. VoIP does not need an Internet connection to work. A company that has a LAN connection with all of its computers can utilize VoIP technology.

VoIP is a great technology, but has a variety of issues with implementation. VoIP may face problems with latency because IPs do not provide Quality of Service guarantees, nor do they provide their packets of information in sequential order. High-speed Internet connections are required for VoIP and firewalls often prove tricky for VoIP technology. To combat this, many people use Session Border Controllers (SBC).

VoIP technology has many advantages. There are more new features with VoIP because of the lack of an International Telecommunications Union. VoIP is still very much an open market for developers, so the technology is constantly being improved. VoIP also has a lower cost than traditional sources because of the monopolies that exist or traditional phone companies being controlled by the government. Some users even see VoIP phone calls as free because they do not have to pay extra for the service. The user only pays the Internet service provider, and therefore the usage of VoIP seems to be free. You can also take your VoIP phone wherever you go because all you need is a network connection to make it work. VoIP technology will also benefit network agents who work for call centers. Agents can help callers from anywhere in the country with an Internet connection. Finally, because VoIP is on the computer, there is increased functionality. Conference calls can be held, information can be sent, and things like address books can be updated and shared over VoIP.

While VoIP has many advantages, there are a few drawbacks to the service. One of the biggest drawbacks is reliability. Telephone lines have back up generators in case of power outages, so phones can keep working. Because VoIP is connected to the Internet, a power outage will end a VoIP call when the computer shuts down. To combat this, users must buy an expensive uninterruptible power supply or a generator that must then be installed on the premises. Internet connections are also subject to disconnection, depending on crowded networks, and the quality of the ISP. If the Internet connection drops, then the VoIP call will be dropped. VoIP is also a problem for emergency calls. Because of the nature of the Internet and VoIP systems, emergency workers cannot trace calls. In the event that someone with an emergency has a problem but is unable to give an address, the emergency worker will not be able to trace the call and find the person. VoIP carriers are already attempting to fix this problem by implementing a technical work-around. Finally, it will be very difficult to integrate VoIP on a massive scale, because while the standard Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) has a common standard, VoIP does not.

VoIP has many advantages as well as some large drawbacks. The main roadblock in the way of global VoIP adoption is reliability. When VoIP proves that it can be just as reliable as traditional telephone services have been over many years, then it will start to be adopted. VoIP technology is always improving, so the problems with VoIP today are likely to be solved sooner than many people expect. VoIP can truly revolutionize both the business world and home life.

About the Author: Mike Schuda is fascinated by new technologies and writes for VoIP Lowdown ( ).

Source: www.isnare.comDifference Between .MP3 And .WAVTolga UlucayMP3s are good files to use for the uploading of your audio discs. These compressed files are small in comparison to WAV files, thus making them ideal for uploading, please note however the MP3s are the sample rate of CD quality. The audio reproduced from an MP3 file is difficult for the average ear to differentiate from the same audio played back from a standard CD. The best reproduction is accomplished by using WAV files. These files are generally 40 to 50 MB in size each. Uploading 4 or 5 WAV files is quite feasible.

There is a difference in quality between the two audio formats. The .mp3 format was designed for quicker file transfers over the internet. It is lossy data compression; meaning insignificant data is removed thereby decreasing the file size to approximately 1/7th of the original file size.

To the common ear, the difference in audio quality is negligible. To an audio engineer, or someone who listens intently to music often, there will definitely be a significant/noticeable loss in quality. There is normally a degradation in:

1) the clarity of the upper frequencies and

2) the punchy-ness of the lower frequencies.

Also, depending on the quality of the conversion, and bit-rate and sample-rate used, sometimes a noticeable phaser effect is introduced.

The downside to working with. wav files is the significant increase in file size. Uploading this type of a file will result in a much longer transfer time when uploading.

The answer to the question, Is there a difference between the two formats?, is yes. Is the difference noticeable? That depends on the listener and how good their speakers and listening environment are.

About the Author: Tolga UlucayDiskFaktory Musicians Resource Manager & web designer('s Personal Web Site( )

Source: www.isnare.comDigital Cameras + Photo Printers = Quality Instant PhotographsW R KirkIn the 1950's and 1960's Polaroid's instant cameras were all the rage. You could shoot a picture and have the finished print in a minute or so. The quality wasn't that great, but hey, you had your pictures now! Today with digital cameras and high-tech photo printers, we have quality instant photos virtually indistinguishable from processed prints. And unlike the old instant cameras, you have the digital equivalent of a negative for future use.

Checking photo printer reviews happily discloses that even an inexpensive photo printer produces true photo quality prints. The main difference in printer prices has to do with features for printing digital pictures. Of course the best digital photo printers will produce better quality, but for the average consumer theres no noticeable difference.

A Quick Review of Printer Types

The two types of true photo printers are: 1) thermal dye transfer (usually called dye sublimation), and 2) photo ink jet. A quick photo printer review reveals the differences.

Thermal Dye - These printers dry transfer pigments from a ribbon, usually 3 colors plus a protective clear coat. Most have a maximum print size of 4 X 6, but a few will print digital photo enlargements up to 8 X 10. Many are portable, some even battery operated. A thermal dye printer's 300 X 300 dpi resolution will match an ink jet's 1200 X 4800, and the print's clear coat makes it look and feel more like a conventional photograph.

Photo Ink Jet - Differences from traditional ink jet printers include; faster printing, inks formulated specifically for photos, and more nozzles applying the ink. Prints are very high quality and generally cost less than thermal dye transfer prints. Photo ink jet printers print photos up to 13 X 19, and can also serve as an all-purpose printer for your computer.

Tips for Comparing Printers and Printing Photos

If you want to print photos directly from the camera, both camera and printer should be PictBridge compliant. Most camera/printer dock combos are brand & model specific so if you replace either one, you can't use it with the other. PictBridge is a standard allowing any compliant camera and printer to interface with a USB cable.

When reviewing printers make sure they will print the sizes you want. Otherwise you may not always be able to get the prints you want, and/or waste a lot of paper and ink in doing so.

Just because a printer has a lot of whistles & bells, high resolution settings, etc., doesn't mean it will give you better pictures. Look for the features you will actually use, and by all means carefully compare the finished print quality for each printer.

Download some free photo editing software for easy picture enhancements. It isn't necessary to buy expensive computer software when you can find a free photo editor with a quick Internet search.

Photo printer technology has come a long way in the last couple of years. Even though do-it-yourself prints are still about double the cost of print processing services, it's still cheaper than conventional film processing and the flexibility and convenience can be well worth it.

About the Author: Digital cameras information from A to Z: camera types & features, how they work, accessories, photo printers, comparisons and more - plus digital photo processing tips and info at, Your Complete A-Z Resource for Digital Cameras, Accessories and Information. 2005 A-Z Digital Cameras All rights reserved

Source: www.isnare.comIs Digital Camera Technology Making Film Obsolete?W R KirkPerhaps not yet, but the handwriting might be on the wall

How is a digital camera different from a film camera? What are pixels and why are they important? Whats the difference between optical and digital zoom? What advantages do digital cameras have compared to film cameras? Lets address these and other questions as we discuss digital camera technology.

First a short history and overview of digital imaging

The technology began with television in the early 1950s when researchers discovered how to convert video images to electrical signals for storage on magnetic tape. In the 1970's electronic still photo cameras were developed. These employed the first generations of solid-state image sensors. By the late 1980's megapixel sensors were introduced - the technology that paved the way to today's modern digital cameras.

Fundamentally, film and digital cameras do the same thing. Both utilize camera lenses to focus photographic images on a light sensitive medium where they are stored for later retrieval. But the way each camera does this is radically different.

Instead of capturing the image on film that must be developed and printed, digital cameras measure light and color characteristics using photodiodes built into a sensor - either a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) or Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). An Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) then converts the signal to binary, or digital, code. This code is sent to a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) which adjusts photographic elements such as contrast and color, and compresses the file for storage in the cameras memory, compact flash card, or other memory device.

Digital cameras have huge advantages when it comes to viewing and printing photos. It's nearly instantaneous! We can immediately look at the picture on the camera's LED screen, and if we dont like it, delete it and shoot again. Or we download and view it on our computer's monitor. And the pictures can be cropped or enhanced in minutes on the computer with photo software and printed with a photo printer. Plus many digital cameras have optional printer docks that don't require a computer at all.

Whats a Pixel?

The human eye perceives a nearly infinite blending of light and color which high-quality film can approximate in a photograph. A digital image however, is a binary code file that records these variations as elements called pixels - short for picture elements.

Pixels are tiny squares of light and color, that when assembled create a mosaic. And like a mosaic, if the squares are small enough we see a smooth, photographic image. However, if the pixels are too big the transitions appear jagged or out of focus.

More pixels equal higher resolution and photos with clearer sharper detail, much like when you look at a mosaic with very small elements. For example, a 3 Megapixel digital camera can produce pretty good snapshots and even enlargements to about 8 X 10. But the more you enlarge, crop or otherwise manipulate the image, the larger the pixels become, degrading the photos quality.

Does size matter?

The number of pixels the sensor produces is important, but so is the quality. The CCD sensors of many small digital cameras are about the size of a small fingernail, while some larger models will feature sensors up to about 1 across. There are conflicting opinions about sensor type and size, and the technology is advancing. But in general it can be argued that the photodiodes in a tiny CCD probably wont be as powerful or effective as an equal number in a larger sensor.

So unless your most important considerations are the smallest and/or cheapest camera, youre likely to be happier with the picture quality from a slightly larger model, assuming both have the same number of pixels.

All Zooms are not equal

The specs say the camera has 3X optical and 4X digital for a 12X total zoom. Sounds good, right? The answer is yes and no. Optical zoom works like a telescope, while digital zoom crops the picture. Using these zoom specs with our 3 megapixel camera example, heres what happens.

Optical zoom brings the image 3X closer and uses all 3 million pixels. But digital zoom crops up to 75% of what the lens sees and the sensor is exposed to, so the photo now has about 750,000 pixels. Depending on lighting and other conditions, using full digital zoom may not even get you a good 4 X 6 print.

The Future of Digital Photography

The last few years have seen tremendous advancement in digital imaging technology. Some high-end digital cameras can now generate more than 12 million pixels and produce photos that rival medium-format film cameras. As with all electronic technology, its reasonable to expect even better cameras will come to the market over the next several years.

Photography purists will probably resist abandoning their film cameras as long as possible. But when comparing convenience, flexibility and quality, it seems inevitable that the majority of photographers will opt for digital over film photography and probably sooner rather than later.

About the Author: Digital cameras information from A to Z: camera types & features, how they work, accessories, photo printers, comparisons and more - plus digital photo processing tips and info at, Your Complete A-Z Resource for Digital Cameras, Accessories and Information. 2005 A-Z Digital Cameras All rights reserved

Source: www.isnare.comWindows vs. Linux, A ComparisonSamuel MurrayMany of you who are reading this article are using Windows as most of the other internet users do. There is a huge difference between the number of users of LINUX and Windows. Some say Windows is much better than LINUX because it gives you an easy handling of the hardware and software. Some say LINUX is much better because it started as Open Source software and thats why it is much more flexible than Windows. Then why there is a huge market difference between these operating systems?

The answer to this question is quite easy. Since 1985, computer users and programmers became so accustomed to using Windows, even for the changing capabilities and the appearances of the graphical interface of the versions, therefore it always stayed as the product of Microsoft. On the other hand, LINUX has so many different versions from a variety of companies some of which are namely Lycoris, Red Hat, SuSE, Mandrake, Knoppix, Slackware, Lindows. These companies release their own versions of the operating systems with slight changes, and yet always with the same kernel. This variety and the fact that none of these companies are even close to competing with Windows, mostly causes the difference in the market. Nevertheless, this reality might drastically change after Novells purchase of SuSE.

Linux and Windows differ in many aspects. First of all, the Linux GUI is optional while the Windows GUI is an integral component of the OS; speed, efficiency and reliability are all increased by running a server instance of Linux without a GUI, something that server versions of Windows can not do. The detached nature of the Linux GUI makes remote control and remote administration of a Linux computer simpler and more natural than a Windows computer.

Secondly the command prompts of these operating systems are quite different. In general, the command interpreters in the Windows 9x series are very similar to each other and the NT class versions of Windows (NT, 2000, XP) also have similar command interpreters. There are, however differences between a Windows 9x command interpreter and one in an NT class flavor of Windows. Linux, like all versions of UNIX, supports multiple command interpreters, but it usually uses one called BASH (Bourne Again Shell). Others are the Korn shell, the Bourne shell, ash and the C shell (pun, no doubt, intended).

The costs are amazingly different. While you have to pay some hundred dollars for a new version of Windows, you can simply go and download Linux. As it comes from the nature of Linux, there are no manuals or simple installers for the free version, however. You really have to know what you are doing while using this free package. There are also some easy automated packages of Linux for low prices, as well.

The security issues with Windows, as most of you already know, are the biggest cons of Microsoft. Most of the malicious files, spyware, adware programs deal with Windows. You generally do not deal with these kinds of unwanted circumstances unless you are working with Windows. The user-id and password protection for Windows can also be easily bypassed, whereas Linux offers a strong protection.

The only area that Windows beats Linux in this competition is the software availability. As it was mentioned above, most of the software releases are configured for Windows. If you are using Linux, you have to emulate Windows with a special software and then you can use your windows based programs. Another option can be to install Windows as a subsystem to Linux which takes all administrative abilities of Windows and gives them to Linux.

After mentioning some of the different aspects of these operating systems, it can be said that all Linux needs to compete with Windows is some user friendly interface and a strong company support which can provide the users with technical information and user manuals.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comAre You Prepared For A Hard Drive Crash?Tim HenryIts just a matter of time before you experience a hard drive problem. Are you prepared to loose your data? If your hard drive crashed right now do you have an action plan to follow?

Most people only think of backing up their data after they experience a problem. Don't set yourself up for a data loss disaster.

Your data integrity action plan should consist of the following:

1) How often you will back up your data

2) What data you will back up

3) What back up procedure you will use

How often you back up your data can only be determined by how important you feel it is. Answer this question If my hard drive crashed right now, I would be alright if I had the data from at least (time) ago.

Of course you would want everything but if you could have the data from 1 month, or 6 months ago would that be sufficient? Whatever time is sufficient mark it on your calendar both a hard copy and set up a meeting on your PC to remind you.

You change your smoke detector batteries when you turn your clock back and when you turn it ahead right? Well back up your data then too.

If you don't change your clocks then pick some holidays or special dates that happen close to the timeframe you want to back up your data so you won't forget.

What data you back up depends on how you use your PC. Some of the key directories, if you are using Windows, are the My Documents, Favorites and Desktop directories.

Remember if you are using multiple profiles on your PC then the three directories above can be different for each profile and each one would need to be backed up.

You will also want to include your email data. Don't forget to write down the email accounts you have. You should also write down any username and passwords so they are not lost. You should look at every directory to see if it has information that you would need.

Make a list of all the software programs you are using. If you have the physical CDs put them all together in a safe location.

Don't forget the CDs for your peripherals like your scanner, digital camera, PDA etc Collecting these CDs may remind you of additional data that you need to back up.

If you are running software that you installed from downloaded files, burn them to a CD-R and add it to your collection. If you use a CD-R or DVD-R you can update it as you download and install new applications.

What procedure you use to back up your data can be determined by the amount of data you want to back up. Your data might fit onto a CD or DVD in which case you just need to burn it and you're done.

If it spans multiple DVDs then you might want to consider getting a second hard drive to copy your data onto. If you are not comfortable with adding a second internal hard drive or you are using a laptop then you can purchase an external hard drive to back up your data.

The information you have on your hard drive could disappear in a flash. If you don't want to spend up to $3,000 to have a data recovery company retrieve what information they can from your hard drive, then take a few minutes right now and create your back up action plan.

If you ever have a data emergency your action plan will be your insurance policy. If you adhere to it, your valuable data will adhere to you!

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comInvest Wisely When Buying A LaptopRyan LarsonHave you priced a laptop computer lately? Buying a new laptop is a big investment; and just how big of an investment you want to make is entirely up to you. Look in your Sunday newspaper flyers to see countless models on sale each week. Initially selections were made by looking at the specifications and the general appearance. However thats not the sole criteria any longer. Everyday more and more people are now stepping inside the mobile world. With so many models of laptops now available, how can you be sure about the choice you make? Below are several factors you should consider: CPU (Central Processing Unit), Video Card, hard disk, noise, battery life and RAM (Random Access Memory).

CPU is the main component which determines the performance of your computer and also the heating and the battery life. There is a trade-off between the CPU performance and the battery-life and power consumption (heating). If you want a laptop which would replace a desktop and if you are not planning to travel with it a lot then there are several different offers with desktop CPUs integrated in the laptop main board (such as a P4).

If you are fond of mobility and are going to use your new laptop for your business purposes or school, then you should consider buying a laptop with more suitable CPUs. AMD Athlon can be a solution: Athlon processors are designed for users who are looking for economical solutions, both purchase and usage. Older models of Athlon are no where near Intel Pentium products from the point of performance, and yet new models like 2800+ are potent enough to compete with P4 2.8 GHz.

There is one more model of CPU that many of the customers prefer: Centrino. Centrino is the new attempt of Intel to balance the tradeoff between the performance and mobility issues. With the 2 MB second level cash, the Pentium CPU is modified for the laptop which eases the burden of the CPU and implicitly pulls down the levels of heating and power consumption.

RAM and the graphic card are also two important factors for the quality of the laptop. There are two kinds of RAM on the market: SD RAM and DD RAM. In any case, there is no tradeoff, no comparison: DD RAM is better, and yet, you still have to be careful about the clock specification of the RAM. If you buy a RAM with 3.0 MHz clock speed, you will see the performance improvement it supplies to the whole system. Another thing to consider is that some computers have 512 MB RAM with two slots (256 x 2) which is not very good for the new laptop you are going to buy. Overall, if you want a good laptop, you should consider one equipped with a 3.0 MHz, 512 MB, DD RAM.

There are various video cards on the market today. The first thing you should check is the ON-Board specification in the video card. These cards are integrated into the main board and generally use your main RAM as for the video memory. If you are going to use your laptop for general purposes, not for gaming or 3-D design which would require 3D hardware acceleration, these laptops with onboard video card are for you. However, if you are a professional Counter Strike player, you would be disappointed with the screen delays and freezes.

The last technical detail is the hard disk. While buying a hard disk there is a detail which is much more important then the capacity: RPM. Rotation Per Minute determines how fast the data transfer rate is to the CPU to be processed so this specification also plays a huge role while dealing with multimedia stuff.

So if youre in the market for a new laptop computer, one suggestion is to consider buying a Centrino laptop with an onboard video card with a big RAM if you are planning to use it for school or business purposes and also randomly for movies and music. Nevertheless, Pentium computers with AGP or PCI Express video off-board video cards would give you the performance of a desktop if you dont mind the weight, noise and the heating of the laptop.

With so many decisions to make, take your time; do your homework and invest wisely.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comThe Skinny On RFIDJohn HansonRFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is a method used to store and retrieve data using RFID transponders or tags. RFID tags have antennas that allow them to accept and respond to queries from the RFID transceiver. There are passive and active RFID tags. The difference between the two is that passive tags do not need an internal power source, but active tags do. RFID technology is already used in many technologies today. The future of RFID technology seems limitless as new ways to utilize its effectiveness are discovered frequently.

Passive and Active Tags

As stated before, passive RFID tags do not have an internal power supply. There is a minute electrical current induced in the antenna by the radio signal it receives. This small current is enough to power the tag to respond to the signal. Passive RFID tags have a very brief response because of their limited power. They are very small, and may be used in the future for medical purposes or, as some fear, tracking devices. Passive RFID tags can be embedded within the skin because of their small size. The smallest RFID tag in existence in 2005 was 0.4 mm by 0.4 mm. Passive tags have a read distance that ranges from 10mm to almost 6 meters. Passive tags are cheaper than active RFID tags and as a result are more commercially available. Active RFID tags have a longer range and larger memory capacity than passive RFID tags and may therefore be able to store a significantly higher amount of information. Active RFID tags may have a battery life of up to 10 years.

How it Works

In order to understand the uses, and potential uses, of RFID technology, one must understand the RFID system. RFID systems consist of tag readers, tags, edge servers, middleware, and application software. Having an RFID system will allow data to be transmitted by a tag, which is then read by the RFID reader and processed in accordance with the applications specifications. Data transmitted can have information about the location of the tag, or specifics concerning the product tagged. Typical RFID systems have a small and inexpensive tag on a product. There is then an interrogator which has a certain range in which to detect the RFID tag, activate it, and receive the response.

Current and Potential Uses

RFID technology is used in every day life. RFID tags are found in CD stores and in library books. When an alarm goes off because an item was not purchased or checked out, that is the RFID tag responding. Wal-Mart has even used RFID tags on shipments to improve supply chain management. Other RFID tags are used to track trucks in shipping yards. More recently, RFID tags have been used in automated tool booth systems like the E-ZPass system on the east coast. Mobile gas also implemented RFID technology to allow customers to simply pull up to the pump, pump gas, and then leave without having to scan a credit card or pay a cashier.

RFID technology has great potential and is constantly being improved. RFID workers are constantly trying to improve the current usage in systems like E-ZPass. It was recently announced that the eastern states will be improving E-ZPass so that cars can move faster through the tool-booth (35mph rather than 5mph). RFID technology may also be used to monitor inmates, and potentially parolees. Some consumers worry as to citizen privacy invasions by the government. RFID technology is always growing, and the government may be able to use RFID to inspect citizens, or keep track of them. Currently, however, RFID technology seems to be limited to the innovation sphere. RFID technology has been utilized to make the lives of consumers easier and more efficient. Despite the qualms of some citizens, RFID has a very bright future.

About the Author: John Hanson writes about RFID technology for RFID Lowdown ( ).

Source: www.isnare.comThe Benefits Of Disposable CamerasJason GluckmanDisposable cameras are cheap and easy to use. If you just want to take some snapshots and have fun then this is the camera for you. You can buy them in bulk for weddings and other special occasions. You can even take some of them underwater. Whether you take them snorkeling or to a messy kids birthday party, you wont have to worry about ruining your expensive equipment.

Disposable cameras are also called single-use or one-time cameras. You can get both digital and film disposable cameras. Theyre available almost everywhere, from your local camera store to the grocery store. These cameras take all the work, worry and fuss out of picture taking and leave pure enjoyment. The photo quality is often quite good, and the point-and-shoot nature of almost all disposable cameras mean that you can capture those moments that are missed as you fiddle with all the buttons and wires and the 100+ pages of detailed instructions in your expensive camera's owner's manual. Additionally, when you point a little plastic camera at someone, the reaction you get will likely be very different; people are disarmed, more casual and open.

There are a wide variety of Disposable Cameras on the market - and many uses for them, too. Most models come with a rear monitor to view images. They are fully automatic, including the flash (if they have one), usually have a self-timer, and occasionally have an image-delete function. Prices for a camera with the capability for 25 or 27 pictures range from $9 to $19. These prices may or may not include processing, which adds around $10. You can get cheaper prices if you buy in wholesale in quantity or buy without a flash. They can be as inexpensive as $2.00 each!

Most models will yield an image of sufficient quality that it can be blown up to an 8 X 10 inch print, but not all. Some models that are under $10 create overexposed flash images when used with the camera's short flash range (only 4 feet to 8 feet). Another drawback with some of the cheaper models especially is that the viewfinder can be difficult to see through. Typically, even the more expensive versions make you wait between flashes, limiting how many pictures you can take in a given period of time.

Many disposable cameras have a rear monitor that lets you delete the image you just took. However, on most of these, you cannot scroll through the photos you have taken, or use the screen to frame a photo. On some of the less expensive models, the delete function is useless because there is no rear monitor to see what you are deleting.

Both the film disposable camera and the digital disposable camera are convenient and fun, but if you are looking for professional results or a variety of options, stick with the higher end film or digital cameras. And if you shoot photos on a regular basis, it's cheaper in the long run to purchase a regular, non-disposable camera even if you pay to process the prints.

However, having the option to take a disposable camera with you on a family vacation, work party or wedding can be great. Sometimes you dont want to take an expensive camera on a trip for fear it will be stolen, youll leave it behind, or it might get broken - an alternative solution comes in the form of the less expensive but perfectly serviceable disposable camera. You get the photos you want without the worry you dont need.

About the Author: Disposable Cameras provides detailed information about digital, wedding, and underwater disposable cameras, as well as cheap and wholesale disposable cameras. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.

Source: www.isnare.comWhich Water Purification Systems Are Best? - A Comparison Of The Three Most Common TechnologiesC.J. GustafsonFresh water is essential to our health and comfort. Not only do we rely on it to stay hydrated, we use it in many other ways including bathing, cleaning and cooking food, and laundering our clothes. Fresh water has long been a concern of both public communities and private individuals, and several different water purification systems and treatment technologies have been developed to help ensure that tap water is safe for human consumption. But how do these different technologies compare?

Whether you get your water from a well or a city system, water sources can become contaminated by bacteria, runoff, and improper treatment. Even if water isnt contaminated, it may contain iron and other hard minerals that cause discoloration and can build up in the body, or chlorine that leaves an unpleasant odor and taste. Consequently, many people choose to treat or filter their water to improve flavor and protect against contaminants.

Chlorine is commonly used by municipal water treatment plants and is effective in killing many different bacteria. However, it is not effective against some organisms such as Cryposporidium and Giardia. Both of these organisms can be found in lakes, rivers, and ground water and can cause serious intestinal illness.

As mentioned, many people feel that chlorine leaves an unpleasant taste and smell. In addition, there have been numerous cases where the city water supply became contaminated despite the fact that it was treated. People with city water supplies often use other water purifiers and home water filters to ensure that their water is pure and tastes good. The three most common options are carbon filters, reverse osmosis water filters, and ultraviolet light water purification.

Each of these technologies uses a different approach to treat water, and they each have different levels of effectiveness against various contaminants. One may work well to remove chemicals but be completely ineffective against bacteria, and vice versa.

In reality, there is no single filter or treatment that will eliminate every contaminant from your water. The best approach is to have your water tested for contaminants and then purchase a home water purifier that guards against the particular contaminants that cause you concern.

Another option is to combine treatment technologies. Most higher-end systems use a combination of carbon filters and one of the other treatment technologies to achieve the best results. Lets look at the different technologies to see where each is effective.

Carbon Filters
Carbon is one of the most powerful absorbents available and it has been used for many years as a means of removing impurities. The absorbing powers of carbon can be further enhanced by adding a slightly positive electrical charge. This is known as activated carbon, and it is used in many standard home water filters. As the water passes over the positively charged carbon, the negative ions of the contaminants are drawn to the surface of the carbon granules and removed from the water.

Activated carbon filters typically use granular activated carbon (GAC) or powdered block carbon. Both work well for filtering and purifying but carbon block filters have been shown to remove more contaminants. Either type of activated carbon filters help reduce or remove a wide variety of contaminants, including:

volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)
pesticides and herbicides
chlorine, radon, and other chemicals often found in tap water.

All of this protection comes in a relatively inexpensive package. You can purchase carbon filter systems that fit on your faucet for about $30, or you can choose a whole house water purification system that utilizes carbon filter technology for around $100.

However, unless they are densely compacted, most carbon block filters are not effective at removing heavy metals or bacteria. For this reason, many people consider combining carbon filters with one of the other types of water purification systems.

Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

Reverse osmosis, also known as hyperfiltration or ultra-filtration, was developed with U.S. government funding as a means of desalinating ocean water. A reverse osmosis water purifier uses a semi-permeable membrane that allows pure water to pass through it, while contaminants are trapped by the tiny pores in the membrane.

The process requires that the water be pressurized to help force it through the membrane. Most standard residential water systems have sufficient pressure. Like activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis also uses charged particles to help filter out impurities.

The effectiveness of a reverse osmosis water purifier depends on the density of the membrane. A membrane with larger pores will obviously let larger impurities pass through. It is also important that the membrane be cleaned regularly for proper functioning.

Higher quality reverse osmosis water filters use a process known as crossflow to allow the membrane to continually clean itself. Crossflow directs some of the water downstream from the membrane, sweeping the rejected contaminants away so they do not build up and block the membrane.

There are two types of membranes commonly used in reverse osmosis water filters --Thin Film Composite (TFC) and Cellulose Triacetate (CTA). TFC membranes are noticeably more effective the CTA membranes but they tend to be less resistant to the deteriorating effects of chlorine. This problem can be avoided by using an activated carbon pre-filter to remove the chlorine first.

Reverse osmosis water purifiers come in different sizes and styles including countertop and whole house water purification systems. They are capable of filtering out a long list of contaminants including:

chlorine and other treatment related products
salts, sugars, proteins
heavy metals

One drawback of reverse osmosis water filters is that they are more expensive than carbon filter treatment systems, with the average home system costing around $300. Also, the purification process is usually somewhat slow due to the use of pressurized water. It can take an entire day to produce 15 gallons of purified water. And a typical reverse osmosis water purifier may need up to 8 gallons of untreated water to generate a single gallon of purified water.

UV Water Purification

As the name implies, ultraviolet light water purification systems use ultraviolet (UV) light to treat water and render microorganisms harmless. The UV light comes from a high intensity lamp that is usually enclosed in a protective quartz sleeve. When water passes through the water treatment system, the UV light damages the structure of any organisms and makes them sterile.

Although a UV water purifier requires electricity to operate, it draws about the same amount of energy as a light bulb. However, the lamp bulb itself needs to be replaced every year to ensure adequate intensity.

While whole house UV water purification systems are effective on most bacteria, viruses, molds, algae and other organisms, they do not remove chlorine, heavy metals, VOCs, or other chemicals. And countertop UV systems, which expose the water to UV lighting for less time, do not always remove all organisms.

UV water purifiers average around $700 for a whole house system, making them more expensive initially than other types of treatments. In addition, without a pre-filter system, contaminants can build up and reduce the intensity of the UV lamp. For these reasons, many people combine UV water purification systems with carbon filters, which also increases the costs.

As you can see, each of the three common water treatment technologies has its advantages and drawbacks. Deciding which is best depends on your budget and the type of water contaminants you want to remove or prevent. A test of your tap water will help you determine the appropriate water filtration system for your needs.

About the Author: C.J. Gustafson is a successful writer for She has researched and compared a variety of systems such as reverse osmosis water filters to help remove iron from her well water.Copyright 2005

Source: www.isnare.com10 Questions About Cellular Phones AnsweredAlex Fir1. What's the difference between analog and digital phones?

Analog phones operate on an older and less effective technology. This technology doesn't scale well and is more costly. Analog service is not compatible with numerous new features. Digital phones are lighter and more compact and have a longer battery life. When you are inside of a calling area the quality is better than analog. Digital phones support new features like caller ID, text messaging or wireless internet services.

2. What is a Dual Band Phone?

A Dual band phone is a phone that can operate on an analog and digital service.

3. What type of battery has the longest life?

Lithium-Ion or Li-Ion batteries have the longest life. They also happen to be the lightest in weight. The two pluses means there is minus attached, which is price. A li-ion battery will always be the most expensive type of battery available.

4. What's the difference between the Stand-by time and Talk time?

Your phone is in standby mode when your phone is on but you aren't talking. The power consumption is minimal and the phone can stay in this mode for a longer period of time. When you are using the phone you are using talk time. This consumes battery power at a much quicker rate. Your battery life will be somewhere between talk time and standby time

5. What is a roaming charge?

A roaming charge is when you make a call from outside of your calling area. Your calling area is defined by plan local, regional or national.

6. What are peak and off peak hours?

Peak hours are during the day when the cellular networks are very busy. These minutes are at premium and your plan will typically include the smallest amount of these. If you use more than your allotted peak minutes they will be billed at a much higher rate than off peak minutes. Off peak is the exact opposite of peak time. Each cellular provider has their own definition of off peak.

7. What are anytime minutes?

Anytime minutes are simply put minutes you can use anytime, peak or off peak. On most plans you will use anytime minutes first.

8. Do I pay for the call when someone calls me?

Usually yes. You are billed for the airtime when you receive a call. However some service providers are offering unlimited in network calls.

9. Should I buy a cell phone or look for a free cellular phone?

Free phones generally speaking don't have the latest features, they are anywhere from 6 to 12 months behind. Also, free cell phones generally come with longer contracts. But, it is still possible to get a great deal on a free cell phone.

10. What to do if you want to upgrade/downgrade or cancel your service plan?

You can usually upgrade to higher plan without any cost. Some may force you to extend your contract for 1 to 2 years from that point. Downgrading your plan is often times not an option and when it is there is usually a penalty or fine.

About the Author: If you are planning to buy cellular phone visit Wireless Cell Phone Center for the latest news and information.

Source: www.isnare.comHow To Upgrade Your PCAlex FirBefore you upgrade your PC hardware its best to search all options and ask for advice. Only after this you can go and buy a new component. Its also useful to check if you really need an upgrade.

Do not upgrade your very old PC because it would cost a lot of money. Its cheaper to buy a new computer in such cases because they are easier to upgrade later.

Upgrading the hard drive:

The majority of people do not really need to upgrade their hard disk, unless they use it for playing a lot of music, movies, and games. A 20 GB hard drive is sufficient to keep new office and internet applications, and all your files and data.

A medium sized hard drive would be around 40 GB and the maximum would be around 60 80 GB.

Before upgrading your hard disk its best to do a complete disk checkup including disk scan, defragmentation, etc. If you happen to be an average user and need more storage you can add an additional drive to the existing one. Before an upgrade, be sure to back up your files.

Upgrading the RAM:

RAM or Random Access Memory is the short-term memory of the PC. It keeps data that is being worked on now and may or may not be transferred to the hard drive that represents the long-term memory of the computer.

Current processors can perform an enormous number of operations per second. The hard drive, on the other hand, is significantly slower to handle so much information. This is where a high-speed RAM memory comes in. RAM needs a power supply to keep data. Once the power is turned off the data is lost.

Almost all PCs have 64 MB RAM and often 128 MB. If you want to run newer applications on your PC then you must upgrade to 128/256 MB RAM.

A lot of people who upgrade from 98 to Win 2000 discover that their computers lock up very often. This is because they don't have enough RAM.

CPU upgrade:

If you choose this upgrade, you will have faster execution of instructions but it leaves the RAM and hard drive capacity unchanged.

This sis the most cost effective upgrade and can increase the efficiency of your computer
considerably. Seek a professional help before you take a decision.


Upgrading motherboard is not such a good proposition unless you replace the CPU and the RAM as well to achieve greater performance levels. You upgrade the motherboard either because the current one doesnt support a faster CPU or the CPU requires a different socket. It could be very expensive. Think about buying a new PC.


Ports are sockets at the back of your computer where you plug in external devices. Older PCs work on parallel ports. If you need to work a lot on peripherals such as digital cameras, digital camcorders, CD burners, and scanners then you need to upgrade to USB and Firewire ports if you are not using them already.

Both tend to be cheaper than the parallel and SCSI devices they replace. Always make sure that there are no compatibility problems with other devices in your PC when you plan to upgrade any hardware on your machine.

About the Author: If you are planning to buy laptop computer visit Laptop Computer Center for the latest news and information.

Source: www.isnare.comSelecting The Right Air Compressor For Your Air ToolKaitlin CarruthAn air compressor is used to power air tools such as spray guns, air sanders, air wrenches, air hammers, and much more. While not as widely used, air tools are more powerful than traditional electric power tools. Air tools offer more torque and RPM than electric tools not to mention that they are significantly lighter (since they do not have their own individual electric motors) which makes them much easier to handle. Air tools are also less expensive, more versatile, and longer lasting. Overall, an air tool accomplishes a task more rapidly and effectively.

When selecting an air compressor, it is important to understand the needs of your air tool. These are some characteristics of air compressors that you should look at in order to select one that will work best for your air tool needs.

Amount of Power Needed

One of the most important factors that must be decided is the amount or power needed for your air tool. While this power can be measured in several different types of units, the most useful is the CFM (cubic feet per minute). The more common household air tools require 0-5 CFM while larger air tools such as sanders or polishers may need 10 CFM or more. The air compressor you choose depends on the type or air tool you will be using.

Gasoline vs. Electrical Air Compressor

One of the first things you have to do is decide whether you want a gasoline driven-engine or an electrical driven-engine air compressor to run your air tool. I would recommend the natural gas air compressor. Natural gas air compressors are very reliable (at the 99.9 percent reliability level), cost effective, and reduce electric energy consumption. These are all very important characteristics if you are planning on using your air compressor frequently. However, an electric air compressor can be a nice alternative if you are using it in an enclosed area where fumes are intolerable.

Size of the Tank

Think of your air compressor tank as an air tank that you would use to go SCUBA diving. The longer periods of time you are using it the larger the tank you will need. Air Tools that are for shorter use (air hammers, impact wrenches, etc.) will not need as big of a tank as air tools that need a continuous flow of air (grinders, sanders, etc.).

Type of Pump

There are two main types of pumps to choose from: a direct-drive pump and a belt-driven pump. The direct-drive pump is lightweight and is meant to last for five hundred hours. This type of air compressor is not for heavy use but more for around the house projects. The belt-driven pump lasts three times longer, has less vibration and is quieter than the direct drive model. The belt-driven pump requires an oil change every now and then, but do not let this discourage you from it since these occasional oil changes are really not that much of a hassle.

Vertical vs. Horizontal Air Compressors

A vertical air compressor usually is stationary and takes less storage. A horizontal air compressor is more portable and can be moved from project to project. The style you choose from is dependent on what your needs are with your air tools and different projects.

When selecting an air compressor you should keep these different attributes in mind. The two main things you should remember are what type of air tools you will be using and the frequency that you will be using them. If you keep those two things in mind, you should be able to distinguish what features you need in an air compressor and pick the right one for you.

About the Author: Kaitlin Carruth is a client account specialist with More Visitors. More Buyers. More Revenue. For more information about an air compressor, please visit or for more on air tools, visit

Source: www.isnare.comDo The Differences In CPUs Really Matter?Ryan LarsonCPU manufacturing is one of the most competitive areas of computer world. In the end, the overall performance of your laptop or your desktop depends on your central processing unit. Parallel to the demands of the users, we can say that CPUs traveled a long way from 386s to P4s and AMDs.

The cache is generally the most decisive factor in the tradeoff equation between the price and performance. Considering the L2 cache on some of the chips, you can easily understand that Athlon, P4 and PIII, having 256K or more L2 cache are the once with higher performance, in other words power chips.

Looking at the budget chips, you immediately notice that Celeron has 128K and the Duron only has 64K. Celeron is actually almost like a PIII with half the cache disabled. These numbers shows that the main budget issue for CPU manufacturers is to put enough cash on the chip.

You should consider the difference between the bus speeds: in the case of Athlon and P4, the bus speed between the Cache and the CPU can be 200 or 400 MHz respectively. This can give your system a major boost when you are using cache intensive utilities. The new CPUs are coming out with quad speed pushes and base 200MHz which results with 800MHz FSB like the new P4.

The numbers you would see under the name Micron in a CPU comparison table is basically the size of the transistors. As the number get smaller, the manufacturers can put more and more on the CPU die. The smaller transistors you have on your CPU, the smaller the CPU die becomes. The smaller the CPU die, less power is required and less heat is produced.

The CPU instruction set is the total code which tells your CPU how to process its data. The more sets you have on your CPU, the more efficient it is most likely to be. However, on this point Intel (Pentium) and AMD does not follow the same path. Intel made the first attempt to improve the basic instruction set by adding the MMX support for multimedia.

The difference's between the CPU's are getting smaller as each company sees the advantages of their rivals technology and tries to either use or emulate it. It is really hard to choose which one is better. So a good advice would be let your wallet decide which CPU your system will use.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comIts Getting Harder To Watch Movies (CODEX)Jeff SlokumAfter a long, exhausting day you came home, had your dinner and then sat in front of the TV looking for a nice relaxing movie. Nothing! Then suddenly you remembered that you bought the CD of the new, Oscar-winning movie Million Dollar Baby. You took out your laptop, inserted the first CD and hit play. To your surprise, the only thing you could see was a green screen. You took out the CD, cursing at the media market that gave you a broken CD for the fifth time. Tried the second CD; again the frustrating green screen. First thing in the morning, you took your broken movies and went to the shop. Having yelled at the owner of the shop for five minutes, you suddenly noticed the cynical smile on the guys face. Having the opportunity to talk, the shop keeper said CODEX.

All you needed were the codecs for these movies. They were not broken; they were just coded in a foreign language to your media player. The codecs were the dictionary that your laptop had to use to translate the absurd computer language to the nice scenes of the movies.

Every video, audio, picture or even word document files are coded in a different way. In the case of big data entries like movies, the computer has to use different algorithms to compress the data so that the size does not exceed the standard limits. We see this compression in PDF files (Acrobat Reader), in MP3 files (WinAMP), in MPEG files (movies), in each and every data storage file that you can imagine. While the compression is being done, the programs use some kind of a dictionary. Without these dictionaries (codecs in the case of video and audio files) the code would seem as meaningless to the player or the viewer as it is to you. So you have to install certain codecs to be able to use certain files.

Some codecs replace the repetitive symbols over the file, ome codecs changes the aspect ratio of the movie; some of them decrease the quality of the picture and yet, all of them turn gigabytes of data into fair size that can fit into a CD or a DVD.

As the user demands increases, codecs are multiplying in a logarithmic scale. There are several codecs that are musts for movie fans, however. You should install most of these if you dont want to be disappointed.

1. MPEG4 - It is the default codec which is already included in WMP.
2. DIVX - A series of sound and display codex which come with shareware DIVX player.
3. XVID - Relatively new, one of the most used video codecs.
4. AC3 - Most common sound codec.
5. Intel Indeo - Rather useful series of codec which a new version pops out everyday.

Overall the way movies are encoded is changing day by day. Everyday we see a new aspect ratio. Everyday we encounter a new codec. To many, it would seem that it is getting harder and hard to watch movies. The least you can do is to download a codec viewer program which would help you on your quest for a pleasant evening.

About the Author: This article provided courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comA Guide To Computer DesksKen MarlboroughComputer furniture has evolved over the years. Improvements in the design and decor of computer desks have revolutionized the way people work at the computer. With the increase in the number of computer accessories, such as keyboard, mouse, and additional attachments like the printer, scanner, hard disks, modems, the allotment of space for all these accessories has become a challenge. Modern office furniture has to be modular, movable and flexible.

The most important feature of a good computer desk is ergonomic design. As people work spend more hours at the computer, it is important that the desks are comfortable to sit at for long hours. Moreover, they have to look good and blend in well with the rest of the office or home. As greater comfort ensures greater productivity, companies are more willing to provide the best computer desks for employees.

Modular computers desks provide flexibility and versatility in use they can be remodeled very easily depending on the use. These are ideal for the limited office spaces of today, and also work well in homes because they can be easily changed according to different requirements. Fittings are provided to accommodate various other accessories that may be required while using the computer, such as a document holder, wrist rest, file hangers, CD holders, or telephone shelf. Such desks are also often accompanied by a manual that contains comprehensive instructions for assembling or disassembling the unit. On the whole, computer desks today are leaner, and have fewer drawers and more shelf-space than before.

In most modern computer desks, the unique arrangement of the panel systems ensures optimum space, privacy and advanced wire management. The spine of the desk should be designed to not only provide power and data to the whole unit but also to support the desk assemblies, staking storage, divisional screens, transfer screens and other accessories. The end result is optimal space utilization.

A versatile computer desk should not necessarily compromise style. Computer desks are being designed with every kind of material possible ranging from traditional oak and wood to metal, glass and fiber.

About the Author: Computer Desks provides detailed information on corner, glass, roll top, home, child, oak and cheap computer desks, computer desk hardware, and more. For more information go to and/or visit its sister site at for related information.

Source: www.isnare.comAll About Kids Birthday CakesDavid ChandlerDo you know what is so special for a child's birthday celebration? It is the birthday cake. They love the moment of cutting the birthday cake. There can be so many gifts for the child, but the center of attraction is the birthday cake. Therefore, it is worth putting a lot of time and money in planning the birthday cake.

More than the taste, we need to concentrate in shape, color, and size of the birthday cake. It is always better if we could design the birthday cake in cartoon characters that are familiar to the children. If the birthday cake is made in the birthday child's favorite color, they will obliviously love it.

The birthday cake idea

If the birthday cake has a theme or idea the attraction for it, is immense. Here are few suggestions. There are Pirates and Princesses, a classic birthday cake themes for boys and girls. They can be Cinderella Castle Cake, ice Cream Castle Cake, Pirate Cake, Pirate Ship Cake, Princess Cake, Splendid Castle Cake, and Treasure Chest Cake

Sports- this birthday cake idea is for kids who love sports. They are Bowling Ball Cake, Bowling Lane Cake, Football Cake, and Skateboard Cake. Wings and Wheels-this birthday cake idea will really move your child. They are Train Cake, Dump Truck Cake, Fire Engine Cake, Outback Jeep Cake, Racetrack Cake, School Bus Cake, and Space Cake

Birthday cake designs

The birthday cake design can be anything. If the birthday cake design is different, meaningful, the kids, children and adults will appreciate it. Listed below are a few design ideas for your next birthday cake.

They are Apron Cake, Artist's Palette Cake, Boom Box Cake, Checkers Cake, Chinese Checkers Cake, Groovy T-shirt Cake, Pizza Cake, Private Eye Cake, Remote Control Cake, Smiley Face Cake, and Teeny Tiny Cake Tub Cake Upside-Down Cake, Volcano Cake Birth day cake decorating ideas

Once the birthday cake is made or purchased, it should be decorated well. The decoration is generally done to the top and sides of the cake. It is always better to decorate the birthday cake using the favorite color of the birthday boy or girl. The table in which the birthday cake is placed also should be decorated suitably.

Birthday cake recipe

An excellent birthday cake recipe is a 4-layer chocolate cake with whipped cream filling between the layers. The ingredients are -1 package Devils Food cake mix, 4 small cans or cups, Ready-to-Serve Chocolate Pudding, 1 egg, - 1 cup Chocolate Chips WHIPPED CREAM FILLING INGREDIENTS 2 cups, Whipping Cream, cup Powdered Confectioner's Sugar, 1 - 2 Teaspoons Vanilla

We can frost the entire cake with Chocolate Whipped Cream Frosting, and sprinkle the sides with chocolate sprinkles. The recipe Chocolate Whipped Cream consists of Frosting-1 cups, Heavy Whipping Cream1 cups, Powdered Sugar- 1/3-cup, Baking Cocoa-1/2 teaspoon, and Vanilla.

Children's birthday cakes

Children's birthday cakes must have a good design, shape, and size. If the cake has any theme or idea, the children will love it. If the design resembles a familiar character to the children like noddy, it will be an added attraction. The suggested children birthday cake models are Pureed Strawberries and Fresh Cream, Vanilla Sponge in Nemo, Teddy Bear, Power Puff Girls, Tweety, Winnie the Pooh, Flower Basket, Bob the Builder, Simpson's, Thomas The Train, Barbie, Star cakes.

About the Author: For more information, visit these sites: and

Source: www.isnare.comGarlic: A Quick GuideTim SousaGarlic, there's nothing like the smell of garlic. It's great in soups and sauces, roasted with meats or on it's own, and it's wonderful mixed with butter and slathered on bread and then baked.

The scientific name for garlic is Allium Sativum. It is related to the lily and the onion. Although related to the onion, and having a flavor that very slightly resembles that of an onion, garlic does not bring tears to the eyes when chopped.

When buying fresh garlic, be sure that the head feels very firm when you squeeze it. Over time, garlic will soften and begin to sprout, which turns the garlic bitter. To store fresh garlic, keep it in a dark, cool place, such as the basement. Do not refrigerate or freeze the garlic, as it will begin to loose it's taste.

To peel a clove of garlic, place it on a cutting board, and put the flat of the blade of the knife against it. Press down on the other side of the blade with the heel of your hand, flattening the garlic slightly. The skin will come right off.

The strong flavor and odor of garlic come from sulfur compounds within the cells. The more cells that are broken, the stronger the flavor of the garlic will be. For the mildest flavor, just use a whole or slightly crushed clove of garlic. For a bit stronger flavor, slice or chop the garlic, and for the strongest flavor, mash the garlic into a paste.

Cooking garlic tames the strong flavor, and changes it in different ways, depending on how it's cooked. If using in a sauce, it can be sweated or sauteed. In sweating the garlic, it is first chopped finely, and then added to a cold pan with some oil, it is then gently heated, causing the oil to become infused with the garlic flavor. To sautee garlic, heat the oil in the pan first, and then add the chopped garlic, stirring frequently, and being careful not to let the garlic burn and become bitter.

Roasting the garlic softens the flavor, and makes it soft and perfect for mixing with cream cheese to spread onto toast, or just spread on the toast itself.

To roast the garlic, take a whole head of garlic, and remove the papery outer skin. Place the garlic on a piece of aluminum foil, and drizzle with some olive oil. Loosely wrap the garlic in the foil, and place it into a 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Remove the garlic and let it cool. When cool enough to handle, separate the cloves of garlic, and squeeze each one. The flesh should pop right out. The roasted garlic is great mixed with cheese or potatoes, or on it's own.

Don't be afraid to use garlic in your cooking. Garlic is flavorful, and healthful, and of course, it will keep those pesky vampires away.

About the Author: Tim Sousa is the webmaster for , An online library of free recipes. Come and browse our site.

Source: www.isnare.comCoffee JellyCatherine KingNote: Makes 4 servings, Total Carbohydrates: 8

2 Tbsp. water
2 1/2 tsp. gelatin
1 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 tsp. liquid sweetener
1 Tbsp. Splenda
1/2 cup brewed espresso
1/2 cup whipping cream
Optional whipped cream and whole coffee beans for garnishing

Place the 2 Tbsp. water in a small bowl and sprinkle the gelatin over the surface. Let stand until the gelatin softens. Heat 1/2 cup of the 1 1/2 cups water in a small saucepan. Do not let it boil. Add the gelatin and stir until it dissolves. Add the sweetener, Splenda, remaining water and espresso. Stir well. Measure out 3/4 cup of the espresso mixture into a small bowl. Add the cream to the remaining mixture. Stir well and pour into 4 small dessert dishes. Place both mixtures into the fridge to chill for at least 4 hours.

Remove the plain jelly from the bowl and cut into 1/2-inch cubes and pile onto the jelly in the dishes. Garnish with more whipped cream if you like and a coffee bean or two.

About the Author: For More FREE Yummy Recipes Go To TODAY!

Source: www.isnare.comChocolate TrufflesCatherine KingNote: Makes as many pieces as you cut it into! The better quality chocolate has a smoother texture than the more commonly available Bakers chocolate due to its high cocoa butter content. Callebaut, Valrhona and Scharffen Berger are all good choices. Total Carbohydrates with nuts: 33, Total Carbohydrates without nuts: 22

2 oz. unsweetened chocolate
4 Tbsp. Splenda
4 Tbsp. butter, at room temperature
4Tbsp. whipping cream, at room temperature
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 oz. crushed macadamia nuts (optional)

The success of this recipe depends upon the melted chocolate and butter being at the same temperature. If not, the chocolate and butter will separate.

Melt the chocolate either in the microwave or in a bowl over a pot of simmering water. Stir in the Splenda and cool to room temperature. Combine the chocolate and butter until smooth. Stir in cream and vanilla, then the nuts if using.

Spread evenly into a small, parchment lined loaf pan-I use one that was 4-by 7-inches. Chill until firm. Cut into pieces and store in the freezer.

About the Author: For More FREE Yummy Recipes Go To TODAY!

Source: www.isnare.comBest Cookies: PB & Jam BarsDonna MondayPeanut butter and jam make great sandwiches, but these two winners make even better cookies. These cookies have a crispy texture with a yummy chocolate peanut butter topping. Best of all, theyre no bake cookies, so leave your oven off.

PB & Jam Bars


3 cups miniature marshmallows
1 cup crunchy peanut butter
cup butter
4 cups crips rice cereal


2/3 cup strawberry, apricot, or peach jam


cup milk chocolate chips
1 tablespoon crunchy peanut butter
2 teaspoons shortening


Melt marshmallows, 1 cup peanut butter and butter in 3-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth (4 to 5 minutes). Add cereal; quickly stir until well coated. Press mixture into ungreased 11x7-inch pan.

Spoon jam by teaspoonfuls over hot cereal mixture; gently spead over top.

Melt chocolate chips, 1 tablespoon peanut butter and shortening in 1-quart saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally, until smooth (2 to 4 minutes). Gently spread over jam layer. Refrigerate until chocolate layer is firm (about 2 hours). Cut into bars.

About the Author: Donna MondayLove Cookies? All your favorites here

Source: www.isnare.comBest Cookies: Old-Fashioned Molasses CookiesDonna MondayWhen youre in the mood for something with that warm, old-fashioned flavor that reminds you of sweet childhood memories, whip up a batch of these ginger and molasses flavored cookies.

Old-Fashioned Molasses Cookies

cup butter, softened
cup firmly packed brown sugar
cup shortening
cup molasses
1 egg
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground ginger
teaspoon salt
teaspoon ground cloves


Heat oven to 375 degrees.

Combine butter, brown sugar, shortening, molasses and egg in large bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. Reduce speed to low; add all remaining ingredients except sugar. Beat until well mixed. Cover; refrigerate until firm (1 to 2 hours).

Shape dough into 1 -inch balls; roll in sugar. Place 2-inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Flatten balls with glass dipped in sugar. Bake for 8 to 11 minutes or until set.

About the Author: Donna MondayLove Cookies? All your favorites here

Source: www.isnare.comBest Cookies: Pink Lemonade CookiesDonna MondayImagine pouring a glass of sweet, tangy lemonade into a cookie. The results are these delightful, lemony flavored cookies with their pretty pink coloring.

Pink Lemonade Cookies

1 cup sugar
butter, softened
1 egg
2 teaspoons freshly grated lemon peel
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 to 2 drops red food color
1 cup all-purpose flour
teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon salt
Powdered sugar, if desired


Heat oven to 400 degrees.

Combine cup sugar, butter, egg, lemon peel, lemon juice and red food color in large bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until creamy. Reduce speed to low; add flour, baking powder and salt. Beat until well mixed. Cover; refrigerate until firm (1 hour).

Shape dough into -inch balls; roll in remaining sugar. Place 2-inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Flatten balls to -inch thickness with bottom of buttered glass dipped in sugar. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired.

About the Author: Donna MondayLove Cookies? All your favorites here

Source: www.isnare.comBest Cookies: Chocolate Walnut FantasiesDonna MondayThere are a lot of great food fantasies. Now you can add these delicious cookies to your list. These taste sensations feature cream cheese, walnuts, coconut, and milk chocolate.

Chocolate Walnut Fantasies

1 cup butter, softened
cup firmly packed brown sugar
cup sugar
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cups coarsely chopped walnuts
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1 (7 oz.) milk chocolate candy bar, cut into chunks


Heat oven to 350 degrees.

Combine butter, brown sugar, sugar and cream cheese in large bowl. Beat at medium speed, scraping bowl often, until well mixed. Add eggs; continue beating until well mixed. Reduce speed to low; add flour and baking soda. Beat until well mixed. Stir in walnuts, coconut and candy bar chunks by hand.

Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls, 2-inches apart, onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Let stand 1 minute; remove from cookie sheets.

About the Author: Donna MondayLove Cookies? All your favorites here

Source: www.isnare.comLearn To Speak Basic Chinese(Mandarin) Words And PhrasesKen CheongThe Chinese Language and dialects

Each province, each city and even each village speaks their own dialect. There are hundreds of Chinese dialects in China so much so that each dialect speaker is not likely to understand another dialect speaker from another village or city. Fortunately, Mandarin, the official dialect, is understood by all dialect speakers.

Let's learn a few useful basic and common Mandarin words and phrases that will help you break barriers with your Chinese friends.

How are You? Ni Hao Ma

Also commonly shorten to Ni Hao.

This is likely to be the first Mandarin phrase that you will ever learn. Useful as a greeting or a ice-breaker. Suitable for use with all ages and professions.

Thank You Xie Xie.

Another polite term that is easy to remember and use.

Very Good Hen Hao.

This is useful when giving praise for a job or task well done. Also useful as a reply to anyone who says Ni Hao Ma?' to you.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Hen Hao (Very Good)

No Good Bu Hao.

This is useful when there is a need to comment on a shoddy or incomplete job or task. Can also be used as a reply to Ni Hao Ma? but may not be such a good reply.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Bu Hao (No Good)

Very Expensive Hen Gui.

When bargaining at the shops, this is the best term to use when driving a hard bargain.

Don't want or No Bu Yao.

This is the best term to use for touts - street hawkers who approach you at every tourist stop to ask you to buy things. Bu Yao....will stop them in their track.

This is beautiful Hen Piao Liang.

Use this phrase to praise something that is nice or beautiful. May also be used when meeting a pretty girl too!

Taxi De Shi.

De Shi is the correct term but you should be understood even if you use the English word for Taxi. They sound alike anyway.

Good Bye or See You Again Zai Jian.

Well, I guess this is another term that will be easily understood even if the English word is used.

Excuse Me Jie Guo.

There is always a crowd in touristy areas. There are so many Chinese who wants to see the same monuments too. Rather than push your way through the crowd, using the term Jie Guo may just open the path ahead for you!

Receipt Fa Piao.

Always ask for the receipt or Fa Piao at the shops or from a taxi. This may be useful if you need to complain about a fraud or shoddy product. Also useful if you leave behind your bag or camera in the taxi.

I don't want Wo Bu Yao.

Useful when refusing a tout or when offered a drink too many at the Dinner table.

About the Author: Ken Cheong lived, worked and travel in China for the last 7 years. You may find more similar articles at and Please feel free to distribute this article as long as mention is made of the websites.

Source: www.isnare.comCall Russia Feeling Like A Royal RomanovBernard PragidesGet set to be greeted by the Russians, with a grandiose display of a regal past from the Romanovs to Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. In the form of tall spires, arched bridges, graceful canals, onion domes, icon paintings and wedding-cake skyscrapers; a fusion of Western and Eastern influences can be found everywhere. Backed by a legacy of literary and art greats like: Tolstoy, Chekhov, Pushkin, Rublev, Levitan and Vrubel; Russians are a cultured community who are widely read and attend theatre regularly.

Now connecting with Russia, and making a call to friends and family, is faster and cheaper. However, before placing a call to Russia, find out what the current time is in the city you want to call. As Russia spans an incredible eleven time zones, and Moscow and St. Petersburg are three hours ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time. This implies that it is eight hours later there than it is on the Eastern Coast of the continental US and eleven hours later than the West Coast.

Simple Steps to Call Russia:

 Dial the international access code 011.  Dial Russias country code 7.  The 0 at the start of the city code does not need to be dialed. (Moscow city code is 095)  Dial the remaining digits.

Over the years, rates to Russia has steadily decline. Offers between 2 cents per minute to 12 cents per minute to call Russia are now very common among long distance providers and phone card companies. What is the catch? Again, have you heard of connection fees, monthly charges and maintenance fees? These can add up big time and can easily double the rates as promised by these phone companies. And one more thing, while Russias phone system is one of the most advanced in the world, be aware that there are cheap long distance carriers that can actually make the connections frustrating to consumers.

Privet (pronounced preevyet) is the normal way to say hello or good day in general Russian parlance. English is not a widely spoken language in Russia; hence communication may be a problem. Especially since the same word in Russian can have several meanings, similar to English homonyms. Keep yourself armed with relevant numbers, or nyet (no) may just be the only reply you get. Good-natured persistence can easily turn it into a da (yes).

The next time you want to call Russia without any confusion, use prepaid long distance service and dont bother about how you call, when you call and how much you talk. With prepaid long distance, calling Russia is as easy and as cheap as it can get.

About the Author: owner Bernard Pragides has been in the telecommunication business since 1997. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries on phone cards or international call rates. You may email us at

Source: www.isnare.com7 Habits Of Highly Successful DatingBonnie Lee1) Dont look at other women

While dating, focus your attention on your date and make her feel as if she matters the most to you compared to other women. Lets face it, women loved to be showered with attention and pampered by her man. If not for you, who else other than her immediate family members.

2) Make her feel like a queen

On the first date, buy her dinner to show you value her company. This will also reduce any tension between two people meeting for the first time. Make her feel special. Women find this absolutely irresistible. Build a bond of fun and excitement between you and be romantic. Subsequently you can buy her gifts when the relationship progresses but never ask or even hint sexual favors in return. Women get appalled and turned off by any suggestion of sex initially.

3) Be yourself

Dont exaggerate or boast your credentials, successes, etc. Make the other party feel at home so that she does not feel pressured to impress or lie to you. Sincerity is the best policy. Nobody feels more comfortable around people who are genuine and sincere.

4) Dont ever talk about your past relationships

Don't keep harping on them. This is a no-no and a sure turn-off. You will only project the impression that you are unable to let go and continue to give a present date a chance to get to know you better in a positive manner.

5) Treat your first date as if going for an interview

You want to impress and let the other person know your qualities and characteristics for a life partner. If you are not ready to be in a commitment, let her know straight away so that you do not mislead her into false hopes. But be cautious not to boast or exaggerate stuffs that are beyond you. Your deepest communication to women is carried out by your personal style and your level of confidence. Nobody feels more at ease than being with a confident man.

6) Dont keep splurging and live like a millionaire unless you are one yourself

During the dating process, be careful how you handle money and spend within your own capacity. You dont want a bank account of only 1 figure left after several dates. If you cannot afford it, go for somewhere cheaper or try less expensive alternatives. It is most undesirable if after several dates, you find that both of you are almost broke or worse, had to borrow to continue your lavish lifestyle. If your partner is in a habit of borrowing money from you, drop her or him immediately.

7) Be observant

While dating for a while, you can conclude if this person is suitable for you for life or not. During dating, keep both eyes wide open and look for tell tale signs like a persistent borrower, in debt, etc but after marriage, keep a close eye and forgive.

The best time to date is during high school or undergraduate years as you are young with no life baggage but you can also date if you are single again. Marriage is meant to last for better or for worse till death do us part. But enjoy dating while you can and live life to the fullest.

About the Author: Bonnie Lee holds a successful home based business besides being in a satisfying relationship. While not working, she enjoys precious quality time with her spouse. She is the author is this article and ebook 41 Mistakes Men Make in Bed. For motivation, read relationship success at her website

Source: www.isnare.comThe Real Unwritten Rules Of Online Dating - The Experts TellJoe MarkusA recent survey indicated that over 40 million singles have used or are currently using online dating services. Its a huge business that has ushered in a whole new era of dating with its own unique set of rules.

Of course you know about online dating safety and how to protect yourself from unwanted attention. But do you know the unwritten rules, the tips and tricks that will make your online dating experience much better?

Keep Your Expectations Low

It has been estimated that 96% of the people who use online dating services fail to find a compatible person with whom to have a dating relationship. Part of the reason for this, though, is that most people approach online matchmaking with unrealistic expectations. When they dont find a perfect match after one or two dates they give up and try something else.

Despite what the advertising wants you to believe, your perfect match isnt going to just fall out of the sky one day. It takes diligent searching, careful screening, and lots of dates to increase your chances of success. Keep your expectations low key; dont set yourself up for failure by getting too excited when you see an interesting profile or meet an interesting person.

Dont Respond Too Quickly

Most online dating services wont tell you this because they make money from email messages between members, but dont be too quick to answer when a message comes in. Many online dating experts suggest waiting 24 to 48 hours to respond, and also say never to respond on a weekend or holiday. Their reasoning is that when you respond too quickly it makes you appear desperate and also doesnt allow you to pause and carefully compose an appropriate response.

Yes, its exciting when someone notices your profile and makes contact, but dont let the excitement run away with you. Relax, take a deep breath, and if necessary refer back to the previous section on maintaining realistic expectations.

Keep It Light

When you answer an email, keep the tone light and friendly. Online messages are NOT an appropriate avenue for providing your entire life history or unloading about your past hurts and current emotional state. Dont be shallow and flip, of course, but do be conservative with what you write. And, as always, dont reveal personally identifiable information via online messages.

Dont Drag Things Along

Once you have exchanged a few messages, its time to either meet in person or move on. As a general rule of thumb, if more than three to five messages have been exchanged and you havent set up a date yet, then its time to say goodbye. Dont allow yourself to be sucked into email communications that drag on for weeks or months at a time. Email is not a substitute for meeting and getting acquainted in person.

Tell The Truth

One of the great temptations of online personal ads is to embellish the truth about you. Whether its shaving a few years off your age, overstating your career achievements, or understating your body weight, remember that the truth will be revealed once you meet someone in person. Its pointless to lie about such things and it undermines trust right from the start. As Mark Twain once said When in doubt, tell the truth.

About the Author: Adam and Drew's Dating Tips has a large variety of free articles that have been written by consulting 'experts' in the dating, flirting and relationship fields. Find out more at

Source: www.isnare.comHelp! Im Single For The First Time In Years!Sharon AYoure back on the dating scene. But youre worried as its been a long time since you were single or looking. Regardless of how exciting and new it all seems, its only natural for one to feel unsure and out of practice when taking the step of going on dates again.

So, I have compiled the ten best things you can do to gain some confidence, and have more fun during this transition.

1) Get a makeover. A new haircut, wardrobe, or updated makeup will not only make you feel better about yourself, it will also help to mark this time of your life as a new beginning, and something to be excited about. If you look and feel great, it will give you more confidence which is always more attractive to others.

2) Dont take it all too seriously to begin with. Look at this time as a chance to get used to talking to others, flirting, coming out of your shell. It doesnt matter if a serious relationship doesnt develop, as long as you are having fun! Enjoying yourself will put others at ease and more people will approach you.

3) Start out by going out with a group of friends first. This will feel more natural to start out with.

4) When on a date, nerves sometimes can take over, and we tend to talk more, try to overcome this. Please try to avoid this. Learn to become a great listener. Also, when you do talk to your date, keep the topics light to begin with. Speak slowly, youve got all night! Try to discuss subjects you are both interested in, which will help the conversation to flow more smoothly.

5) Always have a way out planned in case a date does turn out badly. Take your mobile phone with you, and ask a friend or relative to phone you at a certain time. If you really want to bail out of the date early, you can tell your date after the phone call that you are very sorry, but youre going to have to cut the evening short.

6) Remember your date is just as nervous as you are. They are obviously interested enough to get to know you better, and are therefore just as anxious to make a good impression. Try to spend your time on dates, making the other person feel at ease. Not only will your date appreciate this effort, but you will be focusing less on yourself and how youre doing.

7) Try to keep up to date with current news events before your date. Nobody is suggesting you pore over newspapers for hours on end. However, if you have some understanding of what is going on in the world around you, itll give you both a conversation topic that is easy to discuss.

8) If you have just suffered a painful breakup, try not to focus too heavily on it. Your date wants to know all about you. Not your ex. Of course, if you are going through a divorce, its fine to mention it, but keep it to a minimum, and remember your date is not your therapist!

9) Take care of your health. Eat well and exercise. A healthy person is a happy person, and this will reflect well in your self esteem. Know that you are putting your best self forward.

10) If you come across a set back (for example, your date loses interest or you lose interest in your date) dont worry! Look upon it as practice. Remind yourself that the aim was to have fun and you did. Look forward to your next romantic adventure!

About the Author: Sharon is the owner of the free dating site,

Source: www.isnare.comMaking A Love Connection, Online DatingHana LeeLooking to spice up your life a little, add some romance find that love connection? Well, caution: fees can be sky high. For example, AARP Magazine reported that a company called Gentlepeople charges from $15,000 to $50,000 to hook up you up with the right person. And FOX News reported that professional matchmakers across the country are charging up to $15,000 to pair people up. Instead of paying so much money, try starting here and see how you do with some of these tips.

ONLINE DATING Seek out a reputable online dating service. Begin by asking friends, co-workers and other you may know who have tried online dating, and see which places they recommend. Also, head to your favorite search engine and type in online dating services to see which ones come up. Start a journal or notebook and log your progress. Write out the URLs or website links and do some research: list fees, rules and regulations, complete contact information of the site and any other useful information that you run across. Then begin slow. If something doesnt feel right, trust your instincts and STOP.

COMMUNICATION Go slow and dont try to share every tidbit of information about yourself over night. Keep away from subjects that you dont agree upon. When communicating via email and other electronic means (chat rooms, forums, etc.) dont use all upper case letters (thats called shouting), slang or your personal address for safety. Do use a firewall and anti-virus software to keep your computer safe, too. Key in online safety tips and check out online lists for updated safety tips once a month to make sure youre up to date.

Free Firewall Download: ZoneAlarm
Free Anti-Virus Download: AVG Anti-Virus
(no affiliations)

FRIENDSHIP As your friendship grows, check to see if you are not only getting along pretty well together, but also handling conflicts well together. If you miss a chat time, for instance, is that it? Are you in the doghouse for a week? And gradually decide if you should meet in person. If so, make sure its a safe place out in public and that you are both legal adults.

LOVE GOALS Gradually develop goals together so youll have a sense of direction. Write them down in a notebook just for the two of you. And over time, develop them, revise them, cross them off your list. The idea is to HAVE goals together and work towards a common good.

So before you fork out thousands of dollars looking for Mr. or Ms. Right, reach out and try to help yourself first. Go slow and steady, and use caution. Once you find your own love connection, you could set up your own matchmaker website!

About the Author: This article courtesy of

Source: www.isnare.comGambling Equipment 101Mansi AggarwalThe excitement and popularity of the gambling games entices few players to own their own gaming equipments. Mini blackjack tables and poker tables are quite famous among the buyers.

The most common and perhaps inexpensive of the gambling equipments is the dice. Dice games are so ancient that their inventor is unknown by the historians. However, that the dice games prevailed in almost all the early civilizations is an established fact. the initial dice were animal bones, fruit stones, small pebbles or ivory. Today, dice has acquired much more precision with its cubical shape. While the standard dice is crude and used in households games, casino dice is more accurate and perfect. The casino dice, also called the perfect dice is made in a manner that each side weighs equal after the holes have been punctured on each side. This enables equal probability of either side being the outcome. Serious gamblers use casino die in their games. Casinos have dice tolls available with them like the dice punches and dice vices.

Cards have been played by many civilizations. The first pack of cards was made of thick paper with hand painted figures on them. The modern cards got their suits and faces in France. The French deck consisted of 78 cards. The deck comprised of both gaming and tarot cards. The tarot cards were then separated to reduce the number of cards in the deck. The cards were adopted by the Europeans and traveled to America where the joker was added to them. Cards are inexpensive to procure. Many people are fond of collecting various casino cards. These cards have the casinos logo imprinted on them. The casino cards can either be bridge size or poker wide.

Casino tables vary according to the style game one is playing i.e. poker has different table than the blackjack. One table can cost the buyer some thousand dollars. The table can either be a standard one or customized. The tables differ in quality according to the price. The table face has a woolen felt surface with the games name marked. The odds and the areas for placing the bets is also demarcated. A person interested low on budget or keen on building his own table can do so with the help of various blueprints available.

Poker has gained momentum over the years. The game was given a tremendous boost when the televised tournaments were organized by sports channels a few years back. Since then every poker player dreams to make it big. Online tournaments are also conducted. The basic poker requirements consist of grade cards, heavyweight chips and dice sets. Enthusiasts can also buy automatic card shufflers.

Bingo a famous and simple game popular among all age groups consists of simple equipment. The entire requirements are contained in the bingo kit, which can be bought from the market. The kit usually comprises of bingo cards, hand cranked ball cage, bingo balls and markers. The players can diversify and go for other instruments like the daubers.

The thrill and excitement of gambling has found players every where. Legalized gambling in cities like the Las Vegas and state owned lotteries boost the gambling economy. Poker groups are formulated in colleges, workplaces and are a perennial source of recreation. All these trends ensure a promising future to the gambling industry.

About the Author: Mansi aggarwal writes about gambling equipment. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comWhy You Should Buy A Plasma TelevisionJeremy HierThe plasma television has many advantages and benefits for you and your entertainment needs and wants. The plasma tv gives you incredible picture quality, it has a sleek design, and it is HDTV compatible.

Plasmas provide sharper images and more vibrant colors. You can display both HDTV and DTV signals as well as computer signals such as XGA, SVGA, and VGA.

Plasmas Superior to Both CRT's and LCD

Plasma screen televisions provide sharp, clear pictures, plus no image distortion. CRTs can't match this. Plasma tvs have brighter pictures and provide a better viewing angle at 160 degrees, than LCDs. For the best technology in display panels, choose plasma technology.

High Resolution

Plasma display televisions have higher resolution than most standard TV sets. They are able to display full HDTV and DTV signals as well as XGA, SVGA, and VGA signals from a computer. If a plasma has a resolution of 1024x1024 it can display images from 1080i and 720i HDTV resolution, plus 480i and 480p HD signals.

Flat Screen

Plasma display televisions have screens that are completely flat. There is no distortion of the image even at the edges and corners. Plus to increase your viewing fun, the flat plasma screen tv provides an amazing 160-degree viewing area.

Ultra Thin Design Saves Space

Plasma televisions can hang on almost any wall. You can even hang them from your ceiling. Other advantages of plasma screen tvs are high ambient light tolerance, distortion free images, entirely digital techology, not affected by magnetism, and can be attached to a ceiling or wall, or used as a freestanding fixture.

About the Author: Find out about the top plasma televisions by reading our reviews at

Source: www.isnare.comBest Home Theater - How To Choose The Best Home Theater System For YourselfJustin KohAt first it seems like much fun having the cash to indulge and immerse yourself in high-definition video and surround sound, and then you realise there's more decision to be made than just placing a sleek TV panel and a bunch of speakers in the living room. Investing in a home theater system practically takes some planning in order to get the aesthetics right and make yourself comfortable with all the equipment around.

1. Most readers won't expect this, but first of all, you do need to get your immediate family's agreement to have a home theater right in their midst. Decide whether it's OK to install the system in the living room, or have a separate room dedicated for a most complete TV watching experience while disturbances to other members are minimized.

2. There are 2 main types of flat, high-definition TV: plasma and LCD. Plasma is made for larger size and is closer to 5 figures in pricing than LCD, which can cost as cheaply as less than a thousand. Plasma is the main choice for a TV in a home theater context since LCD TVs have a size limitation.

3. How could you do without a video source? That's the DVD player. Unless you are a discerning aficionado, you'll be spoilt for choice as more advanced technology and decreasing cost continue to impact the market. Almost all come with Dolby Digital Surround sound (EX 6.1). Watch out for the blu-ray DVD and their players in the coming years.

4. As major TV and radio broadcasts are expected to 'port' into the digital format in the future, the broadcasted material will be encoded with surround sound instructions. A receiver takes advantage by accessing and decoding these instructions to give you superb sounds. Surround sound currently comes in the multi-channel formats of Dolby Digital EX 6.1 or THX Surround EX 6.1, DTS, AC-3, etc.

Receivers can connect to most types of players and handle their respective media, including VCR or HiFi and the latest ones are designed to be forward-compatible with future standards and formats. Also, some DVD players have built-in receiver capabilities, and this is great for those looking to do more with less.

5. Speakers usually come in sets of 5: 3 in the front (left, right, center) and 2 at the back (left, right). Check with your dealer that the right speaker is placed for the right position because spoken dialogue and sound effects are handled differently. Note that surround sound means separate speakers can play different sounds at the same time. The subwoofer is a different animal as it's in charge of processing low frequency sounds which gives you deep boom-boom bass. It adds an unexpected dimension to a movie which you would not have 'heard' otherwise.

6. Get the right cables; that means good quality ones. Having the latest equipment is pointless if lousy cables are used for connection as they naturally degrade whatever electrical signals that come through them.

7. Check how you can make your home theater lightning-proof or safe against power surges. You can safeguard your equipment once you take certain precautions. Ask for professional advice.

These are just general guidelines for you to refer, but you can take it from here to build your further interest in home theater equipment or home electronics. If possible, ask for a test at your dealership to get yourself familiarized with the quality you desire. Ask your dealer to help define a proper checklist of things you are looking for to gain clarity. The more ticks you can make on paper, the clearer your mind gets.

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest home theater news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comAsian Gambling BasicsMansi AggarwalGambling became popular in China in the last phase of the imperial dynasty i.e. from 1644 to 1912. Canton, Macao, Shanghai and Hong Kong became the famous for their liquor and gambling. These areas inhabited foreigners, usually Americans, who were known to be rough. Moreover, majority of these inhabitants were males. Chinese natives indulged in gambling along with the foreigners.

Famous gambling games in China include Mah Jongg and Pai Gow.
Pia Gow consists of a bank having one woodpile. The banking duties are entrusted to one of the players. Other players are given four tiles of the woodpile, which they have to group in pairs of two such that the players pair should have a greater value than the bank. If the player succeeds then he wins the bet. A lot of money can exchange hands over this game.

Mah Jongg, meaning sparrow is an ancient game which was developed primarily for the rich class of China. The game is said to have been invented by a fisherman to prevent sea sickness. It is said that the fisherman invented this game to distract the other fishermen from the surroundings, so that they do not feel sea sick in the middle of the sea. Later, a Chinese general heard of the game and engaged his soldiers in it at night to prevent them from falling asleep. The game underwent a lot of variations and every region called it with a different name. Finally, the game was standardized in early 1990s. the game consists of 136 to 144 tiles depending on the whether the players choose to play with flowers or seasons. The play resembles rummy except for the fact that the game is played with tiles. The game also uses a pair of dice and chips to keep the score. It requires four players, the aim of each being to obtain a set of tiles. The set types that are permitted are kong, pung and chow. A complete hand contains four sets and a pair of similar tiles. The fist one to have this combination of fourteen tiles wins.

Another game is Sci Bo, meaning two dice. This game is a betting game with players betting on the total of their dice. It is played with three dice. The bets include small bets that is the total may fall; between the range of four to ten, or big bets i.e. the total may fall between eleven to seventeen. The players shake the dice in a cup and keep the cup upside down with the dice hidden in the cup. Wagers are then made on the outcome. The player guessing the total can earn hugs sums. It is rumored that skilful players can predict the total by hearing the clanking of dice in the cup. In casinos the entire game is mechanized. Bets are placed on the number marked on the table. The dice are then shaken using a vibrating platform. The results are displayed on a screen. Other famous gambling games include Keno and Pachinko.

Despite the popularity of these gambling games, not all Chinese states are ready to legalize it. While Macao has legalized gambling, Shanghai carries it on illegally. In Hong Kong, only horse raising is legalized and The Hong Kong Jockey Club earns huge revenue.

About the Author: Mansi aggarwal writes about asian gambling. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comDice Games 101Mansi AggarwalDice games are the oldest and one of the simplest games that perhaps suit all ages. The dice games involved in gambling are one of the most exciting and popular ones.

Dice games have been played since centuries. So old is there origin that the historians do not know the inventor for sure. However, from whatever is available it can be safely said that dice games originated in different cultures around the same time. Illustrations of the games have been found on Egyptian tombs and the ancient Greeks also played the games.

In fact the Chinese dominoes are considered a variation of the ancient dice games. Apart from being a source of entertainment these games were used in the past for other major purposes like for determining future rulers, predicting future events and dividing property. Cleromancy is the name given to the activity of casting die or small objects in order to predict the future. The initial dice was made up of pebbles, fruit stones, human or animal bones, sea shells etc.

Today, dice games form a part of the gambling excitement. While the common man uses standard dice, casinos use casino dice. The standard die is cubical in size with dots punctured on each side, counting one to seven. The numbers of the opposite side add up to seven. The standard dice has rounded edges to make it roll easily. The casino dice is more perfect primarily because its money that is involved! The hole punctured are filled with another substance to make each side weigh equal. the casino dice has an equal chance on landing on either side. Other kinds of dice are crooked dice, loaded dice, polyhedral dice.

The most exciting of the dice games played in casinos is craps. Craps can either be street crap or bank crap. However, generally, this games involves shooting die to gat a seven or an eleven which is considered an automatic win and is called craps. Another game that is played using three die is Grand Hazard. The underlying concept of the game is betting on the outcome of the roll of die.

Shooting of the dice is integral part of some dice games. The activity decides ones fate in the game. In craps, the player with the dice shoots the dice to a blackboard. The dice hits the blackboard and fall back. The side on which the dice falls is plain luck. However, some players use rhythm rolling to control the outcome. By this technique, the player holds and rolls the dice in a manner to get the desired numbers. But this technique requires skill and practice.

Another manner is rolling the dice. Rolling the dice, however, can be manipulated. The player can hold on the dice and throw in a calculative manner to get a desired number. However, the players usually cannot manipulate in the casinos under heavy surveillance.

People who do not play dice games can have fun even collecting different kinds of die. Collecting die can be fun regarding their different shapes and sizes. The die of various casinos even have the name of their country branded on them.

About the Author: Mansi aggarwal writes about dice games. Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comSlot Machine BasicsMansi AggarwalThe first slot machine came into being in 1895. Since then, they have witnessed not much of evolution. While early slot machines contained three spinning wheels with a symbol, one of them being the jackpot figure, in modern machines the number of reels has been increased to five. The symbols vary from diamonds, spades, clubs, hearts to fruits. Similarly, while the earlier slot machines had only one row, the present ones have two to three horizontal rows, but only one acts as the pay off. Again, classical model had only one pay line, but today the machine can have as many as fifteen pay lines. The player can decide which one he chooses.

Almost all the slot machines are relatively similar. The one characteristic they differ on is the denomination. Some machines accept a quarter, while others can have five dollars as the acceptable denomination, depending on the intensity of the gambler.

An added attraction some machines today is the double or nothing option. This slot provides the winner with an option to double his earnings or loose it all. The first lesson in winning is to know the machine well. The denomination the machine accepts, the degree of risk involved etc are a few key points that the gambler should be aware of. Reading the instructions on the machine carefully helps this cause.

Gambling is now a legalized affair. Efforts are being made to legalize slot machines outside the casinos as well. Slot machines can be commonly found in casinos, Indian Reservations, and race tracks. Personal ownership of the slot machine is strictly regulated. One has to be cautious depending on the State laws. A common clause in all state laws is that the machine should either be an antique or a vintage. A machine manufactured twenty five years ago is usually considered to be an antique. Antique slot machines can be found with dealers, at trade shows, at auctions- these being the common sources.

Playing a slot machine is a game of chance. It is a gamble. The outcome of the game is completely random or is it so? The randomness of a machine can be regulated by the casino, to some extent, through computer software known as random number generators. While some machines promise frequent pay offs other are difficult to play with. An accepted and obvious fact is that the slot machines favor the casino.

A good winning strategy can be to play for longer durations on a single machine. Though the initial losses are high, the winning amount more than compensates for it.

With gambling being legalized, more and more casinos are springing up. This has also created more job opportunities. On such job would be that of a slot attendant. This person handles customer complaints, resets the machine after every jackpot, repairs the machines and ensures compliance to safety rules. Though this job is quite stable it is low paid.

Slot machines are a good source of revenue for the sate. It is not only recreational activity but can also be regulated easily.

About the Author: Mansi gupta writes about slot machines.Learn more at

Source: www.isnare.comCable vs Satellite TV - 7 Benefits To The Real Deal About Satellite TV OfferJustin KohIn the United States, the two big satellite providers are Dish Network and Direct TV. Today, satellite TVs are all on the rage right now as both companies are promoting aggressively with free satellite package throughout the country.

Why should you consider switching over to a satellite TV since you already have a cable TV?
Satellite TV not only have all the benefits that cable service offers but also provides television viewer hundreds of TV channels to view at a cost that is cheaper than cable services. In fact, satellite TV business is becoming such a big success in the market since consumer pay less to get more. So why not invest in a Satellite TV?

In a nutshell, some of the benefits include:

Benefit #1 - Top notch picture quality
Benefit #2 - More varieties with over 250 channels
Benefit #3 - Amazing saving as compared to cable subscribers
Benefit #4 - Outstanding customer service
Benefit #5 - Choosing your own satellite TV program
Benefit #6 - Easy installation with minimum maintenance
Benefit #7 - Great package deals

If you have decided to buy satellite TV, the next question is where do you get it? I would recommend purchasing your satellite TV from the internet. On the Internet, you reap even more rewards from vendors who will offer freebies, great packages, free equipment, free installation and fabulous discount to get you to purchase from them. Before purchasing anything, make sure that you source around the web to read up on it before you decide that is the best deal for you.

In most cases, after you have purchase from them. The retailer worker from the company will come over to your place and install the satellite TV system for you at no additional charges. An access card for the satellite system will be given to you as well once everything is set up.

So sit back now and enjoy your Satellite TV system from the comfort of your home!

About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest dish network news and articles at

Source: www.isnare.comLatin Ringtones Mean Dinero For Ringtone ProvidersAnthony WayneUntil recently, when you thought of ringtones, you usually thought of hip-hop ringtones. This is not surprising given the genres wide acceptance of ringtones and cell phones and such smash chart crashers as 50-Cent ringtones, Snoop Dogg ringtones, and Lil Kim ringtones.

But ringtone operators are now starting to see the value in Latin ringtones, especially in the urban Hispanic marketone often referred to as hurban by marketers. While the market for Latin ringtones is exploding in Mexico, Central America, and South America, major Latin acts have failed to reach the coveted Billboard Ringtone Chartsyet.

Latin ringtones may be the lone remaining untapped pot of gold for ringtone sellers. The Ketchup Song, by Las Ketchup was on our top ten list about three years ago, said Bob Bentz, director of marketing at Then, theres the traditional cross-over ringtones like Ricky Martins Livin La Vida Loca and Los Del Rios Macarena that are consistent sellers. We have good sellers with Juan Gabriel ringtones, Selena ringtones, and Marc Anthony ringtones, but, for the most part, our business is still mainly about rap ringtones and hip-hop ringtones. But, we like the opportunities in the Hispanic market and continue to expand our offerings.

Bentz has reason to be excited. It is a well-known fact that the market for ringtones has been driven by teens and young adults. According to the US Census Bureau, Hispanics will be the largest teen minority group by next year and will be twenty percent of the overall American teen population in 2015. Moreover, Hispanics, according to Forrester Research, tend to buy more multi-media capable phones and replace their handsets more frequently. Hispanics are also larger spenders on cell phones with monthly bills $10 higher than the national average. Twelve percent of Hispanics use mobile data services like ringtones compare to only seven percent, according to the Forrester report.

So, the next time you hear a ringtone, it may have a Latin flavor to it.

About the Author: Anthony Wayne is the editor of the Cool Ringtones Blog (

Source: www.isnare.comShort Term Hedonist Lives By His PhilosophyAmber Love-GreenIts a fresh spring morning in Belgrave, a bustling little township nestled within the beautiful and mysterious Dandenong Ranges, just to the east of Melbourne, Australia.

Sitting across from me in the cosy Earthly Pleasures Caf is a man seemingly as mysterious as these hills. Steve Mileham, or Short Term Hedonist as he is more widely known, doesnt have a lot to say between sips of coffee. Blue eyes gently scrutinise me through a thick curtain of brown hair (slightly dishevelled). It takes a full half-hour before offering anything more than a single sentence response to any of my questions. Its not that hes particularly sullen or unapproachable. My instinct tells me he just wants to be sure of where Im coming from, intellectually speaking. He has been described, time and again, as being an intensely private individual, and even impenetrable. Finally, however, he warms to the direction my questions are taking, and after ordering another coffee, we are on our way.

I wouldnt say Im at all impenetrable. Its all right there in the songs little moments of joy, hurt, confusion, stupidity, failure. Oh, lots of failure (laughs). Its all more or less autobiographical in thought or action and its often in a kind of code in the really intense cases. In a moment of candour Steve admits that the songs take the place of the journal his shrink says he should be keeping. But Im not disciplined enough to write a diary. They tend to be too trivial and always make you cringe when you read them years later! Yet somehow, Ill happily lose myself in the minutest details of a song lyric or chord change for days or weeks just to get the right effect is that strange?

Not at all. It was in fact a (different) psychiatrist who originally bestowed upon Steve the label of Short Term Hedonist. Its about all I gained from that particular session, he smiles. You see, I tend not to think overly much about the future. I view life as only a moment that exists right now as a series of 'now' moments if you like, complete within themselves. Therefore, if you dedicate your time to doing something or are in a frame of mind that makes you happy and fulfilled, then each moment is meaningful and feeds into each successive moment and your future just takes care of itself, based on the foundation of personal fulfillment youve made into a habit. It strikes me as a ridiculously simple concept, but so easily neglected in todays world due to all the warped expectations of society job, money, superannuation, filling your life up with stuff you really dont need. All the while you are miserable and your dreams are going down the dunny [Australian slang for toilet! So, when that shrink chided me for living too much in the moment, I think maybe she failed to recognise the long term benefits

Short Term Hedonists music has been said to possess the ability to capture the mood of a moment so perfectly and completely that audiences have been moved to tears. This is surely the kind of reaction any performer would be pleased with? Well, Im used to making people cry, but for different reasons! Usually its a girlfriend who is exasperated by my absolute, obsessive single-mindedness about music. He is quiet for a time, frowning slightly. I just cannot pretend that anything is as important except for my daughter as making and listening to music. Its saved me from certain doom more times than youd ever believe.

He wont elaborate any further, but Im left with the overwhelming impression that this particular Short Term Hedonist has very good credentials for making people cry (for all the right reasons) well into the Long Term Future.

About the Author: Amber Love-Green is a freelance writer who has written about music, art, fashion and philosophy.


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